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The Bibliography of Aeolian Research (BAR) is a comprehensive bibliography focused on aeolian research -- the study of the detachment, transport, and deposition of sediments by wind. Aeolian research spans a broad array of disciplines and may include:
- the study of the physics of blowing sand, dust, and other granular material (i.e., saltation, suspension, creep and abrasion);
- the study of geomorphic processes in arid environments and associated aeolian landforms, deposits, and sedimentary features;
- the study of wind erosion and its control by tillage, cover crops, shelterbelts, and other management practices; and
- the study of mineral dust, dust emissions, atmospheric transport and the effects of fine particulate matter on climate, weather, and air quality.
editThe Bibliography of Aeolian Research was created as a team effort by John E. Stout (USDA-ARS), Andrew Warren (University College London) and Thomas E. Gill (University of Texas at El Paso).
The BAR currently contains 43,369 citations. Entries are sorted by first author name.
edit- A., M. 1863. Du Khamsin et de ses effets (On the khamsin and its effects). Cosmos, Paris (2) 23:109-112. (in French) (Note: summary dust wind observations of Grégoire 1860)
- Aaby, B. 1997. Mineral dust and pollen as tracers of agricultural activities. PACT (Journal of the European Study Group on Physical, Chemical and Mathematical Techniques Applied to Archaeology) 52:115-122.
- Aagaard, T., Davidson-Arnott, R., Greenwood, B. and Nielsen, J. 2004. Sediment supply from shoreface to dunes: linking sediment transport measurements and long-term morphological evolution. Geomorphology 60(1-2):205-224.
- Aagaard, T., Nielsen. J., Jensen, S.G. and Friderichsen, J. 2004. Longshore sediment transport and coastal erosion at Skallingen, Denmark. Geografisk Tidsskrift 104:5-14. (in English) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Aagaard, T., Orford, J. and Murray, A.S. 2007. Environmental controls on coastal dune formation; Skallingen Spit, Denmark. Geomorphology 83(1-2):29-47, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.06.007
- Aarons, S.M., Aciego, S.M. and Gleason, J.D. 2013. Variable Hf-Sr-Nd radiogenic isotopic compositions in a Saharan dust storm over the Atlantic: Implications for dust flux to oceans, ice sheets and the terrestrial biosphere. Chemical Geology 349-350:18-26, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.04.010
- Aartolahti, T. 1967. Über die dünen von Urjala (On the dunes of Urjala). Suomen Geologisen Seuran julkaisuja (Meddelanden från geologiska Sällskapet i Finland or Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland) 39(229):105-121. (in German)
- Aartolahti, T. 1972. Dyynien routahalkeamista ja routahalkeamapolygoneista (Frost cracks and frost-crack polygons on dunes in Finland). Terra 84(3):124-131. (in Finnish)
- Aartolahti, T. 1973. Morphology, vegetation and development of Rokuanvaara, an esker and dune complex in Finland. Fennia 127, 53 pp.
- Aartolahti, T. 1976. Lentohiekka Suomessa (Drift sand in Finland). Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia. Esitelmät ja pöytäkirjat pp. 83-95. (in Finnish)
- Aartolahti, T. and Kulmala, A. 1969. Talven 1968-69 vaerillinen lumi Suomessa (Dust-stained snow of the winter 1968-69 in Finland). Terra 81(3):98-104. (in Finnish)
- Aase, J.K., Siddoway, F.H. and Black, A.L. 1976. Perennial grass barriers for wind erosion control, snow management and crop production. In: Tinus, R.W. (ed), Shelterbelts on the Great Plains, Denver, April 1976, Missoula: University of Montana Press, Great Plains Agricultural Council, Publication 78, pp. 69-78.
- Aase, J.K., Siddoway, F.H. and Black, A.L. 1985. Effectiveness of grass barriers for reducing wind erosiveness. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 40(4):354-357.
- Abad, H.K.K. and Mireh, M. 2012. Spatial distribution of sandstorm disaster in Iran using numerical taxonomy model. Advances in Environmental Biology 6(8):2285-2295.
- Abarca, M N.M. 1980. Efectos de la erosion eolica en el Occidente de Nicaragua (The effect of wind erosion on western Nicaragua). Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza, Turrialba, 9 pp. (in Spanish; typescript; fully on line) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Abassi, M., Feiznia, S., Abassi, H.R., Kazemi, Y. and Gharanjik, A. 2011. Investigation on granulometry and mineralogy of sediments for source investigation of Baluchestan sand dunes. Iranian Journal of Range and Desert Research 18(3):441-451.
- Abaturova, T.I. and Chizhikova, N.P. 1972. Clay minerals of ordinary Chernozems and loesses in the south of Golodnaya Steppe plain. Pochvovedeniye (8):102-111. (in Russian, English translation Soviet in Soil Science 4(4):509)
- Abbasi, N., Movahedan, M. and Keramati,T.M. 2010. Application of polyvinyl acetate co-polymer for soils stabilization. Agricultural Engineering Research Institute of Iran - AERI, Karaj (Iran), 160 pp. (in Farsi) (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Abbe, C. 1894. Remarkable hail. Monthly Weather Review 22(5):215.
- Abbe, C. 1895. Duststorm in Washington. Monthly Weather Review 23(4):130.
- Abbe, C. 1895. Geological origin of the dust. Monthly Weather Review 23(4):130.
- Abbe, C. 1895. Snow dust. Monthly Weather Review 23(1):15-19.
- Abbe, C. 1895. The duststorms of April 14 and 15. Monthly Weather Review 23(4):130.
- Abbe, C. 1901. Dust storms in Burma and elsewhere. Monthly Weather Review 29(4):175.
- Abbe, C. 1903. Black rain in Clermont County, Ohio, August 19, 1903. Monthly Weather Review 31(11):536.
- Abbe, C. 1903. Vertical components of atmospheric motions. Monthly Weather Review 31(11):536-537.
- Abbe, C. 1904. Aufforderung betrachtenswürdige Beobachtungen der Verminderung der Durchsichtigkeit der Erdatmosphäre in den Jahrn 1902 und 1903 (Challenge of note-worthy observations of the reduction of the transparency of the terrestrial atmosphere for the years 1902 and 1903). Astronomische Nachrichten 165(3954):286-288. (in German)
- Abbe, C. 1904. The importance of a knowledge of vertical wind components. Monthly Weather Review 32(3):120.
- Abbe, C. 1905. A mistake about atmospheric dust. Monthly Weather Review 33(11):492-492, doi:10.1175/1520-0493(1905)33<492a:AMAAD>2.0.CO;2
- Abbe, C. 1906. The convection theory of whirlwinds. Monthly Weather Review 34(4):164-165.
- Abbe, C. and Roch, F. 1908. Dustfall in Idaho. Monthly Weather Review 36(4):103.
- Abbot, D.S. and Pierrehumbert, R.T. 2010. Mudball: Surface dust and Snowball Earth deglaciation. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 115, D03104, doi:10.1029/2009JD012007
- Abbott, C.C. 1918. The archaeological significance of an ancient dune. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 57(1):49-59.
- Abbott, P.L. 1980. Provenance of Salton Dunes, southwest of Salton Sea, California. In: Fife, D.L. and Brown, A.R. (eds), Geology and Mineral Wealth of the California Desert, South Coast Geological Society, Santa Ana, California, pp. 409-413.
- Abd-Alla Gad. 1989. Using remote sensing documents in the study of dune formation in the western desert fringes of Middle Egypt. In: IGARSS 1989, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Digest, vol. 5, p. 2764.
- Abdal, M.S. and Suleiman, M.K. 2002. Soil conservation as a concept to improve Kuwait environment. Archives of Nature Conservation and Landscape Research (Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung) 41(3-4):125-131. (in English)
- Abdalla, A.K. 1998. Synoptic and statistical investigation of thunderstorms and dust storms at Khartoum airport and the possibility of their short range forecast. In: 1st LAS/WMO (League of Arab States/World Meteorological Organization) International Symposium on Sand and Dust Storms, WMO Programme on Weather Prediction Research Report Series Project No. 10, WMO Technical Document No. 864, pp. 7-20.
- Abdalla, M.M., Kandil, M.F. and Badawi, A.M.A. 1970. Reclamation of sandy soils of Tahrir Province, Arab Republic of Egypt. The Desert Institute Bulletin, Arab Republic of Egypt (A.R.E.) 20(1):151-162. (abstract in Busche et al. 1984)
- Abdel Aziz, Y.I., El-Sherbiny, S.E. and Zaghloul, N.A. 1983. Close range photogrammetric measurements of movements of sand dunes. In: American Society of Photogrammetry, Technical Papers, Annual Meeting, pp. 295-303.
- Abdel Hameed, A.A. and Khodr, M.I. 2001. Suspended particulates and bioaerosols emitted from an agricultural non-point source. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 3(2):206-209.
- Abdel Mottaleb, M.A., Fayed, R.M. and Dahy, G.A.A. 1998. Effect of wind erosion on soil characteristics at North Sinai. Al Azhar Journal of Agricultural Research 27:297-310. (in English) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Abdel Rahim-el-Tag, F. 1975. The influence of wind-borne dust on the salinization of soils in the desert region of southern California. Doctoral thesis, University of California, Berkeley, 201 leaves.
- Abdel Salam, M.S. and Sowelim, M.A. 1967. Dust deposits in the city of Cairo. Atmospheric Environment 1(3):211-220.
- Abdel Salam, M.S. and Sowelim, M.A. 1967. Dustfall caused by spring Khamasin storms in Cairo: A preliminary report. Atmospheric Environment 1(3):221-226.
- Abdel Samie, A.G., Gad, A. and Abdel Rahman, M.A. 2000. Study on desertification of arable lands in Egypt; III, Drift sands and active dunes. Egyptian Journal of Soil Science 40(3):385-398.
- Abdel Wahab, A., Salem, A.M.K. and McBride, E.F. 1998. Quartz cement of meteoric origin in silcrete and nonsilcrete sandstones, Lower Carboniferous, western Sinai, Egypt. Journal of African Earth Sciences 27(2):277-290, doi:10.1016/S0899-5362(98)00061-X (keyword: dust)
- Abdel Wahab, M. 1998. Some radiative climatic consequences of the increase of atmospheric dust particles. In: 1st LAS/WMO (League of Arab States/World Meteorological Organization) International Symposium on Sand and Dust Storms, WMO Programme on Weather Prediction Research Report Series Project No. 10, WMO Technical Document No. 864, pp. 73-87.
- Abdelhadi, L.M. 1994. Relationship between erosion and wind energy in North Africa. Renewable Energy 5(5-8):1520.
- Abdi Vishkaee, F., Flamant, C., Cuesta, J., Oolman, L., Flamant, P. and Khalesifard, H.R. 2012. Dust transport over Iraq and northwest Iran associated with winter Shamal: A case study. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 117, D03201, doi:10.1029/2011JD016339
- Abdikerem, X., Eziz A., Abudureheman A. and Geni M. 2008. Numerical simulation of sand dune formation with periodical uniform stream field. In: Proceedings: Advances in Fracture and Materials Behavior - Selected peer reviewed papers of the Seventh International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solids (FEOFS2007), Advanced Materials Research 33-37(2):1069-1074
- Abdikerem, X., Geni, M., Ablimit, A. and Jin A. 2011. Dynamics and numerical modeling of sandy desert morphology caused by aeolian transport of sand particles. Key Engineering Materials 462-463:1038-1043. (in English) (Note: ripples, dunes)
- Abdourhamane-Touré, A., Rajot, J.-L., Garba, Z., Marticorena, B., Petit, C. and Sebag, D. 2011. Impact of very low crop residues cover on wind erosion in the Sahel. Catena 85(3):205-214, doi:10.1016/j.catena.2011.01.002
- Abdu, Anwar Sheikh el Din. 1975. Dunes and their environment in northern Sudan. Khartoum: Agricultural Research Council, Technical Bulletin 2, 67 pp.
- Abdu, Anwar Sheikh el Din. 1977. A study of barchans in northern Sudan. Master's thesis, University of London, 74 pp.
- Abdul-Wahab, S.A., Worthing, M.A. and Al-Maamari, S. 2005. Mineralogy of atmospheric suspended dust in three indoor and one outdoor location in Oman. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 107(1-3):313-327.
- Abdulla, S.A.A., Al-Rizzo, H.M. and Cyril, M.M. 1988. Particle-size distribution of Iraqi sand and dust storms and their influence on microwave communication systems. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 36(1):114-126.
- Abdullaev, S.F., Maslov, V.A. and Nazarov, B.I. 2013. Study of dust haze in arid zone. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics (Izvestiya Akademia nauk SSSR, Fizika atmosfery i okeana) 49(3):276-284. (in English?)
- Abdullah, A.J. 1957. A severe duststorm in Iraq. Beiträge zur Physik der Atmosphäre (Contributions to Atmospheric Physics) 29(1):21-36.
- Abdullah, J. 1988. Study of control measures of mobile barchan dunes in the Umm Al-Eish and west Jahra areas. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Report KISR2580, xx pp.
- Abdullah, J.M.A. 1996. Sand transport and deposition over nonerodible element. Doctoral thesis, University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
- Abdurahman, A., Mamtimin, G., Zhonghua, X., Mamatjan, T. and Xamxinur, A. 2011. Numerical study on aeolian sand ripples forming and moving process in desert highway. Key Engineering Materials 462-463:1032-1037.
- Abdykhalykov, S.D., Dosmukhamedov, T.Kh. and Smagulov, T.A. 1977. Soil wind erosion in the area of low rounded, isolated hills in the Pavlodar Region. Izvestiia Akademii nauk Kazakhskoi SSR. Seriia biologicheskaia (6):50-54. (in Russian)
- Abe, O., Kosugi, K., Sato, T., Mochizuki, S., Xu Junrong, Liu Mingzhe, Satoru Yamaguchi and Wei Wenshou. 2005. Aeolian dust transportation on fine days over the slopes in mountainous areas around the Taklimakan Desert, China. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan A 83(3):19-30. (in English)
- Abe, O., Wei Wenshou, Mikami, M., Kosugi, K., Xu Junrong, Sato, T., Liu Mingzhe, Shimizu, M. and Sato, A. 2005. Local circulation with aeolian dust on the slopes and foot areas of the Tianshan and Kunlun Mountains around the Taklimakan Desert, China. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus 5(3-6):3-13, doi:10.1007/s11267-005-0723-2
- Abe, S.S., Oyediran, G.O., Masunaga, T., Yamamoto, S., Honna, T. and Wakatsuki, T. 2009. Soil development and fertility characteristics of inland valleys in the rain forest zone of Nigeria: mineralogical composition and particle-size distribution. Pedosphere 19(4):505-514. (Note: dust in soil)
- Abed, A.M., Al Kuisi, M. and Khair, H.A. 2009. Characterization of the khamaseen (spring) dust in Jordan. Atmospheric Environment 43(18):2868-2876.
- Abed, R.M.M., Ramette, A., Hubner, V., DeDeckker, P. and DeBeer, D. 2012. Microbial diversity of eolian dust sources from saline lake sediments and biological soil crusts in arid Southern Australia. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 80(2):294-304.
- Abeels, P.F.J. 1976. Air cushion vehicles and soil erosion. Journal of Terramechanics 13(4):201-210.
- Abegg, F.E. 1992. Lithostratigraphy, depositional environments, and sequence stratigraphy of the St. Louis and Ste. Geneviève Limestones (Upper Mississippian) southwestern Kansas. Doctoral thesis, University of Kansas, Lawrence, 319 pp. (Note: aeolianites/calcarenites)
- Abegg, F.E. 1994. Lithostratigraphy of the Hugoton and Stevens members of the St. Louis Limestone and the Ste. Genevieve Limestone (Upper Mississippian), southwestern Kansas. In: Baars, D.L. (comp.) Revision of stratigraphic nomenclature in Kansas. Bulletin (Kansas Geological Survey) No. 230, pp. 39-66. (Note: aeolian sandstones)
- Abegg, F.E. and Handford, C.R. 2001. Deflation origin of Mississippian carbonate eolianites, southwestern Kansas, U.S.A. In: Abegg, F.E., Harris, P.M. and Loope, D.B. (eds), Modern and ancient carbonate eolianites; sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, and diagenesis, AAPG/SSG Annual Meeting 1998, Salt Lake City, Utah, Society for Sedimentary Geology, Special Publication 71, pp. 183-204.
- Abegg, F.E., Harris, P.M. and Loope, D.B. (eds). 2001. Modern and ancient carbonate eolianites; sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, and diagenesis. AAPG/SSG Annual Meeting 1998, Salt Lake City, Utah, Society for Sedimentary Geology, Special Publication 71, 214 pp. (Reviewed by Wright, P. 2004, Geological Magazine 141(1):101-102; Precht, W.F. 2003. Carbonates and Evaporites 18(2):175-176.)
- Abel, N., Jaenicke, R., Kauter, P., Prieto, R.G. and Seiler, W. 1969. Luftchemische Studien am Observatorium Izaña (Teneriffa) (Atmospheric-chemical study at the Izaña Observatory (Tenerife). Meteorologische Rundschau 22(6):158-167. (in German) (keyword: saline dust)
- Abel, O. 1902. Ueber sternförmige Erosionssculpturen auf Wüstengeröllen (On star-shaped erosional forms on desert gravels). Jahrbuch der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt, Wien (1901) 51(1):25-40. (in German)
- Abels, H.F. 1905. Sur une chute de poussières d'Afrique dans le gouvernement de Perm, le 12 mars 1901 (On a fall of dust in the government of Perm, Africa, 12 March 1901). Bulletin de la Société ouralienne d'amateurs des sciences naturelles (Ekaterinburg) 25:1-5. (in Russian)
- Aben, L.K. 2003. Compositional and thermophysical analysis of Martian aeolian dunes. Master's thesis, Arizona State University, 117 pp.
- Abercromby, R. 1890. Observations on the motion of dust as illustrative of the circulation of the atmosphere and of the development of certain cloud forms. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 16(74):119-126.
- Aberg, U., Cipolloni, C., De Orefice, M. and Graciotti, R. 2007. Parametri morfometrici come supporto all'analisi dei depositi eolici dell'isola d'Elba (Morphometric parameters to aid aeolian deposit analysis at Elba Island). In: DeDonatis, M. and Sterlacchini, S. (eds), Atti della 1a riunione del Gruppo di Geologia e Informatica (GIT), pp. 79-80. (in Italian)
- Aberkan, M. and Legigan, P. 1984. Les dunes littorales Quaternaires dans le Rharb méridional, étude sédimentologique (Quaternary coastal dunes in southern Rharb, sedimentological study). Bulletin de l'Institut de Géologie du bassin d'Aquitaine 35:31-44. (in French)
- Abichandri, C.T. and Roy, B.B. 1966. Rajasthan Desert, its origin and amelioration. The Indian Geographical Journal, Madras 41(3-4):35-43.
- Abini, F.A. 1981. A phenomenological model for wind speed and shear stress in vegetation cover layers. Journal of Applied Meteorology 20(22):1325-1335. (keyword: shelter)
- Abish, B. and Mohanakumar, K. 2012. A stochastic model for predicting aerosol optical depth over the north Indian region. International Journal of Remote Sensing 34(4):1449-1458.
- Aboaziza, A.H. 1981. Characterization of sulfur-asphalt-dune sand paving mixtures. Doctoral thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson, 350 pp.
- Abobakr, A., Ali, A. and Alhaider, M. 1987. Airborne dust size analysis for tropospheric propagation of millimetric waves into dust storms. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 25(5):593-599.
- Abohassan, A.A. 1976. Sand stabilization by afforestation in Al-Hassa Oasis, Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis, Michigan State University, East Lansing, 124 pp.
- Abohassan, A.A. and Rudolph, V.J. 1978. Afforestation for sand dune stabilisation in Al Hasa Oasis, Saudi Arabia. In: Hyder, D.N. (ed), Proceedings of the 1st International Rangeland Congress, Society of Range Management, Denver, Colorado, pp. 257-259.
- Abolkhair, Y.M.S. 1981. Sand encroachment by wind in Al-Hasa of Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis, Indiana University, Bloomington, 214 pp.
- Abolkhair, Y.M.S. 1986. The statistical analysis of the sand grain size distribution of Al-Ubay-lah barchan dunes, northwestern Ar-Rub-Alkhali Desert, Saudi Arabia. GeoJournal 13(2):103-109.
- Abouchami, W., Goldstein, S. L., Galer, S. J. G., Eisenhauer, A. and Mangini, A. 1997. Secular changes of lead and neodymium in Central Pacific seawater recorded by a Fe-Mn crust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61(18):3957-3974, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(97)00218-4 (keyword: dust)
- Abouchami, W., Naethe, K., Kumar, A., Galer, S.J.G., Jochum, K.P., Williams, E., Horbe, A.M.C., Rosa, J.W.C., Balsam, W., Adams, D., Mezger, K. and Andreae, M.O. 2013. Geochemical and isotopic characterization of the Bodélé Depression dust source and implications for transatlantic dust transport to the Amazon Basin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 380:112-123, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.08.028
- Abouguendia, Z.M. 1981. Athabasca sand dunes in Saskatchewan. Ottawa: Mackenzie River Basin Committee, Study Report, Supplement 7, Appendices A-g, 335 pp.
- About, E. 1864. Le progrès (Progress, Chapter 7 discusses dunes). Paris: Librairie Hachette et cie., 489 pp. (in French)
- Abrahamse, J. and Wodstra, A. 1990. Duinen en beweging (Dunes and movement). Harlingen: Landelijke Vereniging tot Behoud van de Waddenzee, 112 pp. (in Dutch)
- Abrahamsson, K.V. 1972. Landforms of southern Saskatchewan. In: Paul, A.H., Dale, E.H. and Schlichtmann, H. (eds), Southern Prairies Field Excursion Background Papers. Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan, Regina, pp. 151-195. (keyword: palaeodunes)
- Abramov, R.V. 1971. Pyl' v atmosfere nad Atlanticheskim okeanom (Atmospheric dust over the Atlantic Ocean). In: Usloviya sedimentatsii v Atlanticheskom okeane (Rezul'taty issledovaniy po Mezhdunarodnym geofizicheskim proyektam). Akademii Nauk SSSR, Mezhduved. Geofiz Kom., Moscow, pp. 7-30. (in Russian with English summary, translated into English by Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1972, OCLC No. 13621519, 26 pp.)
- Abrantes, F. 2003. A 340,000 year continental climate record from tropical Africa - news from opal phytoliths from the equatorial Atlantic. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 209(1-2):165-179. (Note: dust in marine sediments)
- Abrard, R. 1930. Note sur les sables de Cadeuil (Charente-Inférieur) (Note on sands in Cadeuil, Charente-Inférieur). Compte rendu sommaire des Séances de la Société géologique de France (3-4):21-22. (in French)
- Abrosimov, I.K., Vostokova, Ye.A. and Viktorov, S.V. 1966. Sand landscape of Kashkar-Ata and Kyzdar-Shikkar (Kazakhstan) and their hydro-indicative value. Izvestiia Vsesoiuznogo geograficheskogo obshchestva (4):274-278. (in Russian) (Note: aeolian sands)
- Abtew, W., Gregory, J.M. and Borelli, J. 1989. Wind profile estimation of displacement height and aerodynamic roughness. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 32(2):521-527.
- Abu Bakr, M. 1963. Physiography of the Changai-Kharan Region, West Pakistan. Pakistan Geographical Review 18(2):1-12. (keyword: dunes)
- Abu-Allaban, M., Hamasha, S. and Gertler, A. 2006. Road dust resuspension in the vicinity of limestone quarries in Jordan. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 56(10):1440-1444.
- Abu-Eid, R., El-Sayed, M. and Salman, A.S. 1983. Field and laboratory investigation of sand dune deposits in north-east and north-west of Kuwait. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, xx pp.
- Abu-Eid, R.M., Ibrahim, M. and Salman, A. 1981.Variation of chemical composition of Kuwaiti sand with grain size. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Annual Research Report - 1981, pp. 250-251.
- Abu-Zeid, M.M., Baghdady, A.R. and El-Etr, H.A. 2001. Textural attributes, mineralogy and provenance of sand dune fields in the greater Al Ain area, United Arab Emirates. Journal of Arid Environments 48(4):475-499.
- Abuduwanli, J. and Mu Guijin. 2006. Eolian factor in the process of modern salt accumulation in western Dzungaria, China. Eurasian Soil Science 39(4):367-376. (in English) (Note: saline dust)
- Abuduwanli, J., Gabchenko, M.V. and Xu Junrong 2008. Eolian transport of salts - A case study in the area of Lake Ebinur (Xinjiang, Northwest China). Journal of Arid Environments 72(10):1843-1852, doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2008.05.006 (Note: saline dust)
- Abuodha, J.O.Z. 2003. Grain size distribution and composition of modern dune and beach sediments, Malindi Bay coast, Kenya. Journal of African Earth Sciences 36(1-2):41-54.
- Abuzar, M. and Al-Ghunaim, I. 1997. Spatial disaggregation of spectral data for haze assessment in an arid environment. International Journal of Remote Sensing 18(8):1693-1702. (keyword: dust)
- Abuzeid, H.M.A. 2012. Mapping and assessment of wind erosion in Central Northern State, Sudan. Doctoral thesis, University of Khartoum, Desertification and Desert Cultivation Studies Institute, xx pp. (in English?)
- Academia Sinica, Lanzhou Institute of Desert Research. 1977. The Great Green Walls of China. The Unesco Courier 30(July):32-33.
- Academia Sinica, Sand Control Group. 1958. Sha-mo ti-chu ti tsung-ho tiao-cha yen-chiu pao-kao: 1-2 (A report on the coordinated research on the desert regions. 1-2). Scientific Publications Society, Peiping. United States Department of Commerce, Joint Publications Research Service, JPRS 18.658 and 18.178, 108 pp. (in Chinese, English translation) (abstract in Busche et al. 1984)
- Academia Sinica, Sand Control Group. 1962. Chi-sha yen-chiu: 3 (Sand control research 3). United States Department of Commerce, Joint Publications Research Service, JPRS 19.993, 203 pp. (in Chinese, English translation) (abstract in Busche et al. 1984)
- Academia Sinica, Sand Control Group. 1962. Sand control research 4. United States Department of Commerce, Joint Publications Research Service, JPRS 20.938, 278 pp. (in Chinese, English translation) (abstract in Busche et al. 1984)
- Academia Sinica. 1978. Desert transformation in China - summing-up of masses' experiences in sand control. Scientia Sinica 21(2):251-278. (in English)
- Accorsi, C.A., Aitken, M.J., Cremaschi, M., Ferraris, M., McElroy, C., Questiaux, D. and Van-Vliet-Lanoëe, B. 1990. The loess deposits of the Rivoli moraine system. In: Cremaschi, M. (ed), The loess in northern and central Italy; a loess basin between the Alps and the Mediterranean region (guidebook to the excursion in northern and central Italy, September-October 1988). Pubblicazione, Dipartimento de Scienze della Terra dell'Universita degli Studi Milano. Sezione di Geologia e Paleontologia. Nuova Serie. 602, pp. 21-39. (first page reproduced in Loess Letter 25:19)
- Accorsi, C.A., Baroni, C., Carton, A., Cremaschi, M., Filippi, N., Magnani, P., Maggi, W. and Nisbet, R. 1990. The loess at the Apennine fringe. In: Cremaschi, M. (ed), The loess in northern and central Italy; a loess basin between the Alps and the Mediterranean region (guidebook to the excursion in northern and central Italy, September-October 1988). Pubblicazione, Dipartimento de Scienze della Terra dell'Universita degli Studi Milano. Sezione di Geologia e Paleontologia. Nuova Serie, 602 pp. 73-101. (first page reproduced in Loess Letter 25:22)
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- Adams, H.H. 1943. Wind blown oil sands. Bulletin of the Texas Archaeological and Paleontological Society 15:105-107.
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- Adams, L. 2006. Sequence and mechanical stratigraphy: an integrated reservoir characterization of the Weber Sandstone, western Colorado. Doctoral thesis, University of Texas at El Paso, 135 pp. (Note: Geological characterization of aeolian sediments)
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- Adeyefa, Z.D. and Adedokun, J.A. 1991. Pyrheliometric determination of atmospheric turbidity in the harmattan season over Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Renewable Energy 1(3-4):555-566. (Note: dust)
- Adeyefa, Z.D. and Balogun, E.E. 2003. Wavelength dependence of aerosol optical depth and the fit of the Ångström law. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 74(1-2):105-122.
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- Adeyefa, Z.D., Holmgren, B. and Adedokun, J.A. 1995. Spectral solar irradiance under Harmattan conditions. Renewable Energy 6(8):989-996. (Note: dust)
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- Adrianov, S.N. 1970. On simultaneous preventive effect of forest belts and agricultural practices. Nauchnye osnovy zashchitnoe lesorazvedeniia ego eff, pp. 231-237. (in Russian) (keyword: shelter)
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- Adushkin, V.V. and Solov'ev, S.P. 1994. About calculation method of dust pollution of atmosphere from electric field intensity measurements. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh (4):80-88. (in Russian)
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- Adylkhodzhayev, A.I., Moshvina, E.I. and Fazilov, T.I. 1980. A promising preparation against erosion of sandy soils. Lesnoe Khoziaistvo (8):33-34. (in Russian)
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- Afeti, G.M., Resch, F.J. and Sunnu, A.K. 1998. Size and number distributions of the harmattan dust aerosol in Central Ghana. Journal of Aerosol Science 29(Supplement 1):173-174. (Note: dust)
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- Agarwal, K.B. and Ram, B.S. 1981. Sand stabilization by use of urea-formaldehyde resin binder. Transactions of the Indian Society of Desert Technology, University Centre of Desert Studies 6(2);61-65. (keyword: fixation)
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- Agassiz, A. 1898. The Florida elevated reef. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College (1895-1898) 28:29-51. (Note: Discusses æolian rocks)
- Agassiz, L. 1869. Report upon deep-sea dredgings in the Gulf Stream. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College (1863-1869) 1:363-386. (in English)
- Agassiz, L.J.R. 1841. Animals found in red snow. Report of the Tenth Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science; held at Glasgow in August 1840, Notices and Abstracts of Communications, Zoology and Botany, p. 143. (Note: Infusoria in snow)
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- Agatston, R.S.1952. Tensleep formation of the Big Horn Basin. Wyoming Geological Association, Guidebook, 7th Annual Field Conference, pp. 44-48. (Note: aeolian sandstone)
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- Alexandrowicz, S.W. and Łanczont, M. 1995. Loess and alluvia in the Krzeczkowski Stream valley in Przemysl environs (SE Poland). Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Lublin, Sectio B, 50:29-50. (in English)
- Alexandrowicz, S.W. and Lindner, L. 1997. Lessy i holocenskie osady deluwialne w Kamieniu lebanskim kolo Sandomierza (Loess and Holocene hillwash deposits in Kamien Plebanski near Sandomierz). Geologia (Warszawa) 23(1):29-43. (in Polish with English abstract)
- Alexandrowicz, S.W. and Lindner, L. 2001. Lessy i osady deluwialne w Kamieniu Plebanskim koło Sandomierza (Loess and alluvial deposits in Kamien Plebanski near Sandomierz). In: Maruszczak, H. (ed), Podstawowe profile lessow w Polsce (Main loess profiles of Poland), Wydawnictwo Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Lublin, pp. 101-103. (in Polish with English summary)
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- Alfaro, S.C. 1994. Caractérisation de l'écoulement obtenu dans la veine d'étude d'une soufflerie: application à l'étude de la partition de la contrainte aérodynamique exercée sur un sol parsemé d'éléments non érodables (Characterization of the flow obtained in the vein of study of a wind tunnel: application to the study of the partition of the aerodynamic constraint exerted on a ground strewn with non-erodible elements). Rapport de DEA Chimie de la Pollution Atmosphérique et Physique de l'Environnement, Université de Paris VII, 30 pp. (in French)
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- Amsbury, D.L., Helfert, M.R., Lulla, K.P., Brumbaugh, F.R., Ackleson, S., Chambers, M., Evans, C., Helms, D.R., Wilkinson, M.J. and Blaha, J. 1992. Earth observations on Space Shuttle Flight 43 - It was a dirty world. Geocarto International 7(2):63-80.
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- Amundson, R., Dietrich, W., Bellugi, D., Ewing, S., Nishiizumi, K., Chong, G., Owen, J., Finkel, R., Heimsath, A., Stewart, B. and Caffee, M. 2012. Geomorphologic evidence for the late Pliocene onset of hyperaridity in the Atacama Desert. Geological Society of America Bulletin 124(7-8):1048-1070. (Note: palaeoaeolian sand)
- Amusan, A.A., Olayinka, A. and Oyedele, D.J. 2005. Genesis, classification, and management requirements of soils formed in windblown material in the Guinea Savanna area of Nigeria. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 36(15):2015-2031. (keyword: loess)
- An Chengbang, Chen Fahu and Barton, L. 2005. Holocene environmental changes in Mongolia: A review. Global and Planetary Change 63(4):283-289. (in English) (Note: discusses eolian sediment records)
- An Chengbang, Feng Zhaodong and Tang Lingyu. 2004. Environmental change and cultural response between 8000 and 4000 cal. yr BP in the western Loess Plateau, northwest China. Journal of Quaternary Science 19(6):529-535.
- An Chengbang, Zhao Jiaju, Tao Shichen, Lv Yanbin, Dong Weimiao, Li Hu, Jin Ming and Wang Zongli. 2011. Dust variation recorded by lacustrine sediments from arid Central Asia since ~15 cal ka BP and its implication for atmospheric circulation. Quaternary Research 75(3):566-573, doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2010.12.015
- An Fuyuan, Ma Haizhou, Wei Haicheng and Lai Zhongping. 2012. Distinguishing aeolian signature from lacustrine sediments of the Qaidam Basin in northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its palaeoclimatic implications. Aeolian Research 4:17-30, doi:10.1016/j.aeolia.2011.12.004
- An Lei and Huang Ning. 2011. Numerical simulation of sampling efficiency in a sand trap. Zhongguo sha mo (Journal of Desert Research) 31(3):632-638. (in Chinese with English abstract)
- An Yuegai, Liu Xuefeng and Li Yuanhua. 2004. Analysis on the climate change characteristics of blowing sands in the Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei regions. Gan han qu yan jiu (Arid Zone Research) 21(2):104-107. (in Chinese)
- An Yuegai, Liu Xuefeng and Zhang Mei. 2004. Characteristics of climate change of dust-storms in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei region. Huan jing ke xue yan jiu (Research of Environmental Sciences) 17(3):21-24. (in Chinese)
- An Zhisheng (ed). 2014. Late Cenozoic climate change in Asia: loess, monsoon and monsoon-arid environment evolution. Developments in Palaeoenvironmental Research 16, 521 pp. ISBN: 9400778163 9789400778160
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- An Zhisheng and Porter, S.C. 1997. Millennial-scale climatic oscillations during the last interglaciation in central China. Geology 25(7):603-606. (in English) (Note: loess chronology)
- An Zhisheng and Xiao Jule. 1990. Study on the eolian dust flux over the Loess Plateau - an example. Chinese Science Bulletin (Ke xue tong bao. English) 35(19):1627-1631. (in English)
- An Zhisheng and Xiao Jule. 1990. Study on the eolian dust flux over the Loess Plateau - an example. Ke xue tong bao (Chinese Science Bulletin) 35(2):220-223. (in Chinese)
- An Zhisheng, Bowler, J.M., Opdyke, N.D., Macumber, P.G. and Firman, J.B. 1986. Palaeomagnetic stratigraphy of Lake Bungunnia: Plio-Pleistocene precursor of aridity in the Murray Basin, southeastern Australia. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 54(1-4):219-239. (in English) (Note: dunes)
- An Zhisheng, Colman, S.M., Zhou Weijian, Li Xiaoqiang, Brown, E.T., Jull, A.J.T., Cai Yanjun, Huang Yongsong, Lu Xuefeng, Chang Hong, Song Yougui, Sun Youbin, Xu Hai, Liu Weiguo, Jin Zhangdong, Liu Xiaodong, Cheng Peng, Liu Yu, Ai Li, Li Xiangzhong, Liu Xiuju, Yan Libin, Shi Zhengguo, Wang Xulong, Wu Feng, Qiang Xiaoke, Dong Jibao, Lu Fengyan and Xu Xinwen. 2012. Interplay between the Westerlies and Asian monsoon recorded in Lake Qinghai sediments since 32 ka. Scientific Reports 2:619, doi:10.1038/srep00619 (in English) (keyword: palaeodust)
- An Zhisheng, Kukla, G., Porter, S.C. and Xiao Jule. 1991. Late Quaternary dust flow on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Catena 18(2):125-132. (in English)
- An Zhisheng, Kukla, G., Porter, S.C. and Xiao Jule. 1991. Magnetic susceptibility evidence of monsoon variation on the Loess Plateau of central China during the last 130 000 years. Quaternary Research 36(1):29-36. (in English) (Note: loess chronology)
- An Zhisheng, Liu Tungsheng and Kukla, G. 1989. Loess stratigraphy in central China. In: Sun Shu and Li Zengquan (eds), Developments in geoscience; contributions to the 28th International Geological Congress, Beijing: Science Press, p. 329-340. (in English)
- An Zhisheng, Liu Tungsheng, Kan Xiaofeng, Sun Jianzong, Wang Junda, Kao, Wanyi, Zhu Yizhi and Wei Mingyian 1987. Loess paleosol sequences and chronology at Lantian Man localities. In: Liu Tungsheng (ed), Aspects of loess research. Beijing: China Ocean Press, pp. 192-203. (in English)
- An Zhisheng, Liu Tungsheng, Lu Yanchou, Porter, S.C., Kukla, G., Wu Xihao and Hua Yingming. 1990. The long-term paleomonsoon variation recorded by the loess-paleosol sequence in central China. In: Pécsi, M. and Lóczy, D. (eds), Loess and the palaeoenvironment, Quaternary International 7-8:91-95. (in English)
- An Zhisheng, Liu Tungsheng, Zhou Yishi, Sun Fuqing and Ding Zhongli. 1988. A prominent climatic optimum during the last 1.2 million years; records in China loess plateau. In: Whyte, P., Aigner, J.S., Jablonski, N.G., Taylor, G., Walker, D. and Wang Pin-xian (eds), The paleoenvironment of East Asia from the mid-Tertiary. University of Hong Kong, Centre of Asian Studies, Occasional Papers and Monographs 77(1-2):414-420. (in English)
- An Zhisheng, Liu Tungsheng, Zhou Yizhi, Sun Fuqing and Ding Zhongli. 1987. The paleosol complex S5 in the China Loess Plateau — A record of climatic optimum during the last 1.2 Ma. In: Pécsi, M. (ed), Studies in the distribution, origin, subdivision of loess and related deposits, Special Issue 2, 12th International Congress on Quaternary (INQUA), Ottawa 1987. Geojournal 15(2):140-144
- An Zhisheng, Lu Yanchou and Wei Lanying. 1982. A preliminary study of soil stratigraphy in the Luochan Loess Section. Wasson, R.J. (ed), In: Quaternary Dust Mantles of China , New Zealand and Australia, Proceedings of a workshop, Canberra, Australian National University, pp. 31-44.
- An Zhisheng, Porter, S.C., Zhou Weijian, Lu Yanchou, Donahue, D.J., Head, M.J., Wu Xihuo, Ren Jianzhang and Zheng Hongbo. 1993. Episode of strengthened summer monsoon climate of Younger Dryas age on the Loess Plateau of central China. Quaternary Research 39(1):45-54. (in English)
- An Zhisheng, Sun Donghuai, Chen Mingyang, Sun Youbin, Li Li and Chen Baoqun. 2000. Red clay sequences in the Chinese Loess Plateau and paleoclimate events of the upper Tertiary. Di si ji yan jiu (Quaternary Sciences) 20(5):435-446. (in Chinese with English abstract)
- An Zhisheng, Sun Donghuai, Zhang Xiaoye, Zhou Weijian, Porter, S.-C., Chappell, J. and Shackleton, N.J. 1994. Accumulation sequence of the Luo River Sichuan loess and climatic records of Greenland ice core during the last 130 ka. Ke xue tong bao (Chinese Science Bulletin) 39(24):2254-2256. (in Chinese)
- An Zhisheng, Sun Donghuai, Zhang Xiaoye, Zhou Weijian, Porter, S.-C., Shaw-J and Zhang Daizhou. 1995. Accumulation sequence of Chinese loess and climatic records of Greenland ice core during the last 130 ka. Chinese Science Bulletin (Ke xue tong bao. English) 40(15):1272-1276. (in English)
- An Zhisheng, Wang Junda and Li Huamei. 1977. Palaeomagnetic research of the Lochuan loess section. Di qiu hua xue (Geochimica) (4):239-249. (in Chinese)
- An Zhisheng, Wang Sumin, Wu Xihao, Chen Mingyang, Sun Donghuai, Liu Xiuming, Wang Fubao, Li Li, Sun Youbin, Zhou Weijian, Zhou Jie, Liu Xiaodong, Lu Huayu, Zhang Yunxiang, Dong Guangrong and Qiang Xiaoke. 1999. Eolian evidence from the Chinese Loess Plateau: the onset of the Late Cenozoic great glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere and Qinghai-Xizang Plateau uplift forcing. Science in China D (English version) 42(3):258-271. (in English)
- An Zhisheng, Wu Xihao, Wang Pinxian, Wang Sumin, Dong Guangrong, Sun Xiangjun, Zhang Deren, Lu Yanchou, Zhen Zhaohua and Zhao Songling. 1991. Changes in the monsoon and associated environmental changes in China since the last interglacial. In: Liu Tungsheng, Ding Zhongli and Guo Zhengtang (eds), Loess, environment and global change, XIII INQUA Congress, Beijing: Science Press, pp. 1-29. (in Chinese)
- An Zhisheng. 1998. Huang t'u Huang-ho wen hua. Cheng-chou shih: Huang-ho shui li ch'u pan she, 259 pp. (in Chinese) (keyword: loess)
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- Ananev (Anan'yev, Anan'ev), G.S. and Vashchalova, T.V. 1975. Nablyudeniya za eolovymi protsessami v Karpatakh (Observations of eolian processes in the Carpathians). Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriia V: Geografiia (5):105-107. (in Russian)
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- Ananev (Anan'yev, Anan'ev), V.P. 1956. The mineralogical composition of the loess rock of the Stavropol region (north Caucasus). Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 110(6):1079-1082. (in Russian)
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- Ananev (Anan'yev, Anan'ev), V.P. 1964. K voprosu o sostave kolloidno lessov rainoa Zaporozh'ya (On the question of colloidal dispersed minerals of loess in the Zaporozhe area). Uchenye Zapiski, Rostovskiki n/D Universiata 23(5):xx-yy. (in Russian)
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- Ananev (Anan'yev, Anan'ev), V.P. 1964. Rentgenograficheskie issledovaniya lessovykh porod odnogo iz razrezov v basseine nizhnego dona. Izvestiia Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Geologiia i Razvedka (2):99-105. (in Russian) (keyword: loess)
- Ananev (Anan'yev, Anan'ev), V.P. 1967. Tipomorfnyye mineraly lessovykh porod yugo-vostoka Russkoy platformy i Predkavkaz'ya (Typical minerals of loess in the southeast Russian platform and Caucasian foreland). Izvestiia Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Geologiia i Razvedka (3):98-102. (in Russian)
- Ananev (Anan'yev, Anan'ev), V.P. 1967. Vysokodispersnyye mineraly lessovykh porod yugo-vostoka Russkoy platformy i Predkavkaz'ya (Finely dispersed minerals of loess in the southeast Russian platform and Caucasian foreland). Biulleten' Komissii po izucheniiu chetvertichnogo perioda 34:77-86. (in Russian)
- Ananev (Anan'yev, Anan'ev), V.P. 2004. Lessovyye obrazovaniya na zemnom share (Loesses on the globe). Geoekologiia (Moskva) (1):27-32. (in Russian)
- Ananev (Anan'yev, Anan'ev), V.P. and Mozgovoy, O.I. 1971. Stratigrafiya lessovykh otlozheniy Dagestanskoy predgornoy ravniny (Stratigraphy of loess deposits of the Dagestan foothill plain). Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Earth Sciences Section 196(5):1159-1162. (in Russian)
- Ananev (Anan'yev, Anan'ev), V.P. and Mozgovoy, O.I. 1972. Loess stratigraphy of the Dagestan piedmont plain. Transactions (Doklady) of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Earth Sciences Section 196(1-6):96-99. (in English)
- Anantram, T.P. 1947-48. Sand dunes in Rameswaram Island. Journal of the Institution of Civil Engineers 30(5):87-92. (paper 5582)
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- Anders, F.J. and Leatherman, S.P. 1987. Effects of off-road vehicles on coastal foredunes at Fire Island, New York, USA. Environmental Management 11(1):45-52, doi:10.1007/BF01867178
- Andersen, C.C. 1861. Om Klitformationen of Klittens Behandling og Bestyrelse. Kjøbenhavn, 390 pp. (in Danish) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Andersen, H.C. 1963. En Historie fra klitterne, med tegninger af Thomas Havning. Kjøbenhavn: Nordlundes Bogtrykkeri, 57 pp. (in Danish) (Note: Hans Christian; coastal dunes)
- Andersen, K.K. and Ditlevsen, P.D. 1998. Glacial/interglacial variations of meridional transport and washout of dust: A one-dimensional model. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 103(D8):8955-8962.
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- Andersen, P.Chr. 1943. Laeplantnings-Bogen. 5th Edition, Viborg: Dansk Hedeselskabet, 94 pp. (in Danish) (keyword: shelter)
- Andersen, S.A. 1935. En forekomst af løss-lignende finsand ved Hornborg vest for Horsens (An occurrence of loess-like fine sand near Hornborg west of Horsens). Meddelelser fra Dansk Geologisk Förening, København (Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark) 8(5):477-479. (in Danish)
- Andersen, S.A. 1963. Geologisk fører over Holmsland og dens klit. København, Populaervid̀enskabeligt Forlag, 134 pp. (in Danish) (Note: coastal sand dunes)
- Andersen, S.V.Th., De Vries, H.I. and Zagwijn, W.H. 1960. Climatic change and radiocarbon dating in the Weischelian loess of Denmark and the Netherlands. Geologie en Mijnbouw (Netherlands Journal of Geosciences) 22(2):38-42. (in English)
- Andersen, T., Saeed, A., Gabrielsen, R.H. and Olaussen, S. 2011. Provenance characteristics of the Brumunddal sandstone in the Oslo Rift derived from U-Pb, Lu-Hf and trace element analyses of detrital zircons by laser ablation ICMPS. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift (Norwegian Journal of Geography) 91(1-2):1-18. (Note: Aeolian sandstones)
- Anderson, A., Roberts, R., Dickinson, W., Clark, G., Burley, D., de Biran, A., Hope, G. and Nunn, P. 2006. Times of sand: Sedimentary history and archaeology at the Sigatoka Dunes, Fiji. Geoarchaeology 21(2):131-154, doi:10.1002/gea.20094 (Note: coastal dunes)
- Anderson, A.D. 1969. Dust in the lower atmosphere of Venus. Science 163(3864):275-276.
- Anderson, A.K. 2000. New models for loess deposition and soil development in southwestern Indiana. Master's thesis, Indiana University at Bloomington, 55 pp.
- Anderson, A.L. 1941. Physiographic subdivisions of the Columbia Plateau in Idaho. Journal of Geomorphology 4(3):206-222. (in English)
- Anderson, B.W. 1969. Windbreaks and cover crops in cotton country. Soil Conservation 34(12):288.
