WikidataMap user guide/Local search and edit in database

Local search and edit in database ...


The WDM database mode can always be used: when internet is or is not connected.

1) Switch the WDM mode to the db icon.

WDM: switch to local DB

2) activate <send> button for your keyword or wildcard (univ%)

WDM: search in local DB
WDM: local search result for "universe"

The result signaling the saved entry if you saved it before.

The entry contains your selected Priority, the label, the description, the timestamp of the save.

Activating the <open link> on the entry opens the link for the entry.

Entering % shows all your stored entries. Entering a% shows all entries starting with a.

Soon with the next update of the app the entries will come in alfa order.

To delete an entry select the <delete> action on the right and then activate the delete on the entry

WDM: delete entry in local DB

To save a value for an entry ...

1) first search for the entry


2) then enter value like this


The result looks like this.


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