
When did International Relations emerge as a discipline?

International relations emerged as a discipline after world war one and two, when liberalism was compared to realism to answer the question; How do we end all wars? During the cold war, discussion changed to how best nations could manage conflict, and thus another debate arose between realists and behaviourists. At the end of the cold war the discipline became more focused around different international perspectives, especially in regards to globalisation.

What significance does the history of International relations as a discipline have?

Relative to disciplines such as Physics or English literature, International relations is a new discipline, which has growing significance in our increasingly globalised and interconnected world. Since the start of the 20th century countries have become increasingly reliant on each other for security, food, money, information, technology and knowledge. International networks facilitate this, but studying these incredibly complex connections can help us to understand tensions or positive connections essential for a cooperative international community. Since globalisation had not began on such a scale until the 20th century, there was not the same need for the discipline of international relations. This demonstrates how quickly disciplines can arise and establish.