- Anderson, C.H. 1971. A case study of soil erosion in the Palliser Triangle in central Canada. Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Research Station, Research Branch, Canada Agriculture, 24 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anderson, C.H. 1975. A history of soil erosion by wind in the Palliser Triangle of western Canada. Ottawa: Canada Department of Agriculture, Research Branch, Historical Series 8, 25 pp.
- Anderson, C.H. and Bisal, F. 1969. Snow cover effects on the erodible fraction. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 49(3):287-296. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
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- Anderson, C.P. 1947. Soil murder on the Plains; a great empire of grass goes under the plow along a 1300 mile front, setting the stage for a new Dust Bowl. Country Gentleman 117(9):83-85, 87, 88. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anderson, D.T. (chairman) and Committee. 1966. Soil erosion by wind: cause, damage, control. Ottawa: Canada Department of Agriculture, Publication no. 1266 DA, 26 pp. (Second edition 1982)
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- Anderson, F.S. 1998. Numerical modeling of tectonic and aeolian processes on Mars. Doctoral thesis, Arizona State University, Tempe, 255 pp.
- Anderson, F.S., Greeley, R., Xu P., Lo E., Blumberg, D.G., Haberle, R.M. and Murphy, J.R. 1999. Assessing the Martian surface distribution of aeolian sand using a Mars general circulation model. Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets 104(E8):18991-19002.
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- Anderson, J.R. and Buseck, P.R. 1998. Special examples of applications of mineralogy and geochemistry to environmental problems; atmospheric dust. In: Marfunin, A.S. (ed), Mineral matter in space, mantle, ocean floor, biosphere, environmental management, and jewelry. Advanced Mineralogy 5(3):300-312.
- Anderson, J.R., Buseck, P.R., Patterson, T.L. and Arimoto, R. 1996. Characterization of the Bermuda tropospheric aerosol by combined individual-particle and bulk-aerosol analysis. Atmospheric Environment 30(2):319-338). (keyword: dust)
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- Anderson, K., Wells, S. and Graham, R. 2002. Pedogenesis of vesicular horizons, Cima Volcanic Field, Mojave Desert, California. Soil Science Society of America Journal 66(3):878-887. (Note: dust in soil)
- Anderson, K.C. 1999. Processes of vesicular horizon development and desert pavement formation on basalt flows of the Cima Volcanic Field and alluvial fans of the Avawatz Mountains Piedmont, Mojave Desert, California. Doctoral thesis, University of California, Riverside, 191 pp. (Note: dust in soil)
- Anderson, O.J. and Lucas, S.G. 1884. Middle Jurassic stratigraphy, sedimentation and paleogeography in the Southwestern United States. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 17, pp. 255-264. (Note: aeolian sandstone)
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- Anderson, R.F., Fleisher, M.Q. and Lao, Y. 2006. Glacial-interglacial variability in the delivery of dust to the central equatorial Pacific Ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 242(3-4):406-414, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2005.11.061
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- Annand, J.F. 1928. Progress of forestry work on the Culbin sands, Morayshire. Scottish Forestry Journal 42:8-13.
- Annegarn, H.J., van Grieken, R.E., Bibby, D.M., Von Blottnitz, F. 1983. Background aerosol composition in the Namib Desert, South West Africa (Namibia). Atmospheric Environment 17(10):2045-2053.
- Annegarn, H.J., van Grieken, R.E., Winchester, J.W., Sellschop, J.F.P. and von Blottnitz, F. 1979. Background aerosol concentrations for the Namib -Atlantic interface. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Air Pollution, Pretoria (CSIR), 22.-25.10. Vol. IV (6):1-18. (keyword: dust)
- Anno, Y. 1984. Requirements for modeling of a snowdrift. Cold Regions Science and Technology 8(3):241-252. (Note: dune forms)
- Anno, Y. 1985. Froude number paradoxes in the modelling of a snowdrift. Cold Regions Science and Technology 10(2):191-192. (Note: dune forms)
- Anno, Y. 1985. Supplement to Anno's modelling condition for a snowdrift. Cold Regions Science and Technology 10(2):193-195. (Note: dune forms)
- Anno, Y. 1990. Froude number paradoxes in the modelling of a snowdrift. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 36(1-3):889-891. (Note: dune forms)
- Anno, Y. and Tomabechi, T. 1985. Development of a snowdrift in a wind tunnel. Cold Regions Science and Technology 10(2):153-161. (Note: dune forms)
- Anonymous. 1683. Der entsetzliche Wunder-Regen; Gröte Denk wurdigkeiten der Welt oder sogenannte (The terrible miracle rain). Relationes Curiosae (Hamburg) 1(1, 77):610-612. (in German) (keyword: dust).
- Anonymous. 1706. Beobachtungen über den Samum oder Samyel (Observations on the Samum or Samyel). Magazin für das Neueste aus der Physik und Naturgeschichte, Gotha 4(3):38-45. (in German, Fraktur script) (Note: dust winds)
- Anonymous. 1714. Wunderregen in Betrachtungen der geheimen Natur (Miracle rain in views of secret nature). 8vo. Berlin. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1788. Über den Samum oder Samyel (On the simoon or semayel). Magazin für das Neueste aus der Physik und Naturgeschichte, Gotha (3):108-111. (in German) (keyword: dust)
- Anonymous. 1800s. Map of sand dunes near mouth of Siuslaw River, Oregon. Washington DC: United States Coast Survey; 1 map. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Anonymous. 1801. Travaux des dunes. Procès-verbal de visite de l'embouchure de la Gironde, relativement à la fixation et à la fertilisation des dunes, du 2 vendémiaire an X (Work of the dunes. Official report of visit of the mouth of the Gironde River, relative with the fixing and the fertilization of the dunes, the 2 vendémiaire year 10). Département de la Gironde, Bordeaux: Imprimerie de Pinard, 8 pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1819. Account of meteoric stones, masses of iron, and showers of dust, red snow, and other substances, which have fallen from the Heavens, from the earliest period down to 1819. The Edinburgh Philosophical Journal 1(2):221-235.
- Anonymous. 1821. Verdunkelung der Luft in Nordamerika, und schwarzer Regen zu Montreal in Canada, am 23. Nov. 1819 (Dark air in North America, and black rain in Montreal, Canada, on 23 November 1819). Annalen der Physik und der physikalischen Chemie 67:187-188. (in German) (Note: ash dust due to fire)
- Anonymous. 1827. Subterraneous sounds at Nakous. The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British India and its Dependencies 24(141):356-357. (Note: sonorous sands)
- Anonymous. 1833. Red snow. The American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge for the Year 1833, Boston, pp. 65-67.
- Anonymous. 1833. Showers of dust, and of soft substances, both dry and liquid. The American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge for the Year 1833, Boston, pp. 67-71.
- Anonymous. 1842. Damp and dry winds of South America. Penny Magazine, London 13:369-371. (keyword: dust)
- Anonymous. 1842. On the local winds of warm countries. Penny Magazine, London 11:415-416. (keyword: dust)
- Anonymous. 1848. The Tempest, or an account of the nature, properties, dangers, and uses of wind, in various parts of the world. Committee of General Literature and Education, London: R. Clay, 277 pp. (Note: sand winds, sand storms, whirlwinds, sand dunes)
- Anonymous. 1849. Curiosities of meteorology. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal NS 11(287):413-415. (Note: small sections on dust and red rain)
- Anonymous. 1852. Dust-showers and red rain. The National Magazine 1(1):72-75.
- Anonymous. 1852. Dust-showers and red-rain. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal NS 17(432):230-232.
- Anonymous. 1857. A dust-storm. The Calcutta Review 29:xviii
- Anonymous. 1861. The composition of atmospheric dust. The Annual of Scientific Discovery or Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art for 1861, pp. 362-364.
- Anonymous. 1862. Poussière rouge provenant des côtes sud du Corée (Red dust coming from the southern coasts of Korea). Morskoi Sbornik, St. Petersburg, lviii, no. 9, p. 24. (in French?)
- Anonymous. 1863. Des travaux de fixation et de plantation dans les dunes du Pas-de-Calais (Work of fixation and plantation in the dunes of Pas-de-Calais). Revue des Eaux et Forêts 2(1):23-30, (3):97-103. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1869. "Rother Schnee" (Passatstaub) in Graubünden (The red snow in Graubünden on the 15th of January, 1867). Zeitschrift der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Meteorologie 4(3):66-67. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1869. Der Passatstaubregen im März 1869 (Windblown dust rain in March 1869). Gaea: Natur und Leben 5:399-401. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1869. Der Staubregen vom 23. März in Sicilien und Calabrien (Dust rain of 23 March in Sicily and Calabria). Zeitschrift der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Meteorologie 4(9):230. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1869. Le Sirocco à Naples (The Sirocco in Naples). L'année scientifique et industrielle, Paris, 40e année, 1:191. (in French) (keyword: dust)
- Anonymous. 1869. Rother schnee (Passatstaub) in Graubünden auf 15 Januar 1876 (The red snow in Graubünden on the 15th of January, 1867). Gaea: Natur und Leben 5:184. (in German, Fraktur script)
- Anonymous. 1869. Sandbindung in der serbischen Banater Militär-Grenze (Sand fixation in the Serbian military enclosure). österreichischen Verteljahrsschrift für Forstwessen 19:535-543. (in German) (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1869. Staubregen (Sand rains). Zeitschrift der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Meteorologie 4(8):203-205. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1869. Street dust laid by the use of chemicals. The Annual of Scientific Discovery or Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art for 1869, pp. 217-218.
- Anonymous. 1870. Sandregen sowie gelber und rother Schnee (Sand rain as well as yellow and red snow). Das Ausland 23:550-551. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1870. Untersuchung über die Strand- und Dünenabbrüche auf Langeoog (Further investigation of the beach and dune terminations on Langeoog). Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Norden, 43 pp. (in German) (Note: coastal dunes; 53°44' N; 7°32' E)
- Anonymous. 1872. Acoustic phenomena of Mount Sinai. Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1871, pp. 47-48. (Note: musical sands)
- Anonymous. 1872. Dust-showers and their organisms. The Popular Science Review 11(43):221-222.
- Anonymous. 1872. Salt and pyrites in hail-stones. Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1871, pp. 36-37.
- Anonymous. 1873. Analysis of meteoric sand. Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1872, pp. 119-120.
- Anonymous. 1874. Die herzoglich coberg'schen Pussten und ihre Flugsandkulturen (The Duchy of Coberg's plains and drifting sand cultivation). Oesterreichische Monatsschrift für Forstwesen 24:317-324. (in German) (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1874. Meteoric dust in snow. Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1873, pp. 209-210.
- Anonymous. 1874. Nature of loess. Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1873, p. 201.
- Anonymous. 1874. Transfer of sand from Africa to Italy by Sirocco. Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1873, pp. 233-234.
- Anonymous. 1875. Atmospheric dust. Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1874, p. 228.
- Anonymous. 1875. Microscopical examination of air. Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1874, p. 277.
- Anonymous. 1876. A great [sand]storm. Pacific Rural Press 11:37; 60.
- Anonymous. 1876. Atmospheric dust. The Science Record for 1876 (New York), p. 538. (Note: discusses Dubrée's work)
- Anonymous. 1876. Dust from the heavenly bodies. The Science Record for 1876 (New York), p. 570. (Note: discusses Nordenskiöld's work)
- Anonymous. 1876. Falling of atmospheric dust in Norway, March 29 and 30, 1875. Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1875, pp. 241-242.
- Anonymous. 1876. Sonorous sand. The Science Record for 1876 (New York), pp. 571-572.
- Anonymous. 1877. A remarkable shower of dust. Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1876, p. 83.
- Anonymous. 1877. A showers of sand. The Year-Book of Facts in Science and the Arts for 1877, pp. 68.
- Anonymous. 1877. Iron in atmospheric dust. Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1876, pp. 133-134.
- Anonymous. 1877. Magnetic particles in atmospheric dust. Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1876, p. 132.
- Anonymous. 1877. Magnetic particles in atmospheric dust. The Year-Book of Facts in Science and the Arts for 1877, pp. 68-69.
- Anonymous. 1877. Musical sand. Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1876, p. 179.
- Anonymous. 1877. Red snow on the Pic-du-Midi. Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1876, p. 125-126.
- Anonymous. 1877. Showers of dust. The Year-Book of Facts in Science and the Arts for 1877, pp. 66-67.
- Anonymous. 1877. The geology of the air. The Year-Book of Facts in Science and the Arts for 1877, pp. 68.
- Anonymous. 1877. The shower of sand at Rome. The Monthly Microscopical Journal 18(4):159.
- Anonymous. 1877. Zum Kultur des Flugsandes (On the cultivation of drift sands). Burckhardt aus dem Walde 8:167-175. (in German) (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1878. The Chinese loess or loam deposits. The Popular Science Monthly13(9):252.
- Anonymous. 1879. (Storms and dust fall on 23 and 25 February 1879). Carinthia 69:376-378. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1879. Der Sturm und Staubfall am 25. Februar d. J. in Rom. (The storm and dust fall on 25 February 1879 in Rome). Zeitschrift der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Meteorologie 14:309-310. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1879. Dust showers (Sicily). Scientific American Supplement 8(199):3174.
- Anonymous. 1879. Falls of dust on the Atlantic. The Year-Book of Facts in Science and the Arts for 1878, pp. 72-74.
- Anonymous. 1879. Loess formation of China. Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1878, pp. 303-304.
- Anonymous. 1879. Stürme, Gewitter und Staubfall am 23. und 25. Februar 1879 (Storm, thunderstorm, and dust fall on 23 and 25 February 1879). Zeitschrift der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Meteorologie 14:141-146. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1879. Tableau recapitulatif des journées de sirocco qui ont eu lieu pendant l'année 1879, sur le Réseau Africain (Summary table of days of sirocco in 1879, on the African Network). Service météorologique, Algérie, 1 sheet (in French) (keyword: dust)
- Anonymous. 1880. Observations regarding falls of meteoric dust in Italy. Scientific American Supplement 10(249):3974.
- Anonymous. 1880. Poussières de l'air (Dust of the air). La Nature, Part II, 8(370):79. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1880. Shifting soils. Pacific Rural Press 19(March):200. (Note: sandy soils in California, dust)
- Anonymous. 1881. Chutes de poussière observées dans le midi de la France et l'Algérie - Leur origine (Falls of dust observed in the South of France and Algeria - their origin). L'année scientifique et industrielle, Paris, (1880) 24(4):54-61. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1881. Dr. Lenz on the Sahara. Nature (London) 25(635):230.
- Anonymous. 1882. Pluie de sable en Sicile (Sand rain in Sicily). L'année scientifique et industrielle, Paris, (1881) 25:55-56. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1882. Tempête de sable en Islande (Sandstorm in Iceland). Ciel et Terre (Bruxelles) 3:331. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1883. Sonorous sand in Nevada. Knowledge (London) 3:63-64.
- Anonymous. 1883. Tacchini: Sulle polveri meteoriche e l'analisi chimica della sabbia del Sahara (Tacchini: On meteoric dust and the chemical analysis from the sand of the Sahara). Zeitschrift der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Meteorologie 18:279-280. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1884. Le poussières cosmiques (Cosmic dust). La Nature, Part I, 12(558):174-175. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1885. Formation des dunes (The formation of dunes). Ciel et Terre (Bruxelles) 4:111-113. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1885. Le simoun et les trombes de sable au Béloutchistan (The simoom and sandy whirlwinds in Baluchistan). Ciel et Terre (Bruxelles) 4:xx-yy. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1886. Sands of the Turkistan Deserts. The Popular Science Monthly 28(February):572-573.
- Anonymous. 1887. Forestry in France: The dunes of the West Coast. The Indian Forester 13(10):449-450.
- Anonymous. 1888. Action de l'électricité sur les poussières (Action of electricity on dust). La Nature, Part I, 16(781):399. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1888. Drift-sands and their formations. The Popular Science Monthly 33(August):534-542. (Note: translation form Das Ausland)
- Anonymous. 1888. Nevada's waltzing giants. Knowledge (London) 11:158. (Note: dust devils)
- Anonymous. 1889. A sandy Simoom in the north-west. Science 13(331):444, doi:10.1126/science.ns-13.331.444 (Note: dust wind)
- Anonymous. 1889. A sandy Simoon in the Northwest. The American Geologist 3(6):397-399. (Note: sand storm)
- Anonymous. 1889. Black snow. Monthly Weather Review 17(4):89. (Note: soil deposited on snow by whirlwind)
- Anonymous. 1889. Control of sand-dunes. Appletons' Annual Cyclopædia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1885, New York: D. Appleton, New Series, 10:333-334.
- Anonymous. 1889. Duinen. Toestand der duinenplanting op den vasten wal van Noord-Holland (Dunes. situation of the dune planting of pine on the rampart of Noord-Holland). Haarlem, 59 pp, (in Dutch) (Note: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1889. Le recueille-poussières (Dust collector). La Nature, Part I, 17(809):14. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1889. Red sunsets. Appletons' Annual Cyclopædia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1885, New York: D. Appleton, New Series, 10:48.
- Anonymous. 1890. Dust essential to fogs. The Popular Science Monthly 36(6, April):861-862.
- Anonymous. 1890. Graminées pour la fixation des dunes (Gramma grasses for the fixing of the dunes). La Nature, Part II, 18(889):31. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1890. Musical sands. American Notes and Queries 5(13):152-153; (15):179; (18):214.
- Anonymous. 1891. Le sabbie sonore del monte Sinai (The sonorous sands of Mount Sinai). Annuario scientifico ed industriale (1890) 27:287. (in Italian)
- Anonymous. 1891. Plants for binding drifting sands. The Indian Forester 17(1-3):134.
- Anonymous. 1891. Sonorous sand. Knowledge: A Weekly Magazine (New York) 1:412-413.
- Anonymous. 1893. Analyse de neige colorée (Analysis of colored snow). La Nature, Part II, 21(1056):206. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1894. Atmospheric dust and air colors. The Popular Science Monthly 45(October):856-857.
- Anonymous. 1895. Les poussières de l'air (Dust of the air). La Nature, Part I, 23(1127):90-91. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1895. Planting shifting sands of the sea-coast. The Indian Forester 21(12):477-478.
- Anonymous. 1895. Planting shifting sands. The Indian Forester 21(3):124.
- Anonymous. 1895. Sand blizzard. Monthly Weather Review 23(10):381.
- Anonymous. 1895. Sand hills of Nebraska. Botanical Gazette 20(12):552-553. (Note: discusses Rydberg (1895), i.e., blowouts)
- Anonymous. 1896. A remarkable dust-storm. Nature (London) 54(1385):41, doi:10.1038/054041a0
- Anonymous. 1896. Astrakhanskie sypuchie pesky (Astrachan drift sands). Pravitel'stvenVestnik' (Official Messenger), St Petersburg 153, xx pp. (in Russian)
- Anonymous. 1896. Staubsturm in Galizien (Duststorm in southern Poland). Meteorologische Zeitschrift 13(4):140. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1897. The formation of sand dunes. The Indian Forester 23(1):23-24.
- Anonymous. 1898. Phenomenal weather in Victoria. Symons's Monthly Meteorological Magazine (1897) 32(374):27. (Note: blood rains, dust storm)
- Anonymous. 1898. Sand storm on the Nile. Symons's Monthly Meteorological Magazine (1897) 32(381):142.
- Anonymous. 1898. So-called sulpher-rains. Symons's Monthly Meteorological Magazine (1897) 32(381):138.
- Anonymous. 1899. On the question of the fixing of the wind-blown sands (Narym - Forestry). Gouvernement de Astrakhan, Regierungsanzeiga (116):xx-yy. (in Russian)
- Anonymous. 1899. Travaux dans le forêts d'Etat, dans les dunes et les périmètrs de restauration (Work in the state forests, on dunes and restoration perimeters). Ministère d'Agriculture, Fance, Circulaire 566, xx pp. (in French) (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1901. 'Blood Rain' in Sicily. The Geological Magazine, Decade IV, 8(4):192, doi:10.1017/S0016756800178562
- Anonymous. 1901. Ein Blutregen in Brüssel im Jahre 1646 (A blood rain in Brussells in 1646). Meteorologische Zeitschrift 18(6):280-282. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1901. Monographie agricole de la région des dunes (Agricultural monograph of the area of the dunes). Bruxelles: Service des Agronomes de l'Etat, 59 pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1901. Nachtrag zum Staubfall vom März 1901 (Supplement to the dustfall of March 1901). Meteorologische Zeitschrift 18(10):462. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1901. Red rains. Nature (London) 63(1637):471-472.
- Anonymous. 1901. Staubfall in Schweiz und Ober-Italien (Dustfall in Switzerland and Upper Italy). Meteorologische Zeitschrift 18(5):234. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1901. The red dust of March, 1901. Monthly Weather Review 29(7):316-317, doi:10.1175/1520-0493(1901)29[316:TRDOM]2.0.CO;2
- Anonymous. 1901. Une pluie de sang à Bruxelles (A rain of blood in Brussels). Ciel et Terre (Bruxelles) 22:50-52. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1901. Vorläufige Berichte über die Staubfälle am 10. März (Provisional report on the dustfall of 10 March). Meteorologische Zeitschrift 18(3):138. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1902. Der grosse Staubfäll vom 9 bis 12 März 1901 in Nordafrika, Süd- und Mitteleuropa (Significant dust falls from 9 to 12 March 1901 in North Africa and South and Central Europe). Gaea: Natur und Leben 38(6):330-336. (in German) (Note: commentary on Hellman and Meinardus)
- Anonymous. 1902. Der Staubfall vom 10. und 11. März 1901 und dessen Eisengehalt. Prometheus 13(640):251-252. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1902. Erosion éolienne (Wind erosion). La Nature, Part I, 31(1543):47. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1902. The great dust-fall of March, 1901. The Geographical Journal 20(1):107-108.
- Anonymous. 1903-1904. Note sur une tempête de sable essuyée, dans la Mer Rouge, par la canonnière Scorpion, cammandée par M. Germain (Note on a sandstorm sampled in the Red Sea, the sample being taken from the cannon porthole of the Scorpion, commanded by Mr. Germain). Annales Hydrographiques 24:159 (1903); 31:410 (1904). (in French)
- Anonymous. 1903. Recent dust-storms in Australia. The Scottish Geographical Magazine 19(3):153.
- Anonymous. 1903. Staubfallte Atmosphäre dem Ozean in W der afrikanischen Küste (Dusty atmosphere over the ocean off the West African coast). Meteorologische Zeitschrift 20(6):279-280. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1903. Staubstürme in Australien (Duststorm in Australia). Meteorologische Zeitschrift 20(4):183. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1903. Utilizing sand dunes. The Queensland Agricultural Journal 13:8.
- Anonymous. 1904. Controlling sand dunes in the United States and Europe. The Journal of Geography 3(3):131-134.
- Anonymous. 1904. Die Bestimmung des Luftstaubes (The determination of the dust in the air). Prometheus 16(791):173. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1905. Die Zusammensetzung des Passatstaubes auf dem südlichen Atlantischen Ozean (The composition of trade-wind dust in the southern Atlantic Ocean). Prometheus 16(796):254. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1905. Les poussières de l'atmosphère (Dust of the atmosphere). La Nature, Part I, 33(1665):302. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1908. Artificial fertilizers in China. Chemical Trade Journal 43(1119):398. (Note: fertilization by dust)
- Anonymous. 1913. Sand dunes; how they are reclaimed in Europe and in the United States. Scientific American 122:5. (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1913. Sand-dunes in southwestern Anglesey. Review of: "Some features of the sand-dunes in the southwestern corner of Anglesey" by W.H. Wortham. The Journal of Ecology 1(4):297-298.
- Anonymous. 1913. Über Untersuchungen uber die Natur der Harmattantrübe (On investigations into the nature of the Harmattan cloud). Mitteilungen aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten 26(1):9-12. (in German) (keyword: dust)
- Anonymous. 1916. Fighting the sand peril. Popular Science Monthly 89:198-199. (short version in Literary Digest (1916), S3:403-404. (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1917. Staubfall in Ostgalicien am 8.3.1917 (Dustfall in south-eastern Poland on August 3, 1917). Meteorologische Zeitschrift 34(10-11):368-369. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1918. Discussion on Mr. Harding King's paper "Study of a dune belt". The Geographical Journal 51(4):250-258.
- Anonymous. 1925. Sand dune reclamation. Engineering (London) 120(3122):549. (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1927. Sand dune reclamation in Palestine. Engineering (London) 124(3231):771. (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1927. Uferschutzbau an der Deutschen Ostseekueste (Protection works along the German shore of the Baltic sea). Bautechnik 5(53):763-783. (in German) (Note: coastal sand dunes; fixation)
- Anonymous. 1928. Bibliography on windbreaks. s.l., 7 pp. (keyword: shelter)
- Anonymous. 1929. Trudy Ekspeditsiia Turkmenkul'ta v Tsentral'nye Kara Kumy v 1927 godu. Tashkent: SAGU, Instituta Turkmenskoi kultury, Trudy Sredne-Aziatskogo gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Seria XII-a, Geografia, vyp. 4/8, 215 pp. (in Russian) (Note: sand dunes)
- Anonymous. 1931. La fixation des dunes de Mogodor (Fixation of the dunes of Mogodor). Gouvernement Chérifien, Rabat, 20 pp. (in French) (Note: Morocco)
- Anonymous. 1931. Trees alter the landscape making stable hills of dunes. The Science News-Letter (Washington) 20(550):269. (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1932. Sand drift on railways and roads. Commonwealth Engineer 20(5):136-138.
- Anonymous. 1933. Protection des forêts et des cultures agricoles contre le vent (Protecting forests and agricultural crops from the wind). International Institute of Agriculture, Rome: Imprérie de la Chambre des Deputés, 271 pp. (in French) (keyword: shelter)
- Anonymous. 1934. Great dust storm formed from Corn-Belt top-soil. The Science News-Letter (Washington) 25(684):307. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1934. Record dust storm emphasises soil erosion problem. Engineering News-Record (New York) 112(7):680. (in English)(Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1934. The recent destructive dust cloud. Science 79(2056):473, doi:10.1126/science.79.2056.473
- Anonymous. 1934. Tree belt 100 miles wide. Canadian Forest and Outdoors 30(9):648-649. (keyword: shelter; Roosevelt’s Prairie shelterbelt?)
- Anonymous. 1935. 500,000,000 tons of dust cover Kansas and points east. A.A.A. moves to save nation's breadbasket. Newsweek 5:5-6.
- Anonymous. 1935. Control soil blowing by strip farming. St. Paul: Great Northern Railway Company, 8 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1935. Ein neuer Wanderdünen: schonbezirk der deutschen Ostseeküste (New shifting dunes: district of the German Baltic Sea coast). Naturforscher 12(5):165-168. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1935. Possibilities of shelterbelt planting in the plains region. A study of tree planting for protective and ameliorative purposes as recently begun in the shelterbelt zone of North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas by the Forest service; together with information as to climate, soils, and other conditions affecting land use and tree growth in the region. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Lake States Forestry Experiment Station, Washington DC, United States Government Printing Office, 201 pp.
- Anonymous. 1935. Principal wind erosion areas in South Dakota. Huron, SD: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1 map. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1935. Recent dust storms in the United States. The Geographical Review 25(1):152. (Note: reviews various reports of Dust Bowl storms)
- Anonymous. 1935. Shelterbelt facts, figures, and public opinion. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Prairie States Forestry Project, 50 pp.
- Anonymous. 1935. Shelterbelts and windbreaks. Engineering (London) 140(3634):262-263.
- Anonymous. 1935. The benef its of shelterbelts. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Prairie States Forestry Project, 32 pp.
- Anonymous. 1935. The dunes of the Chicago region. Program activities, Chicago Academy of Science 6(2):13-32. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Anonymous. 1935. The proposed shelter belt. The Geographical Review 25(1):152-153. (Note: Dust Bowl era plan for transcontinental shelter belt)
- Anonymous. 1935. The university and the erosion problem: science inquiry. Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, no. 2097; General series, no. 1881, 46 pp. (Note: wind erosion and dust storms, Dustbowl period)
- Anonymous. 1935. Tons of soil shift in recent dust storm. Farm and Ranch 53:12.
- Anonymous. 1935. Wind erosion in the Oklahoma Panhandle: what caused it and what can be done about it. Oklahoma Extension Service, 8 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1936. Cushioning the wind in New Mexico. Farmers aided by emergency program to control wind erosion. United States Extension Service Review 7:133-134. (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1936. Emergency program aids wind-eroded states. United States Extension Service Review 7:118. (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1936. Handbook of soil and water conservation practices for the wind erosion area Region six, Amarillo, Texas, Southern Great Plains Wind-Erosion Region, Washington, DC: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 154 pp.
- Anonymous. 1936. Soil conservation survey, southern Great Plains wind erosion area, Southern Great Plains Wind-Erosion Region. Washington, DC: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 20 maps, scale 1:126,720,
- Anonymous. 1936. Soil drifting: preliminary report, submitting the texts and some analysis of three proposals for remedial legislation. Kansas Legislative Council, Prepared for Council Committee on Soil Conservation, Publication 43, 66 pp.
- Anonymous. 1936. The Dust Bowl area. Science 84(2170):113-114, doi:10.1126/science.84.2170.113-a
- Anonymous. 1937. Better-balanced farming for the Oklahoma homes and Texas wheat and grain-sorghum area including special provisions for wind erosion area. United States Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Agricultural Conservation Program, Southern Region, Regional Information Series Leaflet 202, 11 pp.
- Anonymous. 1937. Great Sand Dunes National Monument, CO, Scale 1:24,000. United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington DC, 1 map.
- Anonymous. 1937. Man-made sand dunes saving Carolina seashore. The Science News-Letter (Washington) 31(845):389-390, (Note: coastal dunes)
- Anonymous. 1937. Plains Penance. Government outlines scourge aid for dust states. Literary Digest 123 (February 27):8-9. (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1937. Roaring sands of the Kalahari Desert. Nature (London) 140(3537):285.
- Anonymous. 1937. Sand devils. Nature (London) 139(3509):201. (Note: dust devils)
- Anonymous. 1937. The tragedy of wind erosion, Reproductions of paintings by Alexandre Hogue. Soil Conservation 2(9):202-203.
- Anonymous. 1937. The what and why of the Sandhills project, Hoffman, North Carolina. United States Department of Agriculture, United States Resettlement Administration (USRA), Land Utilization Division, Resettlement of Agriculture, Washington DC, 15 pp.
- Anonymous. 1937. These boys tackle even the sands of the seas. Oregon Farmer 60:291. (Note: control of coastal sand dunes)
- Anonymous. 1937. Wichtige Funde in der Lonzkedüne (Important finds in the Lonzke dune). Unser Pommerland: Monatsschrift für das Kulturleben der Heimat 22(7-8):330-331. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1938. Agricultural conservation program, North Central Region: restoration land and wind-erosion area, provisions applicable only to the wind-erosion area. United States Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 13 pp.
- Anonymous. 1938. Saharastaubfälle in Mitteleuropa (Saharan dustfall in Central Europe). Naturwissenschaften 26(11):173, doi:10.1007/BF01774126 (in German)
- Anonymous. 1938. Soil erosion by wind in Kansas. Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture (Topeka) 56(244A), 86 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1938. Soil erosion by wind, 1938: summary of reports filed by county officials in conformity with Chapter 189, Session Laws, 1937. Topeka: Kansas State Board of Agriculture, 9 pp.
- Anonymous. 1938. Trees that temper the western winds, Saint Paul, Minnesota. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Prairie States Forestry Project, Washington DC, United States Government Printing Office, 16 pp.
- Anonymous. 1939. Agricultural conservation. United States Works Progress Administration, Federal Writers' Project of Florida, Florida Department of Agriculture, 35 pp.
- Anonymous. 1939. Soil blowing tunnel: preliminary plans and studies. Pasadena: California Institute of Technology, Guggenheim Aeronautics Laboratory, 3 pp.
- Anonymous. 1940. Causes et dangers de l'érosion du sol dans les régions arides ou semi-arides (Causes and dangers of the erosion of the soils in the arid or semi-arid regions). Le Génie Civil 116(avril):229. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1940. Soil erosion by wind action. Engineering (London) 150(November):341-342, 364-365, 401-402.
- Anonymous. 1941. Examples of remedial measures - wind erosion and sand drift. Melbourne: Victoria Soil Conservation Board, 2 pp.
- Anonymous. 1941. Examples of sand drift resulting from wind erosion in sandy country. Melbourne: Victoria Soil Conservation Board, 6 pp.
- Anonymous. 1941. Save your soil: strip cropping for control of wind erosion in a conservation program for your farm or ranch. Conservation Folder 5, United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Northern Great Plains Region, Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1 p.
- Anonymous. 1941. Symposium on dynamic of land erosion. In: 22nd Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Transactions II, pp. 236-320. (Note: includes full papers by Leighton, M.M. and Malina, F.J. listed elsewhere in the BAR)
- Anonymous. 1942. Shelterbelt winning battle of wind and dust. Journal of Forestry 40(4):345-346.
- Anonymous. 1942. Trees against the wind, with other woody plants and grasses they are checking the march of sand dunes along Oregon's storm-swept coast. American Forests 48(12):453-445. (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1943. Improvement in prairie agriculture, especially control of soil drifting, utilization of land and conservation of water. Canada: Department of Agriculture, Prairie Farm rehabilitation Act, 78 pp. (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1943. Red Plains Conservation Experimental Station, Oklahoma finds creosoted baffles aid erosion control. Wood Preserving News 21(7):85-86. (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1944. Emergency measures for control of wind erosion. Victoria: Soil Conservation Board, Leaflet 4, 11 pp.
- Anonymous. 1944. Fijación de médanos (The fixation of sand dunes). Uruguay. Dirección de agronomía. Sección forestal, Sapriza Vera (Ciro), 27 pp. (in Spanish)
- Anonymous. 1944. Soil erosion in South Africa. Engineer (London) 177(4611):403-405. (Note: includes agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1945. Symposium on 'red rain'. The Victorian Naturalist 61(10):165-168.
- Anonymous. 1946. A summary of four years experience in grounds development and dust control on military installations covering planning, establishment and maintenance. United States Army, Service Forces, Headquarters Seventh Service Command, Omaha, Nebraska, 117 pp.
- Anonymous. 1946. Control of soil blowing. North West Frontier Agricultural Department, Report 17, xx pp. (in English) (Note: Pakistan, agricultural soil erosion)
- Anonymous. 1946. Grounds maintenance, dust and erosion control of the continental United States. United States Army, Corps of Engineers, National Repairs and Utilities Conference, Atlanta, GA, 4-6 December 1944, 178 pp.
- Anonymous. 1946. New developments in use of asphalt in erosion control. Roads and Streets 89(4):90-92. (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1947. Planting: dust control. United States Army, Corps of Engineers, G.P.O.Washington (1946), 2 pp.
- Anonymous. 1948. A note on the stabilisation of the sand dunes of Egypt. Cairo: Egypt, Ministry of Agriculture, Government Printing Press, 6 pp.
- Anonymous. 1948. O plane polezashchitnykh lesonasazhdenii, vnedreniia travopol'nykh sevooborotov, stroitel'stva prudov i vodoëmov dlia obespecheniia vysokikh i ustoichivykh urozhaev v stepnykh i lesostepnykh raionakh evropeiskoi chasti SSSR. V Sovete ministrov SSSR i TSK VKP, Moskva: OGIZ, Gosud. Izdatel'stvo politicheskoi lit-ry, 45 pp. (in Russian) (keywords: windbreaks, shelterbelts)
- Anonymous. 1949. Cortinas rompevientos. Caracas: Ministerio de Agricultura y Cria Sección de Divulgación, Agropecuaria, 6 pp. (in Spanish) (keyword: shelter)
- Anonymous. 1949. Soil moisture, wind erosion and fertility of some Canadian prairie soils. Swift Current, Saskatchewan: Soil Research Laboratory, Technical Bulletin 7, Publication 819, Ottawa: Canada Department of Agriculture, 78 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1949. Z badan' zespołowych wydmy Zadroże pod Toruniem (Collective investigations of dunes near Torun). Studia Societatis Scientiarum Torunensis, Supplementum 1, Torun', Wydano z zasiłku Prezydium Rady Ministro'w i Wydziału nauki Ministerstwa Os'wiaty, various pagings. (in Polish, summaries in English) (Note: palaeodunes)
- Anonymous. 1950. La fixation des dunes en Mauritanie (The fixing of the dunes in Mauritania). Institut Colonial, Marseilles, Cahiers coloniaux (9):384-385. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1950. Sbornik po lesorazvedeniiu. Moskva: Goslesbumizdat, 157 pp. (in Russian) (keyword: shelter)
- Anonymous. 1950. Ukhod za lesnymi polosami. Krymskoe oblastnoe upravlenie Sel'skogo khoziaïstva. Simferopol': Krymizdat, 48 pp. (in Russian) (keyword: shelter)
- Anonymous. 1950. Windbreaks and shelterbelts for the Plains states. United States Department of Agriculture, Extension Service, Forest Service and Soil Conservation Service, Leaflet 276, 4 pp.
- Anonymous. 1951. Föredrag och diskussioner vid den av Kungl. Lantbruksstyrelsen och 1949 års Jorderosionskommitté anordnade markvårdskursen i Onnestad den 23-27 oktober 1951 (Lecture and discussion of the Royal Agriculture board and the 1949 land erosion committee organization soil judging course on the 23-27 October 1951). Lantbruksstyrelsen, Uppsala, 114 pp. (in Swedish)
- Anonymous. 1951. Meteorological note on the Sudan haboob. Meteorological Magazine 80(952):298-299. (Note: dust storm)
- Anonymous. 1951. Save the soil, stop wind erosion and water erosion. Edmonton: Alberta Department of Agriculture, 1 sheet. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1951. Winds caused pattern. The Science News-Letter (Washington) 60(21):327 (Note: Carolina Bays; hydro-aeolian formation)
- Anonymous. 1952. Das Windschutzproblem (The wind shelter problem): Sitzungsbericht der 4. Tagung des Arbeitskreises "Windwirkung und Bodenschutz" am 1./2. Juli 1952 in Hanover. Hanover: Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, Umschaudienst des Forschungsauschusses "Landschaftspflege und Landschaftsgestaltung" der Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung Jg. 2(5-6):170-235. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1952. Dust storm near Mafraq. Meteorological Magazine 81(962):248-249.
- Anonymous. 1952. Effect of soil and cover upon wind erosion based on wind tunnel studies in eastern New Mexico; field studies 1952. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, South-West Region, Albuquerque, NM, 7 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1952. Electrical recording anemometer. Railway Gazette 96(19):522.
- Anonymous. 1952. The shelter-belt project: post-war afforestation in the U.S.S.R. New York: East European Fund, Mimeographed series no. 13, 48 pp. (in English)
- Anonymous. 1953. Forest influences: effects of windbreaks. Report of the Forestry Department of Ceylon (12), xx pp. (Note: shelter)
- Anonymous. 1953. Sandblow stabilization. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Upper Mississippi Region JS-34, 2 pp. (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1953. Techniques de fixation et de mise en valeur des dunes du littoral Atlantique marocain (Techniques of fixation and economic use of coastal dunes in Atlantic Morocco). Extrait du rapport annuel 1952 de la Station de Recherches, Rabat (Morocco): Forestieres de Rabat, 47 pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1953. The shifting sands of Cucamoga. Farm Management 2(8):52-55. (Note: fixation? dunes?)
- Anonymous. 1954. A manual on conservation of soil and water: handbook for professional agricultural workers. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Agriculture Handbook 61, 207 pp.
- Anonymous. 1954. Drought and wind erosion problems of the southern Great Plains: a report to the Secretary of Agriculture. Washington DC: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 15 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1954. Implements and methods of tillage to control soil blowing on the northern Great Plains. United States Department of Agriculture, Washington DC, 21 pp.
- Anonymous. 1954. Wind erosion laws - New Mexico, Kansas, Colorado. Santa Fe: Legislative Council Service, Information memorandum 202813, 6 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1955. Facts about wind erosion and dust storms on the Great Plains. Washington DC: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Leaflet 394, 8 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion) (Reprinted in 1961, 1966)
- Anonymous. 1955. Sand drift at Portland, Victoria. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Melbourne, 77 pp.
- Anonymous. 1955. Stop wind erosion. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, College of Agriculture, Extension Service, EC 55-107, 4 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1955. Technical cooperation: program for reforestation and dune stabilization in area between Maule and Bio-Bio Rivers. Agreement between United States of America and Chile, December 30, 1953. Washington DC: United States Government Printing Office, 16 pp.
- Anonymous. 1956-1960. Report of forest and windbarrier planting in the United States. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. (keyword: shelter)
- Anonymous. 1956. Dust devil on Cavenham Heath, April 23 1956. Meteorological Magazine 85(1011):273.
- Anonymous. 1956. Muck stabilizes loose sand base. Public Works 87(2):105-106. (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1956. Profielen in de Soesterduinen (Profile of the Soester dunes). Grondboor en Hamer 10(4-5):121 -128; (6):150-158. (in Dutch) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Anonymous. 1956. Versuche über die Windschutzwirkung von Hecken auf der Schwäbischen Alb, etc. (Further attempts to measure the wind protecting effect of hedges in the Schwabian Alb) [With Bibliographische Zusammenstellung wesentlicher Literatur zum Windschutzproblem und zur Heckenfrage seit 1950]. Umschaudienst des Forschungsausschusses "Landschaftspflege und. Landschaftsgestaltung" der Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung. Jahrg. 6 (1-2):59 pp. (in German) (keyword: shelter)
- Anonymous. 1956. Windschütz und Landwirtschaft (Wind protection and agriculture). Frankfurt-am-Main: Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft DLG, xx pp. (in German) (keyword: shelter)
- Anonymous. 1957. Emergency tillage to control wind erosion. Kansas Cooperative Extension Service, Leaflet 42, 2 pp. (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1957. Lessovye porody Ukrainy (Lessovuie porodui Ukranui) (Study of the loess in the Ukraine). Instytut heolohichnykh nauk, Akademiia nauk Ukrainskoi RSR, Kiev, 185 pp. (in Russian and Ukrainian?)
- Anonymous. 1957. Realidades sobre erosión éolica y tormenta de polvo en las Grandes Llanuras (The realities of wind erosion and dust storms in the Grandes Llanuras). Boletín Informativo 2, 9 pp. (in Spanish) (note agricultural wind erosion and dust)
- Anonymous. 1957. Soil stabilization: field evaluation of Calcium acrylate. United States Army, Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss., Technical Report 3-455, Report 1, 39 pp.
- Anonymous. 1957. The loess problem, the great American tragedy of the war between the states. Screenings from the Soil Research Laboratory 1(4):2-6. (reprinted in Loess Letter (1979) 2:3-10.)
- Anonymous. 1958. How MOPAC fights dust storms with dirt levees. Railway Track and Structures 54(4):32-33.
- Anonymous. 1958. Méthode amélioré pour l'étude des sables (Improved method for the study of sands). Laboratoire de l'Institut de Géographie de l'Université de Strasbourg, Revue de géomorphologie dynamique 9(3-4):43-54. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1958. The ventifact; a polished record of past events and a weathervane of the future. An uncensored and unauthorized publication of the Departments of Geology, and of Mineralogy and Petrology of Harvard University. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Typewritten copy.
- Anonymous. 1959. Avoidance of damage by blowing light fen. British Sugar Beet Review 27(3):125-126. (Note: agricultural soil erosion)
- Anonymous. 1959. Sand dunes in West Pakistan. Unasylva 13(2):102-103. (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1959. Wind erosion field day tour guide and research results, April 1, 1959. College Station: Texas Agricultural Experimental Station, 10 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1960. Articles on sand-carrying wind, temperature variations and hydrography of certain areas in Communist China. Translated paper by Joint Publications Research Service Arlington Va.; AD-a333 686, 37 pp. (in English)
- Anonymous. 1960. Betænkning angående revision af sandflugtslovgivningen. Betænkning 245, København: Sandflugtens dæmpning, Udvalget til forberedelse af en revision af den gældende lovgivning om, 32 pp.(in Danish) (Note: aeolian sand movement, coastal dunes)
- Anonymous. 1960. Bibliography on effect of wind erosion on soil properties, 1935-1960. Harpenden: Commonwealth Bureau of Soils, Bibliography 34, 4 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1960. Preliminary program for eolian sand control, area of El Hasa, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. Dhahran: Aramco (Arabian American Oil Company), 49 pp.
- Anonymous. 1960. Report on wind erosion control for G/M Training Facility 75-1, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Lompoc, California. Los Angeles, CA: Corps of Engineers, United States Army, Los Angeles District, 28 pp.
- Anonymous. 1960. Report on wind erosion control. Lompoc, CA: G/M Training Facility 75-1, Vandenberg Air Force Base. Lompoc, California / Los Angelis CA: United States Army, Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, 113 pp.
- Anonymous. 1960. Soil erosion by wind and measures for its control on agricultural land. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Agricultural Engineering Branch, Land and Water Development Division, Agricultural Development Paper 71, Land and Water Development Series 6, 88 pp.
- Anonymous. 1960. Soil erosion by wind and measures for its control on agricultural land. Journal and Proceedings, British Institute of Agricultural Engineers 16(1):2-17. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1960. The efficiency of coastal shelterbelts in the north part of Kiansu Province (1958-1959). Forestry Science (Beijing) (2):77-93. (in Chinese)
- Anonymous. 1961. A universal equation for measuring wind erosion; an aid to conservation farming in the Great Plains. Washington DC: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil and Water Conservation Research Division, ARS 22-69, 20 pp.
- Anonymous. 1961. Dunas gigantes en el Golfo San Matías (Gigantic dunes of the Gulf of San Matías). Buenos Aires: Argentina, Servicio de Hidrografía Naval. Its Publico H 662, 2 pp. (in Spanish) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Anonymous. 1961. Trees and soil conservation. Soil Conservation 26(11):243-26. (keyword: shelter).
- Anonymous. 1962. Analogs of Yuma terrain in the south central Asian desert. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg MS./ Ft. Belvoir Defense Technical Information Center August, 169 pp. (keyword: dunes)
- Anonymous. 1962. Report on the seminar on sand fixation and shelter planting Denmark, 25 Jun - 27 Jul. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Forestry and Forest Products Division, 66 pp. (in English)
- Anonymous. 1962. Sand dunes of Michigan, Map scale 1:1,000 000. East Lansing: Michigan Geological Survey Division, 1 map.
- Anonymous. 1962. Survey methods on shifting sand topography in desert regions. Beijing: Chinese Academy of Sciences, Geographical Research Institute, 95 pp. (in English) (keyword: dunes)
- Anonymous. 1962. Trees against the wind. Corvallis: Pacific Northwest Bulletin 5 (revised), 38 pp. (keyword: shelter).
- Anonymous. 1962. Zashchytnaia zona Dnepra. Ukraïns'ka akademiia sils'kohospodarskykh nauk, Kiev: Izdatel'stvo Ukrainskoi Akademii Sel'skokhoziaistvennykh Nauk, 191 pp. (in Ukrainian) (keywords: windbreaks, shelterbelts, Dnieper River, Ukraine)
- Anonymous. 1963. Sand control research in Communist China. Zhongguo ke xue yuan. United States Department of Commerce, Joint Publications Research Service, Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Washington DC, 751 pp. (in English)
- Anonymous. 1963. Soil erosion by wind and measures for its control on agricultural lands. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Land and Water Development Division, Agriculture Development Paper 71, 93 pp. (in English, French, Spanish)
- Anonymous. 1964. 10 jaren wind-singel onderzoek in Grubbenvorst (L), 1950-1960 (Ten years shelterbelt study in Grubbenvorst, Limburg). Commissie voor de Agrarische Belangen in Limburg, 162 pp. (in Dutch)
- Anonymous. 1964. Highway sand dune stabilzation with Esso Sand Dune Stabilizer. New Delhi: Esso Standard Eastern, 9 pp.
