< WikiLang
This article is part of the vocabulary section of the Blackfoot language. It lists a sample of animal names in Blackfoot with their English translation.
English | Blackfoot |
dog | omitaa |
horse | ponokáómitaa |
buffalo | iiníí |
elk | Ponok |
wolf | ómahkapi'si |
bear | kiááyo |
lynx | natáyo |
fox | máóhkataatoyi |
deer | áwatoyi |
porcupine | kai'skááhpa |
hare | ááattsistaa |
mouse | kaanaisskiinaa |
bird | pi'ksíí |
eagle | ksikkihkíni |
bustard | áápsspini |
owl | sipistoo |
snake | pitsííksiinaa |
fish | mamíí |
turtle | sspopíi |
bee | naamóó |