We ♥ Katamari/Games

Page 1

Gaming item Description Size to roll up
Bowling Pin Courageous objects that are always getting knocked over by balls, but always get back up again. 41cm8mm
Green Die Sometimes all your dice will come up the same number. How unusual. 2cm8mm
Die You can use this to go forward, go backwards, or even enjoy playing out your life. 2cm8mm
Red Die If you don't like thinking too much, just move forward however many spaces this die shows. 2cm8mm
Mah-Jong Tile (1) A picture of some bird We have never seen before. This means "one," apparently. 5cm1mm
Mah-Jong Tile (2) A tile with a picture of nine pieces of bamboo. Not a very well-drawn picture. 5cm1mm
Mah-Jong Tile (3) This is used in a game where you compete to line up pictures. It doesn't look that impressive to Us. 5cm1mm
Mah-Jong Tile (4) There are a lot of balls drawn on this, but it still isn't worth anything by itself. 5cm1mm

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Gaming item Description Size to roll up
Mah-Jong Tile (5) The characters on it mean "ten thousand," but this doesn't really seem to be worth 10,000 points. 5cm1mm
Mah-Jong Tile (6) The characters on it mean "90,000." 90,000 of what, We have no idea. 5cm1mm
Mah-Jong Tile (7) This character indicates the direction where the sun rises. Maybe it lights up in the morning. 5cm1mm
Mah-Jong Tile (8) This character indicates the direction of warmer areas. We tried touching it, but it wasn't warm at all. 5cmm1mm
Mah-Jong Tile (9) This character indicates the direction where the sun sets. Maybe it turns red when evening comes. 5cm1mm
Mah-Jong Tile (10) This character indicates the direction of areas where snow often falls. But it's not cold if you touch it. 5cm1mm
Mah-Jong Tile (11) Nothing's written on it at all. It must be a defective tile. 5cm1mm
Mah-Jong Tile (12) A very strange character is written on this. Apparently its meaning isn't all that important. 5cm1mm

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Gaming item Description Size to roll up
Mah-Jong Tile (13) If you have three of these, it seems to make a nice hand. 5cm1mm
Omikuji Shake the container, and a message falls out. Some messages make you happy, while others make you sad. 55cm0mm
Shogi Board A Japanese chess board. The difference is you can capture and use your opponents pieces. 26cm2mm
Shogi Table Looks like there's room for 10 parts. You have collected 10. Set placeholder - contents to follow
Video Game Generally a complete waste of time, with little redeeming social value. Great fun though. 38cm7mm
Arcade Machine A thrilling game where you dodge enemy bullets. Hopefully, they won't hit anything off-screen... 2m75cm5mm
Puzzle Arcade Game These games are a pain. We know what to do, but Our fingers aren't fast enough... 2m75cm5mm
Crane Game Operate the crane in this machine to grab items. We wish the crane would help us out a bit more. 4m86cm2mm

Page 4

Gaming item Description Size to roll up
Pachinko Machine A leisure device that makes an unbelieveable racket. When lined up in rows, things get even louder. 1m0cm1mm
Pachinko Parlor So fun that people line up just to get inside. The people lining up don't look very healthy though. 23m19cm5mm
Huge Bowling Pin Not only big, but placed way up high. It'll be hard to knock this one down. 29m99cm6mm
Bowling Alley Don't knock down all the pins, or you'll get a big "X" on your scorecard. 38m6cm2mm

Shogi Set - Page 1

Shogi item Description Size to roll up
Shogi Table Two people sit around this board and stare at it for hours. Perhaps they're too embarrassed to move. 76cm9mm
Ousho There are lots of pieces like this, but this one is the strongest. It's pretty weak without its retainers. 4cm4mm
Gyokusho (RARE) It looks like the real thing, but there's an extra dot on it. Nobody seems to have noticed it yet. 4cm4mm
Hisha A noble piece that moves horizontally and vertically. If it's that powerful, why isn't it king yet? 4cm0mm
Kakugyo It moves diagonally. It is fierce rivals with the Hisha, but together, they're unstoppable. 4cm0mm
Kinsho It may sound like an imporatant piece, but it looks pretty much the same as the others. 3cm8mm
Ginsho This piece hold the key to the entire game, but is otherwise pretty low-key. It becomes powerful if you flip it over 3cm8mm
Keima Apparently related to horses somehow, but it just looks like a shogi piece to Us. 3cm6mm

Shogi Set - Page 2

Shogi item Description Size to roll up
Kyousha A forward-looking piece that always pushes ahead. We suppose it prefers not to dwell on the past. 3cm4mm
Fu The grunt of the force moves forward one step at a time. Flip it over, and it's on the fast track to royalty. 3cm1mm