- Anonymous. 1964. Land damaged by wind erosion in Great Plains. Soil Conservation 30(2):46.
- Anonymous. 1964. Levantamiento de dunas (The growth of dunes?). Santiago de Chile: Proyecto Aerofotogramétrico Chile/ O.E.A./ B.I.D., maps. (in Spanish) (Note: date is uncertain)
- Anonymous. 1964. Report on field investigation of blown sand at East Niigata Harbour. The First District Port Construction Bureau, Ministry of Transport, Japan, 180 pp. (in Japanese) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Anonymous. 1964. Symposium on sand dune forestry, May 1964. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 9(2):125-189. (Note: includes papers of dunes by Hocking, G.H. and Kear, D., shelter and dune fixation)
- Anonymous. 1965. Bibliography of loess soils (1964-1956). Commonwealth Division of Soils, Annotated Bibliography 836, 16 pp. (Note: Supplement to no. 509)
- Anonymous. 1965. Can we utilize dust? Agricultural Research (Washington DC) 13(11):13.
- Anonymous. 1965. Erosión eólica (Wind erosion). Buenos Aires: Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), Argentina, Its Serie Agricultura-suelos, no. 4.601, 9 pp. (in Spanish)
- Anonymous. 1965. Sand dune fixation in Iran. Tehran: Iran, Ministry of Natural Resources, 9 pp.
- Anonymous. 1966. Entwicklung einer Seedünenlandschaft; Wanderdünen (Development of a coastal dune landscape; mobile dunes). Seebruck am Chiemsee: Heering-Verlag GmbH, 16 pp. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1966. Inventario de dunas en Chile, No. 4 (Dune inventory in Chile). Santiago de Chile: Instituto de Recursos Naturales (IDN), 1 v. (unpaged). (in Spanish)
- Anonymous. 1966. Lössforschungen in Südniedersachsen und Nordhessen (Studies of loess in southern Lower Saxony and North Hessen). Sonderheft zur Tagung der Deutschen Quartärvereinigung. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft 5, 170 pp. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1966. Performance measurements at dust collectors. Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Fachausschuss für Staubtechnik. Translated to English by Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem. Distributed by Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, VA, 30 pp.
- Anonymous. 1966. Santa Maria Dunes restudy, requested by 1964 Senate resolution 33, and, House resolution 92. Sacramento: State of California, Division of Beaches and Parks, 6 pp.
- Anonymous. 1966. Soil erosion by wind - cause and damage control. Ottawa: Communications Branch, Agriculture Canada, 26 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1966. Soil stabilization. The Unisol 91 stabilisation technique. International Synthetic Rubber Company, Southampton, 46 pp. (Note: aeolian sand fixation)
- Anonymous. 1967. Ancient dunes along the coast of the Japan Sea. Daiyonki Kenkyu (Quaternary Research, Japan) 6(1):19-28. (in English) ) (Note: Niigata Ancient Dune Research Group)
- Anonymous. 1967. Erosion by wind and water still needs attention in the Northeast. Soil Conservation 33(4):79-80.
- Anonymous. 1967. Giant reed stops blowing sand on citrus trees. Soil Conservation 32(11):264.
- Anonymous. 1967. Sirocco (Nature note). Science News (Washington) 91(22):516. (keyword: dust)
- Anonymous. 1968-1969. Report on the FAO study tour on shelterbelts and windbreaks in the U.S.S.R.: June 15 to July 15, 1967. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, TA 2561, 2 vols, 41 and 73 pp. (in Italian)
- Anonymous. 1968. Aeolian silt and sand deposits of Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin at Madison, Cartographic Laboratory, Soil Survey Division, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, 1 map, scale 1:2,640,000.
- Anonymous. 1968. Dunas los Perritos (The dunes of los Perritos). Lima: Instituto geográfico nacional, 1 map at 1:50.000. (in Spanish)
- Anonymous. 1968. Sand dunes under control. Konsomolety Uzbekistana, Notes from Moscow (33) 2 pp. (in English, Typrescript)
- Anonymous. 1968. Seminar on heathland and sand dune silviculture. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Forestry and Forest Industries Division, Danish Government Board of Technical Co-Operation with Developing Countries, FAO Final Report CF08799, 9 pp.
- Anonymous. 1969 et seq. Dust deposit measurement in tons per square mile per month. Sydney: New South Wales, Department of Public Health (periodical).
- Anonymous. 1969. Colloque sur les limons du bassin de Paris, 1967 (Colloquium on the loams of the Paris basin, 1967). E'cole nationale d'Agriculture de Grignon, Me'moire hors se'rie 5, Socie'te' ge'ologique de France, 144 pp. (in French) (keyword: loess)
- Anonymous. 1969. Normanville sand dunes. Blackwood: Nature Conservation Society of South Australia, 4 pp.
- Anonymous. 1969. Proceedings of north central regional workshop on wind erosion. Des Plaines, Illinois, O'Hare Travelodge, June 3-5, 79 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1969. Sand dune stabilisation and afforestation in Libya. Commonwealth Forestry Review 48(4):377-381.
- Anonymous. 1970. Bibliography on sand dunes: stabilisation, soils etc. (1969-1). Harpenden: Commonwealth Bureau of Soils, 10 pp.
- Anonymous. 1970. Razrabotka metodov lesorazvedeniia v tseliakh bor'by s zasukhoi i eroziei pochv. Novocherkassk, 118 pp. (in Russian) (shelter for erosion control)
- Anonymous. 1970. Report on preliminary study on use of asphalt in arid land reclamation and development projects in West Pakistan, Pakistan Arid Lands Study Mission. Tokyo: Engineering Consulting Firms Association of Japan, 99 pp.
- Anonymous. 1970. The sand advance defence line in Al Hasa area: final design. Saudi Arabia, Wizarat al-Zira'ah wa al-Miyah.; Italconsult.; 2 volumes (in English)
- Anonymous. 1970s. Sand-binding species and stabilization of sand dunes: 1972-76. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux. C.A.B. Annotated Bibliography, Plant Series G250A, 3 pp.
- Anonymous. 1971. Antarctic ice: traces of dust. Nature (London) 229(5280):80, doi:10.1038/229080a0
- Anonymous. 1971. Dynamics of shifting sand dunes in western Rajasthan and their its [sic] stabilization. CWPC 2, India Central Water and Power Commission, Ministry of Irrigation and Power, New Delhi, 61 pp.
- Anonymous. 1971. Protective afforestation and plantations. Zashchitnoe Lesorazvedenie i lesnye Kul'turi. Moskva: Lesnaya Promyshlennost', 124 pp. (in Russian) (keyword: shelter)
- Anonymous. 1971. Sandbewegung im Küstenraum; neue Forschungsergebnisse zum Problem der Sandbewegung vor den Küsten der Ost-und Nordsee. Ein Zwischenbericht (Sand movement in the coastal zone; new research into the problem of the sand movement on the western and North Sea coasts. An interim report). Hrsg. von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Wiesbaden: F. Steiner, 75 pp. (in German) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Anonymous. 1971. Soil stabilization. International Synthetic Rubber Company, Brunswick House, Southampton, 50 pp.
- Anonymous. 1971. Willows for wind erosion control. Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, 12 pp. (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1972. Great Sand Dunes National Monument Colorado map 1967, scale 1:24, 000. United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington DC, 1 map.
- Anonymous. 1972. Les dunes du littoral atlantique (Dunes on the Atlantic coast). Cahiers de biologie-ge'ologie re'gionale, Ecologie ve'ge'tatale 5, Association regionale des professeurs de biologie-ge'ologie, Bordeaux: Centre de re'cherche et des documentation pe'dagogiques, 1972, 23 pp. (in French) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Anonymous. 1972. Martian variety: channels, sand dunes, glaciation. Science News (Washington) 101(26):405.
- Anonymous. 1972. Methods for the measurement of air pollution. London: British Standards Institution, BS 1747, Part 5, 18 pp.
- Anonymous. 1972. Sandsturm über dem Roten Meer (Sandstorm over the Red Sea). Umschau 72(4):132. (in German with English summary)
- Anonymous. 1972. This fragile shore, Crane Beach, Ipswich, Massachusetts: a program of sand dune protection. Trustees of Reservations, Milton MA, 8 pp.
- Anonymous. 1973. Glynn County beach and dune study. Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Glynn County Beach and Dune Study Commission, 28 pp. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Anonymous. 1973. Sand blow study in the Barstow-Mojave River area. Portland, OR: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Mojave Water Agency, San Bernardino County Flood Control District, Agricultural Extension Service, University of California, 23 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1973. Sand/dune movement. In: Shore protection manual, second edition, Coastal Engineering Research Center, United States Army, Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS: CERC, 2, 6.36-6.54.
- Anonymous. 1973. Shifting theories of singing sand. New Scientist 58(848, 31 May):534.
- Anonymous. 1973. Soil Pollution: erosion effects on soil. Defense Documentation Center Alexandria VA, Ft. Belvoir Defense Technical Information Center July. Supersedes AD-722 900, DDC-TAS-71-8." "July, 1973.AD-763 500, DDC-TAS-73-36, 291, 94 pp.
- Anonymous. 1974. Emergency tillage for wind erosion control. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1 p.
- Anonymous. 1974. Estimating soil loss resulting from wind and water erosion in the Midwest. Lincoln Nebr.: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, various pagings
- Anonymous. 1974. Los vientos en la agricultura y los rompevientos (Winds in agriculture and windbreaks). México D.F.: Dirección General de Distritos de Riego, 60 pp. (in Spanish) (keyword: shelter)
- Anonymous. 1974. Photographs of a recent Martian dust storm. Sky and Telescope 47(3):168-169.
- Anonymous. 1974. Report on the FAO/DANIDA inter-regional training centre on heathland and sand dune afforestation. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) / Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), Denmark and Libya, 26 August to 21 September 1973, FAO, Rome, FAO/DEN/TF 123, 239 pp.
- Anonymous. 1974. Sahara dust, Caribbean weather and air quality. NOAA Week 5(2):1-6. (Note: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
- Anonymous. 1974. Sand-dune stabilisation: self-help against migrating sand-dunes. Mogadishu: Ministry of Information and National Guidance, 26 pp. (abstract in Busche et al. 1984)
- Anonymous. 1974. The vanishing lands. International Synthetic Rubber Company, Brunswick House, Southampton, 9 pp.
- Anonymous. 1975. Controlling wind erosion on irrigated land: windblown soil is your loss, your neighbor's burden. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Spokane, WA, 4 pp.
- Anonymous. 1975. Erosion and sedimentation in the loessial region of Washington, Idaho, and Oregon. Council for Agricultural Science and Technology, Report 42, 15 pp.
- Anonymous. 1975. Plant spacing and wind erosion. Agricultural Research (Washington DC) 23(11):15.
- Anonymous. 1975. Sand control. Arid lands abstracts (7). Tucson: University of Arizona, Office of Arid Lands Studies, pp. 199-357.
- Anonymous. 1975. Sandy soils, Report of the FAO/UNDP seminar on reclamation and management of sandy soils. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Soils Bulletin 25, 245 pp.
- Anonymous. 1975. Strip solution clears desert roads. International Synthetic Rubber Company, Hythe, England, Contract Journal, 14 August, 2 pp.
- Anonymous. 1976. A new dust bowl threat. Time Magazine, March 15, p. 52-53.
- Anonymous. 1976. Control of water erosion, wind erosion, and sedimentation. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, ARS National Research Program no. 20800, 58 pp.
- Anonymous. 1976. Great Plains hit by most extensive wind damage in 20 years. Soil Conservation 42(1):8.
- Anonymous. 1976. H.H. Finnell - Pioneer in wind erosion research. Soil Conservation 41(8):21.
- Anonymous. 1976. Inventario de dunas en Chile: 29° 48' - 41° 50' S (Dune inventory in Chile). Santiago de Chile: CORFO, Instituto de Investigaciones de Recursos Naturales / Ministerio de Agricultura, Departamento de Conservación de Suelos y Aguas / Inst. de Investigaciones de Recursos Naturales, 24 pp. (in Spanish)
- Anonymous. 1976. SCS launches study of windbreaks in the Great Plains. Soil Conservation 42(1):22.
- Anonymous. 1976. Soil blowing hazard, North Dakota. Lincoln, Nebraska: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1 map. (Note: agricultural wind erosion, reprinted in 1980)
- Anonymous. 1976. Unusual weather: dust and sand storms. Weatherwise 29(4):192-193.
- Anonymous. 1976. Windbreak in action. Soil Conservation 42(1):9.
- Anonymous. 1977. 'Cape' American beachgrass: conservation plant for mid-Atlantic sand dunes. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Program Aid PA-1152, 8 pp.
- Anonymous. 1977. China: control the deserts and create pastures. Summary report on the experiences of the Wushenchao Commune, Wushen Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Peoples' Republic of China. In: Combating desertification, United Nations Conference on Desertification (UNCOD), August 29 - September 9, Nairobi, A/CONF/74/17, 27 pp.
- Anonymous. 1977. Dunes: lands defense against sea. Soil Conservation 42(9):11-13. (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1977. Four techniques to beat wind erosion. British Sugar Beet Review 45(2):38-39.
- Anonymous. 1977. Les dunes vives de la Grande Côte, technique de fixation (The active dunes of the Grand Cote, dune fixing techniques). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, FAO-FO-SEN/73/012, 19 pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1977. Neige rouge et pluie de boue sur le Dauphiné (Red snow and mud rain in the Dauphiné). Journal of Meteorology (Trowbridge) 2(9):211-212. (in French) (keyword: dust)
- Anonymous. 1977. Nong tian sha hai de zhi li (Managing sand damaged fields). Beijing: Science Press, 169 pp. (in Chinese)
- Anonymous. 1977. Paterson Range gold/ base metals exploration (Paterson Range sheet). Geopeko Ltd, Australia, Company Report - Geological Survey of Western Australia, Perth, pp. 3. (Note: aeolian sands)
- Anonymous. 1977. Report of the expert meeting on dry deposition (Gothenberg, 18-22 April 1977). Geneva: World Meteorological Organization (WMO), October, 8 pp.
- Anonymous. 1977. Sand dune movement study south of Umm Said, 1963-1976. Government of Qatar, Ministry of Public Works, Hunting Surveys Ltd., Technical Report, 7 pp.
- Anonymous. 1977. Sand dunes. Washington DC: Smithsonian Science Information Exchange, 23 pp.
- Anonymous. 1977. Severe wind erosion hits Plains. Soil Conservation 42(12):22.
- Anonymous. 1977. Tame the wind, harness the sand and transform the Gobi. Report of the Office of Environmental Protection, Xinjiang Autonomous Region. In: United Nations Conference on Desertification (UNCOD), August 29 - September 9, Nairobi, A/Conf/74/16, 21 pp. (abstract in Busche et al. 1984)
- Anonymous. 1977. Zhongguo sha mo zhi li tu pian ji (China tames her deserts: A photographic record). Beijing: Science Press, 92 pp. (in Chinese and English version available)
- Anonymous. 1978. 1872 earthquake studies, Washington Public Power Supply System Nuclear Project nos. 1 and 4; Paleomagnetic measurements of the Ringold Formation and loess units near Hanford, Washington and evaluation of age dating potential of Quaternary deposits near Hanford, Washington. San Francisco: Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 11 pp.
- Anonymous. 1978. Barrier dune formation areas. Lansing: Department of Natural Resources, Michigan, 1 vol unpaged. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Anonymous. 1978. Criteria and methodology for assessing the environmental-aesthetic-social-economic impact of sand mining on barrier dunes in Michigan. East Lansing: Michigan Geological Survey Division, Department of Resource Development, Project completion report, 87 pp.
- Anonymous. 1978. Eolian sand areas. Riverside CA: United States Bureau of Land Management, Desert Planning Staff, United States Geological Survey, 1 map. (keyword: dunes)
- Anonymous. 1978. Paleoclimatic measurements of the Ringold Formation and loess units near Hanford, Washington and evaluation of age dating of Quaternary deposits near Hanford, Kennewick, Washington: Woodward-Clyde Consultants, United Engineers and Constructors, inc.; Washington Public Power Supply System, various pagings.
- Anonymous. 1978. Research on fugitive dust control during gold dump reclamation. Chamber of Mines of South Africa Pollution Control Sub-Committee Circular No.26/84, xx pp.
- Anonymous. 1978. Shoreline erosion: an annotated bibliography on beaches and dunes. Newport: Oregon Coastal Zone Management Association. Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development / National Ocean Survey, Office of Coastal Zone Management, 22 pp. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Anonymous. 1978. Soil erosion by wind and measures for its control (4th edition). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Agricultural Development Paper 71, 96 pp.
- Anonymous. 1978. Thornton Quarry and reef and Indiana Dunes. In: Engineering geology of the Greater Chicago area and the south shore of Lake Michigan, Comps. DuMontelle, P.B., Dixon, W.G. and Cyrier, R.T., Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry, Chicago, IL, pp. 31-33.
- Anonymous. 1978. Wind erosion and its control (1968-1977). Harpenden: Commonwealth Bureau of Soils, Annotated bibliography, 22 pp.
- Anonymous. 1979. Chung-hua jên-min kung-ho-kuo sha-mo-tu (Chung-kuo ko-hsüeh-yüan Lan-chou sha-mo-yen-chiu-suopien-Chih) (Map of sandy deserts in China, scale 1:4 000 000). Chung-kuo ko-hsüeh-yüan Lan-chou sha-mo yen-chiu. Beijing: Ti-tu chu-pan-she, 1 map. (in Chinese)
- Anonymous. 1979. Controlling wind erosion with conservation tillage. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 12 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1979. Learning from the past. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research (Washington DC) 28(4):4-10. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1979. Mars resembles our own back yardang. New Scientist 83(1167):445-445.
- Anonymous. 1979. Sand dune project stabilizes erosion. Journal of Agriculture, Western Australia 20(1):31.
- Anonymous. 1979. The controlling of desertification in the oasis in Dunghuang. In: China's deserts and the prevention of desertification, Lanzhou: Institute of Desert Research, Academia Sinica, pp. 55-58. (in Chinese with English abstract)
- Anonymous. 1979. The preventive measures of shifting sand at the southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert. In: China's deserts and the prevention of desertification, Lanzhou: Institute of Desert Research, Academia Sinica, pp. 45-54. (in Chinese)
- Anonymous. 1979. The types and extent of sand desert in action and sand desert landforms. Republic of China, 1 map. (Note: dunes, geological wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1979. The vegetation of residue deposits against water and wind erosion. Handbook of guidelines for environmental protection, v. 2/1979, Johannesburg: Chamber of Mines of South Africa, 42 pp. (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1979. Ynyslas Dunes: Dyfi National Nature Reserve. Aberystwyth: Nature Conservancy Council, Dyfed-Powys Region, 6 pp.
- Anonymous. 1980. 'Cardan' - A break for windbreaks. Soil Conservation 45(8):11.
- Anonymous. 1980. 1:50,000-scale metric topographic map of Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, 1980. United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey / United States National Park Service, 1 map
- Anonymous. 1980. Combating desertification in China. In: Biswas, M.R. and Biswas, A.K. (eds), Desertification, Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 109, 1-144.
- Anonymous. 1980. Dust falls and coloured rain in Eire and England on 28-29 November 1979. Journal of Meteorology (Trowbridge) 5(47):78-79.
- Anonymous. 1980. Fixation des dunes, protection de niayes et des sols diors de la Grande Cote, Senegal. Rapport interimaire (Dune fixation, protection of cultivated depressions (niayes) and of sandy soils of the Grande Cote, Senegal. Interim report)) Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Forestry Department, 23 p. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1980. Soil blowing hazard, North Dakota. United States Department of Agriculture, Washington DC, 1 map.
- Anonymous. 1980. Stabiliser les sables pour fixer les jeunes plants (Stabilise sands to fix young plants). Afrique Agriculture (61):51-52. (in French ) (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1980. Symposium on snow motion. Journal of Glaciology 26(94):393-492.
- Anonymous. 1980. Takelamagan sha mo feng shad i mao tu (Map of aeolian landform in Taklamakan Desert). Scale 1:1,500 000. Lanzhou Institute of Desert Research, Beijing: Cartographic Publishing House, 1 map. (in Chinese)
- Anonymous. 1980. Tame the wind, harness the sand and transform the Gobi. Report of the Sinkiang Uighur Autonomous Region, Office of Environmental Protection. In: Biswas, M.R. and Biswas, A.K. (eds), Desertification. Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 163-177.
- Anonymous. 1980. Wind erosion and its control. Edmonton: Alberta Agriculture, 4 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1981. Air quality analysis: procedures document: identification of dust storm days affecting ambient total particulate measurements in Texas. Austin: Texas Air Control Board, various pagings. (keyword: dust)
- Anonymous. 1981. Athabasca sand dunes in Saskatchewan. MacKenzie River Basin Srudy Report, Supplement, 7, 335 pp.
- Anonymous. 1981. Fixation des dunes, protection des niayes et des sols diors de la grande cote, Senegal. Manuel de reboisement; Rapport technique 1 (Dune fixation, protection of swamps and of sandy soils of the littoral zone, Senegal. Reforestation manual; Technical report 1. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Forestry Department, 42 p. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1981. Landsudvalget for Planteavl, Viby Jylland (Survey of Danish field experiments, H: Shelter belts and field irrigation, Viby Jutland. Planteavlsarbejdet i de Landoekonomiske Foreninger (1981):162-168. (in Danish)
- Anonymous. 1981. Medium- and long-term program for sand fixation in Mauritania: Phase 1-Analysis of nature and extent of sand movement and development of an approach for stabilization. UNSO--SDSU-RSI-VISP-81-01; UNSO--MAU/80/S03, United Nations Sudano-Sahelian Office, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso); United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), New York., Office for Projects Execution; South Dakota State University, Brookings (USA). Remote Sensing Institute, 144 pp. (in English)
- Anonymous. 1981. Programme for dune fixation, 2nd phase: final report. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for Project Execution, United Nations Office for the Sudano-Sahelien Region, Ministry for Rural Development Islamic Republic of Mauritania, New York, various pagination.
- Anonymous. 1981. Soil loss from wind erosion in tons per acre per year. United States Department of Agriculture, Washington DC, 500 pp.
- Anonymous. 1981. Study of silica sands on the beaches and dunes of islands of the southwest coast of Korea. In: Session of the Committee for Co-ordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in Asian Offshore Areas (CCOP) 17, UNDP Regional Offshore Prospecting in East Asia, Bangkok, pp. 192-205.
- Anonymous. 1981. West Lakes sand dunes. Adelaide: South Australian Coast Protection Board, 7 pp.
- Anonymous. 1982. 'Atlantic' coastal panicgrass (Panicum amarum var. amarulum). United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Program Aid PA-1318, 6 pp.
- Anonymous. 1982. Aeromagnetic map of the Panamint Dunes area, California. United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 82-1085, 1 map.
- Anonymous. 1982. Discover the dunes: teacher's guide. United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 16 pp.
- Anonymous. 1982. Proyecto de control de la erosion en Occidente (erosion eolica, erosion hidrica) (Wind erosion, water erosion control project in the West). Instituto Nicaraguense de Recursos Naturales y del Ambiente, Managua, xx pp. (in Spanish) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1982. Sand movement control in Saudi Arabia. Riyadh: Saudi Arabian National Center for Science and Technology, Sand Movement Control Committee, Rabia Althani 1402, 12 pp.
- Anonymous. 1982. Sandstorm - Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Marine Observer 52(275):11-12. (keyword: dust)
- Anonymous. 1982. Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore: South Manitou Island. United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1 pp.
- Anonymous. 1982. Soil erosion by wind - cause and damage control. 1266 Edition. Ottawa: Communications Branch, Agriculture Canada, 26 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1982. Stabilizing sand dunes with vegetation. In: Walls, J. (ed), Combating desertification in China, United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Lanzhou: Institute of Desert Research, Department of Desert Research, pp. 36-42. (in English)
- Anonymous. 1982. Standard method for collection and analysis of dustfall (settleable particles). In: American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, ASTM D-1739-82, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, volume 11.03, pp. 521-525.
- Anonymous. 1982. Tancarvill; marine and periglacial deposits, loess. Bulletin - Centre de géomorphologie de Caen 26:23-26. (in French?)
- Anonymous. 1982. The Nelton story. Shell Polymers 6(3):79-83.
- Anonymous. 1982. The transformation of deserts in China: a summary view of the people's experiences in controlling sand (China, Department of Desert Research, Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology, Cryopedology and Desert Research). In: Walls, J. (ed), Combating Desertification. Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, pp. 4-29. (in English)
- Anonymous. 1983. Actes du séminaire sur les problèmes de l'érosion éolienne dans les zones prédésertiques, Djerba, 21-26 novembre (Proceedings of the seminar on the problems of wind erosion in the predesertic zones, Djerba, November 21-26). Integrated Planning for Arid Lands (IPAL), Institut des Régions arides de Médenine, Tunisia, 126 pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1983. Colorado wind erosion guide. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 100 pp.
- Anonymous. 1983. Draft guidelines for the prevention and control of wind erosion on private land. Kew: Soil Conservation Authority of Victoria, Reprinted from the 'Inter Agency Working Group Report on the Rye Ocean Beach, Shire of Flinders (1981), pp. 58-74. (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1983. Great Sand Dunes National Monument, Colorado. Reston, VA: United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1 map.
- Anonymous. 1983. Lake Macleod gypsum exploration (Minilya sheet). Great Boulder Mines Ltd, Australia, Western Mining Corporation Ltd, Australia, Company Report, Geological Survey of Western Australia, Perth, pp. 3. (Note: aeolian gypsum sands)
- Anonymous. 1983. Meteorological aspects of certain processes affecting soil degradation - especially erosion. Report of the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology, Working Group on Meteorological Factors Associated with Certain Aspects of Soil Degradation and Erosion, Geneva: World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Report WMO 591 (Technical No. 178), 149 pp.
- Anonymous. 1983. Sand dune management in Australia. In: Papers presented at 5th Australian Conference on Coastal & Ocean Engineering, Perth, Western Australia, 25-27 November 1981. Institution of Engineers, Australia, Barton, A.C.T., Technical Publication 3/83, 32 pp.
- Anonymous. 1983. Shelterbelts and windbreaks. Annotated bibliographies. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Plant series 1, Farnham Royal, xx p.
- Anonymous. 1983. Stabilization of the I-84 sand dune. Oregon Geology 45(12):131-132.
- Anonymous. 1983. The great wind and dune story. Impact of Science on Society (2-4):367-385. (in English) (See also: L'histoire extraordinaire des dunes éoliennes. Impact Science et Société (3-4):389-406. (in French)) (Note English author: "Mr. Sand"; Cartoon)
- Anonymous. 1983. Wyoming wind erosion guide. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1 vol. various pagings.
- Anonymous. 1984. Diversity or dust: a review of the impact of agricultural land clearance programmes in south west Australia. Hawthorn, Vic: Australian Conservation Foundation, 75 pp. (Note: dust from agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1984. Eureka Sand Dunes Landmark. California Geology 37(3):42.
- Anonymous. 1984. Farming fragile soils (soil amelioration, pasture crops, wind erosion). Perth: Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Conference, DofAWA, 52 pp.
- Anonymous. 1984. Inventory of sand movement in Somalia. United Nations Sudano-Sahelian Office, Somalia. Wakaaladda Daaqa Qaranka, 100 pp. (in English)
- Anonymous. 1984. Preliminary map of landslides and windblown sand deposits of part of the Ogden 1 degree x 2 degree quadrangle, Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo: Geological Survey of Wyoming, 1 map.
- Anonymous. 1984. The fragile environment: coastal sand dunes. Adelaide: New South Wales Department of Environment and Planning, 22 pp.
- Anonymous. 1985. Chinas große grüne Mauer Wächst, Aufforstunges 7300 km Langenwaldgürtels Gegen aus Breitung der Wüste (China's large green wall grows, afforestation of approximately 7300 km long forest belt from spreading the desert). Holz-Zentralblatt 111(45), 661 pp. (in German)
- Anonymous. 1985. Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors AP-42. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
- Anonymous. 1985. Emergency measures for wind erosion control. Edmonton: Alberta Agriculture, 5 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1985. Explanatory notes to geomorphological map of the Loess Plateau of China. Chung-kuo t: chih ko hsueh yuan. Shui wen di zhi gong cheng di zhi yan jiu suo: 1:500 000. Peking: Geological Publishing House, 50 pp. (in English)
- Anonymous. 1985. Guidelines and recommendations for coastal dune restoration and creation projects. Trenton: New Jersey Division of Coastal Resources. Bureau of Planning and Project Review; National Ocean Survey. Office of Coastal Zone Management, 12 pp.
- Anonymous. 1985. Investigation of beach and dune sands in Nammyeon, Anmyeon Island and Weonsan Island, western coast of Korea. In: Session of the Committee for Co-ordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in Asian Offshore Areas (CCOP) 22(2): UNDP Regional Offshore Prospecting in East Asia, Bangkok, pp. 1-3.
- Anonymous. 1985. Les Frères Desbiey et la fixation des dunes (The Desbiey Brothers and the fixing of the dunes). Exposition. Bordeaux: Musée des douanes, 42 pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1985. Programme integré de fixation des dunes et de la lute contre la désertification et de sécherese en Mauritanie. Chapitre 1. Généralités; Chapitre 2. Les élements d'une stratégie (Integrated programme for the fixation of dunes and the fight against desertification in Mauritania. Chapter 1 Generalities. Chapter 2 the elements of a strategy). Nauokchott, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), xx pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1985. Sand dune stabilization, shelterbelts and afforestation. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Forest Resources Division, Conservation Guide 10, 245 pp.
- Anonymous. 1985. Sand fixation and afforestation in Jinta County found rewarding. Zhongguo shui tu bao chi (Soil and Water Conservation in China) (5):8-9. (in Chinese)
- Anonymous. 1985. Soil erosion by wind. London: Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (MAFF), Leaflet 891, 2 pp.
- Anonymous. 1985. Soil erosion potential in Alberta. Alberta Agriculture, Conservation and Development Branch, 1 map. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1985. The great wind and dune story. In: Richardson, J.G. (ed), Managing the ocean: resources, research, law, Lomond, Mount Airy, MD, pp. 99-116.
- Anonymous. 1985. Unit prices of stabilization and dune fixation work. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Accession No: XF8770291, 27 pp. (in French) (Note: available on microfiche)
- Anonymous. 1986. Cropland subject to wind erosion, Kingman County, Kansas. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, USDA-SCS-National Cartographic Center, Fort Worth, TX, 1 map.
- Anonymous. 1986. Hassell Beach heavy mineral sands exploration (Bremer Bay and Mount Barker sheets). Laporte Australia Ltd, Australia, Company Report, Geological Survey of Western Australia, Perth, 4 pp. (Note: aeolian sands)
- Anonymous. 1986. Kenfig Pool and Dunes Local Nature Reserve, Mid Glamorgan. Mid Glamorgan County Council, Bridgend: D. Brown and Sons, 23 pp.
- Anonymous. 1986. Loess thickness, Shawnee Resource Conservation and Development Area, southern Illinois. For Worth, TX: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1 map.
- Anonymous. 1986. Lutte contre l'ensablement des Palmeraies, Maroc. Conclusions et recommandations du projet (The fight against sand encroachment into palm groves. Conclusions and recommendations of the project). Forestry Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, FAO-FO-DP/MOR/78/017, 96 pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1986. North Otago wind erosion control: draft proposal. Dunedin: Otago Catchment Board and Regional Water Board, 28 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1986. Programme de stabilisation et de fixation des dunes en République islamique de Mauritanie. Evaluation socio-économique et Financière de la 1ére Phase, 1983-1986. I. Rapport Principal. II. Annexes; III. Photo-interpretation des modes d'occupation de l'espace de cinq sites-echantillon (Program of stabilization and fixing of the dunes in Islamic Republic of Mauritania. Socio-economic and Financial evaluation of the 1ére Phase, 1983-1986. I. Principal Report. II. Appendices; III. Photo-Interpretation of the modes of occupation of the space of five site-sample). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome / Forestry Département Ministère du Développement Rural, Direction de la Protection de la Nature, Mauritanie, UN Doc. FAO-FO-072, FAO, 50 pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1986. Using crop residue to help control wind and water erosion. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Columbia, MO, 6 pp.
- Anonymous. 1986. Wind erosion problem area, upper Tiffin River watershed: Defiance, Fulton, Henry, and Williams counties, Ohio, Hillsdale and Lenawee counties, Michigan. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, USDA-SCS-National Cartographic Center, Fort Worth, TX, 1 map.
- Anonymous. 1987. Development concept plan/interpretive prospectus, environmental assessment: Glen Haven area, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan: draft. United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 77 pp.
- Anonymous. 1987. Dust control for roads, airfields and adjacent areas. United States Army, Technical Manual, Army TM 5-830-3, Air Force AFM 88-17, Chap 3. Appendix on sand control. complex pagination.
- Anonymous. 1987. Environmental assessment for a development concept plan: East Unit Campground, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Indiana. United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 37 pp.
- Anonymous. 1987. Interpretative map of wind erosibility. Temple, TX: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, United Natural Resources Information System; National Cartographic Center, 1 map. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1987. North Manitou Island, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan: development concept plan: draft. United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 37 pp.
- Anonymous. 1987. Titarekk et Groun Lemhade (Titarekk and Groun Lemhade). Nouakchott: Ministère du Developpement Rural, Bureau d'Étude et Programmation et Volet Protection des Oasis contre l'Ensablement (Bureau for the study and management of the protection of oases from sand encroachment), 44 pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1987. Wind erosion hazard index map, Nebraska Sandhills cooperative river basin study United States. Soil Conservation Service, National Cartographic Center (U.S.) Ft. Worth, TX: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, USDA-SCS-National Cartographic Center ; Lincoln, Neb.: State Conservationist, distributor, 1 map. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1987. Wind erosion potential of Alliance area, Nebraska. National Cartographic Center, United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Fort Worth TX, 1 map 1:250,000.
- Anonymous. 1987. Wind erosion potential of Broken Bow area, Nebraska. National Cartographic Center, United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Fort Worth TX, 1 map 1:250,000.
- Anonymous. 1987. Wind erosion potential of North Platte area, Nebraska. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1 map. Scale 1;250,000. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1987. Wind erosion potential of O'Neill area, Nebraska. National Cartographic Center, United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Fort Worth TX, 1 map 1:250,000.
- Anonymous. 1987. Wind erosion potential of Scotts Bluff area, Nebraska. National Cartographic Center, United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Fort Worth TX, 1 map 1:250,000.
- Anonymous. 1987. Wind erosion potential of Valentine area, Nebraska. National Cartographic Center, United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Fort Worth TX, 1 map 1:250,000.
- Anonymous. 1987. Wind erosion risk map (Canada) / Carte des risqué d 'érosion par le vent (Canada). Ottawa: Centre de recherché sur les terres. Direction general de la recherché, Agriculture Canada, 1 map. (in French?) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1988. Areas where wind erosion occurs on cropland. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, National Cartographic Service, Fort Worth, TX, 1 map. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1988. Chung-kuo ko hsaa ueh yaaaun lan chou sha mo so (Preliminary report on wind tunnel experiments for windbreak effects). Karachi: Muhammad Ali Society, 19 pp. (in Chinese and English?) (keyword: shelter)
- Anonymous. 1988. Development concept plan interpretive prospectus: North Manitou Island, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan. United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 37 pp.
- Anonymous. 1988. Lecture notes for foresters on the control of sand encroachment. FAO Accession No: XF8984969 (Available on Microfiche), Rome: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), xx pp.
- Anonymous. 1988. Manuel de fixation des dunes (Manual for the fixation of dunes). Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, 68 pp. (in French and English)
- Anonymous. 1988. National agronomy manual. Wind erosion. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Part 502, Title 190, SCS.
- Anonymous. 1988. Novye stroitel'nye materialy iz lessovogo syr'ja Kazachstana. Alma-Ata: Izdat. Nauka, 160 pp. (in Russian) (keyword: loess)
- Anonymous. 1988. Re: Proposal no. 3: Wind blown dust and soil erosion. Interim report of the committee to the 1988 Kansas State Legislature, Kansas. Legislative Coordinating Council. Special Committee on Agriculture and Livestock, pp. 23-29. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1988. Study on the drifting sand prevention experiment in Qira County in Xinjiang. Xinjian Biology, Pedology and Desert Research Institute, Academia Sinica / Qira Sand Protecting study-experiment Station. Arid Land Research (3):1-8. (in ?)
- Anonymous. 1988. Wind erosion and its control. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, East Lansing, MI, 8 pp.
- Anonymous. 1989. Assistance preparatoire à la lutte contre l'ensablement des terres de culture à Niamey, Zinder et Diffa (Preparatory assistance for the fight against sand encroachment on cultivated lands in Niamey, Zinder and Diffa) (Phases I and II) Niger). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Département des Forêts, Compte rendu final, FAO-FO-TCP/NER/6761, 14 pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1989. Coastal dune restoration: incorporating 1988 Halls Head coastal dune restoration, blow-outs, sand, machinery, plants, people and approvals. Mandurah, Western Australia: Ewing Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd, 8 pp.
- Anonymous. 1989. Generalized Pleistocene loess distribution in Kansas. Lawrence: Kansas State Geological Survey, 1 map.
- Anonymous. 1989. Great Sand Dunes National Monument, Colorado. United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Map, 1 sheet.
- Anonymous. 1989. Guide to the assessment of the safety of dunes as a sea defence. Civieltechnisch Centrum Uitvoering Research en Regelgeving (CUR), Rapport 14, Gouda, 30 pp. (in English)
- Anonymous. 1989. Sahara-stof ook uit de Sahel (Sahara-dust also from the Sahel). Grondboor en Hamer 43(1):30. (in Dutch) (Note: short paragraph)
- Anonymous. 1989. Soil erosion by wind. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Agriculture Information Bulletin 555, 15 pp.
- Anonymous. 1989. Tyama East and North gold/ base metal exploration (Anketell and Paterson Range sheets). Newmont Company Report, Company Report, Geological Survey of Western Australia, Perth, pp. 7. (Note: sorting on a linear dune)
- Anonymous. 1989. Wind erosion and soil salinity: an examination of current agricultural practices and government initiatives. Calgary Regional Planning Commission (CRPC), 36 pp.
- Anonymous. 1990? Field shelterbelts for the prairies. Canada-Alberta Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Agreement / Canada: Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration / Alberta. Alberta Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development / Alberta, Canada: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada / Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration / Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development, 8 p. (most of them the sponsors!) (keyword: shelter)
- Anonymous. 1990. Actes du séminaire national sur l'érosion éolienne, Burkina Faso, Kaya, Burkina Faso, 1-10, fébruaire (Proceedings of the national seminar on wind erosion, Kaya, Burkina Faso, 1-10 February 1990). Ouagadougou: Ministère de l'environnement et du Tourisme, 50 pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1990. Alluvial fan and aeolian sediments of the Caherbla group sedimentology; Siluro-Devonian rocks; Dingle Peninsula; tectonic setting. Conference on: Sedimentology and tectonic setting of the Siluro-Devonian rocks of the Dingle Peninsula SW Ireland. 13th International sedimentological congress, London: Field Guide - British Sedimentological Research Group 17, pp. 124-134. (Note: aeolian sandstones)
- Anonymous. 1990. Coastal dune management: a manual of coastal dune management and rehabilitation techniques. Sydney: Soil Conservation Service of New South Wales, 76 pp.
- Anonymous. 1990. Dunes and movement. Leiden: Stichting Duinbehoud, 112 pp. (in Dutch)
- Anonymous. 1990. Michigan's coastal dunes: a heritage worth saving. Michigan Natural Resources 59(1):26-29.
- Anonymous. 1990. Obituary: Ralph Bagnold 94 Expert on Physics of Sand in the Desert. New York Times, June 1 1990.
- Anonymous. 1990. Sand Dunes development yields promising wells. Western Oil World 47(8):21-23.
- Anonymous. 1990. Seminaire national sur l'érosion éolienne, Burkina Faso (National seminar on wind erosion, Burkina Faso). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Département des Forêts, Compte rendu final, 8 pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1991. Control of wind erosion in sugar beet crops. Norfolk Agricultural Station, Sugar Beet Research and Education Committee, Paper 2529, 13 pp.
- Anonymous. 1991. Das Greenland Icecore Project - GRIP (The Greenland Ice Core Project). Zweijahresbericht Alfred WegenerInstitut fuer Polar und Meeresforschung Bremerhaven 1990-91, pp. 97-98. (in German) (keyword: palaeodust)
- Anonymous. 1991. Dokumentation zum Bau und zur morphologischen Entwicklung der Düneninsel Nigehörn (Documentation on the building and of the morphological development of the Nigehörn dune island). Universität Hannover, Franzius-Institut für Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen, 30 pp. (in German) (Note: coastal dunes; 53°56'33"N; 8°26'35"E)
- Anonymous. 1991. Erosion wind tunnel workshop. Reports and programme, February 1991, Perth: Murdoch University, Environmental Science Report 92/8, 4: 54 pp.
- Anonymous. 1991. Final report: analysis of off-site soil contamination due to wind erosion, Woodbury Chemical Site. PRC Environmental Management, Inc./ Office of Waste Programs Enforcement, Region VIII. Superfund Remedial Branch (Denver, Colo.).Washington DC: United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Waste Programs Enforcement, 11 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1991. Guide des techniques de lutte contre l'ensablement (Guide on techniques against sand encroachment). Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Forestry Department, 91 pp. (Internet resource) (in French) (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1991. Heavy mineral sands in the Murray Basin. Minfo (New South Wales Department of Primary Industries) 31:10-14. (Note: aeolian sands)
- Anonymous. 1991. Kosa (Yellow Sands). Tokyo: Nagoya University Water Research Institute / Koki Dhoin, xx p. (in Japanese) (keyword: dust)
- Anonymous. 1991. Little Calumet River corridor plan: Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Indiana. United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 70 pp.
- Anonymous. 1991. Physical processes, geomorphology and management options for the coastal sand dunes of Humboldt Bay, Humboldt County, California. Arcata, CA: Pacific Watershed Associates / Humboldt County (Calif.), Planning Department, 87 pp.
- Anonymous. 1991. Sand dune stabilization in China: a case study. New York: ESCAP, United Nations, ESCAP, 48 pp. (in English)
- Anonymous. 1991. Sand stabilization principle and measures in the Shapotou section or Baotou - Lanzhou railway. Shapotou Desert Research Station, Yingchuan: Ninxia People's Publishing House, 40 pp. (in Chinese?) (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1991. Why fountains thunder and dunes boom. Science News (Washington) 140(22):367. (Note: singing sands)
- Anonymous. 1992. Average annual soil erosion by wind and water on cultivated cropland, 1992. Washington DC: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1 map. Scale 1:20,000,000
- Anonymous. 1992. Dunes (Dunes). Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanisme, 196; Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Cataluña y Baleares, Barcelona: Col'legi D'Arquitectes de Catalunya, 96 pp. (in Mallorquí?)
- Anonymous. 1992. Dunes before the wind. Leiden: Stichting Duinbehoud, 134 pp. (in Dutch)
- Anonymous. 1992. Explore the dunes. Leiden: Stichting Duinbehoud, 223 pp. (in Dutch)
- Anonymous. 1992. Identification d'un Plan d'Action National de Lutte contre l'Ensablement, Tunisie. Resultats et recommandations du projet (Identification of a national plan of action against the encroachment of sand in Tunisia. Results and recommendations of the project). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, FAO-FO-TCP/TUN/8956, 20 pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1992. Lutte contre l'ensablement des terres de culture dans les Departements de Zinder et Diffa (Fight against sand encroachment of the cultivated lands in the Departments of Zinder and Diffa). Rapport d'activités menées pendant les campagnes 1991 et 1992. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Département des Forêts / Ministère de l'Hydraulique et de l'Environnement, Niamey, FAO-FO-NER/89/004, 124 pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1992. North Dakota: wind erosion climatic factors "C". Fort Worth: USDA-SCS-National Cartographic Center / Bismarck, N.D.: State Conservationist, distribution, 1 map. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1993. Development concept plan/interpretive prospectus: Glen Haven Area, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan. United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 36 pp.
- Anonymous. 1993. Evaluation des techniques de lutte contre l'ensablement au niveau des pays membres du projet; (Evaluation of techniques to control sand encroachment at project member country level). Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Forestry Department, 54 pp. (Internet resource) (in French) (keyword: fixation)
- Anonymous. 1993. Geology of the Oregon dunes. Portland OR: United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, 6 pp. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Anonymous. 1993. Lutte contre l'érosion éolienne et fixation des dunes dans le Kanem, Tchad (Fight against wind erosion and fixing of the dunes in Kanem, Chad). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Département des Forêts, Compte rendu final, 15 pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1993. Stabilisation des dunes de sable et reboisement. Actes de l'Atelier national de Formation, Essaouira (Maroc) du 18 au 22 Mai 1993 (Sand dune stabilization and reforesting. Proceedings of the National Training Workshop, Essaouira (Morocco) on 18-22 May 1993 FAO, Rome (Italy). Departement des Forêts; Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Reforme Agraire, Rabat (Morocco). Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Direction des Eaux et Forêts et de la Conservation des Sols, 137 p. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1994. Change in average annual soil erosion by wind and water on cultivated cropland, 1982-1992. Washington DC: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1 map. Scale 1:20,000,000
- Anonymous. 1994. Controlling cropland wind erosion and offsite impacts in the Pacific North-West: a proactive approach. Washington State University Cooperative Extension Service, Miscellaneous Publication 0177, 4 pp.
- Anonymous. 1994. Indiana Dunes, official map and guide: Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Indiana. United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Map, 1 sheet.
- Anonymous. 1994. Material fluxes on the surface of the Earth (Studies in Geophysics). Washington DC: National Academy Press, Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, 170 pp. (keyword: dust).
- Anonymous. 1994. Projet de lutte contre l'ensablement des terres de cultures dans les departements de Zinder et Diffa (The campaign against sand encroachment on soils and installations within basins in the departments of Zinder and Diffa). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Département des Forêts / Ministère de l'Hydraulique et de l'Environnement, Niamey, Rapport final, 2 vols, FAO-FO-NER/89/004. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1994. Wind erosion on cultivated cropland, 1992: Nebraska and Iowa. Washington DC: United States. Washington DC: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1 map. Scale 1:6,132,653
- Anonymous. 1994. Wind erosion: measurement and management. West Pennant Hills, N.S.W: Soil and Water Conservation Association of Australia, 64 pp.
- Anonymous. 1994. Wind erosion. Pasco Wash: Franklin Conservation District / Washington (State), Department of Ecology /United States Environmental Protection Agency, 35 pp.
