edit- XQuery
- About this Project
- eXist demo server
- Guest Registry
- Naming Conventions
- Introduction
- Background
- Benefits
- Installing and Testing
- Naming Conventions
- Beginning Examples
- HelloWorld
- FLWOR Expression
- Searching multiple collections
- Getting URL Parameters
- Getting POST Data
- Checking for Required Parameters
- Displaying Lists
- Extracting data from XHTML files
- Displaying data in HTML Tables
- Limiting Result Sets
- Filtering Words
- Quantified Expressions
- Intermediate Examples
- Using XQuery Functions
- Returning the Longest String
- Net Working Days
- Tag Cloud
- String Analysis
- Manipulating URIs
- Parsing Query Strings
- Splitting Files
- Filling Portlets
- Filtering Nodes
- Higher Order Functions
- Timing Fibonacci algorithms
- Using Intermediate Documents
- Generic functions
- Table View
- Tree View
- Searching,Paging and Sorting
- Graphs
- Topological Sort
- XML Differencing
- Compare two XML files
- XML Differences
- Compare with XQuery
- Time Comparison with XQuery
- Synchronizing Remote Collections
- XQuery and other languages
- XQuery from SQL
- XML to SQL
- XQuery and XSLT
- XQuery and Python
- Excel and XML
- XQuery and XML Schema
- XHTML %2B Voice
- Wikipedia interaction
- Wikipedia Page scraping
- Wikipedia Lookup
- Wikipedia Events RSS
- Wiki weapons page
- Wikibook applications
- Wikibook index page
- Wikibook list of code links
- Page Scraping
- Overview of Page Scraping Techniques
- Page scraping and Yahoo Weather
- UK shipping forecast
- Page scraping and Mashup
- Simple RSS reader
- Multiple page scraping and Voting behaviour
- Link gathering
- REST interface definition
- Mapping
- Google Geocoding
- Flickr GoogleEarth
- Nationalgrid and Google Maps
- SMS tracker
- Timelines
- Creating a Timeline
- Timelines of Resource
- The Semantic Web
- DBpedia with SPARQL - Football teams
- DBpedia with SPARQL and Simile Timeline - Album Chronology
- DBpedia with SPARQL - Stadium locations
- The Emp-Dept case study
- XML to RDF
- SPARQL Tutorial
- SPARQL interface
- Graphing Triples
- SPARQLing Country Calling Codes
- Southampton Pubs
- Alphabet Poster
- Simile Exhibit
- Latent Semantic Indexing
- Interaction
- Adder
- Simple XForms Examples
- Employee Search
- Incremental Search of the Chemical Elements
- XMP data
- Slideshow
- Keyword Search
- Session Management
- Basic Session Management
- Triggers
- Using Triggers to Log Events
- Development Tools
- Sitemap for Content Management System
- Formatting Numbers
- Uptime monitor
- XQuery IDE
- Image Library
- XSD to XML Sample
- Validation
- Validating a hierarchy
- Visualization
- Graph Visualization
- Dataflow diagrams
- Sequence Diagrams
- Example Sequencer
- Google Charts
- GoogleChart example
- Histogram of File Sizes
- Puzzles, Maths and Games
- Fizzbuzz
- Project Euler
- Sudoku
- Modules and Functions
- List Modules
- Modules and Functions
- Dynamic Module Loading
- Live Applications
- UWE StudentsOnline
- Crib Sheets
- eXist Crib sheet
- XPath examples
- Debugging XQuery
- Gotchas
- Ahhas
- Indexes
- Index of XQuery features
- Index of Application Areas
- Index of eXist modules and features
- XQuery/