
Green Stars


Once you have opened World S and collected all 120 stars from all the levels, the second post game part will begin. If collecting all the 120 gold stars wasn't easy, green stars are going to be an entire different level. Rather than doing a course to get them, green stars will be scattered in every galaxy you had done so far, but with a twist - those stars will be sometimes in hard places to reach, and require certain movements and action to gather them. In this phase you probably will have more knowledge on the controls and movements of Mario and even Yoshi, it's time to put them in action.

Epilogue to Green Star


Once you finish in the first time the Boss Blitz galaxy, you will be notified there's a guest in Mario Starship - a green Luma. Talking to him will reveal parts of the next post game content - "Seeking the cosmic jewels (written in green)... it's been our lifelong pursuit... There is a saying that "they can be found when all of the Stars have been collected". In other words, your job now is collect all the 120 stars to open up the next part.

Once collected all the 120 green stars (no matter which was the last one and from which galaxy) you will be referred to a new green Luma, who will say "Even if we have every Power Star, we still must defeat that monster... Or we'll never see the cosmic jewels...", and so will say the other green Luma. So to open officially the Green Stars part, you gotta go back to Bowser's Galaxy Generator Galaxy, beat Bowser again and activate the rolling credits once more

It might take some time for the credits to roll in the second time, but you may notices some changed from the first time. Once the credits end, a new cutscene will appear of Roselina in her book room from the first Galaxy game. Once every Luma will gather, she will say "Next, let's hear a story about the jewels of the cosmos... Let me tell you the story of the Green Star", after another dialogue the cutscene will fade away, and like after beating the game for the first time, it will make a notice "Prankster Comets (green writing) have appeared!" and the start screen will appear.

Your title save now will be "The green star challenge is on!", once entering the game Lubba will tell you that many prankster comets have appeared. Go to the World map and you will see the green comet dropping new green stars all over the worlds, and the Green Star episode begins!



As being said in the epilogue to the Green Star episode, every place that had star on, will have it's own green stars. Meaning, every galaxy that had golden stars, will now the same amount of green stars as their golden ones. It doesn't meaning they are easy though. Here is a guide to how to find and take them all.

Collecting them all is really time consuming, but for any completionist out there, and to also gain access to the final Galaxy and the two last stars, there isn't any other way.

  • World 1
  • World 2
  • World 3
  • World 4
  • World 5
  • World 6
  • World S


  • In the Green Stars Levels, green bars will shown instead of black.
  • Completing a Galaxy with its green stars, will mark the Galaxy with golden crown. Completing a world with its green stars, will mark the world with golden crown.



Wether you gonna follow the guide or not, one of the green Luma on Starship Mario will say: "The universe is so full of joy.. Have you even seen a cosmic jewel? They have such a happy shine!", "And if you listen closely, you can hear the wonderful tinkling sound when one is nearby! Seriously".

So there you have it, two canonical tips -

  1. The Green Stars will have little more shining than usual.
  2. When you are close to a Green Star, you will hear it "tinkling" sound.

A non-canonical tips is, as soon you get into a level, use the first person camera to all side in the level, specially in a high place. In most of the cases, you will find the Green Star hovering somewhere. If not, it might be in the next level's platforms.

World 1


World 1 had originally 17 golden ones, so it now have another 17 green ones.

Note that, while the green stars would be in their original level, its advised to pick in the Galaxy Star selection screen the empty green stars so the game will send you exactly to the level they are in, so you won't have to search level by level yourself. And by thus the lists will follow.

Sky Station Galaxy


Green Star 1

The Green Star here will be located at Yoshi's house roof near the green pipe. There's two ways to gain it - short way and long way. The short way is simply locate Mario beneath the green star, make an backward jump and add a spin. The longest is going through the green pipe, break the crystal on the hill, and then drop from the roof on the Green Star.

Green Star 2

This Green Star is located on the 2nd platform. Do the level as usual (you may collect more 1-Ups on the way) until reaching the peak of the tower. There, behind the fence you will see the Green Star shine. Drop behind the tower to get it. You may as well moving the camera to get a better look.

Green Star 3

Go through the first platform. In the second one, move to the second elevator (the one that's going down) and wait 'till you get to the level where the blue disc is, make backward jump to reach it. Hovering upon it one the side, you will find the Green Star. To reach it, make either wall jump to its side and add a spin, or a backward jump with a spin.

Yoshi Star Galaxy


Green Star 1

This green star will be shown on the level cutscene, high above the hill to the northwest of the first area. Eliminate the Magikoopa to release Yoshi, and take him above the hill (it's also the hill where the Comet Shard is). A regular floating jump won't reach it, to actually reach it, make Yoshi a float jump, and once in the air press Z+A to make Mario jump from Yoshi, and he will reach the star.

Green Star 2

Like Green Star 1, this one also can be seen in the open cutscene. But only if you look at the right side of the screen. Upon entering the level also it can be seen when you go little forward and look on the right side - it is located on the mouth cliff of the volcano. To get there, do the level as usual to take Yoshi. Upon encountering the huge fruit, got to the right side of it and you should see the star. Make Yoshi it's floating jump to get to that cliff (be careful not to slip), and take the star.

Green Star 3

This time, the green star will be on the last level platform. So just make your way through this level until you get to where the star usual is, but instead landing on the golden star land, continue the flower jumping to the left side. Once there you will see the green star hovering up in the air. To reach it, make Yoshi float higher from where the flower get you, but that won't be enough either, so press A+Z on the highest float, and Mario will jump from Yoshi toward the green star.



Green Star 1

Go through the first platform to the second one. There, the Green Star will hang above the fence on the middle of the planet. To reach the top of the fence itself, locate Mario close to the fence and make a backward jump, if Mario doesn't hang on it, add a spin. Once on the fence, locate Mario beneath the star to the left, face Mario to the other side and make a backward jump and a spin to collect the star.

Green Star 2

In the third platform, proceed to where Luma is making a Star Launcher for you, and there, above the row of transforming platforms, the Green Star will hover very hight in the air. To reach it there's need to make a perfect triple jump without falling when the platform disappear. Make Mario star the triple jump before the first row of the transforming platform to make sure that Mario will be jumping toward the star. Once made the third jump, add a spin, and Mario will collect it. It's advised to eliminate the Flying Goombe before doing it.

Green Star 3

Go through the levels until you enter the green pipe to the 2D cave. In the second room the star will hover high above. To reach it you must make Mario ditch the digger by getting hurt, and also eliminate the enemy to collect the star without diversion. Now, locate Mario with the back to the wall facing the star, make a backward jump and make a wall jump with a spin to get the star.