- Anonymous. 1995. Dynamiek in de kustzone: een advies voor het herstel van dynamische processen in de kustzone van de Schoorlse Duinen (Dynamics in the coast zone: advice for a restoration of the dynamic processes in the coast zone of the Schoorlse Duinen). Leiden: Stichting Duinbehoud, 52 pp. (in Dutch) (Note: coastal dune management)
- Anonymous. 1995. Eolian sands found in Nebraska. Geotimes 40(10):5
- Anonymous. 1995. Lutte contre l'ensablement des terres de cultures dans les Departements de Zinder et Diffa, Niger, Conclusions et recommandations du projet (Fight against sand encroachment on the cultivated lands in the Departments of Zinder and Diffa, Niger, Conclusions and recommendations of the project). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Département des Forêts, FAO-FO-DP/NER/89/004, 30 pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1995. Lutte contre l'ensablement, Tunisie: Compte rendu final (Fight against sand encroachment: Final summary). FAO-FO-TCP/TUN/8956; FAO-FO-TCP/TUN/2252, Département des Forêts, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, 12 pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 1996. And now the weather forecast for Mars. New Scientist 152(2055):11. (Note: dust storms)
- Anonymous. 1996. Chemical composition of precipitation in India and Nepal: a preliminary report on an Indo-Swedish project on atmospheric chemistry. Stockholms Universitet, Meteorologiska Institutionen, Report CM-90, 27 pp. (keyword: dust)
- Anonymous. 1996. Cooling dust. New Scientist 150(2024):13.
- Anonymous. 1996. Dune stabilization and afforestation, Regional Near East. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Forestry Department, Project findings and recommendations FAO-FO-RAB/89/034, 50 pp.
- Anonymous. 1996. Mapping wind erosion. Newsletter - Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Association of Australasia 5(1):13-14.
- Anonymous. 1996. Parque Dunar Architektur fuer eine Duenenlandschaft (Architecture of the dune landscape in the Dune Park). Austellungsobjekt von Mattias Ludwig Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart. Deutsche Bauzeitschrift (8):74-79. (in German) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Anonymous. 1996. Wind erosion: processes and control. Wagga Wagga: New South Wales Department of Land and Water Conservation, 10 pp.
- Anonymous. 1997. Aartapels: deklaag gee wind vitklophon (Potatoes: mulching to control wind erosion). Landbrouweelblad (South Africa) (1013):20-22. (in Afrikaans)
- Anonymous. 1997. Desert railways fight to keep sand at bay. International Railway Journal and Rapid Transit Review 37(9):33-36. (in English)
- Anonymous. 1997. The environmental effects of agricultural land diversion schemes. Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 92 pp. (Investigates plans of the type of the USA's Conservation Reserve Program, from a European perspective)
- Anonymous. 1998. Conference Reports-Loess in Argentina--Temperate and Tropical. Episodes 21(3):192.
- Anonymous. 1998. Emergency wind erosion control measures. Edmonton: Alberta Agriculture, 5 pp. (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1998. First LAS/WMO international symposium on sand and dust storms: achievements, benefits and challenges. World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Programme on Weather Prediction Research (PWPR) Report Series 10, 325 pp.
- Anonymous. 1998. Proceedings of the 1st LAS/WMO (League of Arab States/World Meteorological Organization) International Symposium on Sand and Dust Storms, WMO Programme on Weather Prediction Research Report Series Project No. 10, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Technical Document No. 864, 325 pp.
- Anonymous. 1999. Economics of conservation fallow. Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration, Shelterbelt Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Indian Head, Saskatchewan, 15 pp. (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 1999. Economics of shelterbelts. Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration, Shelterbelt Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Indian Head, Saskatchewan, 12 pp.
- Anonymous. 1999. Strip farming for wind erosion control. Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration, Shelterbelt Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Indian Head, Saskatchewan, 4 pp.
- Anonymous. 1999. The characterization of aerosol related to yellow sand phenomena in Korea. Korea Meteorological Research Institute, Report MR990A20, 143 pp.
- Anonymous. 2000. Analyse de la vitesse et relation avec les lithométeores (Analysis of the threshold wind speed in relation to dust entrainment). In: Les lithométeores en region sahélienne. Geo-Eco-Trop 24(1-4):209-255. (in French with English abstract)
- Anonymous. 2000. Climatic analysis of the lithometeors. In: Analyse spatio-temporelle des lithométeores. Geo-Eco-Trop 24(1-4):59-208. (in French with English abstract) (Note: soil erosion and dust)
- Anonymous. 2000. Regional warming and dust frequency. In: Analyse spatio-temporelle des lithométeores. Geo-Eco-Trop 24(1-4):259-276. (in French with English abstract) (Note: soil erosion and dust)
- Anonymous. 2001. Beaches: hard-core sand dunes give resort a hidden line of defense. ENR (Engineering News Record) (November 19, 2001):26-28.
- Anonymous. 2001. Controlling soil erosion: an advisory leaflet for preventing soil erosion by wind. Great Britain. London: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), Publisher's no., PB 5820B, 6 pp.
- Anonymous. 2001. Discussion on improving ecological environment in Ebinur Lake District. Xinjiang nong ken jing ji (Xinjiang State Farms Economy) (4):21-22. (in Chinese)
- Anonymous. 2001. Dust Storms: 2001 Northwest. United States Operational Significant Event Imagery Team of the United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Suitland, Maryland, e-book. (Note: images)
- Anonymous. 2001. Dust Storms: 2001. East Africa. Operational Significant Event Imagery Team of the United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Suitland, Maryland, e-book. (Note: images)
- Anonymous. 2001. Dust Storms: 2001. Pacific. Operational Significant Event Imagery Team of the United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Suitland, Maryland, e-book. (Note: dust, images)
- Anonymous. 2001. Kuenstliche Duenen (Artificial dunes). Architektur 7(6):80-81. (in German)
- Anonymous. 2001. Rangeland soil quality wind erosion. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2 pp. (Note: induced wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 2001. Report on SDS (Sand and Dust Storm) monitoring, forecasting and warning system for China. Beijing: China Meteorological Administration. (in Chinese)
- Anonymous. 2001. Sand dune & climate change studies in the Prairie Provinces, Canada. Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada, 15 pp.
- Anonymous. 2002. Average annual soil erosion by wind on cropland and CRP land 1997. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, NRCS Resources Assessment Division, Washington DC, Map ID: m5058.
- Anonymous. 2002. Eolian deposits and megaflood features, Columbia Plateau, Washington. Friends of the Pleistocene. Pacific Northwest Cell, Field Conference, 80 pp. (Note: loess?)
- Anonymous. 2002. Fifth international conference on Geomorphology; loess and eolian dust. Chikei (Transactions of the Japanese Geomorphological Union) 23(5):739-831. (in English)
- Anonymous. 2002. Wind erosion, Part 502. In: National Agronomy Manual, Washington DC: United States Department of Agriculture, pp 5002-1-5002-1003.
- Anonymous. 2002. Wind-blown soil with dust particles has global climate impact. BioCycle 43(2):8-9.
- Anonymous. 2003? Emergency tillage for wind erosion control. Edmonton: Alberta Erosion Control Initiative, 1 p.
- Anonymous. 2003. China moves to get to grips with dust storms. Nature (London) 421(6919):101.
- Anonymous. 2003. Temporary barriers for emergency wind erosion control. Edmonton: Agriculture Rural Development, Government of Alberta, FS 572-5, 2 pp.
- Anonymous. 2003. The origin of species: did the same phenomenon that created sand dunes and magnets also help make everything from earwigs to elephants? New Scientist 178(2416, October 11):32-35.
- Anonymous. 2003. Using mulches for emergency wind erosion control. Edmonton: Alberta Erosion Control Initiative, 4 pp.
- Anonymous. 2004. Bodenbeschaffenheit - Ermittlung der Erosionsgefährdung von Böden durch Wind (Soil quality - determination of the soil exposure risk from wind erosion). Berlin: Beuth, DIN 19706, Deutsche Normen, 19706, 15 pp. (in German) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 2004. Drought, dust and deluge - a century of climate extremes in Australia. Melbourne: Australia, Bureau of Meteorology, 86 pp.
- Anonymous. 2004. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Deutsch-Polnischer Workshop, 05. September 2003 in Slubice. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft 103:67-120. (in German and English)
- Anonymous. 2004. Proceedings: wind-blown dust workshop: the emission, transport and impacts of wind-blown dust from soil erosion: modelling and observation, 8-10 November, CSIRO Atmospheric Research, Aspendale, Victoria, Australia. Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, Department of Education, Science and Training, Aspendale, Vic: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Atmospheric Research, 60 pp.
- Anonymous. 2005. Climate and Land Degradation. World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Publication No. 989, 32 pp. (strong focus on wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 2005. Great Sand Dunes: Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, Colorado. Washington DC: United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 8 pp.
- Anonymous. 2005. IEEE Workshop on Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Aerosols: Tucson, AZ, April 5-6, 2005. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Service Center, xx pp. (keyword: dust)
- Anonymous. 2005. Prevention and Control of Dust and Sandstorms in Northeast Asia: v.1. Regional master plan for the prevention and control of dust and sandstorms in Northeast Asia - v.2. Establishment of a regional monitoring and early warning network for dust and sandstorms in Northeast Asia - v.3. An investment strategy for the prevention and control of dust and sandstorms through demonstration projects. Manila: Asian Development Bank, various pagings. (in English?)
- Anonymous. 2006. A new explanation for singing dune sands. Da ke ji - ke xue zhi mi (Super Science - Mystery of Science) (9):34. (in Chinese)
- Anonymous. 2006. Dust buster - China is constructing a new Great Wall to block ferocious dust storms. Current Science 91(12):8.
- Anonymous. 2006. Referate Workshop AG Bodenerosion "Bodenerosion durch Wasser und Wind: Modelle, Gegenmassnahmen und Nachweismöglichkeiten, 10. bis 12. Mai 2006, Leipzig." Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft 108:57-90. (in German)
- Anonymous. 2006. Wind-blown sediment transport. In: Coastal Engineering Manual, Washington, D.C., United States Army Corps of Engineers, Part III, Chapter 4, pp. 1-79.
- Anonymous. 2007. Assessment of the geomorphological interests at Foveran Links SSSI. Commissioned Report 232, Edinburgh: Scottish Natural Heritage, 62 pp. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Anonymous. 2007. Field shelterbelts for soil conservation. Edmonton: Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, 8 pp. (keyword: shelter)
- Anonymous. 2007. Increasing the dynamism of coastal landforms by modifying shore protection methods: examples from the eastern German Baltic Sea Coast. Environmental Conservation 34(3):205-214.
- Anonymous. 2007. Le Projet de Lutte contre l'ensablement des cuvettes oasiennes dans les Départements de Gouré et de Maïné-Soroa, Niger (The project to fight against the encroachment of sand in the Departments of Gouré and Maïné-Soroa). Direction de l'Environnement, Agence d'exécution du FEM: PNUD/ UNDP United Nations Development Project 06/02/07 (PLECO), xx pp. (in French)
- Anonymous. 2008. Dunas costeras (Coastal dunes). Ciencia (México) (383):26-35. (in Spanish)
- Anonymous. 2008. Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area, United States Bureau of Land Management, El Centro Field Office, 1 map.
- Anonymous. 2008. Surface cover for protection against wind and water erosion. South Australia Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation, Adelaide: Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation, Fact Sheet 89, 5 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 2009. La hauteur des dunes dépend de celle des nuages (The height of dunes depends on that of the clouds). Sciences et Avenir 746:18-19. (in French)
- Anonymous. 2009. Report on SDS monitoring, forecasting and warning system for China. Beijing: China Meteorological Administration, xx pp. (in Chinese) (keyword: dust)
- Anonymous. 2009. Understanding linear dune development; a detailed dating study of a linear dune encroaching on a pan surface. Quaternary Newsletter 119:47-49.
- Anonymous. 2009. Wind erosion impact on air quality in Mexico City ... annual report Washington DC: United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Anonymous. 2009. WMO/GEO Expert Meeting on an International Sand and Dust Storm Warning System.7-9 November 2007, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). Barcelona, Spain. World Meteorological Organization (WMO); United States Group on Earth Observations; IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science, v. 7, Bristol: IOP Publishing, various pagings.
- Anonymous. 2010. Comparative study about soft techniques for dune system fixation in the Province of Cadiz. Ministry of Environment, Coastal Study Department Ref: 11-0677, xx pp. (in Spanish)
- Anonymous. 2010. Namib Sand Sea Digital Database.
- Anonymous. 2011. Dust storm over Arabia. Weather 66(6):146-146.
- Anonymous. 2011. Smarter, smaller dust collectors. Manufacturing Engineering 147(6):66-66.
- Anonymous. 2012. Dunes move across Mars. Astronomy & Geophysics 53(3):7-8, doi:10.1111/j.1468-4004.012.53307_5.x
- Anonymous. 2012. Huge dust devil prowling Mars. Science 336(6078):137-138.
- Anonymous. 2012. Proceedings: 3D-Test North Sea and GPDN-CSEM, TRAFFIC (Transatlantische Sahara-Staub Flüsse (Transatlantic dust flux), 10.08.2012 - 25.10.2012. Hamburg: Leitstelle Deutsche Forschungsschiffe, 33 pp. (in German)
- Anonymous. 2012. Sand grains make dunes sing. Science 338(6107):588-588.
- Anonymous. 2013. Forecasting and early warning of dust storms. Environmental Development 6:117-129, doi:10.1016/j.envdev.2013.02.003
- Anonymous. n.d. Building, planting and maintaining coastal sand dunes. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Conservation Information 32 (or 82?), United States Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 8 pp.
- Anonymous. n.d. How to build a dune. South Carolina Coastal Council, 13 pp. (Note: available on line)
- Anonymous. n.d. Kansas dust storms: 1913-1935. University of Kansas Libraries, Stovall Studio (Dodge City, Kan.), 36 pp. (Note: images, scrap book)
- Anonymous. n.d. Sha chen tian qi nian jian (Sand-dust weather almanac) (Zhongguo qi xiang ju.). Beijing: Qi xiang chu ban she, xx pp. (in Chinese) (Note: various dates)
- Anschutz, H., Eisen, O., Rack, W. and Scheinert, M. 2006. Periodic surface features in coastal East Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters 33, L22501, doi:10.1029/2006GL027871 (Note: snow dunes and mega-dunes)
- Ansmann, A., Baars, H., Tesche, M., Müller, D., Althausen, D., Engelmann, R., Pauliquevis, T. and Artaxo, P. 2009. Dust and smoke transport from Africa to South America: Lidar profiling over Cape Verde and the Amazon rainforest. Geophysical Research Letters 36, L11802, doi:10.1029/2009GL037923
- Ansmann, A., Bösenberg, J., Chaikovsky, A., Comerón, A., Eckhardt, S., Eixmann, R., Freudenthaler, V., Ginoux, P., Komguem, L., Linné, H., Márquez, M.A.L., Matthias, V., Mattis, I., Mitev, V., Müller, D., Music, S., Ničković, S., Pelon, J., Sauvage, L., Sobolewsky, P.,Srivastava, M.K., Stohl, A., Torres, O., Vaughan, G., Wandinger, U. and Wiegner, M. 2003. Long-range transport of Saharan dust to northern Europe: The 11-16 October 2001 outbreak observed with EARLINET. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 108(D24), 4783, doi:10.1029/2003JD003757
- Ansmann, A., Engelmann, R., Althausen, D., Wandinger, U., Hu Min, Zhang Yuanghang and He Qianshan. 2005. High aerosol load over the Pearl River Delta, China, observed with Raman lidar and Sun photometer. Geophysical Research Letters 32, L13815, doi:10.1029/2005GL023094 (keyword: dust)
- Ansmann, A., Mattis, I., Müller, D., Wandinger, U., Radlach, M., Althausen, D. and Damoah, R. 2005. Ice formation in Saharan dust over central Europe observed with temperature/humidity/aerosol Raman lidar. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 110, D18S12, doi:10.1029/2004JD005000
- Ansmann, A., Petzold, A., Kandler, K., Tegen, I., Wendisch, M., Muller, D., Weinzierl, B., Muller, T. and Heintzenberg, J. 2011. Saharan mineral dust experiments SAMUM-1 and SAMUM-2: what have we learned? Tellus B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology 63(4):403-429, doi:10.1111/j.1600-0889.2011.00555.x
- Ansmann, A., Seifert, P., Tesche, M. and Wandinger, U. 2012. Profiling of fine and coarse particle mass: Case studies of Saharan dust and Eyjafjallajokull/Grimsvotn volcanic plumes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12(20):9399-9415, doi:10.5194/acp-12-9399-2012
- Ansmann, A., Tesche, M., Althausen, D., Müller, D., Seifert, P., Freudenthaler, V., Beese, B., Wiegner, M., Pisani, G., Knippertz, P. and Dubovik, O. 2008. Influence of Saharan dust on cloud glaciation in southern Morocco during the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 113, D04210, doi:10.1029/2007JD008785
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- Armbrust, D.V. 1979. Wind- and sandblast-damage to tobacco plants at various growth stages. Tobacco Science 23I:117-119 and Tobacco International 181(20):63-65.
- Armbrust, D.V. 1980. Tests to determine wheat-straw decomposition. Agronomy Journal 72(2):399-401.
- Armbrust, D.V. 1982. Physiological responses to wind and sandblast by grain sorghum plants. Agronomy Journal 74(1):133-135.
- Armbrust, D.V. 1984. Wind and sandblast injury to field crops. Agronomy Journal 76(6):991-993.
- Armbrust, D.V. 1986. Effect of particulates (dust) on cotton growth, photosynthesis, and respiration. Agronomy Journal 78(6):1078-1081.
- Armbrust, D.V. 1987. Principles of soil erosion: Detachment, movement, and deposition. In: Symposium on Soil Erosion by Wind, Soil Conservation Society of America, Denver, Colorado; February. (also Reprints - U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. Repr 1987 (178) pp. 13-15).
- Armbrust, D.V. 1987. Principles of soil erosion: Detachment, movement, and deposition. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Report 187, pp. 13-15.
- Armbrust, D.V. 1988. Prediction of sorghum canopy structure for wind erosion modeling. In: Proceedings of the Wind Erosion Conference, Lubbock, Texas, 11-13 April 1988, pp. 158-164.
- Armbrust, D.V. 1990. Rapid measurement of crop canopy cover. Agronomy Journal 82(6):1170-1171. (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Armbrust, D.V. 1999. Effectiveness of polyacrylamide (PAM) for wind erosion control. In: Skidmore, E.L. and Tatarko, J. (eds), Wind Erosion - Proceedings of an International Symposium/Workshop, 3-5 June 1997, Manhattan, Kansas. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service, Wind Erosion Research Unit, Kansas State University, 7 pp.
- Armbrust, D.V. 1999. Effectiveness of polyacrylamide (PAM) for wind erosion control. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 54(3):557-559.
- Armbrust, D.V. 2001. Plant tolerance to sandblast damage. In: Ascough, J.C. II and Flanagan, D.C. (eds), Soil erosion research for the 21st century, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Publication 701P0007, pp. 67-70.
- Armbrust, D.V. and Bilbro, J.D. 1988. Prediction of canopy structure for wind erosion modeling. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Microfiche collection no. 88-2559, 15 pp.
- Armbrust, D.V. and Bilbro, J.D. 1993. Predicting grain and sorghum canopy structure for soil erosion modeling. Agronomy Journal 85(3):664-668.
- Armbrust, D.V. and Bilbro, J.D. 1997. Relating plant canopy characteristics to soil transport capacity by wind. Agronomy Journal 89(2):157-162. (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Armbrust, D.V. and Box, J.E. Jr. 1967. Design and operation of a portable soil-blowing wind tunnel. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, ARS 41-131, 14 pp.
- Armbrust, D.V. and Dickerson, J.D. 1971. Temporary wind erosion control: Cost and effectiveness of 34 commercial materials. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 26(4):154-157.
- Armbrust, D.V. and Lyles, L. 1975. Soil stabilizers to control wind erosion. In: Stewart, B.A. (ed), Soil Conditioners: proceedings of a symposium, "Experimental Methods and Uses of Soil Conditioners", Soil Science Society of America, Special Publication 7, pp. 77-82.
- Armbrust, D.V. and Lyles, L. 1985. Equivalent wind erosion protection from selected growing crops. Agronomy Journal 77(5):703-707.
- Armbrust, D.V. and Paulsen, G.M. 1973. Effect of wind and sandblast injury on nitrate accumulation and on nitrate reductase activity in soybean seedlings. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 4(3):197-204.
- Armbrust, D.V. and Retta, A. 2000. Wind and sandblast damage to growing vegetation. Annals of Arid Zone 39(3):273-284.
- Armbrust, D.V., Chepil, W.S. and Siddoway, F.H. 1964. Effects of ridges on erosion of soil by wind. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings 28(4):557-560.
- Armbrust, D.V., Dickerson, J.D. and Greig, J.K. 1969. Effect of soil moisture on the recovery of sandblasted tomato seedlings. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 94(3):214-217.
- Armbrust, D.V., Dickerson, J.D., Skidmore, E.L. and Russ, O.G. 1982. Dry soil aggregation as influenced by crop and soil tillage. Soil Science Society of America Journal 46(2):390-393.
- Armbrust, D.V., Paulsen, G.M. and Ellis, R. Jr. 1974. Physiological responses to wind- and sandblast-damaged winter wheat plants. Agronomy Journal 66(3):421-423.
- Armienti, P., Messiga, B. and Vannucci, R. 1998. Sand provenance from major and trace element analyses of bulk rock and sand grains. In: Hambrey, M.J., Wise, S.W., Barrett, P., Davey, F.J., Ehrmann, W., Smellie, J.L., Villa, G. and Woolfe, K.J. (eds). Studies from the Cape Roberts Project, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Terra Antarctica Reports 5(3):589-599. (Note: dust in marine sediments)
- Armitage, S.J., Botha, G.A., Duller, G.A.T., Wintle, A.G., Rebelo, L.P. and Momade, F.J. 2006. The formation and evolution of the barrier islands of Inhaca and Bazaruto, Mozambique. Geomorphology 82(3-4):295-308. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Armon, J.W. and McCann, S.B. 1977. Longshore sediment transport and a sediment budget for the Malpeque barrier system, southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (Revue Canadienne des Sciences de la Terre) 14(11):2429-2439. (in English with French summary)
- Armon, J.W. and McCann, S.B. 1979. Longshore variations in shoreline erosion, Malpeque barrier system, Prince Edward Island. The Canadian Geographer 23(1):18-31. (in English)
- Armstrong, D. 1977. Drift sand migration, NW corner of Lake George. Report 77/133, Adelaide: Department of Mines, 19 pp. (Note: aeolian sands)
- Armstrong, J.C. 2003. Wind erosion and long period climate change on Mars. Doctoral thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, 192 pp.
- Armstrong, J.C. and Leovy, C.B. 2005. Long term wind erosion on Mars. Icarus 176(1):57-74.
- Arnagel'dyev, A. 1973. Barchan sands dynamics in the area region of the Erbent (Yerbent) settlement in central Karakum. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (5):62-64. (in Russian)
- Arnagel'dyev, A. 1975. Sands of the central part of the lower Karakum, their mobility, and measures against it. Thesis, USSR Academy of Sciences, Geography Institute, 25 pp. (in Russian)
- Arnagel'dyev, A. 1979. Peski Tsentralnoy chasti Karakumov ikh Podvizhnosti meri norbi s nenu (Sands of central part of Karakum, their mobility and means of combat. Ashkhabad: Ylym, 119 pp. (in Russian; 2nd edition 1985? ) (Note: active dunes and their control)
- Arnagel'dyev, A. and Allakov, R. 1986. Eolian landforms evolution at the right bank of the Amu-Darya River and problems of sand stabilisation. Geomorfologiya (4):31-36. (in Russian?)
- Arnagel'dyev, A. and Kostiukovskiĭ, V.I. 1985. Pustyni'a Karakumy: priroda i chelovek. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Nauka, 160 pp. (in Russian) (Note: includes discussion of dunes)
- Arnagel'dyev, A. and Kostyukovskiy, V.I. 1982. Protection of catchments and structures from sand drift at takyrs. Geomorfologiya (1):39-43. (in Russian)
- Arnagel'dyev, A. and Kurbanov, O.R. 1976. Peculiarities of the movement of sand dunes in the central part of the Karakum lowlands. In: Problems of Turkmenia's Geography. Ashkhabad: Ylym, Issue 3, pp. 72-86. (in Russian)
- Arnagel'dyev, A. and Kurbanov, O.R. 1977. The movement of sand dune ridges in the Bakharden area. In: Natural conditions and the problems of Karakum development. Ashkhabad: Ylym, pp. 3-7.
- Arnagel'dyev, A. and Kurbanov, O.R. 1984. Protection of catchment plots and installations from sand drift at takyrs. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (2):84-88. (in Russian)
- Arnagel'dyev, A. and Oveszliev, A.O. 1990. Morfodinamika eolovogo rel'yefa peschanykh pustyn' (Morphodynamic aeolian relief of the sandy desert). Ashkhabad: Ylym, 164 pp. (in Russian)
- Arnagel'dyev, A. and Zhumashov, A. 1975. Representative character of the data on wind regime recorded from certain weather stations in central Karakum. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (6):71-73. (in Russian with English summary)
- Arnagel'dyev, A., Bairamov (Bayramov), S.B., Ryabikhin (Riabikhin), E.L. and Zhumashkov (Zhumashov), A. 1975. About sand drift control methods in the area of road construction in the Murgab plain. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (1):92-95. (in Russian with English summary)
- Arnagel'dyev, A., Kostiukovskii, V.I and Babaev, A.G. 1985. Pustynia Karakumy: priroda i chelovek. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Nauka, 159 pp. (in Russian) (Note: sand dunes)
- Arnagel'dyev, A.A. and Ivanov, A.P. 1997. Breaking away and transport of sand particles by the wind. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (2):26-30. (in English and Russian) (Note: aeolian sand transport)
- Arnagel'dyev, A.A. and Kurbanov, B.O. 1997. The origin and development of a cellular relief in sand deserts. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (4):18-24. (in English and Russian)
- Arnagel'dyev, A.A., Ivanov, A.P. and Kurbanov, B.). 1997. Wind conditions and the protection of power transmission line substations from sand drifts. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (5):85-88. (in English and Russian)
- Arnalds, A. 1987. Ecosystem disturbance in Iceland. Arctic and Alpine Research 19(4):508-513. (in English)
- Arnalds, A. 2005. Approaches to landcare - a century of soil conservation in Iceland. Land Degradation and Development 16(2):113-125, doi:10.1002/ldr.665
- Arnalds, A. 2006. Desertification in a humid environment - an example from Iceland. In: Lal, R. (ed), Encyclopedia of Soil Science, London: Taylor and Francis, pp. 450-456. (in English)
- Arnalds, Ó. 1984. Eolian nature and erosion of some Icelandic soils. Íslenzkar landbúnaðar rannsóknir (Journal of agricultural research in Iceland) 16(1-2):21-35.
- Arnalds, Ó. 1988. Jarðvegseyðing (Soil erosion). Græðum landið 1988, pp. 47-68. (in Icelandic)
- Arnalds, Ó. 1988. Jarðvegur a ógrónu landi (Soils of denuded areas in Iceland). Náttúrufræðingurinn 58(2):101-116. (in Icelandic)
- Arnalds, Ó. 1990. Characterization and erosion of andisols in Iceland. Doctoral thesis, Texas A&M University, College Station, 179 pp.
- Arnalds, Ó. 1996. Soil erosion in Iceland. In: Rekolainen, S. and Leek, R. (eds), Regionalisation of erosion and nitrate losses from agricultural land in Nordic countries. Copenhagen: Tema Nord (ISBN 92-9120-968-6), pp. 66-68. (Note: including rangeland wind erosion)
- Arnalds, Ó. 1997. Desertification in Iceland. Desertification Control Bulletin (Nairobi) 32:22-24. (Note: contemporary geological wind erosion)
- Arnalds, Ó. 2000. The Icelandic "rofabard" soil erosion features. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 25(1):17-28.
- Arnalds, Ó. 2010. Dust sources and deposition of aeolian materials in Iceland. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences 23:3-21. (in English)
- Arnalds, Ó. and Barkarson, B.H. 2003. Soil erosion and land use policy in Iceland in relation to sheep grazing and government subsidies. Environmental Science and Policy 6(1):105-113. (Note: rangeland wind erosion)
- Arnalds, Ó., Aradóttir, A. and Thorsteinsson, I. 1987. The nature and restoration of denuded areas in Iceland. Arctic and Alpine Research 19(4):518-525. (in English) (Note: restoration of wind eroded land)
- Arnalds, Ó., Gísladóttir, F.O. and Orradottir, B. 2012. Determination of aeolian transport rates of volcanic soils in Iceland. Geomorphology 167-168:4-12.
- Arnalds, Ó., Gísladóttir, F.O. and Sigurjonsson, H. 2001. Sandy deserts of Iceland: an overview. Journal of Arid Environments 47(3):359-371. (in English) (Note: dunes and geological wind erosion)
- Arnalds, Ó., Thorarinsdottir, E.F., Metúsalemsson, S., Jónsson, A., Grétarsson, E. and Árnason, A. 1997. Jarðvegsrof á Íslandi (Soil erosion in Iceland). Reykjavik: Soil Conservation Service and Agricultural Research Institute, 157 pp. (in Icelandic)
- Arnalds, Ó., Thorarinsdottir, E.F., Metusalemsson, S., Jónsson, A., Grétarsson, E. and Árnason, A. 2001. Soil erosion in Iceland (Jarðvegsrof á Íslandi). Reykjavik: Soil Conservation Service and Agricultural Research Institute, 121 pp. (in English, Translated from 1997 Icelandic version)
- Arnalds, Ó., Thorarinsdottir, E.F., Thorsson, J., Waldhauserova, P.D. and Agustdottir, A.M. 2013. An extreme wind erosion event of the fresh Eyjafjallajökull 2010 volcanic ash. Nature Scientific Reports 3:1257, doi:10.1038/srep01257
- Arnalds, O.G. 1984. Radiocesium in Montana soils and applications for soil erosion measurement. Master's thesis, Montana State University 58 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Arne, D.C., Stott, J.E. and Waldron, H.M. 1999. Biogeochemistry of the Ballarat East goldfield, Victoria, Australia. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 67(1-3):1-14. (Note: contamination by metallic dusts)
- Arnett, F.R. 1936. Shelterbelts check erosion. Montana Farmer 23:6-7. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Arnold, E.M. 1996. The rock-magnetic properties, grain size and mineral composition of windborne dust and sediment in the North Pacific Ocean. Doctoral thesis, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, 300 pp. (Note: dust in marine sediments)
- Arnold, E.M., Leinen, M. and King, J. 1995. Paleoenvironmental variation based on the mineralogy and rock-magnetic properties of sediment from Sites 885 and 886. In: Rea, D.K., Basov, I.A., Scholl, D.W. and Allan, J.F. (eds), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results. Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, TX, pp. 231-245. (keyword: dust)
- Arnold, E.M., Merrill, J., Leinen, M. and King, J. 1998. The effect of source area and atmospheric transport on mineral aerosol collected over the North Pacific Ocean. Global and Planetary Change 18(3-4):137-159.
- Arnold, K.J. 1994. Origin and distribution of aeolian sandstones in the Triassic Charlie Lake Formation, northeastern British Columbia. Master's thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 265 pp.
- Arnold, M., Seghaier, A., Martin, D., Buat-Menard, P. and Chesselet, R. 1983. Geochimie de l'aérosol marin au-dessus de la Mediterranée occidentale (Geochemistry of the marine aerosol above the West Mediterranean). In: VIes journées d'études sur les pollutions marines en Mediterranée (Sixth meeting on marine pollution of the Mediterranean), pp. 27-37. (in French with English summary)
- Arnold, R.W. and Cline, M.G. 1961. Origin of a surficial deposit in soils of eastern Fulton County, New York. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings 25(3):240-243.
- Arnold, S.J. 2002. Development of the saltation system under controlled environmental conditions. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 27(8):817-829.
- Arnst, A. 1942. Trees against the wind. American Forests 48(12):543-545; 562; 576.
- Arnst, A. 1942. Vegetal stabilization of Oregon coastal dune areas. Northwest Science 16(3):59-67. (keyword: fixation)
- Arogyaswamy, R.N.P. 1963. Some features related to eolian sedimentation on shore lines. Records of the Geological Survey of India 93(2):135-142.
- Aronson, J.R. and Emslie, A.G. 1975. Composition of the Martian dust as derived by infrared spectroscopy from Mariner 9. Journal of Geophysical Research 80(35):4925-4931.
- Arrhenius, G. 1959. Sedimentation on the ocean floor. In: Abelson, P.H. (ed), Researches in geochemistry. 1, New York: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 1-23.
- Arrhenius, G. 1963. Pelagic sediments. In: Hill, M.N. (ed), The Sea. 3. The Earth beneath the Sea. London: Interscience, pp. 655-727. (Note: including deposition of dust)
- Arrhenius, G. and Bonatti, E. 1965. The Mesa Verde loess. In: Contributions to the Wetherall Mesa Archaeological Project, Society of American Archaeologists Memoir 17, American Antiquity 31(2,2):92-100.
- Arribere, M.A., Cohen, I.M., Ferpozzi, L.H., Kestelman, A.J., Casa, V.A., Guevara, S. and Ribeiro. 1997. Neutron activation analysis of soils and loess deposits, for the investigation of the origin of the natural arsenic-contamination in the Argentine Pampa. Radiochimica Acta 78:187-191.
- Arsene, C., Olariu, R.I., Zarmpas, P., Kanakidou, M. and Mihalopoulos, N. 2011. Ion composition of coarse and fine particles in Iasi, north-eastern Romania: Implications for aerosols chemistry in the area. Atmospheric Environment 45(4):906-916.
- Artaxo, P., Gerab, F., Yamasoe, M. A. and Martins, J. V. 1994. Fine mode aerosols compositions at 3 long-term atmospheric monitoring sites in the Amazon Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 99(D11):22857-22868.
- Artaxo, P., Maenhaut, W., Storms, H. and van Grieken, R. 1990. Aerosol characteristics and sources of Amazon Basin during wet season. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 95(D10):16971-16985, doi:10.1029/JD095iD10p16971 (keyword: dust)
- Artaxo, P., Storms, H., Bruynseels, F., van Grieken, R. and Maenhaut, W. 1988. Composition and sources of aerosols from the Amazon Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 93(D2):1605-1615, doi:10.1029/JD093iD02p01605 (keyword: dust)
- Artbazar, A. 1980. Development of measures for soil protection from wind erosion in dryland farming in Mongolia. In: Baraev (Barayev), A.I. (ed), Eroziia pochv i bor'ba s nei, Moskva: Kolos, pp. 258-267. (in Russian)
- Arteaga Cardineau, C. and Gonzalez, J.A. 2005. Natural and human erosive factors in Liencres beach spit and dunes (Cantabria, Spain). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 49, pp. 70-75. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Arteaga, C. 2003. Las dunas (dunes). Manizales, Caldas, Colombia: Fondo Editorial de Caldas, 131 pp. (in Spanish)
- Arteaga, C., Juan de Sanjosé, J. and Serrano, E. 2008. Terrestrial photogrammetric techniques applied to the control of a parabolic dune in the Liencres dune system, Cantabria (Spain). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 33(14):2201-2210.
- Arthur, S.J. 2005. Ventifacts from Alaska to Antarctica, long-term faceting forms these natural wonders. Rock & Gem 35(12):80-83.
- Arthur, T.J., Pilling, D., Bush, D. and Macchi, L 1986. The Leman Sandstone Formation in U.K. Block 49/28 sedimentation, diagenesis and burial history (North Sea). In: Brooks, J. (ed), Habitat of Palaeozoic gas in N.W. Europe. Proceedings, Conference, London, 1985. Scottish Academic Press; Geological Society of London, Special Publication 23, pp. 251-266. (Note: aeolian sandstone)
- Artieda, O. and Herrero, J. 1997. Depósitos eólicos actuales en el valle del Ebro: degradación o casualidad? (Aeolian deposits in the valley of the Ebro: Degradation or casualty?) Edafología 3(2):291-299. (in Spanish, English abstract)
- Artíñano, B., Querol, X., Salvador, P., Rodríguez, S., Alonso, D.G. and Alastuey, A. 2001. Assessment of airborne particulate levels in Spain in relation to the new EU-directive. Atmospheric Environment 35(Supplement 1):43-53.
- Artini, E. 1926. Sulla composizione mineralogica di quattro campioni di sabbia provenienti dalle dune dei dintorni di Chismaio nell'Oltre Giuba (On the mineralogical composition of four coming from sand champions from dunes of the outskirts of Chismaio in Oltre Giuba). L'Agricoltura Coloniale 20(3):101-102. (in Italian) (Note: aeolian sands)
- Arun, A.B., Beena, K.R., Raviraja, N.S. and Sridhar, K.R. 1999. Coastal sand dunes - A neglected eco-system. Current Science 77(1):19-21.
- Arup Environmental 1995. The environmental effects of dust from surface mineral workings, PECD 7/1/468. 2 vols. Vol. 1:- Summary report and best practice guides, 226 pp. Vol. 2. Technical Report, London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 114 pp. (Note: includes industrial wind erosion)
- Arvidson R.E., Guinness E.A., Moore H.J., Tillman J. and Wall S.D. 1983. Three Mars Years: Viking Lander 1 Imaging observations. Science 222(4623):463-468.
- Arvidson, R.E. 1972. Eolian processes on Mars, erosive velocities, settling velocities and yellow clouds. Geological Society of America Bulletin 83(5):1503-1508, doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1973)84<347:APOMEV>2.0.CO;2 (Discussion: Mason, C.S. 1973. GSAB 84(1):347-348. Reply: Arvidson, R.E. GSAB 83(5):1503-1508." GSAB 84(1):349-350.)
- Arvidson, R.E. 1973. Reply: "Eolian processes on Mars, erosive velocities, settling velocities and yellow clouds. Geological Society of America Bulletin 83(5):1503-1508." Geological Society of America Bulletin 84(1):349-350.
- Arvidson, R.E. 1974. Wind-blown streaks, splotches and associated craters on Mars: statistical analysis of Mariner 9 photographs. Icarus 21(1):12-27.
- Arvidson, R.E. 1997. Paleoclimatic and tectonic history of the Eastern Desert, Egypt and surroundings. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Report NAS 1.26:207064 /NASA/CR-97-207064, 3 pp. (Note: dunes and geological wind erosion)
- Arvidson, R.E. and Mutch, T.A. 1974. Five studies related to sedimentary processes on Mars. OCLC's Experimental Thesis Catalog (United States), 147 pp. (Note: collection of various published papers and thesis abstracts)
- Arvidson, R.E. and Mutch, T.A. 1974. Sedimentary patterns in and around craters from the Pinnacate volcanic field, Sonora, Mexico: some comparisons with Mars. Geological Society of America Bulletin 85(1):99-104.
- Arvidson, R.E., Anderson, R.C., Haldemann, A.F.C., Landis, G.A., Li, R., Lindemann, R.A., Matijevic, J.R., Morris, R.V., Richter, L., Squyres, S.W., Sullivan, R.J. and Snider, N.O. 2003. Physical properties and localization investigations associated with the 2003 Mars Exploration rovers. Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets 108(E12), 8070, doi:10.1029/2002JE002041
- Arvidson, R.E., Ashley, J.W., Bell, J.F.,III, Chojnacki, M., Cohen, J., Economou, T.E., Farrand, W.H., Fergason, R., Fleischer, I., Geissler, P., Gellert, R., Golombek, M.P., Grotzinger, J.P., Guinness, E.A., Haberle, R.M., Herkenhoff, K.E., Herman, J.A., Iagnemma, K.D., Jolliff, B.L., Johnson, J.R., Klingelhoefer, G., Knoll, A.H., Knudson, A.T., Li, R., McLennan, S.M., Mittlefehldt, D.W., Morris, R.V., Parker, T.J., Rice, M.S., Schroeder, C., Soderblom, L.A., Squyres, S.W., Sullivan, R.J., Wolff, M.J. 2011. Opportunity Mars Rover mission: Overview and selected results from Purgatory ripple to traverses to Endeavour crater. Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets 116, E00F15, doi:10.1029/2010JE003746
- Arvidson, R.E., Baker, V.R., Elachi, C., Saunders, R.S. and Woods, J.A. 1991. Magellan: initial analysis of Venus surface modification. Science 252(5003):270-275. (Note: dunes and geological wind erosion)
- Arvidson, R.E., Bolef, L.K. and Guinness, E.A. 1980. Application of BIRP (Automated Picture Search) to Viking Orbiter data: the ubiquity of Martian dunes. In: Reports of Planetary Geology Program, 1979-1980, Comps. Wirth, P., Greeley, R. and D'Alli, R., National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Technical Memorandum TM-81776, pp. 378-379.
- Arvidson, R.E., Bragg, S., Elkins, S., Fulchignoni, M., Coradini, M., Funicello, R. and Coradini, A. 1975. Rates of wind erosion and burial on Mars. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 56(6):389.
- Arvidson, R.E., Coradini, M., Carusi, A., Coradini, A., Fulchignoni, M., Federico, C., Funiciello, R. and Dalomone, M. 1976. Latitudinal variation of wind erosion of crater ejecta deposits on Mars. Icarus 27(4):503-516.
- Arvidson, R.E., Greeley, R., Malin, M.C., Saunders, R.S., Izenberg, N., Plaut, J.J., Stofan, E.R. and Shepard, M.K. 1992. Surface modification of Venus inferred from Magellan observations of plains. Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets 97(E8):13303-13317. (Note: dunes and agricultural wind erosion)
- Arvidson, R.E., Guiness, E.A. and Lee, S.W. 1979. Differential aeolian redistribution rates on Mars. Nature (London) 278(5704):533-535, doi:10.1038/278533a0
- Arvidson, R.E., Mutch, T.A. and Jones, K.L. 1974. Craters and associated eolian features on Mariner 9 photographs: an automated data-gathering and handling system and some preliminary results. The Moon 9(1-2):105-114.
- Ary, M.V. 1998. Dust storms and shelterbelts: An historical perspective. Forum of the Association for Arid Land Studies 14:1-12.
- Aryal, R., Kandel, D., Acharya, D., Chong Meng Nan and Beecham, S. 2012. Unusual Sydney dust storm and its mineralogical and organic characteristics. Environmental Chemistry 9(6):537-546, doi:10.1071/EN12131
- Arzani, N. 2010. Environmental issues and water resources in dryland alluvial fans: Examples from central Iran. In: Proceedings of ICEEA 2010 - 2010 International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Applications 5596116:169-172.
- Asadi, S., Moore, F. and Keshavarzi, B. 2013. The nature and provenance of Golestan loess deposits in northeast Iran. Geological Journal 48(6):646-660, doi:10.1002/gj.2466
- Asahara, N. 1999. 87Sr/86Sr variation in North Pacific sediments: a record of the Milankovitch cycle in the past 3 million years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 171(3):453-464. (Note: dust in marine sediments)
- Asahara, N., Tanaka, T., Kamioka, H. and Nishimura, A. 1995. Asian continental nature of 87Sr/86Sr ratios in North Central Pacific sediments. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 133(1-2):105-116. (Note: dust in marine sediments)
- Asahiko, T. and Scholle, P.A. 1979. Origin of bimodal sands in some modern environments. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 49(3):777-786. (Note: includes aeolian sands)
- Asarin, E.A. 1975. The rate of precipitation on the Aral Sea surface. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (1):58-62. (in Russian with English summary)
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- Ascanio, M.F. 1974. Instability of flat sand surfaces under wind action. International Journal of Biometeorology 18(2):174-181. (in English)
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- Aschenbrenner, B.C. 1956. A new method of expressing particle sphericity. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 26(1):15-31.
- Ascherson, P. 1879. Die libysche Wuste und ihre oasen (The Libyan Desert and its oases). Ausland 48(51):1004; 1009; (52):1028-1032. (in German) (Note: dunes ventifacts …)
- Ascough, J.C. II and Flanagan, D.C. (eds). 2001. Soil erosion research for the 21st century. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Publication 701P0007, 713 pp.
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- Asensio, A.I. 1969. Formación eólica antigua sobre la rasa cantábrica (zona galaico-asturica) (An ancient eolian formation on the Cantabrian plateau, Asturias-Galicia area). Estudios Geográficos 30(115):229-240. (in Spanish)
- Asensio, A.I. and Sánchez, C.V. 1968. Caracteres sedimentológicos de la formación de Triásica localizada en los límites de las provincias de Segovia y Burgos (Sedimentological characteristics of the Triassic formation located in the boundaries of the provinces of Segovia and Burgos). Estudios Geológicos, Madrid 24(3-4):169-179. (in Spanish)
- Ash, J.E. and Wasson, R.J. 1983. Vegetation and sand mobility in the Australian desert dunefield. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 45:7-25. (in English with German and French summaries)
- Ash, P.G. 1978. Sand and dust storms - an investigation into their significance. Cold International (February 1978), Technical Paper 213, pp. xx-yy. (in English)
- Ash, P.G. 1978. Sand and dust storms. Middle East Construction, June, 81-83.
- Ashbaugh, L.L., Carvacho, O.F., Brown, M.S., Chow, J.C., Watson, J.G. and Magliano, K.C. 2003. Correction to: "Soil sample collection and analysis for the fugitive dust characterization study (vol. 37, pg 1163, 2003)." Atmospheric Environment 37(29):4177, doi:10.1016/S1352-2310(02)01022-1 (Correction: AE 37(29):4177)
- Ashbaugh, L.L., Carvacho, O.F., Brown, M.S., Chow, J.C., Watson, J.G. and Magliano, K.C. 2003. Soil sample collection and analysis for the Fugitive Dust Characterization Study. Atmospheric Environment 37(9-10):1163-1173.
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- Ashrafi, K., Shafiepour-Motlagh, M., Aslemand, A. and Ghader, S. 2014. Dust storm simulation over Iran using HYSPLIT. Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 12, Article 09, doi:10.1186/2052-336X-12-9
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- Ashton, W. 1909. The battle of land and sea on the Lancashire, Cheshire and North Wales coasts, and the origin of the Lancashire sandhills. 2nd edition, Southport: Ashton, 217 pp.
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- Ashwell, I.Y. 1980. The influence of Vatnajokull, Iceland, on regional air circulation and soil erosion. Salford University, Department of Geography, Discussion Papers in Geography 11, 16 pp. (Note: geological wind erosion, dust storms)
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- Askalany, M.M. 1992. Diagnostic surface features of quartz sand grains from some Quaternary sediments in Egypt. Bulletin of the Faculty of Science, Assiut University F 21(1):187-199 (Note: includes aeolian sands).
- Askar, M. 1991. Sand dunes fixation and protection of Syrian steppes from desertification. Arab Agricultural Engineer (30):27-31. (in Arabic)
- Askarn, O. 1993. L'ensablement au Maroc (Sand encroachment in Morocco). In: Stabilisation des dunes de sable et reboisement. Actes de l'Atelier national de formation, Essaouira (Maroc) du 18 au 22 mai 1993, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Direction des Eaux et Forêts et de la Conservation des Sols, Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Reforme Agraire, Rabat, FAO-FO-RAB-89-034, pp. 2-11. (in French)
- Askew, G.P. (ed). 1969. The arable sandlands of the Vale of York. Proceedings of the North of England Soils Discussion Group 5, 47 pp.
