
    Savvy is an amazing book. It is about a girl named Mississippi whose family gets strange talents on their 13 birthday. Just before her birthday, her dad gets into an accident and is sent to the hospital. Their mom leaves the family to go and see the dad and Mississippi who goes by Mibs, celebrates her 13th birthday without her. As a coincidence she thinks that her Savvy (what they call their talents) is waking people up. So she hitchhikes on a bible supply bus to go see her dad and wake him up from his coma. Different things happen along the way that throw Mibs off her original course. I won’t say what happens at the end, but I will say it is worth the read. This is an intense book. Everyone should read Savvy because it is so interesting and enjoyable. This book has interesting characters of all different types. In the book certain characters have abilities to do extraordinary things. These abilities are cool and interesting to think about. It gives the characters personality and makes them all original. Another thing that is great about this book is the plot line. The plot in this book is full of twists and turns and other things you would never see coming. At one point during the book, Mibs is running from the police. The twists and turns in the plot keep you glued to your seat. But I think that one of the best things about the book is the conflict. Mibs is trying to save her dad while getting along with her family and dodging the police and hitchhiking. This book can transform you into another world of suspense and trials.