Wikijunior:Raspberry Pi/Minecraft Dungeon Maze
Raspberry Pi Minecraft Dungeon Maze
Tutorial by Steve Martin and Andrew Oakley
Public Domain 17 May 2018
To start Minecraft, click the Pi menu - Games - Minecraft Pi
Click Start Game then click an existing game or click Create New
Tab ↹ key to switch between the Minecraft world and the normal mouse on the desktop. The Tab ↹ key is to the left of the letter Q.
Esc for the game menu.
Controls | |
Mouse to look | 0 to select the sword |
WSAD to move | E to reassign blocks 0–9 |
Space to jump | Space twice to fly |
Left-click to destroy a block | Space twice again to stop flying |
Right-click to create a block | Space once while flying to go up |
1–9 to select a type of block | ⇧ Shift while flying to go down |
To code with Minecraft, leave Minecraft running. Press the Tab ↹ key to release the mouse from the game, so you can use the mouse on the desktop.
Click Pi menu - Programming - Python3 (IDLE) File menu - Open - python/minecraft-dungeon/
from Dungeon import Dungeon
dungeon = Dungeon()
entrance = dungeon.create()
room1 = dungeon.newRoom(entrance, "N")
Run the program with Run menu - Run module. You should see a staircase down to a room.
Add more rooms to the program, for example:
room1 = dungeon.newRoom(entrance, "N")
hallway = dungeon.newRoom(room1, "N")
bedroom = dungeon.newRoom(hallway, "W")
lounge = dungeon.newRoom(hallway, "E")
Make a maze!
editThe original PDF for this tutorial is on Wikimedia Commons: Cjam-minecraft-dungeon.pdf
editfrom mcpi.minecraft import Minecraft
from mcpi import block
import DungeonError
class Dungeon:
_mc = Minecraft.create()
_rooms = {}
_MIN_X = -10
_MIN_Y = -42
_MIN_Z = -80
_MAX_X = 120
_MAX_Y = -12
_MAX_Z = 80
# Construct a room with the given dimensions. Place torches
# around the walls, optionally put a random piece of
# treasure in the room.
def MakeRoom(self, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2):
# Plot the room itself
self._mc.setBlocks(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2,
# Determine height of torch
th = min([y1, y2]) + 2
# Place torches along each wall.
for i in range(x1+1, x2-1):
if i % 6 == 0 and (self._mc.getBlock(i, th, z1-1) != block.AIR):
self._mc.setBlock(i, th, z1, block.TORCH)
if i % 6 == 0 and (self._mc.getBlock(i, th, z2+1) != block.AIR):
self._mc.setBlock(i, th, z2, block.TORCH)
for i in range(z1+1, z2-1):
if i % 6 == 0 and (self._mc.getBlock(x1-1, th, i) != block.AIR):
self._mc.setBlock(x1, th, i, block.TORCH)
if i % 6 == 0 and (self._mc.getBlock(x2+1, th, i) != block.AIR):
self._mc.setBlock(x2, th, i, block.TORCH)
# Construct a flight of steps going downwards. The steps
# must go through water so must include walls and ceiling.
def MakeSteps(self, x, y, z, l):
for step in range(l+1):
# Floor steps
self._mc.setBlock(x+step, y-step, z-1,, 1)
self._mc.setBlock(x+step, y-step, z,, 1)
self._mc.setBlock(x+step, y-step, z+1,, 1)
# Ceiling steps
self._mc.setBlock(x+step, y-step+4, z-1,, 4)
self._mc.setBlock(x+step, y-step+4, z,, 4)
self._mc.setBlock(x+step, y-step+4, z+1,, 4)
# Sidewalls
self._mc.setBlocks(x+step, y-step, z-2, x+step, y-step+self._ROOM_HEIGHT, z-2, block.STONE)
self._mc.setBlocks(x+step, y-step, z+2, x+step, y-step+self._ROOM_HEIGHT, z+2, block.STONE)
# Ensure that nothing is in the void.
self._mc.setBlocks(x+step, y-step+1, z-1, x+step, y-step+3, z+1, block.AIR)
# Construct a flight of steps going downwards to join rooms.
def StepsDown(self, x, y, z):
if (y == -12):
fs = x+3
fs = x+2
self._mc.setBlocks(fs, y, z-1, x+self._ROOM_HEIGHT+2, y, z-1, block.FENCE)
self._mc.setBlocks(fs, y, z+1, x+self._ROOM_HEIGHT+2, y, z+1, block.FENCE)
# self._mc.setBlocks(x+self._ROOM_HEIGHT+4, y, z-1, x+self._ROOM_HEIGHT+4, y, z+1, block.FENCE)
for step in range(1, self._ROOM_HEIGHT+3):
# Floor steps
self._mc.setBlock(x+step, y-step, z,, 1)
# Space to walk
self._mc.setBlocks(x+step+1, y-step, z, x+step+3, y-step, z, block.AIR)