- Asling, H.C. and Stendal, M.M. 1965. Wind speed and water balance at the State Experiment Station at Hobakkegaard, 1960-1963. Tiddskrift for Planteavl, Kobenhav 68(5):805-835. (in Danish) (keyword: shelter)
- Assallay, A.M., Rogers, C.D.F., Smalley, I.J. and Jefferson, I.F. 1998. Silt: 2-62 µm, 9-4 phi. Earth-Science Reviews 45(1-2):61-88. (Note: origin of aeolian dusts and loesses)
- Asseez, L.O. 1972. Triangular presentation of textural data in the interpretation of depositional environments. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 42(3):729-731, doi:10.1306/74D72621-2B21-11D7-8648000102C1865D. (Note: aeolian sands)
- Assendorp, D. and Mücher, H.J. 1990. Dynamiek van de duinen weerspiegeld in een bodemprofiel met begraven bodems in het duingebied Meijendel, Den Haag (Dynamics of the dunes reflected in a soil profile with paleosols in the dune area of Meijendel). Levende Natuur 91:40-45. (in Dutch) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Assine, M.L. and Soares, P.C. 2004. Quaternary of the Pantanal, west-central Brazil. Quaternary International 114:23-34. (Note: Pans and lunettes)
- Assmann, J. 1902. Staubfall vom 6. Februar 1902 (Dust fall on 6 February 1902). Das Wetter 19(3):71. (in German: Fraktur script)
- Assmann, J. 1903. Hagel und Staubfall (Hail and dust fall). Das Wetter 20(3):66. (in German: Fraktur script)
- Astakhov, V. and Nazarov, D. 2010. Correlation of Upper Pleistocene sediments in northern West Siberia. Quaternary Science Reviews 29(25-26):3615-3629. (Note: loess-like deposits)
- Astakhov, V.V. 1972. Forest shelterbelts as an aid in controlling dust storms in the Stavropol' Territory. Lesnye Polosy na Zaschite Urozhaia, pp. 10-18. (in Russian)
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- Astin, T.R. 1985. The palaeogeography of the Middle Devonian Lower Eday Sandstone, Orkney (UK). Scottish Journal of Geology 21(3):353-375.
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- Astre, G. 1938. Haches en pierre taillée ayant subi les actions éoliennes dans la plaine de Saint-Agne, près de Toulouse (Scratches cut in stones, having undergone wind action on the plain of Saint-Agne, near Toulouse). Compte rendu sommaire des Séances de la Société géologique de France (10):159-161. (in French)
- Astre, G. 1953. Sur divers degrés de patine éolienne dans le Tolosan (On various degrees of Aeolian patina in the Tolosan). Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, Série 6, (1952) 2(7-9):453-459. (in French)
- Astre, G. 1972. Le loess de Bellevue et la formation de ses "poupées" (The Bellevue Loess and the formation of its "poupées"). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire naturelle de Toulouse 108(1-2):115-124. (in French)
- Asubiojo, O.I., Obioh I.B., Oluyemi, E.A., Oluwole, A.F., Spyrou, N.M., Farooqi, A.S., Arshed, W. and Akanle, O.A. 1993. Elemental characterization of airborne-particulates at two Nigerian locations during the Harmattan season. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 167(2):283-293. (Note: dust)
- Asumadu, K., Gilkes, R.J., Armitage, T.M. and Churchward, H.M. 1988. The effects of chemical weathering on the morphology and strength of quartz grains: an example from S.W. Australia. Journal of Soil Science 39(3):375-383.
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- Ataev, A. 1983. Effektivnost' zakrepleniiai obleseniia peskov (Effectiveness of the stabilisation and afforestation of sands). Ashkhabad: Ylym, 70 pp. (in Russian) (Note: control of active dunes)
- Ataev, Kh. 1992. Speed of aeolian ripples movement on technogenic sands. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (2):63-64. (in Russian?)
- Atakhanov, O. 1980. Silt deposits and clay gravel in recent and old valleys of the Amu-Darya River. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (1):37-42. (in Russian)
- Atakhanov, O. 1983. Osobennosti morfologicheskogo stroyeniya landshafta krupnogryadovykh peskov (Vostochnyye Karakumy) (Morphologic structure of major sand bands in landscapes, eastern Karakum). Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (5):30-39. (in Russian; Problems of Desert Development (5):31-40. in English)
- Atalay, I. 1997. Red Mediterranean soils in some karstic regions of Taurus mountains, Turkey. Catena 28:(3−4):247−260, doi:10.1016/S0341-8162(96)00041-0. (Note: dust in soil)
- Atalik, E. and Mansfield, C.F. 1984. Dakota Sandstone facies, western Oklahoma panhandle. AAPG Bulletin (American Association of Petroleum Geologists) 68(4):449-450.
- Atay, I. 1964. Studies in the stabilisation and afforestation of coastal sand dunes in Turkey. Tav. Bak. Orm. Gen. Müd. Yayinlari 385, 112 pp. (in Turkish) (Note: dune fixation)
- Atay, I. 1965. Studies in the stabilisation and afforestation of coastal sand dunes in Turkey. Istanbul üniversitesi, Orman Fakültesi 15(A):47-110. (in Turkish) (Note: dune fixation)
- Atay, I. 1972. Kumulların tesbiti ve agaclandırılması teknigi. Yayın - O.F., no. 187; Yayın - I.ü., no. 1749, Istanbul üniversitesi, Orman Fakültesi, 81 pp. (in Turkish) (Note: dunes, shelter)
- Atay, I. 1972. The technique of sand dune stabilisation and afforestation of coastal sand dunes in Turkey. Istanbul üniversitesi, Orman Fakültesi Yayinlari (187), 75 pp. (in Turkish) (Note: dune fixation)
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- Atchley, S.C. 1990. Influence of lowstand eolian erosional processes on stratigraphic completeness: sequence stratigraphy of the Upper Member of the Hermosa Formation (Upper Pennsylvanian) Paradox Basin, southeast Utah. Doctoral thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 126 pp.
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- Athanasopoulou, E., Tombrou, M., Russell, A.G., Karanasiou, A., Eleftheriadis, K. and Dandou, A. 2010. Implementation of road and soil dust emission parameterizations in the aerosol model CAMx: Applications over the greater Athens urban area affected by natural sources. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 115, D17301, doi:10.1029/2009JD013207
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- Atherton, R.J. 2002. Moisture dynamics and aeolian activity in a temperate humid climate. Doctoral thesis, University of Sheffield, England, 268 pp.
- Atkin, A.S. 1984. Fitomassa i obmen veshchestv v sosnovykh lesakh. Krasnoyarsk: Nauka, 134 pp. (in Russian) (keyword: loess)
- Atkins, C.B. and Dunbar, G.B.2009. Aeolian sediment flux from sea ice into Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Global and Planetary Change 69(3):133-141. (keyword: dust)
- Atkins, J.E. 1989. Porosity and packing of Holocene river, dune and beach sands. Master's thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 223 pp.
- Atkins, J.E. and McBride, E.F. 1992. Porosity and packing of Holocene river, dune, and beach sands. AAPG Bulletin (American Association of Petroleum Geologists) 76(3):339-355.
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- Atkinson, D. and Houston, J.A. 1992. Towards a research strategy for the Sefton coast in north-west England. In: Carter, R.W.G., Curtis, T.G.F. and Sheehy-Skeffington, M.J. (eds), Coastal dunes: geomorphology, ecology and management for conservation. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, pp. 455-461.
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- Atkinson, M.F. 1989. Stability of coastal dune systems: case study: the Kurnell Peninsula. Thesis, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 280 pp. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Atkinson, O.A.C., Thomas, D.S.G., Goudie, A.S. and Bailey, R.M. 2011. Late Quaternary chronology of major dune ridge development in the northeast Rub' al-Khali, United Arab Emirates. Quaternary Research 76(1):93-105, doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2011.04.003 (keyword: palaeodunes)
- Atkinson, O.A.C., Thomas, D.S.G., Goudie, A.S. and Parker, A.G. 2012. Holocene development of multiple dune generations in the northeast Rub' al-Khali, United Arab Emirates. Holocene 22(2):179-189, doi:10.1177/0959683611414927 (keyword: palaeodunes)
- Atkinson, O.A.C., Thomas, D.S.G., Parker, A.G. and Goudie, A.S. 2013. Late Quaternary humidity and aridity dynamics in the northeast Rub'al-Khali, United Arab Emirates: Implications for early human dispersal and occupation of eastern Arabia. Quaternary International 300:292-301, doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2012.12.014
- Atkinson, W.J. 1971. Improved techniques to stabilize frontal and hind dunes after beach mining. Journal of the Soil Conservation Service of New South Wales 27(4):199-208. (Note: management of coastal dunes)
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- Atkinson, W.J. 1974. Problems arising from the intensive use of coastal dunes in New South Wales, Australia. International Journal of Biometeorology 18(2):94-100. (in English)
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- Atterberg, A. 1905. Über die Korngrösse der Dünensande (On the grain size of dune sand). Chemiker-Zeitung 29(80):1074. (in German)
- Atwater, M.A. 1970. Planetary albedo changes due to aerosols. Science 170(3953):64-66.
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- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. (ed). 1972. Opyt izuchenii'a i osvoenii'a vostochnykh Karakumov (Experimental study of development in eastern Karakum). Sbornik, posvi'a'shchennyi 60-letii'u Repetekskoi peschano-pustynnoi stant'sii. Ashkhabad: Ylym, 126 pp. (in Russian)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. (ed). 1977. Natural conditions and the development of the Kara-kum. Ashkhabad: Ylym, 166 pp. (in Russian)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. (ed). 1986. Aerokosmicheskie metody izucheniia prirodnykh uslovii pustyn': Primenenie kosmicheskikh metodov dlia izucheniia prirodnykh resursov pustyn': Shkola-seminar: Papers. Ashkhabad: Ylym, 125 pp. (in Russian) (Note: air-photographic studies of deserts, dunes, etc.)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. (ed). 1986. Principles and methods of shifting sands fixation. Moscow: Centre for International Projects GKNT, 131 pp. (in English?)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. (ed). 1992. Pustyni'a Karakum i pustyni'a Tar (The Karakum and Thar deserts). Ashkhabad: Ylym, 387 pp. (in Russian; may be a translation of Kar and Abichandani 1992, or vice versa) (Note: sand deserts)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. 1956. Intra-oasis sands in the Tashauz District, stabilisation and afforestation of them. Ashkhabad: Turkmen State University Scientific Records, No 7, xx pp.
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. 1963. Wind erosion of sands in oases of Turkmenia and methods for controlling it. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoy SSR, Seriya biologicheskikh nauk (3):43-50. (in Russian)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. 1967. Oasis sands in Turkmenistan. Doctoral thesis, Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan, 353 pp.
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. 1973. Oazisnyye peski Turkmenistana i puti lkh osvoyenlya (Oases sands in Turkmenistan and methods for their development). Ashkhabad: Ylym, 353 pp. (in Russian) (keyword: fixation)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. 1978. Izucheniye i Osvoyeniye Pustyn': Rezult'taty i Perspecktivy Isslledovaniy. (Studies and reclamation of deserts: Results and future investigations). Pochvovedeniye (3):75-78. (in Russian?)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. 1978. Izucheniye i Osvoyeniye Pustyn': Rezult'taty i Perspecktivy Isslledovaniy. (Studies and reclamation of deserts: Results and future investigations). Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, Moskva, 3:75-78. (in Russian)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. 1981. Drifting sands in the deserts of the USSR: stabilisation and afforestation. Moscow: United Nations Environmental Protection, Soviet Project, 318 pp. (in English)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. 1994. Landscapes of Turkmenistan. In: Fet, V. and Atamuradov, Kh. (eds), Biogeography and Ecology of Turkmenistan. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 5-22. (Note: includes sand seas)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. and Cherednichenko (Tcherednichenko), V.P. 1972. On the methods of determining deflation rate. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (5):41-45. (in Russian with English summary)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. and Cherednichenko (Tcherednichenko), V.P. 1974. Some matters concerning sand deflation control. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (6):15-19. (in Russian with English summary)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. and Dobrin, L.G. 1978. Natural landscape dynamics in the belt controlled by the Karakum Canal. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (6):3-9. (in Russian) (Note: includes sand dunes)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. and Fedorovich, B.A. 1963. Pustyni'a Kara-Kumy (The Karakum Desert). Ashkhabad: Izd-vo Akademii nauk Turkmenskoi SSR, 87 pp. (in Russian) (Note: includes sand dunes)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. and Fedorovich, B.A. 1970. Principal stages of Karakum relief forming. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (5):3-11. (in Russian with English summary)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. and Frieken, Z.G. 1977. Pustyni SSSR, Vchera, Segodnya, Zavtra. (Deserts of the USSR, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow). Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Mysl Moskow USSR, 350 pp. (in Russian)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. and Gorelov, S.K. 1990. Problemy geomorfologii pustyn': na primere pustyn' Turkmenistana (Problems of desert geomorphology: deserts of Turkmenistan, as an example). Ashkhabad: Ylym, 156 pp. (in Russian) (keyword: dunes)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. and Kharin, N.G. 1981. Environment conservation and shelterbelt creation in Libya. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (2):83-89. (in Russian)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. and Orlovsky, N.S. 1977. A winning battle against destruction: Desert science is turning the steppes of Central Asia green. The Unesco Courier 30(July):18-22.
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G. and Regepbaev, K. 1967. Sand types of Tegen Oasis. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (2):18-26. (in Russian with English summary)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G., Gerasimov, I.P., Nechaeva, N.T., Petrov, M.P. and Sidorenko, A.V. 1978. Study and reclamation of deserts and semideserts in the USSR: includes shelterbelts. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (3):17-24. (in Russian)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G., Kulik, N.F., Ovezliyev, A.O. and Rat'kovsky (Rat'kovskiy), S.P. 1974. Melioration of sands in arid regions of the USSR. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (4):3-9. (in Russian with English summary)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G., Ovezliyev, A.O. and Muradov, B.K. 1991. Anti-deflation forage crop rotations on sands. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (6):64-70. (in Russian) (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Babayev (Babaev), A.G., Ovezliyev, A.O. and Senkevich, B.N. 1969. Drainage-collector network in Murgab Oasis and its protection against wind erosion. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (4):77-82. (in Russian with English summary)
- Bábek, O., Chlachula, J. and Grygar, T.M. 2011. Non-magnetic indicators of pedogenesis related to loess magnetic enhancement and depletion: Examples from the Czech Republic and southern Siberia. Quaternary Science Reviews 30(7-8):967-979.
- Babić, L., Zupanič, J., Vldović, J., Razum, I. and Crnjaković, M. 2012. Succession of Pleistocene non-marine sediments containing marine fossils, Mljet Island, Eastern Adriatic (Croatia) (Slijed pleistocenskih kopnenih sedimenata s morskim fosilima na otoku Mljetu, Istočni Jadran, Hrvatska). Natura Croatica 21 (2):269-299. (in English)
- Babichenko, V.N. 1965. Dust storms in the Ukraine. Kiev Nauchno-Issledevatel'skii Gidrometeorlogicheskii Institut, Trudy 52:45-53.
- Babichenko, V.N. and Kulakovstaia, M.Iu. 1970. Winter dust storms in the Ukraine. Kiev: Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut, Trudy 91:106-121. (in Russian)
- Babiker, A.A.A. and Jackson, C.C.E. 1985. Ventifact distribution in Qatar. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 10(1):3-16.
- Babu, S.S., Nair, V.S. and Moorthy, K.K. 2008. Seasonal changes in aerosol characteristics over Arabian Sea and their consequence on aerosol short-wave radiative forcing: Results from ARMEX field campaign. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70(5):820-834.
- Baby, S., Ahmed, M., Al-Sarawi, M-A, and Al-Awadhi, L. 2006. Relative occurrence of soil transport mechanisms and its ranking; at Al-Wafra and Al-Jahra-Subiya area situated along the major sand corridors of Kuwait. Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research 24(2):94-101. (Note: Aeolian sand transport)
- Bacardit, M. and Camarero, L. 2009. Fluxes of Al, Fe, Ti, Mn, Pb, Cd, Zn, Ni, Cu, and As in monthly bulk deposition over the Pyrenees (SW Europe): The influence of meteorology on the atmospheric component of trace element cycles and its implications for high mountain lakes. Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences 114, G00D02, doi:10.1029/2008JG000732 (keyword: dust)
- Bacardit, M. and Camarero, L. 2010. Atmospherically deposited major and trace elements in the winter snowpack along a gradient of altitude in the Central Pyrenees: The seasonal record of long-range fluxes over SW Europe. Atmospheric Environment 44(4):582-595.
- Bach, A.J. 1995. Aeolian modifications of glacial moraines at Bishop Creek, eastern California. In: Tchakerian, V.P. (ed), Desert aeolian processes, London: Chapman and Hall, pp. 179-198.
- Bach, A.J. 1995. Climatic controls on aeolian activity in the Mojave and Colorado deserts, California (sand dune). Doctoral thesis, Arizona State University, Tempe, 310 pp.
- Bach, A.J. 1998. Assessing conditions leading to severe wind erosion in the Antelope Valley, California, 1990-1991. Professional Geographer 50(1):87-97.
- Bach, A.J. and Elliottfisk, D.L. 1996. Soil development on Late Pleistocene moraines at Pine Creek, east-central Sierra Nevada, California. Physical Geography 17(1):1-28. (Note: dust in soil)
- Bach, A.J., Brazel, A.J. and Lancaster, N. 1996. Temporal and spatial aspects of blowing dust in the Mojave and Colorado deserts of southern California, 1973-1994. Physical Geography 17(4):329-353.
- Bach, M. 2009. Äolische Stofftransporte in Agrarlandschaften experimentelle Untersuchungen und räumliche Modellierung von Bodenerosionsprozessen durch Wind (Aeolian material transfers in agrarian landscapes: experimental investigations and räumliche modelling of ground erosion processes by wind). Thesis, Kiel Universität, 129 pp. (in German) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bach, S. and Hassenpflug, W. 1994. Quantifizierung der Bodenerosion durch Wind (II): Teilvorhaben D. Universität Kiel, Abteilung Geographie, Institut für Kulturwissenschaften, Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät, 107 pp. (in German)
- Bach, S. and Schmidt, E. 2008. Determining the dustiness of powders - A comparison of three measuring devices. Annals of Occupational Hygiene 52(8):717-725.
- Bach, W. 1986. Nuclear war: the effects of smoke and dust on weather and climate. Progress in Physical Geography 10(3):315-363.
- Bache, R. 1910. Where land flows like water. The Technical World Magazine 13(2):166-173. (Note: dunes and blown sand)
- Bachl, F.E., Garbe, C.S. and Fieguth, P. 2012. A Bayesian approach to spaceborn hyperspectral optical flow estimation on dust aerosols. In: Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), article 6351589: 256-259.
- Backer, L. de. 1856. Les dunes du nord de la France, leur passé et leur avenir (Dunes of northern France, their past and their future). Dunkerque: Imprimerie de B. Kien, 16 pp. (in French)
- Backer, S.M. de. 1945. Les tempêtes de sable au Sahara. Observations météorologiques à la station d'Ouanyanga-Kebir du 23 janvier au 21 mars 1941 (Sandstorms in the Sahara. Meteorological observations at the station of Ouanyanga-Kebir from 23 January to 21 March 1941). Institut Royal Météorologique de Belgique, Mémoires 22, 28 pp. (in French) (abstract in Busche et al. 1984)
- Backer, S.M. de. 1963. Études microclimatiques. Opuscule II. Dunes littorales, Oostduinkerke, août 1951 et juillet- août 1952 (Microclimatic studies. Opuscule II. Coastal dunes, Oostduinkerke, August 1951 and July-August 1952). Institut Royal Météorologique de Belgique, Uccle-Bruxelles, 20 pp. (in French)
- Backhaus, E. 1972. Rotfärbung und Sedimentation in der Sonora-Wüste (Mexico, USA) im genetischen Vergleich zum süddeutschen oberen Buntsandstein (Red coloration and sedimentation in the Sonora desert in the comparison to the South German upper Bunter sandstone). Nachrichten der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin 5:19. (in German)
- Bacon, D., Cahill, T. and Tombrello, T.A. 1996. Sailing stones on Racetrack Playa. The Journal of Geology 104(1):121-125. (Note: aeolian movement of stones)
- Bacon, J. Jr. 1845-1847. Polythalamia in sand from the Sahara Desert. Boston Journal of Natural History 5:402-404.
- Bacon, J. Jr. 1846. Notices of Polythalamia, in the sand of Sahara Desert. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 2(16):164.
- Bacon, J.C. 1975. A report on the stabilization and prevention of dune erosion on National Trust Properties in Northumberland 1971-1974. National Trust for England, xx pp.
- Bacon, M.P. 1984. Glacial to interglacial changes in carbonate and clay sedimentation in the Atlantic Ocean estimated from Th-230 measurements. Isotope Geoscience 2(2):97-111, doi:10.1016/0009-2541(84)90183-9 (keyword: dust)
- Bacon, S.N., McDonald, E.V., Amit, R., Enzel, Y. and Crouvi, O. 2011. Total suspended particulate matter emissions at high friction velocities from desert landforms. Journal of Geophysical Research. Earth Surface 116, F03019, doi:10.1029/2011JF001965 (Note: dust entrainment)
- Bacon, S.N., McDonald, E.V., Dalldorf, G.K., Baker, S.E., Sabol, D.E., Minor, T.B., Bassett, S.D., McCabe, S.R. and Bullard, T.F. 2010. Predictive soil maps based on geomorphic mapping, remote sensing, and soil databases in the desert Southwest. Progress in Soil Science 2(IV):411-421, doi:10.1007/978-90-481-8863-5_32 (Note: Soil mapping for dust emission modeling)
- Bączyk, J. and Nowak, B. 1963. Wpływ rzeźby na zróżnicowanie ziarn składu mineralnego osadów powierzchniowych na półwyspie Hel (Influence of relief on differentiation of mineral composition of surface deposits on the Hel Peninsula). Czasopismo Geograficzne, Lwów 34(3):209-240. (in Polish with English summary) (keyword: aeolian relief)
- Badarinath, K.V.S., Kharol, S.K., Kaskaoutis, D.G. and Kambezidis, H.D. 2007. Case study of a dust storm over Hyderabad area, India: Its impact on solar radiation using satellite data and ground measurements. Science of the Total Environment 384(1-2):316-332.
- Badarinath, K.V.S., Kharol, S.K., Kaskaoutis, D.G., Sharma, A.R., Ramaswamy, V. and Kambezidis, H.D. 2010. Long-range transport of dust aerosols over the Arabian Sea and Indian region - A case study using satellite data and ground-based measurements. Global and Planetary Change 72(3):164-181.
- Badarinath, K.V.S., Kharol, S.K., Krishna Prasad, V., Kaskaoutis, D.G. and Kambezidis, H.D. 2008. Variation in aerosol properties over Hyderabad, India during intense cyclonic conditions. International Journal of Remote Sensing 29(15):4575-4597. (keyword: dust)
- Badarinath, K.V.S., Kharol, S.K., Latha, K.M., Chand, T.R.K., Prasad, V.K., Jyothsna, A.N. and Samatha, K. 2007. Multiyear ground-based and satellite observations of aerosol properties over a tropical area in India. Atmospheric Science Letters 8(1):7-13. (keyword: dust)
- Badarinath, K.V.S., Kharol, S.K., Sharma, A.R., Ramaswamy, V., Kaskaoutis, D.G. and Kambezidis H.D. 2009. Investigations of an intense aerosol loading during 2007 cyclone SIDR - A study using satellite data and ground measurements over Indian region. Atmospheric Environment 43(24):3708-3716. (keyword: dust)
- Baddeley, P.F.H. 1850. On the dust-storms of India. The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, Third Series, 37(248):155-158.
- Baddeley, P.F.H. 1853. On dust whirlwinds and cyclones. The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 21(2):140-147; (3):264-269; (4):333-336. (in English)
- Baddeley, P.F.H. 1860. Whirlwinds and dust-storms of India. An investigation into the law of wind and revolving storms at sea. London: Bell and Daldy, 137 pp.
- Baddock, M.C. 2005. Airflow dynamics in transverse dune interdunes. Doctoral thesis, University of Leicester, England, 135 pp.
- Baddock, M.C., Bullard, J.E. and Bryant, R.G. 2009. Dust source identification using MODIS: A comparison of techniques applied to the Lake Eyre Basin, Australia. Remote Sensing of Environment 113(7):1511-1528.
- Baddock, M.C., Gill, T.E., Bullard, J.E., Dominguez Acosta, M. and Rivera Rivera, N.I. 2011. Geomorphology of the Chihuahuan Desert based on potential dust emissions. Journal of Maps 7:249- 259, doi:10.4113/jom.2011.1178
- Baddock, M.C., Livingstone, I. and Wiggs, G.F.S. 2007. The geomorphological significance of airflow patterns in transverse dune interdunes. Geomorphology 87(4):322-336.
- Baddock, M.C., Strong, C.L., Leys, J.F., Heidenreich, S.K., Tews, E.K. and McTainsh, G.H. 2014. A visibility and total suspended dust relationship. Atmospheric Environment 89:329-336, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.02.038
- Baddock, M.C., Strong, C.L., Murray, P.S. and McTainsh, G.H. 2013. Aeolian dust as a transport hazard. Atmospheric Environment 71:7-14, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.01.042
- Baddock, M.C., Wiggs, G.F.S. and Livingstone, I. 2011. A field study of mean and turbulent flow characteristics upwind, over and downwind of barchan dunes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 36(11):1435-1448, doi:10.1002/esp.2161
- Baddock, M.C., Zobeck, T.M., Van Pelt, R.S. and Fredrickson, E.L. 2011. Dust emissions from undisturbed and disturbed, crusted playa surfaces: Cattle trampling effects. Aeolian Research 3(1):31-41, doi:10.1016/j.aeolia.2011.03.007
- Baden-Powell, D.F.W. 1942. On the marine Mollusca of Stuland Bay, Dorset and the supply of lime to the sand dunes. Journal of Animal Ecology 11(1):82-95. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Bader, C.D. 1997. Controlling dust on unpaved roads. Erosion Control 4(5):20-32.
- Bader, H., Hamilton, W.L. and Brown, P.L. 1965. Measurement of natural particulate fallout onto high polar ice sheets. Part 1. Laboratory techniques and first results. Hanover, NH.: United States Army Material Command, Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory, 92 pp. (keyword: dust)
- Badescu, V. and Cathcart, R.B. 2011. Dune sand fixation: Mauritania Seawater Pipeline Macroproject. In: Badescu, V. and Cathcart, R.B. (eds), Macro-engineering seawater in unique environments: arid lowlands and water bodies rehabilitation. In the series: Environmental Science and Engineering), Berlin: Springer, pp. 465-488, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-14779-1_21
- Badescu, V., Cathcart, R.B. and Bolonkin, A.A 2008. Sand dune fixation: A solar-powered Sahara seawater pipeline macroproject. Land Degradation and Development 19(6):676-691.
- Badger, W.W. 1972. Structure of friable Iowa loess. Doctoral thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, 149 pp.
- Badorreck, A., Gerke, H.H. and Hüttl, R.F. 2013. Morphology of physical soil crusts and infiltration patterns in an artificial catchment. Soil and Tillage Research 129:1-8. (Note: aeolian dust deposition effect on soil)
- Badr Hadhidh A. Alharbi. 2009. Airborne dust in Saudi Arabia: source areas, entrainment, simulation and composition. Monash University, Faculty of Arts. School of Geography and Environmental Science, computer file
- Badr, T. 2007. Quantification des émissions atmosphériques diffuses produites par érosion éolienne (Quantification of diffuse atmospheric emissions from wind erosion of soil. Thèse, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambrésis, 217 pp. (in French)
- Badr, T. and Harion, J.L. 2005. Numerical modelling of flow over stockpiles: Implications on dust emissions. Atmospheric Environment 39(30):5576-5584.
- Badr, T. and Harion, J.L. 2007. Effect of aggregate storage piles configuration on dust emissions. Atmospheric Environment 41(02):360-368.
- Badr, T., Owusu, Y.A., Umer, Z., Khan, M.H. and Shehata, W.M. 1989. Laboratory evaluation of some chemicals as sand stabilizers. In: 2nd Symposium on Geotechnical Problems in Saudi Arabia, King Saud University, Riyadh, 19 May 1989.
- Badura, J. 2004. Czerwone gliny; neogenskie horyzonty pedogeniczne w Polsce SW (Red clays; pedogenic horizons in Neogene sediments in southwestern Poland). In: Jary, Z. (ed), Zmiany klimatu zapisane w sekwencjach (Record of climate changes in loess successions) Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, Instytut Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalnego Wroclaw, Poland, pp. 11-14. (in Polish)
- Badura, J. and Przybylski, B. 2004. Stratygrafia gleb lessowych w swietle analizy morfostratygraficznej Walu slaskiego (Stratigraphy of loess soils in light of morphostratigraphic analysis of the Silesian Rampart). In: Jary, Z. (ed), Zmiany klimatu zapisane w sekwencjach (Record of climate changes in loess successions), IV seminarium lessowe (4th loess symposium). Strzelin, October 13-16, Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, Instytut Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalnego, Wroclaw, pp. 15-19. (in Polish with English abstract)
- Badura, J., Jary, Z. and Smalley, I. 2013. Sources of loess material for deposits in Poland and parts of Central Europe: The lost Big River. Quaternary International 296:15-22, doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2012.06.019
- Badyukova, E.N. 2005. New data on morphology and structure of Baer's mounds. Geomorfologiya (4):25-38. (in Russian) (Note: geological wind erosion?)
- Badyukova, E.N. and Kalashnikov, A. Yu. 2009. Dependence of the types of coasts and coastal eolian relief on the variations of the sea level using the example of the Caspian Sea. Oceanology 49(6):858-865
- Badyukova, E.N., Solov'eva, G. D. (Solov'yeva, G.D.) 1997. Rel'yef primorskikh dyun kak indikator kolebaniy urovnya morv (Relief of coastal dunes as indicator of sea-level changes). Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriia V: Geografiia (5):10-15. (in Russian)
- Badyukova, E.N., Zhindarev, L.A., Luk'yanova, S.A. and Solov'eva, G.D. 2007. Geological structure of the Curonian Spit (of the Baltic Sea) and its evolution history (revised). Oceanology 47(4):554-563. (in English) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Badyukova, E.N., Zhindarev, L.A., Luk'yanova, S.A. and Solov'eva, G.D. 2011. The geological-geomorphological structure of the Baltic (Vistula) spit. Oceanology 51(4):632-639. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Bae, S., Inyang, H.I., De Brito Galvão, T.C. and Mbamalu, G.E. 2006. Soil desiccation rate integration into empirical dust emission models for polymer suppressant evaluation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 132(1):111-117.
- Baechi, S. 1975. Windschutz-Probleme (Windbreak problems). Staudengarten (4):52-53. (in German) (keyword: shelter)
- Baehi, C. 1945. Un épisode de la lute de l'homme contre les sables: la fixation des dunes mouvants dans le nord de l'Afrique (An episode in the battle between man and sand: the fixation of moving dunes in North Africa). Revue pour l'Etude des Calamités 8(22):26-42. (in French)
- Baer, N.W. 1986. Twin-row high-density: an alternate windbreak design. Great Plains Agricultural Council, Publication 117, pp. 101-104. (keyword: shelter)
- Baer, N.W. 1989. Shelterbelts and windbreaks in the Great Plains. Journal of Forestry 87(4):32-36.
- Baetman, C. 2001. Modern and inland dunes, Holocene depositional history. In: Geologica Belgica field meeting, western coastal plain, 2nd June, 13 pp.
- Baggaley, D.G. and Hanesiak, J.M. 2005. An empirical blowing snow forecast technique for the Canadian Arctic and the prairie provinces. Weather and Forecasting 20(1):51-62.
- Bagley, W.T. 1976. Multipurpose tree plantations. In: Tinus, R.W. (ed), Shelterbelts on the Great Plains, Denver, April 1976, Missoula: University of Montana Press, Great Plains Agricultural Council, Publication 78, pp. 125-128.
- Bagley, W.T. 1992. Agroforestry and windbreaks. In: Mann, H.S. (ed), Scientific Reviews on Arid Zone Research 8, Jodhpur: Scientific Publishers, pp. 221-233.
- Bagneris, G. 1878. Quelques notes sur la fixation des dunes et le gemmage du pin maritime (Some notes on the fixing of the dunes and the resin of the maritime pine). Suppl. to Manuel de sylviculture, 2e, éd. Paris: Berger-Levrault & cie, 325 pp. (in French)
- Bagnold, R.A. 1931. Journeys in the Libyan Desert, 1929 and 1930. The Geographical Journal 78(1):13-39; (6):524-533.
- Bagnold, R.A. 1933. A further journey through the Libyan Desert. The Geographical Journal 82(2):103-129; (3):211-213, 226-235.
- Bagnold, R.A. 1935. Libyan Sands. London: Travel Book Club, 351 pp.
- Bagnold, R.A. 1935. The movement of desert sand. The Geographical Journal 85(4):342-365.
- Bagnold, R.A. 1936. The movement of desert sand. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A 157(892):594-620.
- Bagnold, R.A. 1937. The size-grading of sand by wind. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A 163(913):250-264.
- Bagnold, R.A. 1937. The transport of sand by wind. The Geographical Journal 89(5):409-438.
- Bagnold, R.A. 1938. Grain structure of sand dunes in relation to water content. Nature (London) 142(3591):403-404.
- Bagnold, R.A. 1938. The measurement of sand storms. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A 167(929):282-290.
- Bagnold, R.A. 1939. A lost world refound. Scientific American 161(5, November):261-263. (Note: landforms in the Gilf Kebir)
- Bagnold, R.A. 1941. The physics of blown sand and desert dunes. London: Methuen, 265 pp. (reprinted 1954; 1960; 2005, by Dover, Mineola, NY)
- Bagnold, R.A. 1951. Some problems of desert physics. Bulletin de l'Institut Fouad premier du désert 1(2):27-34.
- Bagnold, R.A. 1951. The movement of a cohesionless granular bed by fluid flow over it. British Journal of Applied Physics 2(2):29-34.
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- Bagnold, R.A. 1953. The surface movement of blown sand in relation to meteorology. In: Desert Research, Proceedings of the International Symposium, Jerusalem, 7-14 May 1952, Research Council of Israel, Special Publication 2, pp. 89-93.
- Bagnold, R.A. 1954. Experiments on a gravity-free dispersion of large solid spheres in a Newtonian fluid under shear. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A 225(1160):49-63.
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- Bagnold, R.A. 1956. The flow of cohesionless grains in fluids. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A 249(964):235-297.
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- Bagnold, R.A. 1962. Saltation (air and water). In: Thewlis, J. (ed), Encyclopaedic dictionary of physics, Volume 6, Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 370-371.
- Bagnold, R.A. 1962. Transport of sand by wind. In: Thewlis, J. (ed), Encyclopaedic dictionary of physics, Volume 7, Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 436-440.
- Bagnold, R.A. 1966. An approach to the sediment transport problem from general physics. United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 0422-I, 37 pp.
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- Bagnold, R.A. 1973. The nature of saltation and of "bed-load" transport in water. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A 332(1591):473-504.
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- Bagnold, R.A. 1979. Sediment transport by wind and water. Nordic Hydrology 10(5):309-322.
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- Bagnold, R.A. 1990. Sand, wind, and war: memoirs of a desert explorer. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 209 pp.
- Bagnold, R.A. and Barndorff-Nielsen, O.E. 1980. The pattern of natural size distributions. Sedimentology 27(2):199-207.
- Bagnold, R.A., Myers, O.H., Peel, R.F. and Winkler, H.A. 1939. An expedition to the Gilf Kebir and 'Uweinat, 1938. The Geographical Journal 93(4):281-313.
- Bahk, J.J., Han, S.J. and Khim, B.K. 2004. Variations of terrigenous sediment supply to the southern slope of the Ulleung Basin, East/Japan Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum. Geosciences Journal: Journal of the Geological Society of Korea (Seoul) 8(4):381-390.
- Bahr, M. 1938. Die Veraenderungen der Helgolaender Duene und des umgebenden Seegebietes (Review of changes in location and configuration of sand dunes of Island of Helgoland off the north coast of Germany since 17th Century). Hafenbautechnische Gesellschaft, Jahrbuch 17, pp. 1-70. (in German) (Note: coastal sand dunes)
- Bai Chunguang and Wang Jian. 2003. A new grain-size index; grain-size fractal dimensions of sediment and its environmental significance. Chen ji xue bao (Acta Sedimentologica Sinica) 21(2):235-239.(in Chinese with English abstract)
- Bai Fenglong. 1987. The thickest loess deposits in the world; a study of the Xijincun loess section, Lanzhou. Di zhi lun ping (Geological Review) 33(2):188-191. (in Chinese)
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- Bai Guangmei, Zhao Qing, Teng Xiaohua and Li Xifei. 2001. On role of sand control along railway on western environment development. Nei meng gu lin ye diao cha she ji (Inner Mongolia Forestry Investigation and Design) 24(3):10, 38. (in Chinese)
- Bai Huzhi, Dong Anxiang, Li Dongliang and Fang Feng. 2005. Temporal and spatial characteristics of strong wind and dust days in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and along Qingzang Railway. Gao yuan qi xiang (Plateau Meteorology) 24(3):311-315. (in Chinese)
- Bai Huzhi, Ma Zhenfeng, Dong Wenjie, Li Dongliang, Fang Feng and Liu Dexiang. 2006. Climatic properties and sandstorm causes in Tibet Plateau. Zhongguo sha mo (Journal of Desert Research) 26(2):249-253. (in Chinese with English abstract)
- Bai Jingyu and Yu Shuqiu. 2003. Preliminary research on effect factors of blowing-sand weather in spring in mid-reaches of the Huanghe River. Qi xiang xue bao (Acta Meteorologica Sinica) 61(5):600-605. (in Chinese)
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- Bai Linyan, Feng Jianzhong, Chen Y., Huang J., Zhang W., Kang Y. and Pan H. 2010. Experimental study of satellite retrieval of dust aerosol optical thickness using AERONET SACOL site observations. Guang xue xue bao (Acta Optica Sinica) 30(10):2837-2844. (in Chinese?)
- Bai Linyan, Xue Yong, Cao Chunxiang, Feng Jianzhong, Zhang Hao, Guang Jie, Wang Ying, Li Yingjie, Mei Linlu and Ai Jianwen. 2010. Quantitative retrieval of aerosol optical thickness from FY-2 VISSR data. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 7840:784022.
- Bai Song, Tang Ya, Wang Chengshan and Huang Chengmin. 2007. A Late Quaternary climate record based on multi-proxies analysis from the Jiaochang Loess section in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (Di zhi xue bao. English) 81(6):1087-1096. (in English)
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- Bai Xuechun, Wang Jianguo and Ma Tao. 2003. Application of LD-3K particulate substance monitor on sandstorm monitoring. Nei meng gu huan jing bao hu (Inner Mongolia Environmental Protection) 15(4):48-49. (in Chinese)
- Bai Yan, Fang Xiaomin, Nie Junsheng, Wang Yongli and Wu Fuli. 2009. A preliminary reconstruction of the paleoecological and paleoclimatic history of the Chinese Loess Plateau from the application of biomarkers. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 271(1-2):161-169.
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- Bai Yongxiang and Sun Guirong. 2004. Wind-drift sand hazard in Kubuqi Desert and its control. Nei meng gu lin ye ke ji (Inner Mongolia Forestry Science and Technology) (3):32-34. (in Chinese)
- Bai Yungang, Song Yudong, Zhang Jianjun, Liu Xiaoming and Yang Xudong. 2005. Spatial-temporal distribution of sandstorm weather trend in Tarim Basin in recent 40 years. Gan han qu zi yuan yu huan jing (Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment) 19(5):42-45. (in Chinese)
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- Baidu-Forson, J. and Napier, T.L. 1998. Wind erosion control within Niger. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 53(2):120-125.
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- Bailey, G.E. 1902. The Saline Deposits of California. Part I. The Great Basin. Sacramento: California State Mining Bureau, Bulletin no. 24, pp. 1-32. (Note: Aeolian sands, dunes, saline playas)
- Bailey, I., Liu Q., Swann, G.E.A., Jiang Z., Sun Y., Zhao X. and Roberts, A.P. 2011. Iron fertilisation and biogeochemical cycles in the sub-Arctic northwest Pacific during the late Pliocene intensification of northern hemisphere glaciations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 307(3-4):253-265.
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- Bailey, L.J. 1923. Literature of the dunes: a bibliography. Indiana State Library, 7 pp. (Note: Indiana Dunes - coastal)
- Bailey, L.W. 1896. Some Nova Scotian illustrations of dynamical geology. The Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science 9(2):180-194. (Note: discusses sand hills or dunes of the southern coast)
- Bailey, R.J. and Clever, J.E. 2003. The Windermere gas field, blocks 49/9b, 49/4a, UK southern North Sea. Geological Society of America, Memoir 20, pp. 893-901. (Note: aeolian sandstones)
- Bailey, R.J. and Lloyd, D.A. 2001. A log correlation of the Rotliegend of the northern Cleaver Bank High: the search for controls on reservoir sand distribution. Petroleum Geoscience 7(4):351-358.
- Bailey, S.D. 2004. A geophysical and geochronological assessment of coastal dune evolution at Aberffraw. Doctoral thesis, University of London, 407 pp.
- Bailey, S.D. and Bristow, C.S. 2000. The structure of coastal dunes; observations from ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys. In: Noon, D.A., Stickley, G.F. and Longstaff, D. (eds). GPR 2000; proceedings of the eighth international conference on Ground Penetrating Radar. SPIE Proceedings Series 4084, (International Society for Optical Engineering; Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers). Bellingham, WA, pp. 660-665.
- Bailey, S.D. and Bristow, C.S. 2004. Migration of parabolic dunes at Aberffraw, Anglesey, north Wales. Geomorphology 59(1-4):165-174.
- Bailey, S.D., Wintle, A.G., Duller, G.A.T. and Bristow, C.S. 2001. Sand deposition during the last millennium at Aberffraw, Anglesay, North Wales as determined by OSL dating of quartz. Quaternary Science Reviews 20(5-9):701-704. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Bailey, S.I. 1899. The sand-dunes of the Desert of Islay, Peru. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, Cambridge, 39(2):287-292.
- Bailey, S.I. 1923. Peruvian meteorology 1896-1900. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, Cambridge, 86(3):119-194.
- Baillieul, T. 1973. Reconaissance [sic] sand survey: Western Ngamiland. Lobatse: Geological Survey, Republic of Botswana, 18 pp. (in English)
- Baillieul, T. 1975. A reconnaissance survey of the cover sands in the Republic of Botswana. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 45(2):494-503.
- Baillieul, T. 1979. Makadigadi pans complex in central Botswana. Geological Society of America Bulletin 90(2):289-312.
- Baillieul, T.A. 1972. Analysis of some sands overlying the Morapule Coalfield. Geological Survey of Botswana, Unpublished Report.
- Baillieul, T.A. 1973. Reconnaissance sand survey, southern Botswana. Geological Survey of Botswana, Unpublished Report TAB/14/73, xx pp. (keyword: palaeodunes)
- Baillieul, T.A. 1973. Reconnaissance sand survey, the area round Moorkane. Geological Survey of Botswana, Unpublished Report TAB/11/73, xx pp. (keyword: palaeodunes)
- Bain, D.C. and Tait, N.M. 1977. Mineralogy and origin of dust fall on Skye. Clay Minerals 12(4):353-355.
- Baines, W.D. and Peterson, E.G. 1951. An investigation of flow through screens. Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers 73(5):467-480.
- Bairamov (Bayramov), S.B. 1962. The wind regime and dynamics of shifting sands in the Koturtep area (western Turkmenia). Izvestiia Akademii nauk Turkmenskoi SSR. Seriia biologicheskikh nauk (1):31-41. (in Russian)
- Bairamov (Bayramov), S.B. 1963. O vliyanii gruntovykh vodna duinzhenie peskov (Influence of subsurface waters on the movement of sand). Izvestiia Akademii nauk Turkmenskoi SSR. Seriia biologicheskikh nauk (4):76-77. (in Russian)
- Bairamov (Bayramov), S.B. 1971. Izucheniye deflyatsionnykh protsessov v peschanykh pustynyakh. (Study of deflation in sand deserts). Geomorfologiya (2):45-49. (in Russian)
- Bairamov (Bayramov), S.B. 1981. Eolian relief formation of deserts and the control of drift sands. In: Babaeva, A.G. (ed), Aktual'nye voprosy osvoeniia i preobrazovaniia pustyn' SSSR, Ashkhabad: Ylym, pp. 84-102. (in Russian)
- Bairamov (Bayramov), S.B., Nuriev (Nuryev, Nuriyev), E.L., Ryabikhin (Riabikhin), E.L., Loktev, Yu.T., Vlasov, V.P., Fateyeva, L.N. and Shirmamedov, M. 1973. Nerosine application to wind erosion control of footings of power line supports. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (6):85-88. (in Russian with English summary)
- Bairamov (Bayramov), S.B., Veiisov, S.V., Senkevich, B.N., Arnagel'dyev, A. and Ivanov, A.P. 1980. Recommendations for the protection of the basins of industrial runoff from sand drifts and blowing out of dams. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (6):76-79. (in Russian)
- Baird, B. 1993. Strange Earth, No. 13; Singing sands. The Edinburgh Geologist 27(Autumn):18-19.
- Baise, M.P. and Sullivan, R.A.C.1980. Preliminary assessment of the significance of wind erosion as a nonpoint source of pollution in the United States Great Lakes basin. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Great Lakes National Program Office. Ann Arbor, MI: Great Lakes Basin Commission, 23 pp. (Note: date is uncertain)
- Bajard, J. 1966. Figures et structures sédimentaires dans la zone intertidale de la partie oriental de la Baie du Mont Saint Michel (Sedimentary forms and structures of the intertidal zone in the eastern part of the Bay of Mont Saint Michel). Revue de géographie physique et de géologie dynamique, Deuxième série, 8(1):39-112. (in French) (Note: wind erosion and sedimentation)
- Bajolle. 1887. Le Sahara de Ouargla (The Sahara of Ouargla, Algeria). Algiers: Imprimerie de l'Association ouvrière, 55 pp. (in French)
- Bake, D. 1978. Konzentration und Korngrössenverteilung des Luftstaubes in deutschen Städten (Concentration and grain-size distribution of the dust in the air in German towns). WaBoLu Berichte 1978/4, Berlin: Reimer, 50 pp. (in German)
- Baker, A.A. 1936. Geology of Monument Valley - Navajo Mountain Region. United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 0865, 106 pp. (Note: aeolian sandstone)
- Baker, A.A., Dane, C.H. and Reeside, J.B. 1936. Correlation of the Jurassic formation of parts of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado. United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 183, 66 pp. (Note: aeolian sandstones)
- Baker, A.R., French, M. and Linge, K.L. 2006. Trends in aerosol nutrient solubility along a west-east transect of the Saharan dust plume. Geophysical Research Letters 33, L07805, doi:10.1029/2005GL024764
- Baker, A.R., Jickells, T.D., Biswas, K.F., Weston, K. and French, M. 2006. Nutrients in atmospheric aerosol particles along the Atlantic Meridional Transect. Deep-Sea Research, Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 53(14-16):1706-1719.
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- Baker, C.L. 1911. Notes on the Later Cenozoic history of the Mohave Desert region in southeastern California. University of California Publications, Bulletin of the Department of Geology 6(15):333-383. (Note: playas, wind abrasion)
- Baker, C.L. 1915. Geology and underground waters of the northern Llano Estacado. University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology and Technology, Bulletin 57, 225 pp.
- Baker, C.L. 1948. The Pennington-Haakon County central boundary area, with general discussion of its surroundings. Vermillion: South Dakota Geological Survey, Report of Investigations 64, 28 pp.
