Visual Basic for Applications/Array Data To WorkSheet (1D or 2D)
editThis MS Excel VBA code listing transfers data from a one or two dimensional array to a worksheet.
Code Notes
edit- Arr1Dor2DtoWorksheet() transfers data from an array to a specified worksheet, and at a specified location within it. It takes one-dimensional or two-dimensional arrays, and is able to distinguish between them, prior to the transfer. Non-array inputs are detected as are arrays that are not allocated. One-dimensional arrays are transferred into a sheet row in all cases. Two-dimensional arrays are displayed in the same row and column shape as in the array. There are no facilities in the procedure to transpose data, but procedures exist elsewhere in this series for that purpose.
The VBA Module
edit- Copy the entire code listing into a VBA standard module and run the top procedure. Save the worksheet as type .xlsm. Comment and de-comment lines in the top procedure and adjust parameters to test the main procedure.
Sub TestArr1Dor2DtoWorksheet()
Dim vB As Variant, vC As Variant, a() As String, sE As String
Dim r As Long, c As Long, oSht As Worksheet
Set oSht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2")
oSht.Cells(1, 1).Select
'load a one dimensional array to test
'vB = Array("a", "b", "c", "d") 'array and allocated one dimension
vB = Split("A B C D E F G H I J K L M", " ")
'load a two dimensional array to test
ReDim vC(1 To 4, 1 To 4)
For r = 1 To 3
For c = 1 To 4
vC(r, c) = CStr(r & "," & c)
Next c
Next r
'Use these to test if input filters
'Arr1Dor2DtoWorksheet sE, "Sheet2", 3, 3 'run to test not-an-array feature
'Arr1Dor2DtoWorksheet a(), "Sheet2", 3, 3 'run to test not-allocated feature
'print arrays on sheet
Arr1Dor2DtoWorksheet vB, "Sheet2", 2, 2 '1D to sheet row
Arr1Dor2DtoWorksheet vC, "Sheet2", 5, 2 '2D to sheet range
End Sub
Private Function Arr1Dor2DtoWorksheet(vA As Variant, ByVal sSht As String, _
ByVal nRow As Long, ByVal nCol As Long) As Boolean
'Transfers a one or two dimensioned input array vA to the worksheet,
'with top-left element at cell position nRow,nCol. sSht is the worksheet name.
'Default 2D array transfers are made unchanged and a 1D array is displayed in a row.
Dim oSht As Worksheet, rng As Range, rng1 As Range, bProb As Boolean
Dim nD As Integer, nR As Integer, nDim As Integer, r As Long, c As Long
Dim LBR As Long, UBR As Long, LBC As Long, UBC As Long, vT As Variant
On Error Resume Next
'is it an array
If IsArray(vA) = False Then
bProb = True
End If
'check if allocated
nR = UBound(vA, 1)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
bProb = True
End If
If bProb = False Then
'count dimensions
On Error Resume Next
nD = nD + 1
nR = UBound(vA, nD)
Loop Until Err.Number <> 0
MsgBox "Parameter is not an array" & _
vbCrLf & "or is unallocated - closing."
Exit Function
End If
'get number of dimensions
nDim = nD - 1: 'MsgBox nDim
'get ref to worksheet
Set oSht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sSht)
'set a worksheet range for array
Select Case nDim
Case 1 'one dimensional array
LBR = LBound(vA): UBR = UBound(vA)
Set rng = oSht.Range(oSht.Cells(nRow, nCol), oSht.Cells(nRow, nCol + UBR - LBR))
Case 2 'two dimensional array
LBR = LBound(vA, 1): UBR = UBound(vA, 1)
LBC = LBound(vA, 2): UBC = UBound(vA, 2)
Set rng = oSht.Range(oSht.Cells(nRow, nCol), oSht.Cells(nRow + UBR - LBR, nCol + UBC - LBC))
Case Else 'unable to print more dimensions
MsgBox "Too many dimensions - closing"
Exit Function
End Select
'transfer array values to worksheet
rng.Value = vA
'release object variables
Set oSht = Nothing
Set rng = Nothing
Arr1Dor2DtoWorksheet = True
End Function