
Economic Imperialism, AJP Taylor - JA Hobson: found economic movie for imperialism - Capitalists have to spend capital on foreign investment, in undeveloped parts of the world, outside 'saturated national market' - Foreign policy of European nations based around search for potential investment opportunities of profitable markets - imperialism is characterised by 'self-seeking interests' concerning the 'lusts of quantitative acquisition' and 'forceful domination' the product of primitive origins of animalistic struggles for survival - Imperialism actually based around power rather than economic motivations: speeches from British Imperialists talk not about the increase of British foreign investments coinciding with territorial expansion, but rather the acquisition of new markets and opportunities for emigration. Imperialism about bolstering empires, but this wasn't necessarily rational reasoning - Egypt investments, for example, more to do with political control than financial gain.

Coloniality of Power and Eurocentrism in Latin America, Animal Quijano - Globalisation: world capitalism of Euro-centered struggle for power - When understanding significance of Latin America in world history, imperative to distinguish between Eurocentrist perspective of knowledge and specific, first-hand experiences of Latin America