- Baker, C.L. 1951. Yardangs in South Dakota badlands. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 62:1532. (Note: geological wind erosion)
- Baker, G. 1959. A contrast in the opal phytolith assemblages of two Victorian soils. Australian Journal of Botany 7(1):88-96. (Note: dust in soil)
- Baker, G. 1959. Opal phytoliths in some Victorian soils and 'red rain' residues. Australian Journal of Botany 7(1):64-87. (Note: dust in soil)
- Baker, G. 1960. Phytoliths in some Australian dusts. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 72(1):21-40.
- Baker, H.P. 1906. The holding and reclamation of sand dunes and sand wastes by tree planting. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science for 1906 13:209-214.
- Baker, H.P. 1937. Studies of sand dunes along Lake Michigan. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pamphlets on land utilization 5, 21 pp. (Note: coastal sand dunes)
- Baker, H.W. Jr. 1976. Environmental sensitivity of submicroscopic surface textures on quartz sand grains - a statistical evaluation. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 46(4):871-880.
- Baker, J.B., Southard, R.J. and Mitchell, J.P. 2005. Agricultural dust production in standard and conservation tillage systems in the San Joaquin Valley. Journal of Environmental Quality 34(4):1260-1269.
- Baker, J.T. 2007. Cotton seedling abrasion and recovery from wind blown sand. Agronomy Journal 99(2):556-561.
- Baker, J.T., McMichael, B., Burke, J.J., Gitz, D.C., Lascano, R.J. and Ephrath, J.E. 2009. Sand abrasion injury and biomass partitioning in cotton seedlings. Agronomy Journal 101(6):1297-1303, doi:10.2134/agronj2009.0052
- Baker, P. 1906. The holding and reclamation of sand dunes and sand wastes. Forestry Quarterly 4(4):282-288.
- Baker, R.G., Bettis, III, E.A., Mandel, R.D., Dorale, J.A. and Fredlund, G.G. 2009. Mid-Wisconsinan environments on the eastern Great Plains. Quaternary Science Reviews 28(9-10):873-889. (Note: loess, palaeoaeolian sands)
- Baker, V.R. 1981. The geomorphology of Mars. Progress in Physical Geography 5(4):473-513. (Note: dunes, geological wind erosion)
- Bakewell, D. 1978. Wind erosion: factory waste lime. British Sugar Beet Review 46(3):15-16.
- Bakewell, D. 1980. Wind erosion control: an assessment of methods available. British Sugar Beet Review 48(3):7-9.
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- Bakker, Th.W.M. 1979. Duinen en duinvalleien: een landschapsecologische studie van het Nederlandse duingebied (Dunes and dune valleys: landscape ecology of the dunes of the Netherland). Wageningen: Centrum voor landbouwpublikaties en landbouwdocumentatie, 210 pp. (in Dutch) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Bakker, Th.W.M. 1981. Nederlandse kustduinen: geohydrologie (Dutch coastal dunes - Geohydrology). Doctoral thesis, Landbouwhogeschool te Wageningen, Centrum voor Landbouwpublikaties en landbouwdocumentatie, Wageningen, 189 pp. (in Dutch)
- Bakker, Th.W.M. 1987. Duinen, van zand tot landschap (Dunes from sand to landscape). Pirola, Schoorl, 144 pp. (in Dutch)
- Bakker, Th.W.M. and Nienhuis, P.R. 1990. Geohydrology of les Dunes de Mont Saint Frieux, Boulonnais, France. In: Bakker, T.W.M., Jungerius, P.D. and Klijn, J.A. (eds), Dunes of the European coasts. Catena Supplement 18:133-143.
- Bakker, Th.W.M., Jungerius, P.D. and Klijn, J.A. 1990. Dunes of the European coasts: geomorphology, hydrology, soils. Catena Supplement 18, 223 pp. (in English)
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- Bakkum, A.W.G. 1994. Sahelian wind erosion research project. The behaviour of an artificial soil crust in a simulated sand storm. Wageningen Agricultural University, Department of Irrigation and Soil and Water Conservation, Report 6, 40 pp.
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- Bakler, N. 1976. Calcareous sandstone and sands of the Israel Mediterranean offshore. Geological Survey of Israel, Summary Report MG/76/5, 49+13 pp. (Note: aeolian calcarenite)
- Bakler, N., Denekamp, S. and Rohrlich, V. 1972. Sandy units in the coastal plain of Israel; environmental interpretation using statistical analysis of grain size data. Israel Journal of Earth Sciences 21(3-4):155-178
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- Bal, C. 1848. La vérité sur la fixation des dunes (The truth about the fixation of the dunes). 2e edition, Bordeaux: Les principaux Libraries, 15 pp. (in French) (Note: Bal is a pseudonym for Grellet-Balguerie)
- Balachandar, R., Mulpuru, S.R. and Ungurian, M.H. 1998. Transport of dry aerosols in turbulent jets. Journal of Environmental Engineering 124(10):994-1002.
- Balaev, L.G. and T'sarev, P.V. 1964. Lëssovye porody T'sentral'nogo i Vostochnogo Predkavkaz'ia. Moskva: Nauka, 247 pp. (in Russian) (keyword: loess)
- Balakirev, E.K. 1968. Unusual dust storms over Ashkhabad. Priroda (Akademii Nauk SSSR) (10):124-125. (in Russian)
- Balakirev, E.K. and Petrov, M.P. 1968. Nebivalaya pyl'naya burya nad Ashkhabadom (Unprecedented dust storm over Ashkhabad). Priroda (Akademii Nauk SSSR) (10):124-125. (in Russian)
- Balakirev, V.V., Dyabin, Yu.P., Mirumyants, S.O., Tantashev, M.V.and Toporkov, Yu.G. 1981. Vertical distribution of atmospheric aerosols over a desert (Karakum). Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics 17(10):824-827. (in English)
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- Balandin, Yu.G. 1984. Peculiarities of loess sequences of key sections in the Ukraine as reflections of the characteristics of the loess geosystem. In: Pécsi, M. (ed), Lithology and stratigraphy of loess and paleosols, 11th International Congress on Quaternary (INQUA), Moscow 1982, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geographical Research Institute, Budapest, Elmélet, Módszer, Gyakorlat 30, pp. 61-69.
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- Balandin, Yu.G. and Morozov, S.S. 1972. Pro granulometrichniy sklad lesovikh porid mezhirichchya Dunay-Dnister-Pivdenniy Bug (Granulometric composition of loess-bearing rocks in the region of the Danube, Dniester, and Southern Bug rivers). Geologiya Proberezh'ya i dna Chernogo i Azovskogo Morey v Predalakh USSR 6:21-27. (in Ukrainian with English and Russian summaries)
- Balashov, V. and Ripley, G.W. 1963. Electron microscopy of airborne mineral dust. Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 63(3):82-89.
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- Baldwin, K.A. and Maun, M.A. 1983. Macroenvironment of Lake Huron sand dunes. Canadian Journal of Botany 61(1):241-255. (in English with French summary) (Note: coastal sand dunes)
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- Balis, D. 2012. Geometrical characteristics of desert dust layers over Thessaloniki estimated with backscatter/Raman lidar and the BSC/DREAM model. Remote Sensing Letters 3(4):353-362.
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- Balis, D., Papayannis, A., Kalivitis, N., Chourdakis, G., Amiridis, V., Vrekoussis, M., Mihalopoulos, N., Kanakidou, M. and Tsaknakis, G. 2004. Extinction of solar radiation over the East Mediterranean under Sahara dust influence. In: Proceedings, 22nd International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC 2004), July 12-16, Matera, Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 (561), pp. 869-872.
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- Ball, C.B.R., Roy, R.C. and Swanton, C.J. 2000. Tillage and cover crop impacts on aggregation of a sandy soil. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 80(2):363-366. (in English with French summary) (Note: wind erosion)
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- Ballais, J.-L. 1996. L'Origine des limons sableux éoliens des Monts de Matmata (Tunisie) (The origin of eolian sandy silt in the Matmata Mountains, Tunisia). Travaux - Centre national de la Recherche scientifique, Unité Associée no. 903, 25, pp. 35-44. (in French) (Note: loess-type deposit)
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- Ballais, J.-L., Marre, A. and Rognon, P. 1979. Périodes arides du Quaternaire récent et déplacement des sables éoliens dans les Zibans, Algérie (Arid periods during the late Quaternary and aeolian sand movement across the Ziban Hills, Algeria). Revue de géologie dynamique et de géographie physique 21(2):97-108. (in French with English abstract)
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- Baltz, R.M. 1982. Geology of the Arica Mountains. Master's thesis, San Diego State University, 92pp. (Note: aeolian sandstone)
- Baltzer, A. 1885. Quelques observations sur le Löss du canton de Berne (Some observations on the Loess in the Canton Bern). Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles, Genève, Période 3, 14:240-244. (in French)
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- Baltzer, A. 1887. Ueber den Löss im Kanton Bern (On the Loess in the Canton Bern). Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau (Braunschweig) 2(24):195. (in German) (Note: abstract)
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- Baltzer, A. 1896. Vom Rande der Wüste (On the edge of the desert). Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern aus dem Jahre 1895, (1375-1377):13-36. (in German) (Note: dunes and ventifacts)
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- Bao Huijuan and Li Zhenshan. 2004. Longitudinal intensity of airflow turbulence with sand grain saltation in a wind tunnel. Zhongguo sha mo (Journal of Desert Research) 24(2):244-247. (in Chinese with English abstract)
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- Baraev (Barayev), A.I. 1976. Scientific bases of the farming system of soil erosion control in the steppe zone of the USSR. Puti intensifikatsii sel'skogo khoziaistva tselinnykh rainonov. In: Shatilov, I.S., Loza, G.M., Baraev, A.I., Prishep, L.G., Ovsynnikov, A.I., Sinygin, I.I., Muzhamedgaliev, F.M. and Kaymor, M.K. (eds), Puti intensifikat'sii sel'skogo khoziaistva tselinnykh raionov, Moskva: Kolos, pp. 46-63. (in Russian) (Note: includes wind erosion)
- Baraev (Barayev), A.I. 1976. Vetrovaia eroziia i plodorodie pochv (Wind erosion and soil fertility). Vsesoiuznaia ordena Lenina akademiia sel'skokhoziaistvennykh nauk imeni V.I. Lenina. Vsesoiuznyi ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni nauchno-issledovatel'skii institut zernovogo khoziaistva. Nauchnye trudy VASKhNIL, Moskva: Kolos, 319 pp. (in Russian) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Baraev (Barayev), A.I. and Gossen, E.F. 1980. Wind erosion of soils and its control in the Asian part of the USSR. In: Baraev (Barayev), A.I. (ed), Eroziia pochv i bor'ba s nei, Moskva: Kolos, pp. 7-47. (in Russian)
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- Baraniecka, M.D. 1982. Sytuacja geologiczna i rozmieszczenie wydm okolic warszawy (Geological situation and arrangement of dunes in the Warsaw environs). Roczniki gleboznawcze 33(3-4):33-57. (in Polish with Russian and English summaries)
- Baraniecka, M.D. 1982. Wydmy okolic Otwocka (The dunes in the environs of Otwocka). Biuletyn Instytutu Geologiczny 26(337):5-32. (in Polish)
- Baraniecki, L. 1969. Le loess et les formations loessides (Loess and loess-type formations). In: Symposium sur l'action du vent et la formation du loess en milieu periglaciaire würmien, Wroclaw, 1968, Biuletyn Peryglacjalny 20:207-212. (in French)
- Baranov, K.A. 1953. Opyt ispolzovaniya konkretsii Ukrainskikh lëssov v kacestve narkiruyushchego sredstva. Biulleten' Komissii po izucheniiu chetvertichnogo perioda 19:73-75. (in Russian) (Note: loess, Ukraine)
- Baranowski, S. and Pekala, K. 1982. Nival-eolian processes in the tundra area and in the nunatak zone of the Hans and Werenskiold glaciers (SW Spitzbergen). Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis 525:11-27.
- Bárány-Kevei, I. and Mezősi. G. 1991. Regional differences between wind erosion and wind energy in the Great Hungarian Plain. In: Karácsony, J. and Szalai, G. (eds), Proceedings of the International Wind Erosion Workshop of CIGR (Commission Internationale du Genie Rural), Section 1, 10-12 September 1991, Budapest, University of Agriculture, Goedello, Hungary, 9 pp.
- Baratoux, D., Mangold, N., Arnalds, O., Bardintzeff, J.-M., Platevoët, B., Grégoire, M. and Pinet, P. 2011. Volcanic sands of Iceland - Diverse origins of aeolian sand deposits revealed at Dyngjusandur and Lambahraun. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 36(13):1789-1808.
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- Baray, M.M. 1994. Thermolumineszenz-Datierung an Quarzen und Kalifeldspäten der spätglazial-holozänen Dünen im Oberrheingraben und in Brandenburg (Thermoluminescence dating of quartz and kalifeldspäten dunes of the Late Holocene in the Rhine valley and Brandenburg). Thesis, University of Heidelberg, 142 pp. (in German)
- Baray, M.M. and Zöller, L. 1993. Aspeckte der Thermolumineszenz-Datierungan Spätzglazial Dünen in Oberrheingraben und in Brandenburg (Aspeckts of thermal luminescence dating of spätzglazial dunes in the upper Rhein graben and in Brandenburg). Berliner geographische Arbeiten 78(1):1-73. (in German) (Note: stabilized dunes)
- Baray, M.M. and Zöller, L. 1994. Methodological aspects of thermoluminescence dating of Late Glacial and Holocene dune sands from Brandenburg. Germany. Quaternary Science Reviews 13(5-7):477-480.
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- Barber, T.L. 1979. Short-time mass variation in natural atmospheric dust. United States Army Electronics Research and Development Command, White Sands Missile Range, NM, Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory, Technical report ASL-TR-0045, 38 pp.
- Barbey, C. 1971. Observations géomorphologiques en Mauritanie Occidentale (Geomorphologic observations in western Mauritania). Bulletin de l'Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire A 33(2):267-276. (in French) (keyword: dunes)
- Barbey, C. 1983. Les ergs du sud-ouest de la Mauritanie et du nord du Senegal (The ergs of southwestern Mauritania and northern Senegal). Bulletin de liaison, Association sénégalaise pour l'étude du Quaternaire africain (ASEQUA) 68-69:31-33. (in French)
- Barbey, C. 1989. A chronological study of the aeolian sedimentation in southwest Mauritania and north Senegal. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, Série 8, 5(1):21-24.
- Barbey, C. and Carbonnel, J.P. 1972. Le ravinement dunaire en milieu sahélien. Observations lors pluies récentes dans la région de Nouakchott (Mauritanie) (Dune gullying in the Sahel. Observations during recent rains in the region of Nouakchott, Mauritania). Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris, Série D, 274(22):2933-2935. (in French)
- Barbey, C. and Chamard, P. 1970. Contribution à l'étude pétrographique des sables de la presqu'île du Cap Vert (Contribution to the study of the petrography of the sands of the Cape Vert peninsula). Bulletin de l'Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire, Série A 32(3):569-584. (in French)
- Barbey, C. and Couté, A. 1976. Croûtes à cyanophycères sur les dunes du Sahel mauritanéen (Cyanobacteria crusts on the dunes of the Mauritanian Sahel). Bulletin de l'Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire A 38(4):732-736. (in French)
- Barbey, C. and Duplaix, S. 1978. Nouvelles observations sur la mineralogie (mineraux lourds) de dunes du Trarza et du Nord-Senegal (New observations on the heavy minerals of the Trarza dunes of northern Senegal). Bulletin de l'Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire, Série A. Sciences Naturelles 40(1):1-5. (in French)
- Barbey, C. and Guitat, R. 1968. Formation des dunes vives aux environs de Dakar (Formation of moving dunes around Dakar). Notes africaines (IFAN, Dakar) 119:88-90. (in French)
- Barbey, C., Carbonnel, J.-P., Duplaix, S., Le Ribault, L. and Tourenq, J. 1975. Étude sedimentologique de formations dunaires en Mauritanie Occidentale (Sedimentologic study of dune formations in Western Mauritania). Bulletin de l'Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire A 37(2):255-281. (in French)
- Barbey, C., Carbonnel, J.-P., Le Ribault, L. and Tourenq, J. 1974. Mise en évidence par exoscopie des quartz de plusieurs épisodes éoliens au cours de Quaternaire mauritanien (Placing in evidence by exoscopy of quartz of several aeolian episodes during Quaternary Mauritania). Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris, Série D, 278(9):1163-1166. (in French)
- Barbier, J. 1987. Arid environment geochemical-exploration in Saudi-Arabia - the problem of aeolian contamination. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 27(1-2):29-51.
- Barbier, R. 1960. Découverte de loess et d'une ancienne vallée remblayée dans le cours inferieur du Sefid-Roud (versant nord de l'Elbourz, Iran) (Discovery of loess and of an ancient filled valley on the lower course of the Sefid Roud (north slope of the Elburz, Iran). Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris 250(6):1097-1098. (in French)
- Barbieri, G. and Piccoli, G. 1971. Il problema geologico della strada costiera di Pasamayo (Peru) (The geological problem of the coastal highway Pasamayo, Peru). Geologia Tecnica 18(4):123-136. (in Italian, English and Spanish summaries) (Note: blowing sand and dune control)
- Barbiéro, L., Mohamedou, A.O. and Caruba, R. 1998. Influence de la maturation des sols de mangrove sur la deflation éolienne et la formation des dunes argileuses dans le delta du fleuve Senegal (Consequences of the pedogenesis on aeolian deflation and clay dune formation in the Senegal delta). Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris, Série IIa, Sciences de la Terre et des Planètes 327(2):115-120. (in French and English)
- Barbosa, L.M. 1997. Campos de dunas costeras ativas associados à desembocadura do Rio São Francisco (SE/AL): origem e controles ambientais (Active coastal dune fields associated with the mouth of a river of Rio San Francisco (SE/AL): ambient origin and controls). Doctoral thesis, UFBa, Salvador, Bahia, 199 pp. (in Portuguese)
- Barbosa, L.M. and Landim-Dominguez, J.M. 1997. Campos de dunas costeiras associados à desembocadura do Rio São Francisco (SE/AL): origem e controles ambientais (Fields of coastal dunes associated with the mouth of the Rio Sao Francisco). Thesis, Universidade de São Paulo, 199 pp. (in Portuguese) (Note: 10°27'S; 36°21'W)
- Barbosa, L.M. and Landim-Dominguez, J.M. 2004. Coastal dune fields at the São Francisco River strandplain, northeastern Brazil: morphology and environmental controls. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 29(4):443-456.
- Barbour, E.H. 1895. Report of the geologist: Soils. In: Furnas, R.T. (ed), Annual Report, Nebraska State Board of Agriculture for the year 1894, pp. 61-92. (Note: discusses sandstorms, loess, sandhills)
- Barbour, E.H. 1897. Analysis of dust from a storm of January 1895. Lincoln: Nebraska State Board of Agriculture, Annual Report 1896, p. 168.
- Barbour, G.B. 1925. The loess in China. The China Journal of Science and Arts 3(8):454-463; (9):509-519.
- Barbour, G.B. 1927. The loess of China. Smithsonian Institution, Annual Report for 1926, pp. 279-296. (in English) (Note: Review by Dietrich, B. 1929. Dr. A. Petermann's Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstalt 75(4):101-102. (in German)
- Barbour, G.B. 1930. Das Lössproblem in China (The loess problem in China). Nova acta Academiæ Caesareæ Leopoldino-Carolinæ Germanicæ Naturæ Curiosorum (Berichte der Kaiserlichen Leopold deutscher Akademie der Naturforschumngs Festschrift für J. Walther) 6:63-68. (in German)
- Barbour, G.B. 1930. The loess problem of China. Geological Magazine 67(9):458-475, doi:10.1017/S001675680009960X (Note: mentions the "red clay")
- Barbour, G.B. 1933. Loess of China. The Pan-American Geologist 60(4):319-320.
- Barbour, G.B. 1935. Recent observations on the loess of North China. The Geographical Journal 86(1):54-64. (also in Smalley, I.J. (ed), Loess; lithology and genesis. Benchmark papers in geology 26, (1975), Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc., Stroudsburg, PA, pp. 355-361.)
- Barbour, G.B. 1935. The loess of China. In: Report of the 16th International Geological Congress, USA, 2:777-778.
- Barbour, G.B. and Wu C.G. 1930. Note on the high altitude dust cloud of the Peking plain. The China Journal 7(6):305-306. (in English)
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- Barbour, M.G. 1977. Management of beach and dune vegetation for erosion control - Elymus mollis, Ambrosia chamissonis, Abronia latifolia. California Sea Grant Publication (University of California) 61:41-43. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Barboza, E.G., Dillenburg, S.R., Rosa, M.L.C.C., Tomazelli, L.J. and Hesp, P.A. 2009. Ground-penetrating radar profiles of two Holocene regressive barriers in southern Brazil. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 56, pp. 579-583.
- Barchyn, T.E. and Hugenholtz, C.H. 2010. Field comparison of four piezoelectric sensors for detecting aeolian sediment transport. Geomorphology 120(3-4):368-371, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2010.03.034
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- Barchyn, T.E. and Hugenholtz, C.H. 2012. A new tool for modeling dune field evolution based on an accessible, GUI version of the Werner dune model. Geomorphology 138(1):415-419.
- Barchyn, T.E. and Hugenholtz, C.H. 2012. A process-based hypothesis for the barchan-parabolic transformation and implications for dune activity modelling. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 37(13):1456-1462, doi:10.1002/esp.3307
- Barchyn, T.E. and Hugenholtz, C.H. 2012. Aeolian dune field geomorphology modulates the stabilization rate imposed by climate. Journal of Geophysical Research. Earth Surface 117, F02035, doi:10.1029/2011JF002274
- Barchyn, T.E. and Hugenholtz, C.H. 2012. Predicting vegetation-stabilized dune field morphology. Geophysical Research Letters 39, L17403, doi:10.1029/2012GL052905
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- Barnard, W.R., Pechan, E.H. & Associates 1990. Development of county level wind erosion and unpaved road alkaline emissions estimates for the 1985 NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) emissions inventory documentation, Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratories, Washington DC: United States Government Printing Office, 174 pp. (keyword: dust)
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- Barnard, W.S. 1988 (1989). Die sandsee van die Namib en hul verbreiding (The sand sea of the Namib and its distribution). South African Geographer 16(1-2):14-38. (in Afrikaans and English) (keyword: dunes)
- Barndorff-Nielsen, O.E. 1981. Size distribution of sand particles and their generating mechanisms. University of Aarhus, Department of Theoretical Statistics, Statisika Interna no. 33, 8 pp.
- Barndorff-Nielsen, O.E. 1984. Blown Sand: Film on the physics of blown sand and the life of Brigadier R.A. Bagnold, F.R.S. Aarhus University, Faculty of Science. (Financial support from Svend Bundgaard's Fond and from Tuborgfondet)
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- Barndorff-Nielsen, O.E. and Sørensen, M. 1990. On the temporal-spatial variation of sediment size distributions. University of Aarhus, Department of Theoretical Statistics, Research Report 194, 28 pp. (Note: sorting of aeolian sediments)
- Barndorff-Nielsen, O.E. and Sørensen, M. 1991. On the temporal-spatial variation of sediment size distributions. Acta Mechanica Supplementum 2:23-36. (Note: aeolian sands)
- Barndorff-Nielsen, O.E. and Willetts, B.B. (eds). 1991. Aeolian grain transport. 1. Mechanics. Acta Mechanica Supplementum 1, 181 pp.
- Barndorff-Nielsen, O.E. and Willetts, B.B. (eds). 1991. Aeolian grain transport. 2. The erosional environment. Acta Mechanica Supplementum 2, 181 pp.
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- Barndorff-Nielsen, O.E., Jensen, J.L. and Sørensen, M. 1983. On the relation between size and distance travelled for wind-driven sand grains - results and discussion of a pilot experiment using coloured sand. In: Sumer, B.M. and Müller, A. (eds), Mechanics of sediment transport, Proceedings of Euromech 156, Istanbul, 12-14 July 1982, Rotterdam: Balkema, pp. 55-64.
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- Barndorff-Nielsen, O.E., Jensen, J.L., Nielsen, H.L., Rasmussen, K.R. and Sørensen, M. 1988. Sand transport studies in a wind tunnel using radioactive grains. Report on a pilot experiment. University of Aarhus, Department of Theoretical Statistics, Research Report 140, 28 pp.
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- Barnes, J.W., Brown, R. H., Soderblom, L., Sotin, C., Le Mouelic, S., Rodriguez, S., Jaumann, R., Beyer, R., Buratti, B. J., Pitman, K., Baines, K.H., Clark, R. and Nicholson, P.D. 2008. Spectroscopy, morphometry and photoclinometry of Titan's dunefields from Cassini/VIMS. Icarus 195(1):400-414, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2007.12.006
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- Barnes, R.E. 1991. A study of postglacial loess and paleosols in the Lethbridge area of southern Alberta. Master's thesis, Queen's University at Kingston, 240 pp.
- Barnes, R.P., Ambrose, K., Holliday, D.W. and Jones, N.S. 1994. Lithostratigraphical subdivision of the Triassic Sherwood Sandstone Group in West Cumbria. In: Holliday, D.W. and Rees, J.G. (eds), Advances in West Cumbrian geology resulting from the NIREX investigations around Sellafield. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 50(1):51-60. (Note: aeolian sandstones)
- Barnes, V.E. and Parkinson, G.A. 1939. Dreikanter from the basal Hickory Sandstone of central Texas. University of Texas, Publication 3945, pp. 665-670. (keyword: ventifacts)
- Barnett, A.G., Fraser, J.F. and Munck, L. 2012. The effects of the 2009 dust storm on emergency admissions to a hospital in Brisbane, Australia. International Journal of Biometeorology 56(4):719-726.
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- Barnhisel, R.I., Bailey, H.H. and Matondang, S. 1971. Loess distribution in central and eastern Kentucky. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings 35(3):483-487.
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- Barnum, B.H., Winstead, N.S., Wesely, J., Hakola, A., Colarco, P.R., Toon, O.B., Ginoux, P., Brooks, G., Hasselbarth, L. and Toth, B. 2004. Forecasting dust storms using the CARMA-dust model and MM5 weather data. Environmental Modelling and Software 19(2):129-140.
- Baron, J. Le, Grab, S. and Kuman, K. 2010. Scarpfoot depressions in South-Central Sahara: state of knowledge and critical review. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 54(3):377-392. (in English) (Note: geological wind erosion)
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- Baron, R. 1905. Rock cavities in granite in Madagascar. The Geological Magazine, Decade V, 2(1):17-20, doi:10.1017/S0016756800120023 (Note: dismisses wind abrasion)
- Barone, J.B., Ashbaugh, L.L., Kusko, B.H. and Cahill, T.A. 1981. The effect of Owens Dry Lake on air quality in the Owens valley with implications for the Mono Lake area. In: Macias, E.S. and Hopke, P.K. (eds), Atmospheric aerosol: source / air quality relationships, American Chemical Society, Symposium Series 167, pp. 328-346.
- Barone, J.B., Kusko, B.H., Ashbaugh, L.L. and Cahill, T.A. 1979. A study of ambient aerosols in the Owens Valley. Davis CA: Air Quality Group, Crocker Nuclear Laboratory, University of California, Davis, 40 pp. (keyword: dust)
- Baroni, C. and Cremaschi, M. 1986. Geologia e pedostratigrafia della collina di Ciliverghe (Brescia) Fasi glaciali, pedogenesi e sedimentazione loessica al margine alpino durante il Pleistocene (Geology and pedo-stratigraphy of the Ciliverghe Hill; glacial deposits, pedogenesis and loess sedimentation along the Alpine fringe during the Pleistocene). Natura Bresciana 23:55-78. (in Italian with English summary)
- Baroni, C. and Cremaschi, M. 1988. Eolian and slope deposits at the edge of the Carvanno Travertine, Val DeGagna, Brescia; sedimentary processes and soil development between the upper Pleistocene and the Holocene (Depositi eolici e di versante al margine dei travertini di Carvanno (Val DeGagna, Brescia); sedimentazione e pedogenesi tra il Pleistocene superiore e l'Olocene). Natura Bresciana 24:223-236. (in Italian with English summary)
- Baroni, C., Cremaschi, M. and Fedoroff, N. 1990. The loess at the Alpine fringe; the Castenedolo Hill. In: Cremaschi, M. (ed), The loess in northern and central Italy; a loess basin between the Alps and the Mediterranean region (guidebook to the excursion in northern and central Italy, September-October 1988). Pubblicazione, Dipartimento de Scienze della Terra dell'Universita degli Studi Milano. Sezione di Geologia e Paleontologia. Nuova Serie. 602, pp. 61-72. (in English with Italian summary) (first page reproduced in Loess Letter 25:21)
- Barr, D.A. 1966. Jute-mesh dune-forming fences. Journal of the Soil Conservation Service of New South Wales 22(3):123-129.
- Barr, D.A. 1974. Progress in coastal sand dune reclamation in Queensland, Australia. International Journal of Biometeorology 18(2):137-141. (in English)
- Barr, D.A. and Atkinson, W.J. 1970. Stabilization of coastal sands after mining. Journal of the Soil Conservation Service of New South Wales 26(2):89-105.
- Barr, D.A. and Golinski, K.D. 1969. Marram grass, mulch and bitumen - a successful trial. Journal of the Soil Conservation Service of New South Wales 25(3):251-257. (Note: coastal dune control)
- Barr, D.A. and McKenzie, J.B. 1976. Dune stabilization in Queensland, Australia, using vegetation and mulches. International Journal of Biometeorology 20(1):1-8. (in English)
- Barr, D.A. and McKenzie, J.B. 1977. Progress in coastal and sand dune stabilization and management experiments on South Stradbroke Island, Queensland. In: Proceedings, 3rd Australasian Conference on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Melbourne, pp. 207-213.
- Barr, J. 1943. The Dust Bowl makes a comeback. Farmers' Magazine 40(9):36. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Barral-Silva, M.T., Guitian-Rivera, F. and Guitian-Ojea, F. 1985. Estudio sedimentológico de un deposito arenoso de la Rasa Cantábrica; aplicación de la exoscopia del cuarzo (Sedimentological investigation of a sandy deposit in Rasa Cantábrica; application to the exoscopy of quartz). In: Minería metálica e do Sur en Galicia e no Macizo Hespérico Peninsular; VI Reunión de xeoloxia e minería do N.O. Peninsular (Metal mineralization in southern Galicia and peninsular Spanish Massif; VI Meeting of geology and mining of the northwestern Peninsula). Cuadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe, Seminario de Estudos Galegos, La Coruña 9, pp. 329-347. (in Spanish)
- Barral, J.A. 1852. Deuxième Mémoire sur les eaux de pluie recueillies à l'Observatoire de Paris (Second Memoir on rainwater collected at the Observatory of Paris). Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris 35(13):427-431. (in French)
- Barral, J.A. 1852. Eaux de pluie (Rainwater). Société philomathique de Paris, Extraits des procès-verbeaux des séances, pp. 29-30. (in French)
- Barrande, J. 1879. Le chemin de fer de l'Asie centrale. Nouvelle exploration projetée par S.A.I. le Grand-Duc Nicolas Constantinovitch (The railroad of Central Asia. New exploration projected by S.A.I. the Grand-Duke Nicolas Constantinovitch). Bulletin de la Société de géographie, Paris, Série 6, 17:367-379. (in French)
- Barratt, B.C. 1988. Micromorphology and pedogenesis in a late Pleistocene succession of tephric loesses and Paleosols near Tapapa, Mamaku Plateau, North Island, New Zealand. In: Eden, D.N. and Furkert, R.J. (eds), Loess; its distribution, geology and soils, Rotterdam: Balkema, pp. 7-8.
- Barratt, R.S. 2006. Dust, measurement of trace elements. In: Mayers, R. A. (ed), Encyclopaedia of analytical chemistry: applications, theory and instrumentation. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd, pp. 4669-4693, doi:10.1002/9780470027318.a1308
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- Barrère, P. 1991. Atlas des types de dunes du littoral aquitain (Atlas of dune types in the Aquitain litoral). Bordeaux: Imprimerie de E. Drouillard, 20 pp. (in French)
- Barrère, P. 1992. Dynamics and management of the coastal dunes of the Landes, Gascony, France. In: Carter, R.W.G., Curtis, T.G.F. and Sheehy-Skeffington, M.J. (eds), Coastal dunes: geomorphology, ecology and management for conservation, Proceedings of the Third European Dune Congress, Galway, Ireland, 17-21 June 1992, Rotterdam: Balkema, pp. 25-32.
- Barrère, P. 1999. Les dunes de la côte atlantique; première partie, varieté des systèmes dunaires des côtes françcaises de l'Atlantique et de la Manche (Atlantic coastal dunes; Part 1, The variety of dune systems along the French Atlantic and Channel coasts). In: Gerard, B. (ed). Le Littoral; problèmes et pratiques de l'amenagement (Problems and the practice of coastal management). Paris: Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (BRGM), Manuels et Méthodes 32, pp. 91-117. (in French)
- Barrère, P. and Koechlin, J. 1980. Caractères écodynamiques des milleux dunaires littoraux (L'example du littoral gascon) (The ecodymaic characteristics of the coastal dune environment). Colloque des Sables d'Olonne, Document 4, 13 pp. (in French)
- Barrère, P. and Koechlin, J. 1980. Eléments pour guider une intervention suivie sur le cordon dunaire littoral (Elements to guide an intervention followed on the coastal cord dunes). Laboratoire de Géographie Physique, Université de Bordeaux III, 23 pp. (in French)
- Barrère, P. and Pouget, P. 1990. Atlas des types de dunes du littoral aquitain (Atlas of dune types in Aquitaine). Office des Forêts, Bordeaux et Société Geosys, Toulouse, 48 pp. (in French) (Note: earlier version of 1991 atlas)
- Barrère, P., Marchand, J.P. and Koechlin, J. 1980. Typologie des dunes littorales des Landes de Gascogne (Typology of the coastal dunes of the Landes in Gascony). Bordeaux: Université de Bordeaux III, 15 pp. (in French)
- Barrère, R., Darie, L., Delporte, H. and Sadoudi, A. 1994. Modèle aléatoire de l'intermittence pour les cinétiques de remise en suspension des aérosols (Random model of intermittency for the aerosol resuspension kinetics). Journal de Physique III, 4(8):1421-1429. (in French with English abstract)
- Barreto, A.M.F. 1996. Interpretação paleoambiental do system de dunas fixadas do médio rio São Francisco, Bahia (Palaeoenvironmental interpretation of a system of fixed dunes in the São Francisco River). Doctoral thesis, Instituto de Geociênçías, Universidade de São Paolo, 175 pp. (in Portuguese) (Note: stabilized dunes)
- Barreto, A.M.F., Pessenda, L.C.R. and Suguio, K. 1996. Probable drier Holocene climate evidenced by charcoal bearing middle Sao Francisco River paleodunes, State of Bahia, Brazil. In: Regional conference on Global change. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 68 Supplemento 1, pp. 43-48.
- Barreto, A.M.F., Suguio, K., de Oliveira, P.E. and Tatumi, S.H. 1999. Palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the Inative dune field, (late Quaternary) of middle Sao Francisco River, State of Bahia, Brazil. In: Sessoes da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias; resumos das comunicacoes. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 71(1):131-132. (in English)
- Barrett, C.F. and Upton, S.L. 1988. Erodibility of stockpiled materials: a wind tunnel study. Stevenage Herts, England: Warren Spring Laboratory, 53 pp. (Note: aeolian entrainment)
- Barrett, E. 1916. The sand dunes of northeastern Indiana. Indiana Department of Geology and Natural Resources, 41st Annual Report, pp. 11-27. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Barrett, E. and Brodin, G. 1955. The acidity of Scandinavian precipitation. Tellus 7(2):251-257, doi:10.1111/j.2153-3490.1955.tb01159.x (Note: saline “dust”)
- Barrett, P.J. 1980. The shape of rock particles: a critical review. Sedimentology 27(3):291-303, doi:10.1111/j.1365-3091.1980.tb01179.x
- Barrett, P.J. and Hambrey, M.J. 1992. Plio-Pleistocene sedimentation in Ferrar Fiord, Antarctica. Sedimentology 39(1):109-123. (Note: aeolian sandstone)
- Barrett, P.M., Resing, J.A., Buck, N.J., Buck, C.S., Landing, W.M. and Measures, C.I. 2012. The trace element composition of suspended particulate matter in the upper 1000 m of the eastern North Atlantic Ocean: A16N. Marine Chemistry 142:41-53, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2012.07.006 (Note: dust in marine sediment)
- Barrett, W.H. 1930. The grading of dune sand by wind. Geological Magazine 67(4):159-162, doi:10.1017/S001675680009912X
- Barrett, W.H. 1940. The composition and properties of shore and dune sands. Geological Magazine 77(5):383-394, doi:10.1017/S0016756800071508 (Note: coastal dunes, aeolian sands)
- Barrie, L.A. 1986. Arctic air pollution: and overview of current knowledge. Atmospheric Environment 20(4):643-663. (Note: dust)
- Barrie, L.A. 1995. Arctic aerosols; composition, sources and transport. In: Delmas, R.J. (ed), Ice core studies of global biogeochemical cycles. NATO Advanced Study Institute Series I: Global Environmental Change 30, Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 1-22.
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- Bärring, L., Jönsson, P., Mattsson, J.O. and Åhman, R. 2003. Wind erosion on arable land in Scania, Sweden and the relation to the wind climate - a review. Catena 52(3-4):173-190.
- Barrio-Parra, F. and Rodríguez-Santalla, I. 2014. A free cellular model of dune dynamics: Application to El Fangar spit dune system (Ebro Delta, Spain). Computers and Geosciences 62:187-197, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2013.07.017
- Barron, T. 1907. The topography and geology of the district between Cairo and Suez. Cairo: Egypt Survey Department, 133 pp. (Note: geological wind erosion, pp. 19; 115-116)
- Barron, T. 1907. The topography and geology of the Peninsula of Sinai, western portion. Cairo: Egypt Survey Department, 241 pp.
- Barron, T. and Hume, W.F. 1902. The topography and geology of the eastern desert of Egypt, central portion. Cairo: Egypt Survey Department, 331 pp. (Note: geological wind erosion)
- Barta, G. 2014. Paleoenvironmental reconstruction based on the morphology and distribution of secondary carbonates of the loess-paleosol sequence at Sutto, Hungary. Quaternary International 319: 64-75, doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2013.08.019
- Bárta, J. 1957. Pleistocène piesočne duny pri Seredi a ich paleltické a mezolitické osidlenie. Slovenská Archaeologia 5(1):5-72. (in Slovakian? with German abstract) (Note: dunes)
- Bartell, W. and Jett, B. 2005. The technology of spraying for dust suppression. Rock Products, Supplement May/June, 108(5):32-37.
- Bartet, J.H. and Barrére, P. 1991. Traitment des dunes littorals. Evolution et perspectives (The management of coastal dunes: evolution and perspectives). Actes du10e Congrès forestier mondial, Paris, Revue Forestière Française, Hors de Série 2, pp. 203-212. (in French)
- Barth-Cohen, L. 2010. Generating explanations for an emergent process: the movement of sand dunes. AIP Conference Proceedings 1289, pp. 77-80.
- Barth, H.J. 1999. Desertification in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Arid Environments 43(4):399-410. (Note: mobilsation of aeolian sands)
- Barth, H.J. 2001. Characteristics of the wind regime north of Jubail, Saudi Arabia, based on high resolution wind data. Journal of Arid Environments 47(3):387-402, doi:10.1006/jare.2000.0668 (Note: dune-forming winds)
- Barth, H.J. 2003. Late Holocene sedimentation processes along the Arabian Gulf coast in the Jubail area, Saudi Arabia. In: Alsharhan, A.S., Wood, W.W., Goudie, A.S., Fowler, A. and Abdellatif, E.M. (eds), Desertification in the Third Millennium. Lisse, Netherlands: Swets and Zeitlinger Publishers, pp. 237-244.
- Barth, H.K. 1978. Ausmaß und Auswirkungen des Bodenabtrags als Folge kulturtechnischer Maßnahmen im Niger-Binnendelta malis (Extent and effects of the soil erosion as consequence of culture-technical measures in the Niger within delta of Mali). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 30:39-54. (in German)
- Barth, H.K. 1982. Accelerated erosion of fossil dunes in the Gourma region (Mali) as a manifestation of desertification. In: Yaalon, D. (ed), Proceedings of the International Conference of the International Society of Soil Science, Jerusalem, Israel, March 19-April 4, 1981. Catena Supplement 1:211-219. (in English) (Note: wind erosion)
- Barth, H.K. 1986. Wind erosion in the interior delta of the Niger in Mali. In: El-Baz, F. and Hassan, M.H.A. (eds), Physics of Desertification, Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp. 274-289.
- Barth, M.G., McDonough, W.F. and Rudnick, R.L. 2000. Tracking the budget of Nb and Ta in the continental crust. Chemical Geology 165(3-4):197-213. (in English)
- Bartkowski, T. 1970. Über die Genesis der 'parallelen Täler' in Ungarn (The genesis of parallel valleys in Hungary). Poznan'skie Towarzystwo Przyjacio'ł Nauk (Bulletin de la Société des Amis des Sciences et des Lettres de Poznań), Série B, 21:121-140. (in German) (Note: geological wind erosion)
- Bartky, C.D. 1968. The reflectance of homogeneous, plane-parallel clouds of dust and smoke. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 8(1):51-68.
- Bartolini. 1818. Analisi delle neve e piogge colorite cadute negli ultimi scorsi anni in diverse parti d'Italia (Analyses of the snow and coloured rains fallen in last year in various parts of Italy). Brugnatelli, Giornale di fisica, chimica, storia naturale, medicina, ed arti (2) 1:469-480. (in Italian)
- Barton, T.F. 1936. The Great Plains Tree Shelterbelt Project. Journal of Geography 35(4):125-135. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bartowski, T. 1969. Relief linéaire - relief typique des régions de loess actuelles (Linear relief - typical relief of the current loess areas). In: Symposium sur l'action du vent et la formation du loess en milieu periglaciaire würmien, Wroclaw, 1968, Biuletyn Peryglacjalny 20:213-216. (in French)
- Bartowski, T. 1973. Relief linéaire de Rampart metacarpathique en tant que témoin des cycles éoliens dans l'évolution du relief (Linear relief of the Metacarpathic rampart as evidence of the aeolian cycles in the evolution of the relief). Biuletyn Peryglacjalny 23:167-200. (in French)
- Barus, C. 1906. The nucleation of the uncontaminated atmosphere. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication no. 46, 152 pp. (keyword: dust)
- Barus, C. 1906. Time variation of the initial nucleation of wet dust-free air. Science 24(606):180-181, doi:10.1126/science.24.606.180
- Barwell, L. and Burns, M.E.R. 1989. Sediment budgets and plant/ wind interactions. In: Magoon, O.T., Converse, H., Miner, D., Tobin, L.-T. and Clark, D (eds), Coastal zone '89, Proceedings of the Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management 6, New York, NY: American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 329-343.
- Basarabianu, N. 1978. Tasarea naturala si accelerate a depozitelor loesside din Podisul Medgidia. St. Geogr. TUB, xx-yy. (in Romanian?)
- Basaran, M., Erpul, G., Ozcan, A.U., Bogman, P., Cornelis, W.M. and Gabriels, D. 2010. Effect of attachment configuration on the trapping efficiency of Vaseline-coated slide catchers for windblown particles. Environmental Earth Sciences 61(7):1375-1384.
- Basaran, M., Erpul, G., Uzun, O. and Gabriels, D. 2011. Comparative efficiency testing for a newly designed cyclone type sediment trap for wind erosion measurements. Geomorphology 130(3-4):343-351.
- Basarin, B., Vandenberghe, D.A.G., Markovic, S.B., Catto, N., Hambach, U., Vasiliniuc, S., Derese, C., Roncevic, S., Vasiljevic, D. and Rajic, L. 2011. The Belotinac section (Southern Serbia) at the southern limit of the European loess belt: Initial results. Quaternary International 240(1-2):128-138.
- Basarow. 1903. La pluie de boue de février 1903 (Mud rain of February 1903). Nouvelles Scientifiques, no. 1568, p. 6 (In: La Nature, Part II, vol. 31). (in French)
- Basart, S., Pérez, C., Cuevas, E., Baldasano, J.M. and Gobbi, G.P. 2009. Aerosol characterization in northern Africa, northeastern Atlantic, Mediterranean basin and Middle East from direct-sun AERONET observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9(21):8265-8282. (keyword: dust)
- Basart, S., Pérez, C., Nickovic, S., Cuevas, E. and Baldasano, J. 2012. Development and evaluation of the BSC-DREAM8b dust regional model over northern Africa, the mediterranean and the Middle East. Tellus B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology 64, 18539, doi:10.3402/tellusb.v64i0.18539
- Baschin, O.J. von. 1899. Die Entstehung wellenähnlicher Oberflächenformen (The origin of surface forms similar to a shaft). Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin 34(5):408-424. (in German) (Note: dunes and ripples pp. 415-423)
- Baschin, O.J. von. 1900. Die Entstehung der Dünen (The origin of the dunes). Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung, Berlin, Jahrgang 20(38):231-232. (in German)
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- Basher L.R. 2000. Surface erosion assessment using 137Cs: Examples from New Zealand. Acta Geòlogica Hispanica 35(3-4):219-228. (in English) (Note: includes agricultural wind erosion)
- Basher, L.R. and Painter, D.J. 1999. Wind erosion in New Zealand. In: Skidmore, E.L. and Tatarko, J. (eds), Wind Erosion - Proceedings of an International Symposium/Workshop, 3-5 June 1997, Manhattan, Kansas. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service, Wind Erosion Research Unit, Kansas State University, 10 pp.
- Basher, L.R. and Webb, T.H. 1997. Wind erosion rates on terraces in the Mackenzie Basin. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 27(4):499-512.
- Basher, L.R., Matthews, K.M. and Zhi, L. 1995. Surface erosion assessment in the South Canterbury downlands, New Zealand using 137Cs distribution. Australian Journal of Soil Research 33(5):787-803. (Note: includes agricultural wind erosion)
- Bashir, D. 1990. Thatched mat windbreaks influences on the Harmattan: wind and millet production in the Sahel (Nigeria). Doctoral thesis, University of Wisconsin at Madison, 356 pp.
- Bashir, S.O. 1997. Effect of dust/sand accretion on parabolic reflector antennas. In: 10th International Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Edinburgh, UK, April 14-17, 1997, IEE Conference Publication No. 436, vol. 1, pp. 51-54.
- Basile, I., Grousset, F.E., Revel, M., Petit, J.R., Biscaye, P.E. and Barkov, N.I. 1997. Patagonian origin of glacial dust deposited in East Antarctica (Vostok and Dome C) during glacial stages 2, 4 and 6. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 146(3-4):573-589.
