Using POSper/Developer guide/Database-Table descriptions/posper ticket
This table has information about a "ticket", which is the collection of items that a customer has ordered.
Column Name | Data Type | Null Allowed? | Key? | Comments |
id | VARCHAR(255) | No | Primary | UUID instead of int |
version | INT(11) | No | This is used by hibernate to track table versions | |
visibleId | INT(11) | Yes | Uni | This is the user visible (user-friendly) Id |
dateOpen | DATETIME | Yes | The start time for the ticket | |
dateClose | DATETIME | Yes | The end time for the ticket (Note: does this mean it was paid?) | |
synched | BIT(1) | No | This field is relevant if openbravo is used in conjuction with the POS system. Synched is set to true when openbravo has been made aware of this ticket (it considers it to be an order). | |
number | INT(11) | Yes | This field is relevant if openbravo is used in conjunction with the POS system. It is the openbravo "order id" | |
host | VARCHAR(255) | Yes | The host this ticket occurred on. | |
place_id | VARCHAR(255) | Yes | Foreign Key | The place associated with this ticketĀ : tickets can also be placeless (eg, togo orders have no "place") |
userid | VARCHAR(255) | Yes | Foreign Key | The user that created ("rung in") this ticket (NoteĀ : the data spec says this can be null but how can that be?) |
parent_id | VARCHAR(255) | Yes | Foreign Key | This is the cash register that this ticket is associated with |