# Construct a new room.
def newRoom(self, start, direction):
handle = len(self._rooms)
if direction.upper() not in ["N", "S", "E", "W", "U", "D"]:
raise DungeonError.DirectionError("Direction must be: \"N\", \"S\", \"E\", \"W\", \"U\" or \"D\"")
if start not in self._rooms:
raise DungeonError.RoomError("Unknown room: " + str(start))
x, y, z = self._rooms[start]
if (direction.upper() == "N"):
x += self._ROOM_LENGTH+2
elif (direction.upper() == "S"):
x -= self._ROOM_LENGTH+2
elif (direction.upper() == "E"):
z += self._ROOM_WIDTH+2
elif (direction.upper() == "W"):
z -= self._ROOM_WIDTH+2
elif (direction.upper() == "U"):
y += self._ROOM_HEIGHT+2
y -= self._ROOM_HEIGHT+2
if (x > self._MAX_X-self._ROOM_LENGTH
or x < self._MIN_X
or z < self._MIN_Z
or x > self._MAX_Z-self._ROOM_WIDTH
or y > self._MAX_Y
or y < self._MIN_Y):
raise DungeonError.RoomError("Not enough space in direction \"" + direction + "\" from room " + str(start))
if (self._mc.getBlock(x+1, y, z+2) ==
raise DungeonError.RoomError("There is already a room in direction \"" + direction + "\" from room " + str(start))
self.MakeRoom(x, y, z, x+self._ROOM_LENGTH, y+self._ROOM_HEIGHT, z+self._ROOM_WIDTH)
self._rooms[handle] = [x, y, z]
# Create the ajoining corridore or steps
if (direction.upper() == "N"):
self._mc.setBlocks(x-2, y, z+self._ROOM_WIDTH/2, x, y+1, z+self._ROOM_WIDTH/2, block.AIR)
elif (direction.upper() == "S"):
self._mc.setBlocks(x+self._ROOM_LENGTH, y, z+self._ROOM_WIDTH/2, x+self._ROOM_LENGTH+2, y+1, z+self._ROOM_WIDTH/2, block.AIR)
elif (direction.upper() == "E"):
self._mc.setBlocks(x+self._ROOM_LENGTH/2, y, z-2, x+self._ROOM_LENGTH/2, y+1, z, block.AIR)
elif (direction.upper() == "W"):
self._mc.setBlocks(x+self._ROOM_LENGTH/2, y, z+self._ROOM_WIDTH, x+self._ROOM_LENGTH/2, y+1, z+self._ROOM_WIDTH+2, block.AIR)
elif (direction.upper() == "U"):
self.StepsDown(x+1, y, z+2)
self.StepsDown(x+1, y+self._ROOM_HEIGHT+2, z+2)
return handle
def __init__(self):
# Create a large underwater block of stone for the dungeon.
self._mc.setBlocks(self._MIN_X, -4, self._MIN_Z, self._MAX_X, self._MIN_Y, self._MAX_Z, block.STONE)
self._mc.setBlocks(self._MIN_X-2, 0, self._MIN_Z-2, self._MAX_X+2, -3, self._MAX_Z+2, block.WATER_STATIONARY)
self._mc.setBlocks(self._MIN_X-4, 0, self._MIN_Z-4, self._MAX_X+4, 30, self._MAX_Z+4, block.AIR)
# Create external plinth for player to stand on
self._mc.setBlocks(-6, 0, -5, 0, -3, 5, block.STONE)
def create(self):
# Create a dungeon as the start point
self.MakeRoom(10, -12, -5, 20, -8, 5)
self._rooms[0] = [10, -12, -5]
# Place some steps down into the dungeon.
self.MakeSteps(1, 0, 0, 12)
# Put the player near the dungeon entrance.
self._mc.player.setPos(-2, 1, 0)
self._mc.setting("world_immutable", True)
return 0
editclass DirectionError(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
class RoomError(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
edit#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Dungeon import Dungeon
dungeon = Dungeon()
entrance = dungeon.create()
room1 = dungeon.newRoom(entrance, "N")
# Create more rooms by adding more "dungeon.newRoom(room, direction)"
# like the line above. "room" must be a room that you've already created.
# "direction" must be one of:
# "N" - North
# "S" - South
# "E" - East
# "W" - West
# "U" - Up (above)
# "D" - Down (below)
# Create one or two more rooms, then explore your dungeon to make sure
# that it is as you expect, then create more rooms.
edit#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Dungeon import Dungeon
dungeon = Dungeon()
hallway = dungeon.create()
d1 = dungeon.newRoom(hallway, "D")
d2 = dungeon.newRoom(d1, "D")
d3 = dungeon.newRoom(d2, "D")
d4 = dungeon.newRoom(d3, "D")
d5 = dungeon.newRoom(d4, "D")
bedroom = dungeon.newRoom(hallway, "N")
bedroom2 = dungeon.newRoom(hallway, "W")
bedroom3 = dungeon.newRoom(bedroom, "E")
bedroom4 = dungeon.newRoom(bedroom3, "D")
room5 = dungeon.newRoom(bedroom4, "N")
room6 = dungeon.newRoom(room5, "W")
room7 = dungeon.newRoom(room6, "U")