- Basilevsky, A.T., Kuzmin, R.O., Nikolaeva, O.V., Pronin, A.A., Ronca, L.B., Avduevsky, V.S., Uspensky, G.R., Cheremukhina, Z.P., Semenchenko, V.V., Ladygin, V.M. 1985. The surface of Venus as revealed by the Venera landings, Part II. Geological Society of America Bulletin 96(1):137-144. (Note: dunes, ripples)
- Basilici, G. and Fuhr-Dal, B.P.F. 2010. Anatomy and controlling factors of a Late Cretaceous aeolian sand sheet: The Marilia and the Adamantina formations, NW Bauru Basin, Brazil. Sedimentary Geology 226(1-4):71-93. (Note: aeolian sandstones)
- Basilici, G., Fuhr-Dal, B.P.F. and Ladeira, F.S.B. 2009. Climate-induced sediment-palaeosol cycles in a Late Cretaceous dry aeolian sand sheet; Marilia Formation (north-west Bauru Basin, Brazil). Sedimentology 56(6):1876-1904. (Note: aeolian sandstone)
- Baskaran, M., Deshpande, S.V., Rajaguru, S.N., Somayajulu, B.L.K. 1989. Geochronology of miliolite rocks of Kutch, Western India. Journal of the Geological Society of India 33(6):588-593. (Note: aeolianite)
- Baskerville, C. and Weller, H.R. 1902. Black rain in North Carolina. Science 15(391):1034, doi:10.1126/science.15.391.1034
- Bassett, J.A. and Curtis, T.G.F. 1985. The nature and occurrence of sand-dune machair in Ireland. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy B 85(1):1-20.
- Basso, F. 1995. Erosione eolica (Eolian erosion). In: Basso, F. (ed), Difesa del suolo e tutela dell'ambiente, Bologna: Pitagora Editrice, pp. 133-159 (in Italian with English abstract?)
- Bastian, L.V. 1994. The dune systems of the Swan Coastal Plain: subdivision based on mineral trends in surface soils. Western Australia, Chemistry Centre, Report of Investigation 41, 45 pp. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Bastian, L.V. 1996. Residual soil mineralogy and dune subdivision, Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 43(1):31-44. (Note: ancient coastal dunes)
- Bastian, L.V. 2010. Comment on "Hearty, P.J. and O'Leary, M.J. 2008, Carbonate eolianites, quartz sands, and Quaternary sea-level cycles, Western Australia: A chronostratigraphic approach. Quaternary Geochronology 3:26-55." Quaternary Geochronology 5(1):76-77, doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2009.09.008
- Bastian, O., Porada, H.T., Röder, M., Syrbe, R. and Joseph, H. 2005. Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichlandschaft: eine landeskundliche Bestandsaufnahme im Raum Lohsa, Klitten, Grossdobrau und Baruth. Institut für Länderkunde (Leipzig). Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Leipzig). Publisher: Böhlau, Köln, ISBN: 3-412-08903-6, 478 pp. (in German)
- Bastin, A. and Cailleux, A. 1941. Action du vent et du gel au Quaternaire dans la région bordelaise (The action of the wind and frost in the Quaternary in the area of Bordeaux). Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, Série 5, 11(7-9):259-266. (in French)
- Bastin, B. 1969. Premiers résultats de l'analyse pollinique des loess en Belgique (Preliminary results of pollen analysis of loess in Belgium). Bulletin de l'Association française pour l'Étude du Quaternaire 6(1):3-11. (in French)
- Bastin, B. 1970. La chronostratigraphie du Würm en Belgique, à la lumière de la palynologie des loess et limons (Wuermian chronostratigraphy in Belgium based on palynologic data from loesses and loams). Annales de la Société géologique de Belgique 93(3):545-580. (in French)
- Bastow, J., Bakewell, D. and Roebuck, D. 1978. Wind erosion three methods of lessening the damage caused by the blow. British Sugar Beet Review 46(3):14-17.
- Bastow, J., Peck, B. and Astill, C. 1978. Wind erosion: rye guard technique. British Sugar Beet Review 46(3):14-15.
- Basu, A. and Molinaroli, E. 2001. Sediments of the Moon and Earth as end-members for comparative planetology. Earth, Moon and Planets 85-86:25-43.
- Basu, B.K. 1998. A model for predicting changes in visibility due to convective dust/sand storms. In: 1st LAS/WMO (League of Arab States/World Meteorological Organization) International Symposium on Sand and Dust Storms, WMO Programme on Weather Prediction Research Report Series Project No. 10, WMO Technical Document No. 864, pp. 217-222.
- Basu, S. and Richardson, M.I. 2004. Simulation of the Martian dust cycle with the GFDL Mars GCME. Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets 109, E11006, doi:10.1029/2004JE002243
- Basu, S., Wilson, J., Richardson, M. and Ingersoll, A. 2006. Simulation of spontaneous and variable global dust storms with the GFDL Mars GCM. Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets 111, E09004, doi:10.1029/2005JE002660
- Batanouny, K.H. 1999. The Mediterranean coastal dunes in Egypt: an endangered landscape. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 49(Supplement A):3-9.
- Bate, G. and Ferguson, M. 1996. Blowouts in coastal foredunes. Landscape and Urban Planning 34(3-4):215-224.
- Bate, G.C. (ed). 1996. A selection of papers from an international conference on the science and management of coastal dunes. Dunes '94: Science and management of coastal dunes, International conference, January 1994, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, Landscape and Urban Planning 34(3-4), 412 pp.
- Bate, G.C. and Dobkins, G.S. 1992. The interactions between sand, aeolianite and vegetation in a large coastal transgressive dune sheet. In: Proceedings, 3rd European congress on coastal dunes: Coastal dunes: geomorphology, ecology and management for conservation, June 17-21, University College, Galway, pp. 139-152. (Note: coastal dunes; siliceous sands)
- Bateman, M.D. 1995. The chronology of coversand deposition in Britain. Doctoral thesis, University of Sussex, 216 pp. (Note: sand deposition, aeolian)
- Bateman, M.D. 1995. Thermoluminescence dating of the British coversand deposits. Quaternary Science Reviews 14(7-8):791-798.
- Bateman, M.D. 1998. The origin and age of coversand in north Lincolnshire, UK. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 9(4):313-325.
- Bateman, M.D. 2008. Luminescence dating of periglacial sediments and structures. Boreas 37(4):574-588, doi:10.1111/j.1502-3885.2008.00050.x (Note: includes aeolian sands)
- Bateman, M.D. and Godby, S.P. 2004. Late-Holocene inland dune activity in the UK: a case study from Breckland, East Anglia. The Holocene 14(4):579-588.
- Bateman, M.D. and Herrero, A.D. 1999. Thermoluminescence dates and palaeoenvironmental information of the late Quaternary sand deposits,Tierra de Pinares, Central Spain. Catena 34(3-4):277-291.
- Bateman, M.D. and Herrero, A.D. 2001. The timing and relation of aeolian sand deposition in central Spain to the aeolian sand record of NW Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews 20(5-9):779-782
- Bateman, M.D. and Murton, J.B. 2006. The chronostratigraphy of Late Pleistocene glacial and periglacial aeolian activity in the Tuktoyaktuk Coastlands, NWT, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews 25(19-20):2552-2568.
- Bateman, M.D. and Van Huissteden, J. 1999. The timing of last-glacial periglacial and aeolian events, Twente, eastern Netherlands. Journal of Quaternary Science 14(3):277-283.
- Bateman, M.D., Boulter, C.H., Carr, A.S., Frederick, C.D., Peter, D. and Wilder, M. 2007. Preserving the palaeoenvironmental record in drylands: Bioturbation and its significance for luminescence-derived chronologies. Sedimentary Geology 195(1-2):5-19.
- Bateman, M.D., Bryant, R.G., Foster, I.D.L., Livingstone, I. and Parsons, A.J. 2012. On the formation of sand ramps: A case study from the Mojave Desert. Geomorphology 161-162:93-109, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.04.004
- Bateman, M.D., Hannam, J. and Livingstone, I. 1999. Late Quaternary dunes at Twigmoor Woods, Lincolnshire, UK: a preliminary investigation. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 116:131-146.
- Bateman, M.D., Holmes, P.J., Carr, A.S., Horton, B.P. and Jaiswal, M.K. 2004. Aeolianite and barrier dune construction spanning the last two glacial-interglacial cycles from the southern Cape coast, South Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews 23(14-15):1681-1698.
- Bateman, M.D., Murton, J.B. and Boulter, C. 2009. The source of De variability in periglacial sand wedges: depositional processes v. measurement issues. Quaternary Geochronology 5(2-3):250-256.
- Bateman, M.D., Murton, J.B. and Crowe, W. 2000. Late Devensian and Holocene depositional environments associated with the coversand around Caistor, north Lincolnshire, UK. Boreas 29(1):1-15.
- Bateman, M.D., Thomas, D.S.G. and Singhvi, A.K. 2003. Extending the aridity record of the Southwest Kalahari: current problems and future perspectives. Quaternary International 111:37-49.
- Bates, C.G. 1910. Experiments with sandhill planting. Proceedings, Society of American Foresters 5:59-83.
- Bates, C.G. 1911. Windbreaks: Their influence and value. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Bulletin 86, 100 pp.
- Bates, C.G. 1921. Breaking the power of prairie winds. United States Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations, Experiment Station Record (Washington, D.C. Government Printing Office) 45:745. (keyword: shelter)
- Bates, C.G. 1921. Breaking the power of the wind. Illustrated Canadian Forestry Magazine 17:336. (Note: shelter)
- Bates, C.G. 1934. The Plains Shelterbelt Project. Journal of Forestry 32(9):978-991.
- Bates, C.G. 1935. Possibilities of shelterbelt planting in the plains region. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Lake States Forestry Experiment Station, Special Publication 11:83-110.
- Bates, C.G. 1939. The plains shelterbelt project. Journal of Forestry 32(9):78-991.
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- Bates, C.G. 1945. Shelterbelt influences. 1. General description of studies made. Journal of Forestry 43(2):88-92.
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- Bates, G.H. 1948. Observations on snowdrift formation and methods of control. Surveyor and Municipal and County Engineer 107(2936):247-248.
- Bates, T.S., Anderson, T.L., Baynard, T., Bond. T., Boucher. O., Carmichael. G., Clarke. A., Erlick. C., Guo. H., Horowitz. L., Howell. S., Kulkarni. S., Maring, H., McComiskey, A., Middlebrook, A., Noone, K., O'Dowd, C.D., Ogren, J., Penner, J., Quinn, P.K., Ravishankara, A.R., Savoie, D.L., Schwartz, S.E., Shinozuka, Y., Tang, Y., Weber, R.J. and Wu, Y. 2006. Aerosol direct radiative effects over the northwest Atlantic, northwest Pacific, and North Indian Oceans: estimates based on in-situ chemical and optical measurements and chemical transport modeling. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6(1):1657-1732.
- Bates, T.S., Quinn, P.K., Coffman, D.J., Johnson, J.E., Miller, T.L., Covert, D.S., Wiedensohler, A., Leinert, S., Nowak, A. and Neususs, C. 2001. Regional physical and chemical properties of the marine boundary layer aerosol across the Atlantic during Aerosols99: an overview. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 106(D18):20767-20782.
- Bateson, L. and Woodhouse, I.H. 2004. Observations of scatterometer asymmetry over sand seas and derivation of wind ripple orientation. International Journal of Remote Sensing 25(10):1805-1816.
- Bather, F.A. 1899. Dreikanter in drift of glacial origin. The Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 55, Proc.: xc-xci, doi:10.1144/GSL.JGS.1899.055.01-04.02 (keyword: ventifacts)
- Bather, F.A. 1899. On a Quartzite pebble from Bowden, Cheshire. The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, Fifth Series, 48(293):398. (Note: dreikanter or ventifact)
- Bather, F.A. 1900. Wind-worn pebbles in the British Isles. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 16(7):396-420. (Note: ventifacts; extensive bibliography, many with non-specific titles)
- Bather, F.A. 1905. A wind-worn pebble in boulder clay. The Geological Magazine, Decade V, 2(8):358-359, doi:10.1017/S0016756800125154 (keyword: ventifacts)
- Bather, F.A. 1911. Dreikanter. Geological Magazine, Decade V, 8(10):477, doi:10.1017/S001675680011670X (keyword: ventifacts)
- Bather, F.A. 1911. Dreikanter. Geological Magazine, Decade V, 8(6):282-283, doi:10.1017/S0016756800111276. (keyword: ventifacts)
- Bathgate, A. 1989. The effect on farm profit of conserving stubble to prevent wind erosion. Journal of Agriculture, Western Australia 30(1):15-17.
- Bathgate, A.D. 1989. The effect on farm profit of conserving stubble to prevent wind erosion. Perth: Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Division of Resource Management, Technical Report 110, 2 pp.
- Bathgate, A.D. 1990. An economic model for evaluating strategies on the south coast of Western Australia which reduce wind erosion: documentation. Perth: Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Division of Resource Management, Technical Report 110, 109 pp.
- Batjargal, Z., Dulam, J. and Chung, Y.S. 2006. Dust storms are an indication of an unhealthy environment in east Asia. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 114(1-3):447-460.
- Bätjer, D. 1967. Windschutz in der Landwirtschaft (Wind protection in agriculture). 1, Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen in der Weser-Marsch. In: Aktuelle Fragen des Landbaues 2, Berlin/Hamburg: Parey, 119 pp. (in German) (keyword: shelter)
- Bätjer, D., Ness, R. and Lücken, J. von, 1967. Windschutz in der Landwirtschaft (Wind protection in agriculture). 2, Hinweise für die praktische Anwendung in der Marsch. In: Aktuelle Fragen des Landbaues 3, Berlin/Hamburg: Parey, 52 pp. (in German) (keyword: shelter)
- Bátky, K. 1842. Futóhomok megforgása és használása módjárol haznos segédkönyo (Handbook of the fixation and utilization of drifting sands). Pest: Landerer és Heckenast, 32 pp. (in Hungarian)
- Batllori-Sampedro, E. and Febles-Patron, J.L. 2007. Cambio en la salinidad de la laguna costera de Chabihau, Yucatán, México. Efecto del huracán Isidoro y la construcción de puentes en la duna costera (Salinity change in the coastal lagoon of Chabihau, Yucatan, Mexico. Effects of hurricane Isidoro and the construction of bridges in the coastal dune). Ingeniería Hidráulica en México 22(3):61-69. (in Spanish)
- Batt, R.G. and Peabody, S.A. II. 1995. Dust sweep-up experiments. TRW Space and Electronics Group Redondo Beach CA. Ft. Belvoir Defense Technical Information Center 1 November, 279 pp.
- Batt, R.G. and Peabody, S.A. II. 1999. Entrainment of fine sand particles from rough surfaces at high wind speeds. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 42(1):79-88.
- Batt, R.G. and Peabody, S.A. II. 1999. Threshold friction velocities for large pebble gravel beds. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 104(D20):24273-24279.
- Batt, R.G., Petach, M.P., Peabody, S.A. II and Batt, R.R. 1999. Boundary layer entrainment of sand-sized particles at high speed. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 392:335-360.
- Battaglia, R., Palomba, E., Palumbo, P., Colangeli, L. and Della-Corte, V. 2004. Development of a micro-balance system for dust and water vapour detection in the Mars atmosphere. Advances in Space Research 33(12):2258-2262.
- Battan, L.J. 1958. Energy of a dust devil. Journal of Meteorology 15(2):235-237.
- Batten, H.M. 1936. The tragedy of the Culbin Sands. Natural History 38(2):143-148. (Note: coastal dune movement, generally now discounted as a tragedy)
- Battersby, S. 1997. Three weeks into mission; Sojourner dusts off Mars' secrets. Nature (London) 388(6641):408.
- Battersby, S. 2000. Dune - There's a defiant force lurking in the sands. New Scientist 167(2249):38-39.
- Battiau-Queney, Y. 2003. Compte rendu d'ouvrage: Jean Favennec (direction-coordination) - Connaissance et gestion durable des dunes de la côte atlantique. Manuel récapitulant les enseignements du projet européen Life-Environnement de "Réhabilitation et gestion durable de quatre dunes françaises" Paris: SEDES, 1996 (Short account of the work: Jean Favennec (direction and coordinator) - Knowledge and sustainable management of the dunes of the Atlantic coast. A recapitulation the lessons of the "life-Environment Project: "The Rehabilitation and sustainable management of four French dunes" Paris: SEDES, 1996). Géomorphologie: Revue du Groupe français de Géomorphologie 3:203-204. (in French) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Battiau-Queney, Y. 2004. Haut de plage et front dunaire: enregistrement morphologique de la dynamique éolienne et marine dans un système macrotidal (Upper beach and foredune profile: Morphological registration of Aeolian and marine dynamics in a macrotidal environment). Géographies: Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français 81(3):393-404. (in French)
- Battiau-Queney, Y., Fauchois, J., Deboudt, P. and Lanoy-Ratel, P. 2001. Beach-dune systems in a macrotidal environment along the northern French Coast (English Channel and southern North Sea). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 34, pp. 580-592. (Note: fixation; coastal dunes)
- Battiau-Queney, Y., Fauchois, J., Lanoy-Ratel, P. and Seguin, A. 1995. Un patrimoine paysager à proteger: les dune littorals de Merlimont et de Berck (Pas de Calais) (A landscape legacy to be protected: the coastal dunes of Merlimont and Berck, Pas de Calais). Hommes et Terres du Nord (1-2):21-30. (in French)
- Battistini, R. 1957. Note préliminaire sur le niveau marin de 3 m et les séries dunaires de l'extrême sud de Madagascar (Preliminary note on the marine level of 3 m and the dune series of the southern extreme of Madagascar). Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, Série 6, 7(1-3):83-90. (in French)
- Battistini, R. and Hinschberger, F. 1989. Le Pléistocène moyen marin et dunaire de la Peninsule de Sainte-Anne (sud de la Martinique); sa signification volcano-isostatique (Marine and dunal middle Pleistocene of the Sainte-Anne Peninsula (southern Martinique); its volcano-isostatic significance). Bulletin - Centre de géomorphologie de Caen 36:251-262. (in French)
- Battle, J.M. 1977. Stratigraphy and mineralogy of Pleistocene loesses in West Tennessee. Master's thesis, Memphis State University, 62 pp.
- Baturin, G. N., Yemelyanov, E. M., Stryuk, V. L. and Yushina, I. G. 1995. On chemical composition and material sources of oceanic suspensions. Oceanology 35(1):105-111. (in English) (keyword: dust)
- Batut, S. 1960. Über ehemalige Aufforstungen de Dünen in Kreis Nisko (On former afforestations of dunes in The Nisko Circle). Warsaw: Szkota Głowna Gosp. Wiejsk. Lesn. 4:149-172. (in German ?) (keyword: fixation)
- Batygin, V.I. 1938. K voprosu oprognoze prosadochnykh yavlenny v lessovidnykh gruntakh. D Sb. Gidroznergoproekt (Leningrad) (4) xx-yy. (in Russian) (keyword: loess).
- Baudat, M.R. and Breed, C.S. 1999. Meteorological influences on eolian activity at the Yuma Desert Geomet Site, Arizona, 1988-1993. In: Breed, C.S. and Reheis, M.C. (eds), Desert winds: Monitoring wind-related surface processes in Arizona, New Mexico, and California, United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1598, pp. 87-104.
- Baudet, J.L. 1958-9. Dunes acheule'ennes dans le Nord de la France (Acheulian dunes in the north of France). Quartär 10-11:277-280. (in French) (Note: palaeodunes)
- Baudière, A. and Simonneau, P. 1975. Influence des vents dans l'édification du modelé dunaire sur le cordon littoral rouissillonais au sud de la vallée de la Têt (Influence of the wind in dune-building on the coastal area of Rouissillon south of the valley of the Têt). In: Géhu, J.-M. (ed), Le végétation des dunes maritimes, Colloques phytosociologiques 1, Paris, 1971, Vaduz: Cramer, pp. 225-235. (in French)
- Baudissin, A. 1865. Bericht über die Dünen der Insel Sylt (Report on the dunes of the island Sylt). Separatabdruck aus der Norddeutschen Zeitung, Flensburg: Herzbruch, 87 pp. (in German)
- Baudouin, M 1914. Discovery of a menhir still standing under a dune of the Vendee coast. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris 159:683-684. (in French) (Note: coastal dunes covering a large upright standing stone or monolith)
- Baudrillart, J.J. 1806. Extraits des ouvrages forestiers de MM Hartig et de Burgsdorff, sur les moyens de fixes les sables et de planter en bois: traduits de l'allemande (extracts from the work of messieurs Hartig and de Bergsorff on the methods of fixing sands and planting woodland: translated from the German). Annuaire d'Agriculture français 26:5-40. (in French)
- Baudrimont, A.E. 1873. Constitution & composition chimique des différents sols du département de la Gironde (Constitution & chemical composition of various soils of the department of the Gironde). Mémoires de la Société des sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux 9:401-421. (in French) (Note: section on dunes)
- Baudrimont, A.E. and Delbos, J. 1874. E'tude des différents sols du département de la Gironde. 1. Examen comparatif de la composition chimique du sable des dunes. (Study of the different soils in the Gironde Department 1. Comparative examination of the chemical composition of the sand of the dunes). Bordeaux, 35 pp. (in French)
- Bauer, A. 1967. Characeterization of soil texture in wind erosion. Zeitschrift für Landeskultur 8(3):170-187. (in German) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bauer, A.E. 1966. Deflation und sedimentation (Deflation and sedimentation). Prozesse der Bodenverlagerung durch den Wind. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Universität Rostock, Mathematik-Naturwissenschaften 15(2):383-389. (in German)
- Bauer, A.F. 1989. Zur praktischen Bedeutung von Winderosion und Windschutz im Norden der DDR. (The practical importance of wind erosion and wind protection in the north of the GDR). Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Wilhelm Pieck Universität Rostock, Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe 38(3):39-40. (in German)
- Bauer, B.O. 1991. Aeolian decoupling of beach sediments. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 81(2):290-303.
- Bauer, B.O. 2009. Contemporary research in aeolian geomorphology. Geomorphology 105(1-2):1-5, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2008.02.014
- Bauer, B.O. 2013. Fundamentals of aeolian sediment transport: boundary-layer processes (Chapter 11.2). In: Schroder, J.F., Lancaster, N., Baas, A.C.W. and Sherman, D.J. (eds), Treatise on geomorphology, Volume 11. Aeolian geomorphology, Rotterdam: Elsevier, pp. 7-22.
- Bauer, B.O. and Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. 2003. A general framework for modeling sediment supply to coastal dunes including wind angle, beach geometry, and fetch effects. Geomorphology 49(1-2):89-108.
- Bauer, B.O. and Namikas, S.L. 1998. Design and field test of a continuously weighing, tipping-bucket assembly for aeolian sand traps. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 23(13):1171-1183.
- Bauer, B.O. and Sherman, D.J. 1999. Coastal dune dynamics: problems and prospects. In: Goudie, A.S., Livingstone, I. and Stokes, S. (eds), Aeolian environments, sediments and landforms, Chichester: Wiley, pp. 71-103.
- Bauer, B.O., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Hesp, P.A., Namikas, S.L., Ollerhead, J. and Walker, I.J. 2009. Aeolian sediment transport on a beach: Surface moisture, wind fetch, and mean transport. Geomorphology 105(1-2):106-116, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2008.02.016
- Bauer, B.O., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Nordstrom, K.F., Ollerhead, J. and Jackson, N.L. 1996. Indeterminacy in aeolian sediment transport across beaches. Journal of Coastal Research 12(3):641-653.
- Bauer, B.O., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Walker, I.J., Hesp, P.A. and Ollerhead, J. 2012. Wind direction and complex sediment transport response across a beach-dune system. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 37(15):1661-1677, doi:10.1002/esp.3306
- Bauer, B.O., Houser, C.A. and Nickling, W.G. 2002. Analysis of velocity profiles from wind tunnel experiments with saltation. 2002. In: Lee, J.A. and Zobeck, T.M. (eds), Proceedings of ICAR 5/ GCTE-SEN Joint Conference, International Center for Arid and Semiarid Land Studies (ICASALS), Texas Tech University, Lubbock, ICASALS Publication 02-2, pp. 10-13.
- Bauer, B.O., Houser, C.A. and Nickling, W.G. 2004. Analysis of velocity profile measurements from wind-tunnel experiments with saltation. Geomorphology 59(1-4):81-98.
- Bauer, B.O., Sherman, D.J. and Wolcott, J.F. 1992. Sources of uncertainty in shear stress and roughness length estimates derived from velocity profiles. Professional Geographer 44(4):453-464.
- Bauer, B.O., Sherman, D.J., Nordstrom, K.F. and Gares, P.A. 1990. Aeolian transport measurement and prediction across a beach and dune at Castroville, California. In: Nordstrom, K., Psuty, N. and Carter, R.W.G. (eds), Coastal dunes: processes and geomorphology, New York: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 39-56.
- Bauer, B.O., Walker, I.J., Baas, A.C.W., Jackson, D.W.T., McKenna Neuman, C., Wiggs, G.F.S. and Hesp, P.A. 2013. Critical reflections on the coherent flow structures paradigm in aeolian geomorphology. In: Venditti, J.G., Best, J.L., Church, M. and Hardy, R.J. (eds), Coherent Flow Structures at the Earth's Surface. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Bauer, B.O., Yi J., Namikas, S.L. and Sherman, D.J. 1998. Event detection and conditional averaging in unsteady aeolian systems. Journal of Arid Environments 39(3):345-375.
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- Bauer, F. 1820. Some experiments on the Fungi which constitute the colouring matter of the red snow discovered in Baffin's Bay. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 110(12):165-173.
- Bauer, S.E., Mishchenko, M.I., Lacis, A.A., Zhang S., Perlwitz, J. and Metzger, S.M. 2007. Do sulfate and nitrate coatings on mineral dust have important effects on radiative properties and climate modeling? Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 112, D06307, doi:10.1029/2005JD006977
- Baughman, M.J. 1976. Windbreaks in Kansas. Manhattan, Kansas: Cooperative Extension Service, Kansas State University, 8 pp. (keyword: shelter)
- Baukó, T. and Beregszászi, P. 1990. Simplifying agricultural patterns-increasing damage by wind in Békés county. Környezetgazdálkodási évkönyv, pp. 87-95. (in Hungarian?) (Note: wind erosion)
- Baulig, H. 1933. A propos du relief armoricain et de l'origine du loess Breton (About the Armorican relief and the origin of the Breton loess). Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français (67):51-55. (in French)
- Bauman, S.L. 1998. Characterization of desert loess on the Carrizozo volcanic field, south-central New Mexico:implications for Holocene climate. New Mexico Geology 20(2):51.
- Bauman, S.L., Kyle, P.R. and Harrison, J.B.J. 1998. Characterization of desert loess on the Carrizozo Lava Flow, south-central New Mexico. In: Busacca, A., Lilligren, S. and Newell, K. (eds), Dust aerosols, loess soils and global change: An interdisciplinary conference and field tour on dust in ancient environments and contemporary environmental management, October 1998, Seattle, Washington, Washington State University College of Agriculture and Home Economics Miscellaneous Publication no. 190, pp. 128-130.
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- Baumann, P.R. 2009. Dust, out of Africa. Geocarto International 24(6):485-494, doi:10.1080/10106040902781010
- Baumer, M.C. and Ben Salem, B. 1980. Role of forestry in the control of desertification: sand dune stabilization, shelterbelts and afforestation in dry zones. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Forest Resources Division, Conservation Guide 10, pp. 9-15.
- Baumer, M.C. and Ben Salem, B. 1985. Sand dune stabilization, shelterbelts and afforestation in dry zones. In: FAO Conservation Guide (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) 10, pp. 1-8. (keyword: fixation)
- Baumgardner, R.W.Jr. 1987. Morphometric studies of subhumid and semiarid drainage basins, Texas Panhandle and Northeastern New Mexico. University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Reports of Investigations 163, 68 pp.
- Baumgardner, R.W.Jr., Hoadley, A.D. and Goldstein, A.G. 1982. Formation of the Wink Sink, A salt dissolution and collapse feature, Winkler County, Texas. University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Reports of Investigations 114, 38 pp. (Note: possible geological wind erosion)
- Baumgart, P., Hambach, U., Meszner, S. and Faust, D. 2013. An environmental magnetic fingerprint of periglacial loess: records of Late Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences from Eastern Germany. Quaternary International 296:82-93, doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2012.12.021
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- Baumgartner, T.R. 1987. High resolution paleoclimatology from the varved sediments of the Gulf of California (ENSO; DIATOMS). Doctoral thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, 303 pp. (keyword: dust)
- Baumgartner, T.R., Ferreira-Bartrina, V. and Moreno-Hentz, P. 1991. Varve formation in the central Gulf of California: a reconsideration of the origin of the dark laminae from the 20th century varve record. The Gulf and Peninsula Province of the Californias, pp. 617-635. (Note: dust in marine sediment)
- Baumhardt, R.L. 2003. Dust bowl era. In: Howell, T.A. and Stewart, B.A (eds), Encyclopedia of Water Science, New York: Marcel Dekker, pp. 187-191. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Baumler, R. 2001. Pedogenic studies in aeolian deposits in the high mountain area of eastern Nepal. Quaternary International 76-77:93-102.
- Bautista-Tulin, A.T. and Inoue, K. 1997. Hydroxy-interlayered minerals in Japanese soils influenced by eolian deposition. Soil Science Society of America Journal 61(2):631-640. (Note: dust)
- Baveye, P.C., Rangel, D., Jacobson, A.R., Laba, M., Darnault, C., Otten, W., Radulovich, R. and Camargo, F.A.O. 2011. From dust bowl to dust bowl: Soils are still very much a frontier of science. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75(6):2037-2048.
- Baxter, S.M. and Winch, P.H. 1979. Artificial windbreaks and their supports. Pinner, Middlesex, England: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 15 pp. (keyword: shelter)
- Bayard, Lt. 1947. Aspects principaux et consistance des dunes (Mauritanie) (Principal aspects and consistency of the dunes of Mauritania). Bulletin de l'Institut français d'Afrique noire 9(1-4):1-17. (in French)
- Bayat, A., Masoumi, A. and Khalesifard, H. R. 2011. Retrieval of atmospheric optical parameters from ground-based sun-photometer measurements for Zanjan, Iran. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 4:857-863, doi:10.5194/amt-4-857-2011
- Bayberger, F. 1886. Über Dünen (On dunes). Deutsche Rundschau für Geographie und Statistik 8(1):6-14; (2):74-78. (in German)
- Bayer, J. 1909. Jüngster Löß und paläolithische Kultur in Mitteleuropa. Jahrbuch für Altertumskunde, Wien 3:149-160. (in German)
- Bayon, G., German, C.R., Burton, K.W., Nesbitt, R.W. and Rogers, N. 2004. Sedimentary Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides as paleoceanographic archives and the role of aeolian flux in regulating oceanic dissolved REE (Rare Earth Elements). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 224(3-4):477-492.
- Bayramov, S.B. 1971. Shifting sands in western Turkmenia and the struggle against them. In: Prirodyyee uslovia i podvizhnyye pesky pustin' (Desert natural conditions and shifting sands. Ashkhabad: Ylym, pp. 141-148. (in Russian) (keyword: fixation)
- Bayrock, L.A. and Hughes, G.M. 1962. Surficial geology of the Edmonton District. Edmonton: Research Council of Alberta, Preliminary Report 23, pp. 181-185. (keyword: palaeodunes)
- Baz, G.A. and Brémontier, N.T. 1884. Apuntes para el cultivo de las dunas en México, seguidos de la memoria de Brémontier sobre las dunas del golfo de Gascuña (Notes on the management of dunes in Mexico, in memory of Brémontier on dunes of the Gulf of Gascony). Madrid: Impr. de R. Moreno y R. Rojas, 72 pp. (in Spanish) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Bazhenova, O.I. 2007.Vnutrivekovaya organizatsiya sistem ekzogennogo rel'yefoobrazovaniya v stepyakh Tsentral'noy Azii (Intrasecular organization of the exogenic relief-formation in the steppes of Central Asia). Geografiya i Prirodnyye Resursy (3):116-125. (in Russian) (Note: includes geological wind erosion)
- Bazhenova, O.I. and Mart'yanova, G.N. 2001. Otsenka mnogoletney izmenchivosti sovremennykh eholovykh protsessov na yuge Sibiri (Assessment of long-term changes in recent eolian processes of southern Siberia). Geografiya i Prirodnyye Resursy (4):79-85. (in Russian)
- Bazhenova, O.I. and Tyumentseva, E.M. 2010. The structure of contemporary denudation in the steppes of the Minusinskaya depression. Geography and Natural Resources 31(4):362-369, doi:10.1016/j.gnr.2010.11.010 (in English)
- Bazhenova, O.I., Lyubtsova, E.M. and Ryzhov, Yu.V. 1997. Ehrozionnoye rayonirovaniye yuga Vostochnoy Sibiri (Erosion zonation of the East Siberia southern part). Geografiya i Prirodnyye Resursy (2):68-73. (in Russian with English abstract)
- Bazhenova, O.I., Lyubtsova, E.M. and Snytko, V.A. 1997. Aeolian matter migration in steppe and forest-steppe landscapes of Siberia. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Earth Sciences Section 357(1):1231-1234. (in Russian) (keyword: dust?)
- Bažik, J. and Grešova, L. 2011. Određivanje intenziteta ugroženosti zemljišta eolskom erozijom na osnovu BPEJ u katastralnom području Močenok (Determination erosion intensity of soil by wind erosion under BPEJ in the cadastral area Močenok). In: Krajinović, M. (ed.), Smotre naučnih radova studenata poljoprivrede i veterinarske medicine sa međunarodnim učešćem (Conference of Agricultural Students and Veterinary Medicine with International Participation), Novi Sad, November 18, pp. 55-62. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bazilevskaya, L.I. and Sudakova, N.G. 1986. Zavisimost' litologii lessov ot podstilayushchikh porod v tsentral'noy Rossii (Relationships of lithologies of loesses to underlying rocks in central Russia). Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriia V: Geografiia (1):68-74. (in Russian)
- Bazra'a, M.A. 1985. Sand dunes, danger, methods of stabilzation and utilization in Democratic Yemen. Modern Countryside 4(1):3-6. (in Arabic)
- Beachley, R.A. 1997. Aeolian sediment transport in the coastal barrier dunes of Cape Hatteras National Seashore. Master's thesis, East Carolina University, Greenville, South Carolina, 86 pp.
- Beadle, D.G. 1954. Photo-electric apparatus for assessing dust samples. Engineers' Digest 15(10):428-430.
- Beadle, N.C.W. 1945. Dust storms. Journal of the Soil Conservation Service of New South Wales 1(2):53-55.
- Beadle, N.C.W. 1948. Studies in wind erosion. I. The origin, general appearance and classification of scald. Journal of the Soil Conservation Service of New South Wales 4(1):30-35.
- Beadle, N.C.W. 1948. Studies in wind erosion. II. Some characteristics of scalded surfaces. Journal of the Soil Conservation Service of New South Wales 4(2):64-68.
- Beadle, N.C.W. 1948. Studies in wind erosion. III. Natural regeneration on scalded surfaces. Journal of the Soil Conservation Service of New South Wales 4(3):123-134.
- Beadle, N.C.W. 1948. Studies in wind erosion. IV. Reclamation of scalds: general considerations. Journal of the Soil Conservation Service of New South Wales 4(4):160-177.
- Beadle, N.C.W. 1948. The vegetation and pastures of western New South Wales, with special reference to soil erosion. Sydney: T.H. Tennant, Govt. printer, 280 pp.
- Beadnell, H.J.L. 1901. Dakhla Oasis: its topography and geology. Survey Department, Public Works Ministry, Geological Survey Report 1899, Part IV. Cairo: National Printing Department, 197 pp. (keyword: dunes)
- Beadnell, H.J.L. 1901. Découvertes géologiques récentes dans la vallée du Nil et le Désert Libyen (Recent geological discoveries in valley of the Nile and the Libyan Desert). In: Congrès Géologique International, Comptes rendus de la VIIIe Session, Paris, 1900, Fascicule II, p. 839-866. (in French)
- Beadnell, H.J.L. 1901. Farafra Oasis: its topography and geology. Survey Department, Public Works Ministry, Geological Survey Report 1899, Part III. Cairo: National Printing Department, 39 pp. (keyword: dunes)
- Beadnell, H.J.L. 1905. The topography and geology of the Fayum province of Egypt. Cairo: Egypt Survey Department, 101 pp. (keyword: dunes)
- Beadnell, H.J.L. 1909. An Egyptian oasis: an account of the oasis of Kharga in the Libyan Desert. London: John Murray, 236 pp. (keyword: dunes)
- Beadnell, H.J.L. 1909. Desert sand dunes. Cairo Scientific Journal 3(34):171-172.
- Beadnell, H.J.L. 1910. Report on the sand dunes of New Zealand. Geographical Journal 34(1):92-93. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Beadnell, H.J.L. 1910. The sand-dunes of the Libyan Desert: Their origin, form, and rate of movement, considered in relation to the geological and meteorological conditions of the region. The Geographical Journal 35(4):379-395.
- Beadnell, H.J.L. 1911. On the origin of the cylindrical cavities in certain sandstones of the Fayûm, Egypt, Geological Magazine, Decade V, 8(1):31-32. (Note: geological erosion or marine boring mollusca?)
- Beadnell, H.J.L. 1934. Libyan desert dunes. The Geographical Journal 84(4):337-340.
- Beal, M.A. and Shepard, F.P. 1956. A use of roundness for determining depositional environments. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 26(1):49-60, doi:10.1306/74D704B6-2B21-11D7-8648000102C1865D (Note: aeolian sands)
- Beal, W.H. 1909. Prevention of soil drifting. In: Experiment Station Work, XLIX. United States Department of Agriculture, Farmers' Bulletin 0342, pp. 8-10.
- Beals, E.A. 1905. Dust storm in northeastern Oregon and eastern Washington. Monthly Weather Review 33(8):350.
- Beaman, A.L. and Kingsbury, R.W.S.M. 1984. Recent developments in the method of using sticky pads for the measurement of particulate nuisance. Clean Air 14(2):74-81.
- Bean, A., Alperi, R.W. and Federer, C.A. 1975. A method for categorizing shelterbelt porosity. Agricultural Meteorology 14(3):417-429.
- Beard, J.S. 1983. Late Pleistocene aridity and aeolian landforms in Western Australia. In: Barker, W.R. and Greenslade, P.J.M. (eds), Evolution of the Flora and Fauna of Arid Australia. Frewville, Australia: Peacock Publishers, pp. 101-106. (Note: palaeodunes, lunettes, geological wind erosion)
- Beard, J.S. 1984. Aeolian landforms. In: Beard, J.S. and Sprenger, B.S. (eds), Geographical Data from the Vegetation Survey of Western Australia, Occasional Paper 2, Perth: Vegmap Publications, pp. 48-60.
- Beard, J.S. and Sprenger, B.S. 1984. Geographical data from the vegetation survey of Western Australia: with map of aeolian landforms 1:3,000,000. Vegetation Survey of Western Australia, Vegmap Publishers, Applecross, Western Australia, Occasional Paper 2, 61 pp.
- Bearden, B.L., Hummel, R.L. and Mink, R.M. 1989. Geomorphology of coastal sand dunes, Baldwin County, Alabama. In: Coastal Zone '89, Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management, Charleston, July 1989, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2, pp. 1038-1050.
- Beare, J.A. 1951. Erosion by wind. Journal of the Department of Agriculture of South Australia 54(7):315-318.
- Beasley, H.C. 1906. Some difficulties with regard to the formation of the upper Keuper marls. Proceedings of the Liverpool Geological Society (1905-1906) 10(2):79-97.
- Beattie, J.A. 1950. Wind as a factor in soil formation. Thesis, Sydney, xx pp.
- Beattie, J.A. 1982. A study of the parna in the Wagga Wagga region, NSW. In: Wasson, R.J. (ed), INQUA Loess Commission Workshop, Quaternary dust mantles of China, New Zealand and Australia, Canberra: Australian National University Press, pp. 141-144. (Note: loess)
- Beattie, J.A. and Haldane, A.D. 1958. The occurrence of palygorskite and barytes in certain parna soils of the Murrumbidgee region, New South Wales. Australian Journal of Science 20(9):274-275. (Note: dust in soil)
- Beaty, C.B. 1975. Coulee alignment and the wind in southern Alberta, Canada. Geological Society of America Bulletin 86(1):119-128.
- Beaty, D.W., Snook, K., Allen, C., Eppler, D., Farrell, B., Heldmann, J., Metzger, P., Peach, L., Wagner, S. and Zeitlin, C. 2005. Precursor measurements of Mars needed to reduce the risk of the first human mission to Mars. Jet Propulsion Laboratory Document CL#05-381, 77 pp.,
- Beaudet, G. and Michel, P. 1978. Recherches géomorphologiques en Namibie central (Geomorphological research in Central Namibia). Recherches géographiques à Strasbourg, Edition Special, 139 pp. (in French) (keyword: palaeodunes)
- Beaudet, G., Michel, P., Nahon, D., Oliva, P., Riser, J. and Ruellan, A. 1976. Formes, formations superficielles et variations climatiques récentes du Sahara occidental. Revue de géographie physique et de géologie dynamique, Deuxième série, 18(2-3):157-174. (in French) (Note: dunes)
- Beaumont, A.B. 1922. Soil shifting in the Connecticut Valley. Science 56(1445):282-283, doi:10.1126/science.56.1445.282 (keywords: wind erosion, sand storms, dunes)
- Beaurain, G. 1891. Quelques faits relatifs á la formation du littoral des Landes de Gascogne (Some facts relevant to the formation of the coastline of the Landes of Gascony). Revue de Géographie (Paris) 28:254-265. (in French) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Beavers, A.H. 1957. Source and deposition of clay minerals in Peorian loess. Science 126(3286):1285, doi:10.1126/science.126.3286.1285 (also in Smalley, I.J. (ed), Loess; lithology and genesis. Benchmark papers in geology 26, (1975), Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc., Stroudsburg, PA, pp. 149.)
- Beavers, A.H. and Albrecht, W.A. 1975. Composition of alluvial deposits viewed as probable source of loess. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings 13:468-470. (also In: Smalley, I.J. (ed), Loess; lithology and genesis. Benchmark papers in geology 26, (1975), Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Stroudsburg, PA, pp. 146-148.)
- Beavington, F. and Cawse, P.A. 1978. Comparative studies of trace elements in air particulates in northern Nigeria. The Science of the Total Environment 10(3):239-244.
- Beavington, F. and Cawse, P.A. 1979. The deposition of trace elements and major nutrients in the dust and rainwater in northern Nigeria. The Science of the Total Environment 13(3):263-274.
- Bebee, C.N. 1981. Wind erosion and its control. United States Department of Agriculture, Technical Information Systems, Science and Education Administration, Beltsville, MD, 24 pp. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Beceiro-González, E., Andrade-Garda, J.M., Serrano-Velasco, E. and López-Mahía, P. 1997. Metals in airborne particulate matter in La Coruna (NW Spain). The Science of the Total Environment 196(2):131-139.
- Beche, F. 1901. Mikroskopische Untersuchung der Proben vom Staubschnee vom 11. März 1901 (Microscopic investigation of the samples of the dust snow from 11 March 1901). Meteorologische Zeitschrift 18(7):318-321. (in German)
- Becher, A. 1944. Natural snow fences along roads. Bautechnik 22:37-42.
- Beck, A.C. 1947. Ironsands at Waitara, New Plymouth. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 28(6):207-313. (Note: dune sands)
- Beck, C.M., Geyh, A., Srinivasan, A., Breyesse, P.N., Eggleston, P.A. and Buckley, T.J. 2003. The impact of a building implosion on airborne particulate matter in an urban community. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 53(10):1256-1264.
- Beck, J.B. 1819. Observations on salt storms, and the influence of salt and saline air upon animal and vegetable life. American Journal of Science and Arts 1(4):388-397. (Note: Discusses salt particles swept from breaking oceanic waves and deposition of these particles on land)
- Beck, R. 1894. Ueber die corrodirende Wirkung des Windes im Quadersandstein-Gebiet der Sächsischen-Schweiz (On the abrasive effect of the wind in the sandstone area of Saxonian, Switzerland). Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 46(3):537-546. (in German) (Note: ventifacts?)
- Beck, R.D. 1993. Halbquantitative Bestimmung des Loesslehmmanteils in Boeden und seine Bedeutung als Quelle geogener Schwermetalle (Semi-quantitative determination of the loess-loam soils and its meaning as source of geogener heavy metals). Geologisches Jahrbuch, Hessen 121: 169-180. (in German)
- Beck, S.M., Wright, T.J., Linares, J. R. and Kozlowski, D.A. 2007. Co-bore sighted coherent laser velocimeter and direct detection Lidar for dust devil characterization. In: Proceedings, 2007 IEEE Aerospace Conference Location: Big Sky, MT, March 03-10, volumes 1-9, pp. 1744-1754.
- Beck, V.S. 1954. More grass - less dust. Soil Conservation 20(2):27-28, 35.
- Beck, V.S. 1954. Stubble mulching of wheatland to control wind erosion. Soil Conservation 20(5):106-107.
- Becke, F. 1901. Bericht über den Staubschnee vom 11. März 1901 (Report on the dust snow on 11 March 1901). Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe, 38(10):107-109. (in German)
- Becke, F. 1901. Nachtrag zur mikroskopischen Untersuchung der Staubfalles vom 11. März 1901 (Supplement to the microscopic investigation the dustfall of 11 March 1901). Meteorologische Zeitschrift 18(10):462-463. (in German)
- Becker, E. 1964. Zur Stratigraphie der Flugsande im noerdlichen Oberrheintalgraben (Stratigraphy of eolian sands in the northern upper Rhine graben). Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 116(3):983-984. (in German)
- Becker, R. 1979. Die tertiäre und quartär Enwicklung im bereich der Kufra-Oasen (Zentrale Sahara) unter besondeder Berükschtigung aktualisticher Vorgänge (Tertiary and Quaternary development in the area of the Kufra oases (central Sahara) under special Berüksichtigung contemporary conditions). Geologische Rundschau 68(2):484-621. (in German) (Note: including aeolian sand; dunes)
- Beckmann, N. 1712. Bericht über die Mittel welche in Flandren und Holland angewandet warden um die Dünen zu erhalten und zu vestärken (To report onr the means used in Flanders and Holland manage the dunes (?)). Hannoverisches Magazin (Hannover), pp. 90-98. (in German) (Note: management of coastal dunes?)
- Beckmann, T. and Gehrt, E. 1998. Äolische sedimente und bodenentwicklung im nördlichen Harzvorland (Aeolian sediments and soil development in the northern Harz foreland). Programm und Exkursionsführer; 17, Sitzung am 21. bis 23.5.1998 in Braunschweig. Hanover: Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Bodenforschung, 125 pp. (in German) (Note: dust in soils)
- Beckwith, F. 1951. Fighting moving sand dunes in Utah. Rocks and Minerals 26(11-12):592-594.
- Becquerel, A.C. 1834-1840. Traité expérimental de l'électricité et du magnétisme, et de leurs rapports avec les phénomènes naturels (Experimental treatment electricity and magnetism, and their relationship with natural phenomena). Paris: Firmin Didot frères, 7 vols, 547 pp. (in French)
- Bédard, A. 1911. Les dunes de Lachute (The dunes of Lachute). Bulletin de la Société de géographie de Québec 5(1):20-23. (in French)
- Bednarik, R.G. 2008. Pedogenetic dating of loess strata. Journal of Archaeological Science 35(12):3124-3129.
- Bedoui, Ch. 2006. Observations sur les manifestations actuelles de l'érosion et les signes de désertification dans la cuvette de Meknassy (Tunisie centrale) (Observations on the current manifestations of erosion and the signs of desertification in the basin of Meknassy, central Tunisia). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 50(3):375-392. (in French).
