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function formatBookHeading() {
 // Grab all the h1 elements within the document
 var h1Elements = document.getElementsByTagName('h1');
 // We need to check every h1 element in the document:
 for (i = 0; i < h1Elements.length; i++)
   // But we only want to modify the h1 elements that have the
   // class of "firstHeading".
   if (h1Elements[i].className == "firstHeading")
     // Then use the / to split the heading into it's parts
     var headings = h1Elements[i].innerHTML.split('/');
     // If there is only one heading (ie, the Book Title), then 
     // leave it as the h1 element and do nothing. Otherwise
     // we want to set the Chapter:Subchapter as the h1 heading,
     // and put the book title as a paragraph _before_ the h1
     // heading? (Just check this, I think that's what you're after?
     if (headings.length > 1)
       // First, create the paragraph that will contain the
       // book title, and give it a class so we can style it from CSS.
       var bookTitle = document.createElement('p');
       // Then for the IE bug:
       // And add the Booktitle text from the original heading
       // Next, set the h1 heading to the Chapter title:
       h1Elements[i].innerHTML = headings[1];
       // Check if there's a third sub heading:
       if (headings.length == 3)
         var subchapter = document.createElement('span');
         subchapter.innerHTML = ":" + headings[2];
         // and add the subchapter to the h1 heading:
       // Finally, add the book title before the h1 heading:
       h1Elements[i].parentNode.insertBefore(bookTitle, h1Elements[i]);
       // Finally, add the chapter element after the heading.
       //h1Elements[i].parentNode.insertBefore(chapter, h1Elements[i].nextSibling);        

   } // end if class=firstHeading
 } //end for loop

if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load",formatBookHeading,false);
else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload",formatBookHeading);