- Beecham, T. 2005. Going the distance: Short- and long-term dust control solutions. Erosion Control 12(3):34-40, 42. (Note: agricultural wind erosion; dust)
- Beeck, H. 1963. Anfang und Ende eines Verwehungsherdes an der Küste der Nordsee (The start and end of the fixation of sands on the coasts of the North Sea. Unser Wald (Zeitschrift der Schutsgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald) januar, 2-3. (in German) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Beegum, S.N., Moorthy, K.K., Nair, V.S., Babu, S.S., Satheesh, S.K., Vinoj, V., Reddy, R.R., Gopal, K.R., Badarinath, K.V.S., Niranjan, K., Pandey, S.K., Behera, M., Jeyaram, A., Bhuyan, P.K., Gogoi, M.M., Singh, S., Pant, P., Dumka, U.C., Kant, Y., Kuniya,l J.C. and Singh D. 2008. Characteristics of spectral aerosol optical depths over India during ICARB. Journal of Earth System Science 117, Supplement 1, pp. 303-313. (keyword: dust)
- Beekman, F. 2006. De Kop van Schouwen onder het zand: duizend jaar duinvorming en duingebruik op een Zeeuws eiland (The head of to witness under sand: thousand years dune shaping and duingebruik on a Zeeuws island). Ook verschenen, als proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam, Utrecht: Matrijs, 304 pp. (in Dutch) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Beekman, W.J., Meesters, G.M.H., Scarlett, B. and Becker, T. 2002. Measurement of granule attrition and fatigue in a vibrating box. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 19(1):5-11.
- Beer, J. and Sturm, M. 1995. Dating of lake and loess sediments. In: Mook, W. (ed), Papers from the workshop on PAGES (past geological changes) chronologies; 15th international radiocarbon conference. Radiocarbon 37(1):81-86.
- Beer, T., Bridgman, H. and Manins, P. 1995. Predicting dust concentrations in Newcastle, NSW. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 21(9):131-135.
- Beerten, K. and Stesmans, A. 2006. The use of Ti centers for estimating burial doses of single quartz grains: A case study from an aeolian deposit ~2 Ma old. Radiation Measurements 41(4):418-424.
- Beerten, K. and Stesmans, A. 2007. ESR dating of sedimentary quartz: Possibilities and limitations of the single-grain approach. Quaternary Geochronology 2(1-4):373-380.
- Beger, G.W. 1989. Comment on the present status of dating loess by thermoluminescence. In: Carter, L.D., Hamilton, T.D. and Galloway, J.P. (eds), Late Cenozoic history of the interior basins of Alaska and the Yukon. United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Circular 1026, pp. 103-105.
- Begét, J.E. 1988. Tephras and sedimentology of frozen Alaskan loess. In: Senneset, J. (ed), Proceedings, 5th International Conference, Trondheim, Norway, August, 2-5, Trondheim: Tapir, pp. 672-677.
- Begét, J.E. 1990. Middle Wisconsinan climate fluctuations recorded in central Alaskan loess. Géographie physique et Quaternaire 44(1):3-13. (in English with German and French abstract)
- Begét, J.E. 1991. Paleoclimatic significance of high latitude loess deposits. In: Weller, G., Wilson, C.L. and Severin, B.A.B. (eds), International conference on the role of the polar regions in global change, 11-15 June 1990, University of Alaska at Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute, Fairbanks, pp. 594-598.
- Begét, J.E. 1996. Tephrochronology and paleoclimatology of the Last Interglacial cycle recorded in Alaskan loess deposits. Quaternary International 34-36:121-126.
- Begét, J.E. 2001. Continuous Late Quaternary proxy climate records from loess in Beringia. Quaternary Science Reviews 20(1-3):499-507.
- Begét, J.E. 2001. The Alaskan loess record of Quaternary climate change. In: Workshop on the Role of mineral aerosols in Quaternary climate cycles; models and data. Loess Letter 45:12-13.
- Begét, J.E. and Hawkins, D.B. 1989. Influence of orbital parameters on Pleistocene loess deposition in central Alaska. Nature (London) 337(6203):151-153, doi:10.1038/337151a0
- Begét, J.E., Bigelow, N. and Powers, R. 1991. Latest Pleistocene increase in wind intensity recorded in eolian sediments from central Alaska: Reply. Quaternary Research 36(3):334-338. (keyword: loess)
- Begét, J.E., Keskinen, M. and Severin, K. 1993. Mineral particles from Asia found in volcanic loess on the island of Hawaii. Sedimentary Geology 84(1-4):189-197.
- Begét, J.E., Stone, D.B. and Hawkins, D.B. 1990. Paleoclimatic forcing of magnetic-susceptibility variations in Alaskan loess during the Late Quaternary. Geology 18(1):40-43.
- Begin, C. and Michaud, Y. 1992. Dynamique récente d'un système dunaire de haut de falaise dans la région de Mountain River, District de MacKenzie, T.N.-O. (Modern dynamics of a high cliff dune system in Mountain River region, Mackenzie District, Northwest Territories). In: Colloque sous le thème "Les changements environnementeaux des régions boreales et subarctiques". Bulletin - AQQUA (Association québécoise pour l'étude du quaternaire) 18(2), 19. (in French)
- Begin, C., Michaud, Y. and Boucher, S. 1992. Données préliminaires sur la morphologie et dynamisme récent d'un système dunaire de haut de falaise dans la région de la Rivière Mountain, District de Mackenzie, Territoires du Nord Ouest (Preliminary data on the morphology and Recent dynamics of a dune system above the cliffs of the River Mountain area, Mackenzie District, Northwest Territories). In: Current research; Part B, Interior Plains and Arctic Canada - Recherches en cours; Partie B, Plaines intèrieures et région arctique du Canada. Paper - Geological Survey of Canada, pp. 13-21.
- Begin, C., Michaud, Y. and Filion, L. 1995. Dynamics of a Holocene cliff-top dune along the Mountain River, Northwest Territories, Canada. Quaternary Research 44(3):392-404.
- Bègue, N., Tulet, P., Chaboureau, J.-P., Roberts, G., Gomes, L. and Mallet, M. 2012. Long-range transport of Saharan dust over northwestern Europe during EUCAARI 2008 campaign: Evolution of dust optical properties by scavenging. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 117, D17201, doi:10.1029/2012JD017611
- Begum, B.A., Biswas, S.K., Pandit, G.G., Saradhi, V., Waheed, S., Siddique, N., Shirani Seneviratne, M.S., Cohen, D.D., Markwitz, A. and Hopke P.K. 2011. Long-range transport of soil dust and smoke pollution in the South Asian region. Atmospheric Pollution Research 2(2):151-157, doi:10.5094/APR.2011.020
- Begum, Z. and George, J. 1999. Significance of mineral dust aerosols in the global atmospheric model radiation forcings: results validated with pre-INDOEX. Acta Geophysica Polonica 47(2):231-235. (in English)
- Behairy, A.K.A., El-Sayed, M.K. and Rao, N.V.N.D. 1985. Eolian dust in the coastal area north of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Journal of Arid Environments 8(2):89-98.
- Behairy, S.A., Chester, R., Griffiths, A.J., Johnson, L.R. and Stoner, J.H. 1975. The clay mineralogy of particulate material from some surface seawaters of the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Marine Geology 18(4):M45-M56. (Note: dust)
- Beheiry, S.A. 1967. Sand forms in the Coachella Valley, Southern California. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 57(1):25-48.
- Behm, D.H. 1960?. Assessment of erosive wind frequency for Portage County, Wisconsin, Master's thesis, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, 168 pp.
- Behm, D.H. and Hensler, R.F. 1989. Effective use of short-term wind data analysis for crop damage abatement. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 44(6):566-567.
- Behr, H.D. 2001. Atmospheric turbidity west of the West African coast in January and July - a comparison. Meteorologische Zeitschrift 10(5):373-386.
- Behrens, F. 1908. Das grosse Inlandsdünengebiet im Zwischenstromlande (The large inland dune area in between the rivers, interfluve). Aus dem Posener Lande 3:65-66; 87-89; 209-240. (in German)
- Behrmann, W. 1919. Borkum. Strand- und Dünenstudien (Borkum: beach and dune studies). Meereskunde, Jahrg. 13(9, 153), Berlin, 40 pp. (in German) (Reviewed by Cobb, C. 1922. Geographical Review 12(3):515-517)
- Behrmann, W. von. 1911. Morphologie der Osenberg-Dünen bei Oldenberg (Die Osenberge in Wort und Bild) (Morphology of the Osenberg dunes near Oldenberg, the Osenberge in word and picture). Oldenberg Naturkundliche Blätter 1:67-76. (in German)
- Behrmann, W. von. 1934. Die Wirkungen des Windes und der dadurch erzeugte Formenschatz (The effects of wind and the wealth of shapes produced by it). Handbuch der geographischen Wissenschaften, Algemeine Geographie, 1, Wildpark, Potsdam, pp. 485-501. (in German)
- Behzadi, H., Alvarado, V. and Lynds, R. 2012. Modeling CO2 saturation distribution in eolian systems. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 11:110-116.
- Beijerinck, W. 1933. Die mikropalaeontologische Untersuchung aeolischer Sedimente und ihre Bedeutung fuer die Florengeschichte und die Quartairstratigraphie (A micropaleontologic examination of eolian sediments in the provinces Drente and Friesland, Netherlands, and their significance for a history of the floras and the Quaternary stratigraphy). Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Proceedings of the Section of Sciences 36(1):106-115. (in German?)
- Beinhauer, R. and Kruse, B. 1991. Ueber die Erosivitaet des Klimas durch Windeinfluss (Erosivity of atmosphere affected by wind). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft 65:9-12. (in German) (Note: wind erosion)
- Beinhauer, R. and Kruse, B. 1994. Soil erosivity by wind in moderate climates. Ecological Modelling 75/76:279-287.
- Beinisovich, B.S. and Smolina, L.B. 1970. Effect of synthetic resins, bitumens, and bitumen-petroleum emulsion on the fixing of barchan sand. Vzaidmodeistvie Vodorastrvorimykh Polieketrolitov Dispers - Vnymi Sist. pp. 90-94. (Chem. Abs. 75:132588f) (in Russian) (keyword: fixation)
- Beish, J.D., Parker, D.C. and Capen, C.F. 1984. A major Martian dust storm in 1984. Journal of the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observatories 30(9-10):211-217.
- Beivinkler, C. 1861. Ueber Bindung des Flugsandes (On the fixation of drift sands). Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung 37:376-380. (in German)
- Bejjani, M.-C. 1975. Étude des perturbations synoptiques sahariennes associées à un soulèvement de sable: mise en évidence du rôle radiatif de ce sable (Study of the Saharan synoptic disturbances associated with the raising of sand: description of the radiative role of the sand). Doctoral thesis, Université de Paris IV, 131 pp. (in French)
- Bek, L.O. 1957. Polezashchitnoe lesorazvedenie v SSSR. Miunkhen, 117 pp. (in Russian) (keyword: shelter)
- Beketov, A.K. 1970. Osnovaniia i fundamenty: stroitel'stvo na lessovykh prosadnochnykh gruntakh. Rostov-na-Donu: Gosstroĭ SSSR. Glavpromstroĭproekt. Rostovskiĭ promstroĭniiproekt, 177 pp. (in Russian) (keyword: loess)
- Bel'gibayev, M.E. 1975. Eolovyy Akkumlyativnyy Mikrorel'yef Deflirovannyih Pochv. (Eolian accumulation microrelief of deflation soils). Geomorfologiya (1):56-61. (in Russian)
- Bel'gibayev, M.E. 1982. Catchment apparatus for dust and salts in the surface layer of the air. Izvestiia Akademii nauk Kazakhskoi SSR. Seriia biologicheskaia (6):69-73. (in Russian)
- Bel'gibayev, M.E. 1984. Dust and salt gage: an instrument for collecting airborne dust and salts. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (1):82-85. (in Russian with English summary)
- Bel'gibayev, M.E. and Fedorovich, B.A. 1972. Process of accumulation of eolian soils. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (6):44-49. (in Russian with English summary)
- Bel'gibayev, M.E. and Parakshina, E.M. 1970. Wind erosion of soils in the Belinskii Sovkhoz in the Kustanai Region and its control. Trudy Instituta Pochvovedeniya Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR (19):41-99. (in Russian?) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bel'gibayev, M.E. and Semenov, O.Ye. 1972. Some data on wind ripples in wind tunnels. Geomorfologiya (3):36-43. (in Russian?)
- Bel'gibayev, M.E., Zonov, G.V. and Parakhshina, Ė.M. 1982. Ekologo-geograficheskie uslovii︠a︡ defli︠a︡t︠s︡ii pochv Severnogo i T︠S︡entral'nogo Kazakhstana (Ecological and geographical conditions of soil deflation in Northern and Central Kazakhstan). Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR, Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut pochvovedenii︠a︡, 222 pp. (in Russian) (Note: geological? wind erosion)
- Beladjine, D. 2007. Étude expérimentale du processus de collision d'une bille sur un empilement granulaire. Application au mécanisme de saltation dans le transport éolien (Experimental study of the process of collision of a ball onto a granular stack. The mechanics of wind transport). Thèse doctorat, Génie mécanique et énergétique, Valenciennes, 120 pp. (in French)
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- Bélanger, S. and Filion, L. 1991. Niveo-aeolian sand deposition in subarctic dunes, eastern coast of Hudson Bay, Quebec. Journal of Quaternary Science 6(1):27-37.
- Belcher, C.R. 1977. Effect of sand cover on the survival and vigor of Rosa rugosa Thunb. International Journal of Biometeorology 21(3):276-280. (in English)
- Belcher, D., Veverka, J. and Sagan, C. 1971. Mariner photography of Mars and aerial photography of Earth: some analogies. Icarus 15(2):241-252. (keyword: dunes)
- Belevich, Ye.F. 1979. O proiskhozhdenii bugrov Bera (on the origin of the Baer mounds). Geomorfologiya (2):57-69. (in Russian) (Note: palaeodunes?)
- Belevinita, N.Sh. 1968. Urea-based compound for strengthening sands. Mater 6 (Shestomu) Vsesoizhnogo. Soveshch. Zakreplenyu Uplotneniyu Gruntov, pp. 406-407. (in Russian) (Chemical Abstracts 72:22358n) (keyword: fixation)
- Belgibaev, M.E. 1991. Aeolian forms of relief on dried up territory of the Eastern Priaralie. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (1):28-34. (in Russian)
- Belien-Stockhardt, J. 1978. Swamp and dryland soils of the Okavango Project. Some negative meteorological effects on plant growing, especially wind erosion, and its prevention, Field Document 10. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, FAO-AGO--BOT.72/019, 117 pp. (in English?)
- Belknap, R.L. 1929. Some Greenland sand dunes. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters 1928, 10:191-198.
- Belknap, R.L. 1941. Physiographic studies in the Holstenborg district of southern Greenland. University of Michigan, Studies, Science Series 6:199-255.
- Belknap, W., Jr. 1957. New Mexico's great White Sands. The National Geographic Magazine 90(1):113-137. (keyword: dunes)
- Bell, A. 1987. Alien dune plants reshape our beaches. Ecos (CSIRO) 54:3-6, doi:10.1071/EC54p3
- Bell, A. 1990. Wind erosion: the winnowing of our soils. Ecos (CSIRO) 66:4-5, doi:10.1071/EC66p4
- Bell, C.M. 1991. The relationships between sedimentary structures, transport directions and dune types in Mesozoic aeolian sandstones, Atacama Region, Chile. Sedimentology 38(2):289-300.
- Bell, D.E. 1975. An analysis of dust storms as a factor in urban runoff quality in Lubbock, Texas. Master's thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, 50 pp.
- Bell, D.T., Carter, D.J. and Hetherington, R.E. 1986. Experimental assessment of wind erosion after soil stabilization treatments at Eneabba Western Australia. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 8(4):99-104.
- Bell, F. 1969. Dust devils and aviation. Melbourne: Australia, Bureau of Meteorology. Meteorological Note 27, 9 pp.
- Bell, H.S. 1942. Studies for Students: Density currents as agents for transporting sediments. Journal of Geology 50(5):512-547. (Note: includes dust storms, photos of haboobs, aeolian sediments, e.g. loess)
- Bell, J.F. III, McCord, T.B., Lucey, P.G. and Blaney, D.L.1989. Preliminary results and overview of spectral remote sensing observations of Mars during the 1988 opposition In: Lee, S. (ed), MECA Workshop on dust on Mars, III (1988), Lunar and Planetary Institute, LPI Technical Report 89-01, p. 21. (Note: available online)
- Bell, J.F., McSween, H.Y., Crisp, J.A., Morris, R.V., Murchie, S.L., Bridges, N.T., Johnson, J.R., Britt, D.T., Golombek, M.P., Moore, H.J., Ghosh, A., Bishop, J.L., Anderson, R.C., Brückner, J., Economou, T., Greenwood, J.P., Gunnlaugsson, H.P., Hargraves, R.M., Hviid, S., Knudsen, J.M., Madsen, M.B., Reid, R., Rieder, R. and Soderblom, L. 2000. Mineralogic and compositional properties of Martian soil and dust: Results from Mars Pathfinder. Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets 105(E1):1721-1755.
- Bell, J.F.P. 1921. Advantages of shelterbelts. Transactions of the Royal Scottish Arboricultural Society 35:106-111.
- Bell, R.S. and Tedrow, J.C.F. 1945. The control of wind erosion by the establishment of turf under airport conditions. Kingston: Agricultural Experiment Station of the Rhode Island State College, Bulletin 295, 22 pp.
- Bellair, P. 1937. Sur les formations sableuses de la basse Provence orientale (On the sandy formations of lower eastern Provence). Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris 205(21):999-1000. (in French) (keyword: dunes)
- Bellair, P. 1938. Les éléments lourds dans les sables désertiques (Heavy elements in desert sands). Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris 207(22):1054-1055. (in French)
- Bellair, P. 1938. Observations sur les dunes sahariennes (Observations on the Saharan dunes). Compte rendu sommaire des Séances de la Société géologique de France (17):331-332. (in French)
- Bellair, P. 1939. Sur la composition minéralogique des sables du Grand Erg occidental (On the mineralogic composition of sands of the Grand Erg Occidental). Compte rendu sommaire des Séances de la Société géologique de France (14):212-214. (in French)
- Bellair, P. 1940. Les sables de la dorsale saharienne et du bassin de l'Oued Rhir (Sands of the Saharan Dorsal and the Basin of the Rhir Wadi). Bulletin du Service de la Carte géologique de l'Algérie, 5e série, no. 5, 80 pp. (in French)
- Bellair, P. 1940. Les sables du Souf (Algérie) (The sands of the Souf, Algeria). Compte rendu sommaire des Séances de la Société géologique de France (7):75-77. (in French) (Note: aeolian sands)
- Bellair, P. 1941. Étude Granulométrique de Quelques Formations Arénacées du Gourara et la Saoura (Granulometric study of some Arenacees Formations of Gourara and Saoura). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 32:191-196. (in French)
- Bellair, P. 1943. Les éléments lourds de quelques sables sahariens (Heavy elements of some Saharan sands). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 34(7-9):208-212. (in French)
- Bellair, P. 1945. Les éléments lourds dans les sables de l'erg d'Oubari (Fezzân) (Heavy elements in sands of Erg d' Oubari, Fezzân). Compte rendu sommaire des Séances de la Société géologique de France (8):95-97. (in French)
- Bellair, P. 1949. Le Quaternaire de Tejerhi (Fezzân) (The Quaternary of Tejerhi, Fezzân). Compte rendu sommaire des Séances de la Société géologique de France (9):160-162. (in French)
- Bellair, P. 1951. La Ramla des Daouada (Fezzân) (Ramla of Daouada, Fezzân). Travaux de l'Institut de Recherches Sahariennes 7:69-85. (in French) (keyword: dunes)
- Bellair, P. 1953. Diagramme minéralogique du Grand Erg oriental d'El Oued à Ghadamès (Mineralogical diagram of Grand Erg Oriental d'El Oued à Ghadamès). Compte rendu sommaire des Séances de la Société géologique de France (6):100-101. (in French)
- Bellair, P. 1953. Le Quaternaire de Tejerhi (Fezzan) (The Quaternary of Tejerhi, Fezzan). Institut des Hautes Études de Tunis, Publication Scientifique 1, pp. 9-16. (in French)
- Bellair, P. 1953. Sables désertiques et morphologie éolienne (Desert sands and aeolian morphology). In: Capot-Rey, R. (ed), Déserts Actuels et Anciens, Congrès Géologique International, Comptes rendus de la dix-neuvième session, Alger, 1952, Section VII, Fascicule VII, p. 113-118. (in French)
- Bellair, P. and Jauzein, A. 1952. Les derniers renéances humides dans le Grand Erg Oriental (The last moist renéances in Grand Erg Oriental). Bulletin de la Société des Sciences naturelles de Tunisie 5:176-180.
- Bellandi, S., Oppo, C., Udisti, R. and Pantani, F. 1996. Quasi-seasonal neutralization of acid rain in Tuscany; can Saharan dust be responsible? In: Guerzoni, S. and Chester, R. (eds), The impact of desert dust across the Mediterranean, October 1995, Oristano, Italy. Environmental Science and Technology Library 11, Dordrecht and London: Kluwer, pp. 369-373.
- Bellani, A. 1836. Degli aeroliti, delle pioggie o nevi rosse, e delle nebbie o esalazioni secche (Beautiful meteorites, of the red rain or snows, and of fogs). Biblioteca di farmacia - chimica - fisica - medicina - chirurgia - terapeutica - storia naturale, ecc., Serie 2, Anno 3, 5(4):217-223, 5(5):282-287; 6(7):51-57, 6(8):116-124. (in Italian)
- Bellani, A. 1838. Degli aeroliti, delle pioggie o nevi rosse, e delle nebbie o esalazioni secche, e di altri fenomeni atmosferici (Beautiful meteorites, of the red rain or snows, and of dry fogs, and of other atmospheric phenomena). Biblioteca di farmacia - chimica - fisica - medicina - chirurgia - terapeutica - storia naturale, ecc., Serie 2, Anno 5, 10(8):115-122, 10(9):178-183, 10(10):242-248, 10(11):306-311, 10(12):357-365. (in Italian)
- Bellarosa, R., Codipietro, P., Piovesan, G. and Schirone, B., 1996. Degratation, rehabilitation and sustainable management of a dunal ecosystem in central Italy. Land Degradation and Development 7(4):297-311. (Note: coastal dunes, fixation)
- Belle, B.K. 2006. Comparison of three side-by-side real-time dust monitors in a duct using average and peak display dust levels as parameters of performance evaluation. In: Proceedings of the 11th U.S./North American Mine Ventilation Symposium - 2006, pp. 179-187.
- Bellot, H., Trouvilliez, A., Naaim-Bouvet, F., Genthon, C. and Gallée, H. 2011. Present weather-sensor tests for measuring drifting snow. Annals of Glaciology 52(58):176-184, doi:10.3189/172756411797252356
- Bellucci,G. 1872. Pioggie con sabbia (Rain with sand). Bullettino meteorologico dell' Osservatorio del Collegio romano 11:28, 36. (in Italian)
- Belly, P.-Y. 1964. Sand movement by wind. United States Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Washington DC, Technical Memorandum TM-1, 80 pp.
- Belmaker, R., Lazar, B., Stein, M. and Beer, J. 2011. Short residence time and fast transport of fine detritus in the Judean Desert: Clues from 7Be in settled dust. Geophysical Research Letters 38, L16714, doi:10.1029/2011GL048672
- Belnap, J. 1995. Surface disturbances: their role in accelerating desertification. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 37(1-3):39-57. (Note: acceleration of agricultural wind erosion)
- Belnap, J. 2003. Biological crusts and wind erosion. In: Belnap, J. and Lange, L. (eds), Biological soil crusts: Structure, function, and management, Ecological Studies: analysis and synthesis 150, Berlin: Springer-Verlag pp. 339-347.
- Belnap, J. and Gardner, J.S. 1993. Soil microstructure in soils of the Colorado Plateau - the role of the cyanobacterium Microcolens vaginatus. Great Basin Naturalist 53(1):40-47. (Note: protection against wind erosion)
- Belnap, J. and Gillette, D.A. 1997. Disturbance of biological soil crusts: Impacts on potential wind erodibility of sandy desert soils in southeastern Utah. Land Degradation and Development 8(4):355-362.
- Belnap, J. and Gillette, D.A. 1998. Vulnerability of desert biological soil crusts to wind erosion: the influences of crust development, soil texture and disturbance. Journal of Arid Environments 39(2):133-142.
- Belnap, J. and Lange, O.L. (eds). 1952. Biological soil crusts: structure, function, and management. Ecological studies 150, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 503 pp.
- Belnap, J., Munson, S.M. and Field, J.P. 2011. Aeolian and fluvial processes in dryland regions: The need for integrated studies. Ecohydrology 4(5):615-622. (Note: wind erosion)
- Belnap, J., Phillips, S., Duniway, M. and Reynolds, R. 2003. Soil fertility in deserts: a review on the influence of biological soil crusts and the effect of soil surface disturbance on nutrient inputs and losses. In: Alsharhan, A.S., Wood, W.W., Goudie, A.S., Fowler, A. and Abdellatif, E.M. (eds), Desertification in the Third Millennium. Lisse, Netherlands: Swets and Zeitlinger Publishers, pp. 245-252.
- Belnap, J., Phillips, S.L., Herrick, J.E. and Johansen, J.R. 2007. Wind erodibility of soils at Fort Irwin, California (Mojave Desert), USA, before and after trampling disturbance: Implications for land management. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 32(1):75-84.
- Belnap, J., Phillips, S.L., Witwicki, D.L. and Miller, M.E. 2008. Visually assessing cyanobacterial biomass and soil surface stability in cyanobacterially dominated biological soil crusts. Journal of Arid Environments 72(7):1257-1264. (Note: rangeland wind erosion)
- Belnap, J., Reynolds, R., Reheis, M. and Phillips, S.L. 2000. What makes the desert bloom? The contribution of dust and crusts to the fertility on the Colorado Plateau. In: MacArthur, E.D. and Fairbanks, D.J. (eds). Proceedings: Shrubland ecosystem genetics and biodiversity. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Ogden, Utah, 22 pp.
- Belnap, J., Reynolds, R.L., Reheis, M.C., Phillips, S.L., Urban, F.E. and Goldstein, H.L. 2009. Sediment losses and gains across a gradient of livestock grazing and plant invasion in a cool, semi-arid grassland, Colorado Plateau, USA. Aeolian Research 1(1-2):27-43, doi:10.1016/j.aeolia.2009.03.001
- Belolipskiy, V.A. 1974. The characteristics of wind erosion in the Terek-Kuma semidesert region. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (2):47-53. (in Russian with English version: Problems of Desert Development 1974 (2):47-53)
- Belonin, N.N. 1950. On the direction of dust storms and the distribution of shelterbelts. In: Ukraine. Sovetskaia po Izucheniiu Proizvoditel'nykh Sil. Otdelenie Sel'skokhoz. Nauk. Agroklim. Usloviia Stepi Ukrain, SSR I Puti'kh Uluschcheniia Trudy Konferentsii, 1, pp. 55-57. (in Russian)
- Belotserkovskiy, M.Yu. and Larionov, G.A. 1986. Erosion and deflation of soils in mountainous and submountainous areas (exemplified by northern Caucasus and Middle Asia). Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriia V: Geografiia (1):35-42. (in Russian)
- Belotserkovskiy, M.Yu., Kiryukhina, Z.P., Larionov, G.A. and Mirgorodskaya, N.N. 1984. Opyt kolichestvennoy otsenki erozionno- i deflyatsionnoopasnykh zemel' basseynov Obi i Irtysha pri razrabotke skhemy kompleksnogo ispol'zovaniya prirodnykh resursov (An attempt at quantitative assessment of the erosion-deflation-dangerous lands of the Ob' and Irtysh River basins in developing a scheme of complex utilization of natural resources). Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriia V: Geografiia (5):3-9. (in Russian)
- Belperio, A.P. 1988. Fowlers Bay rotary drilling report and revision of the Quaternary geology around Fowlers Bay. Adelaide: Department of Mines and Energy, South Australia, 60 pp. (Note: aeolianite)
- Belperio, A.P., Murray-Wallace, C.V and Cann, J.H. 1995. The last interglacial shoreline in southern Australia - morphostratigraphic variations in a temperate carbonate setting. Quaternary International 26:7-19. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Belsky, A.J. and Amundson, R.G. 1986. Sixty years of successional history behind a moving sand dune near Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Biotropica 18(3):231-235.
- Belt, T. 1859. An inquiry into the origin of whirlwinds. The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, Fourth Series, 17(111):47-53.
- Belt, T. 1874. The steppes of Siberia. The Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 30(120):490-498, doi:10.1144/GSL.JGS.1874.030.01-04.51 (Note: widespread sand and loam (loess?) deposited in a huge glacial lake)
- Belt, T. 1877. On the loess of the Rhine and the Danube. The Journal of Science, and Annals of Astronomy, Biology, Geology, Industrial Arts, Manufactures, and Technology 7:67-90.
- Belt, T. 1877. The steppes of southern Russia. The Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 33(132):843-862, doi:10.1144/GSL.JGS.1877.033.01-04.48. (Note: aeolian hypothesis of loess disputed)
- Beltagy, A.I., Chester, R. and Padgham, R.C. 1972. The particle-size distribution of quartz in North Atlantic deep-sea sediments. Marine Geology 13(5):297-310.
- Beltramone, C.A., Villegas, M.B. and Demichelis, A.H. 1990. Deposición eólica del sur de Península Valdés, Chubut (Aeolian deposition of the Valdés Peninsula, Chubut. In: Tercera Reunión Argentina de Sedimentología Actas, San Juan, Argentina, 20-24 mayo 1990, pp. 360-365. (in Spanish with English abstracts)
- Belyaevsky, N.A. 1947. Novye dannye po geomorfologii i geografii zapadnoi chasti pustyni Takla-Makan. Izvestiia Vsesoiuznogo geograficheskogo obshchestva 79(4):417-426. (in Russian) (keyword: dunes)
- Bemmelen, W. van. 1905. Staubnebel im Malayischen Archipel im Jahre 1902 (Dust fog in the Malaysian archipelago in the year 1902). Meteorologische Zeitschrift 22(8):362-365. (in German)
- Ben Dali, F. 1987. Dynamique de la végétation et mobilité du sable en Jeffara tunisienne (Dynamics of the vegetation and mobility of Tunisian sand in Jeffara). Doctoral thesis, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Montpellier, France, 243 pp. (in French)
- Ben David, R. 2003. Changes in desert margin environments during the climate changes of the Late Quaternary: interaction between drainage systems and the accumulation of dust (loess) and the dunes at the north-west Negev Desert. Doctoral thesis, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 170 pp. (in Hebrew)
- Ben Mohamed, A. 1998. Wind erosion in Niger: extent, current research, and ongoing soil conservation activities. In: Sivakumar, M.V.K., Zobisch, M.A., Koala, S. and Maukonen, T. (eds), Wind erosion in Africa and west Asia: problems and strategies, International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Aleppo, Syria, pp. 125-136.
- Ben Mohamed, A. and Frangi, J.-P. 1983. Humidity and turbidity parameters in Sahel: a case study for Niamey (Niger). Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology 22(10):1820-1823, doi:10.1175/1520-0450(1983)022<1820:HATPIS>2.0.CO;2
- Ben Mohamed, A. and Frangi, J.-P. 1986. Results from ground-based monitoring of spectral aerosol optical turbidity and horizontal extinction: some specific characteristics of dusty Sahelian atmospheres. Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology 25(12):1807-1815, doi:10.1175/1520-0450(1986)025<1807:RFGBMO>2.0.CO;2
- Ben Mohamed, A., Frangi, J.-P., Fontan, J. and Druilhet, A. 1992. Spatial and temporal variations in atmospheric turbidity and related parameters in Niger. Journal of Applied Meteorology 31(11):1286-1294, doi:10.1175/1520-0450(1992)031<1286:SATVOA>2.0.CO;2 (Note: harmattan dust)
- Ben Salem, B. 1975. La fixation des dunes en Tunisie (The fixing of the dunes in Tunisia). Institut national de la recherches forestières, Tunisie, Bulletin d'Information (17):13-19. (in French)
- Ben Salem, B. 1982. Lutte contre l'ensablement des palmeraie (Maroc) (The fight against sand encroachment in Palm gardens (Morocco)). Rapport de mission d'evaluation, 11-19 juin 1982. Accession No: 230473, Project: MOR/78/017 , Report No: FAO-FO--DP-MOR/78/017 , Fiche No: 8330473-F Rome: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)/, 18 p. (in French)
- Ben Salem, B. 1982. Manual of dune fixation and forestry in Somalia. Mogadishu: Xamar. (in Somali)
- Ben Salem, B. 1985. Mulching technique of dune fixation: the layer system. In: Sand dune stabilization, shelterbelts and afforestation in dry zones. Lectures, FAO Conservation Guide 10; FAO/DANIDA Training Course on Sand Dune Stabilization, Shelterbelts and Afforestation in Dry Zones, New Delhi; Jodhpur; Hissar (India), 3 Mar 1980, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Forest Resources Division, pp. 71-74. (in English)
- Ben Salem, B. 1985. The role of forestry in combating desertification. In: Proceedings, World Forestry Congress 9, Mexico City, 1-10 July, 12 p. (in English) (keyword: fixation)
- Ben Salem, B. 1987. Sand dune ecology and rehabilitation: implications for food security. Expert Consultation on Forestry and Food Production/Security, Bangalore (India), 14-20 Feb 1988, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Accession No: XF8876519 (Available on Microfiche), 10 pp. (keyword: fixation)
- Ben Salem, B. 1991. Prevention and control of wind erosion in arid regions. Unasylva 42(164):33-39.
- Ben Salem, B. and Eren, T.M. 1982. Forestry in a sandy world. Unasylva 34(135):8-12. (in: Chinese, English, Spanish, French) (keyword: fixation)
- Ben Salem, B. and Palmberg, C. 1984. Place and role of trees and shrubs in dry areas. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Accession No: 244023, Fiche No: 84X02202, 14 pp. (in English) (keyword: fixation)
- Ben-Aissa, J. 1968. Fixation et reboisement des dunes littorales en Tunisie (Coastal sand dune fixation and reforestation in Tunisia), In: World symposium on man-made forests and their industrial importance - Canberra, Australia, 14-25 Apr 1967, 2, Special Invited Papers, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, pp. 1087-1097. (in French)
- Ben-Ami, Y., Koren, I., Altaratz, O., Kostinski, A.B. and Lehahn, Y. 2011. Discernible rhythm in the spatio/temporal distributions of transatlantic dust. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12(5):2253-2262, doi:10.5194/acp-12-2253-2012
- Ben-Dor, G. 2005. Dust entrainment by means of a planar shock induced vortex over loose dust layers. Shock Waves 4(5):285-288.
- Ben-Dor, G. and Sorek, S. 1992. Dust entrainment; Progress Report 1 August 1991 - 31 March 1992. Ft. Belvoir Defense Technical Information Center, 31 March, 4 pp.
- Ben-Mohammadi, A. and El Hanbali, M. 1998. Utilisation des croûtes pour diminuer l'érodibilité éolienne des sols dunaires dans le sud-est marocain (Utilization of crusts for the reduction of dune soil's aeolian erodibility in south-eastern Morocco). Études de Géographie Physique 27:53-58. (in French with English abstract)
- Ben-Mohammadi, A., Ben-Mohammadi, L., Ballais, J.L. and Riser, J. 2000. Analyse des inter-relations anthropiques et naturelles: leur impact sur la recrudescence des phénomènes d'ensablement et de desertification au sud-est du Maroc (vallée de Draa et vallée de Ziz) (Analysis if the interrelations between anthropology and nature: their impact on the reappearance of the phenomena of sand encroachment and desertification in southeastern Morocco, valleys of the Draa and the Ziz). Sécheresse (Montrouge) 11(4):297-308. (in French)
- Ben-Mohammadi, A., Ben-Mohammadi, L., Morel, A., Chardon, M. and El-Hanbali, M. 1998. Ensablement et désertification dans la vallée moyenne de l'oued Drâa; le mythe de la fluctuation de la limite nord du désert (Sand encroachment and desertification in the middle valley of Draa; the myth of the fluctuation of the desert northern boundary). In: Kogbe, C.A. (ed), Selected papers from the 13th colloquium on the Sedimentary basins of Morocco, 1996, Africa Geoscience Review 5(1-2):11-22. (in French)
- Ben-Mohammadi, L. 1995. Désertification et ensablement dans la vallée moyenne du Drâ: étude géomorphologique des formations dunaires (Sud Marocain) (Desertification and sand encroachment in the middle valley of the Drâ: geomorphological study of dune forms, Southern Morocco). Doctoral thesis, Université Joseph Fourier, Lille, 1 microfiche. (in French) (Note: dune movement)
- Ben-Salem, B. 1982. Lutte contre l'ensablement des palmeraies, (Maroc) (Fight against sand encroachment of palm groves in Morocco). Rapport de mission d'evaluation, 11-19 juin 1982. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, 18 p. (in French)
- Benairie, M. 2000. Aerosol science and military research. In: Preining, O. and Davis, E.J. (eds), History of aerosol science. Vienna: Verlag der Osterriechischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 147-150. (keyword: dust)
- Benalla, M., Alem, E.M., Rognon, P., Desjardins, R., Hilali, A. and Khardi, A. 2003. Les dunes du Tafilalet (Maroc): dynamique éolienne et ensablement des palmeraies (Eolian dynamics and palm grove encroachment in the sand dunes of the Tafilalet, Morocco). Sécheresse (Montrouge) 14(2):73-83. (in French with English summary)
- Benan, B.A.A. and Kocurek, G. 2000. Catastrophic flooding of an aeolian dune field: Jurassic Entrada and Todilto Formations, Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, USA. Sedimentology 47(6):1069-1080, doi:10.1046/j.1365-3091.2000.00341.x
- Benazzouz, M.T. 1986. Recherches géomorphologiques dans les 'hautes plaines de l'est Algérien La Sebkhet Tarf (Algérie) (Geomorphological research in the high plains of the East Algeria: Sebkhet Tarf, Algeria). Doctoral thesis, Université de Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne, France, 262 pp. (in French)
- Benazzouz, M.T. 1987. A comparative study of the lunettes in the Tarf and Hodna basins (Algeria). In: Gardiner, V. (ed), International geomorphology 1986, Proceedings of the 1st International Geomorphological Conference, II, Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 1217-1229.
- Benazzouz, M.T. 2003. A new chronology of Upper Holocene aeolian sands in the Zibans range, Algeria. Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, Supplement 6:47-54.
- Benazzouz, M.T. and Boureboune, L. 2009. Anthropic actions and desertification in Algeria. In: Proceedings, NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Desertification and Risk Analysis Using High and Medium Satellite Data, December 09-19, 2008, Tozeur Tunisia, Desertification and risk analysis using high and medium resolution satellite data, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C - Environmental Security, pp. 3-18. (Note: agricultural and rangeland wind erosion)
- Benbow, C.A. 1901. Interior land changes. The Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales 12(10):1249-1254.
- Benbow, M.C. 1988. History of recognition and delineation of coastal aeolian landforms of the Eucla Basin, South Australia. Adelaide: Department of Mines and Energy, South Australia, 1 pp.
- Benbow, M.C. 1988. Tertiary coastal dunes of the Eucla Basin, Australia. Adelaide: Department of Mines and Energy, South Australia, Unpublished Report, 50 pp.
- Benbow, M.C. 1989. History of recognition and delineation of coastal aeolian landforms of the Eucla Basin, South Australia. Geological Survey of South Australia, Quarterly Geological Notes 109, pp. 9-14.
- Benbow, M.C. 1990. Tertiary coastal dunes of the Eucla Basin, Australia. Geomorphology 3(1):9-29.
- Bencardino, M., Sprovieri, F., Cofone, F. and Pirrone, N. 2011. Variability of atmospheric aerosol and ozone concentrations at marine, urban, and high-altitude monitoring stations in southern Italy during the 2007 summer Saharan dust outbreaks and wildfire episodes. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 61(9):952-967, doi:10.1080/10473289.2011.599279
- Benchetrit, M. 1954. L'érosion accélérée dans les chaines telliennes d'Oranie (Accelerated erosion in the hills of the Tell in Oranie). Revue de géomorphologie dynamique 5(4):144-167. (in French)
- Benda, L. 1930. Die mechano-dynamischen Entstehungesetz von Dreikanter (The mechanical-dynamic origin of ventifacts). Földtani Közlöny (Bulletin of the Hungarian Geological Society) 74:1299-1303. (in German and Hungarian)
- Bendali, F., Floret, C., Le Floc'h, E. and Pontanier, R. 1990. The dynamics of vegetation and sand mobility in arid regions of Tunisia. Journal of Arid Environments 18(1):21-32. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bender, F. 1975. Geology of the Arabian Peninsula: Jordan. United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 0560-I, 36 pp. (keyword: dunes)
- Bender, G.L. 1982. Reference Handbook on the Deserts of North America. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 594 pp.
- Bender, M. 1955. Einfluss des Winschutzes auf Bodenertrag (Influence of shelterbelts on Bodenertrag). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft 70 29:767-770. (in German)
- Bendle, J.A., Kawamura, K. and Yamazaki, K. 2006. Seasonal changes in stable carbon isotopic composition of n-alkanes in the marine aerosols from the western North Pacific: Implications for the source and atmospheric transport. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70(1):13-26. (Note: dust)
- Bendrov, S.L. 1970. O rabote sektsii "Abrazionno-akkumulyativnyye protsessy na beregakh morey, ozer, vodokhranilisch. Eolovyye, karstovyye, kriogennyye protsessy" (Work of the section "Abrasion and deposition on ocean, lake and reservoir shores. Eolian, karst and periglacial processes"). In: Sovremennyye ekzogennyye protsessy rel'yefoobrazovaniya (Materialy VII plenuma Geomorfologicheskoy komissii AN SSSR). pp. 210-213. (in Russian with English summary)
- Benedetti, A. and Fisher, M. 2007. Background error statistics for aerosols. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 133(623):391-405. (Note: dust)
- Benedetti, M.M., Haws, J.A., Funk, C.L., Daniels, J.M., Hesp, P.A., Bicho, N.F., Minckley, T.A., Ellwood B.B. and Forman, S.L. 2009. Late Pleistocene raised beaches of coastal Estremadura central Portugal. Quaternary Science Reviews 28(27-28):3428-3447. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Benedict, J.B. 2002. Eolian deposition of forest-fire charcoal above tree limit, Colorado Front Range, U.S.A.: potential contamination of AMS radiocarbon samples. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 34(1):33-37.
- Benedict, M.A. and Leatherman, S.P. 1978. Preliminary investigation of the geobotanical evolution of Provincetown Peninsula. Massachusetts University, Amherst, National Park Service Cooperative Research Unit, xx pp. (Note: biogeomorphology, coastal dunes)
- Benedict, P.C., Bondurant, J.E., McKee, J.E., Miller, C., Smallshaw, J. and Vanoni, V.A. (Task Committee on Preparation of Sedimentation Manual) 1965. Sediment transportation mechanics: wind erosion and transportation: progress report. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of the Hydraulics Division 91(HY2):267-287.
- Benedict, T.D. 1989. Satellite observations of aerosol variations in the central north Pacific Ocean. Ft. Belvoir Defense Technical Information Center, December, 62 pp.
- Beneke, E.W. and Cohen, E. 1881. Geognostische Beschreibung der Umgegend von Heidelberg (Geognostic description of the environment of Heidelberg). Strassburg: K.J. Trübner, 622 pp. (in German)
- Benet-Tygel, S. 1944. The Paleolithic period in Poland. American Anthropologist 46(3):292-316, doi:10.1525/aa.1944.46.3.02a00020 (keyword: loess)
- Benison, K.C. and Goldstein, R.H. 2000. Sedimentology of ancient saline pans: An example from the Permian Opeche Shale, Williston Basin, North Dakota, U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research A 70(1):159-169.
- Benison, K.C., Knapp, J.P. and Dannenhoffer, J.M. 2011. The Pennsylvanian Pewamo Formation and associated Haybridge strata: toward the resolution of the Jurassic Ionia red bed problem in the Michigan Basin, U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research 81(7-8):459-478, doi:10.2110/jsr.2011.039 (Note: aeolian sandstone)
- Benjamin, J.E. 1989. Holocene lunette formation and stratigraphy in the Fort Rock Basin, Lake County, Oregon. Master's thesis, University of Oregon, Eugene, 92 pp.
- Benjanbeck, E.A. and Kotcherga, F.K. 1951. The fixation and affrorestation of sands in Uzbekistan. Moscow / Leningrad: xx pp. (in Russian)
- Benko, J. 1888. Die Reise S.M. Schiffes "Frundsberg" im Rothen Meere und an dem Küsten von Vorderindien und Ceylon in den Jahren 1885-86 (The journey of ship S.M. "Frundsberg" in the Red Sea and along the coasts of India and Ceylon in the years 1885-86). Wien: In Commission C. Gerold, 233 pp. (in German)
- Bennell, F.M. 1937. Maine's desert. Nature Magazine (American Nature Association) 30(2):114-115. (Note: farmland covered in blowing sand, probably 43º 51' 25" N; 70º 09' 21" W, Desert Road)
- Bennell, M.R., Leys, J.F. and Cleugh, H.A. 2007. Sandblasting damage of narrow-leaf lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.): A field wind tunnel simulation. Australian Journal of Soil Research 45(2):119-128. (Note: damage by wind-blown sand)
- Bennett, C.M., McKendry, I.G., Kelly, S., Denike, K. and Koch, T. 2006. Impact of the 1998 Gobi dust event on hospital admissions in the Lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia. Science of the Total Environment 366(2-3):918-925.
- Bennett, H.H. 1934. Soil erosion - A national menace. The Scientific Monthly 39(5):385-404.
- Bennett, H.H. 1935. Can dust storms be conquered? Conservation (American Forestry Association) 1:1 (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Bennett, H.H. 1935. Facing the erosion problem. Science 81(2101):321-326, doi:10.1126/science.81.2101.321
- Bennett, H.H. 1936. The vague, roaming “Dust Bowl.” A new picture of the region in which the soil blows; the problems created by past mistakes, and the outlook. New York Times Magazine July 26, pp. 1;2;17 (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Bennett, H.H. 1936. Waste by wind and water. The Scientific Monthly 42(2):172-176.
- Bennett, H.H. 1936. Waste by wind and water. The Tea Quarterly (Ceylon) 9:73-79.
- Bennett, H.H. 1938. Emergency and permanent control of wind erosion in the Great Plains. The Scientific Monthly 47(5):381-399.
- Bennett, H.H. 1948. Sandhills of Nebraska, example of good land use. Soil Conservation 14(4):80-81.
- Bennett, H.H. 1950. Stilling the dunes. Soil Conservation 16(5):106-109.
- Bennett, H.H. 1957. The Dust Bowl again. The Science News-Letter (Washington) 71(3):35-36. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bennett, H.H. and Chapline, W.R. 1928. Soil erosion: a national menace. United States Department of Agriculture, Circular 033, 36 pp.
- Bennett, J.G. 1980. Aeolian deposition and soil parent materials in northern Nigeria. Geoderma 24(3):241-255.
- Bennett, S.L. 2000. Dust: invisible, dangerous, avoidable. Erosion Control 7(2):42-50.
- Bennett, S.W. 1994. Eolian processes in a coastal dune environment, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. Doctoral thesis, Indiana University, Bloomington, 212 pp.
- Bennett, S.W. and Olyphant, G.A. 1998. Temporal and spatial variability in rates of eolian transport determined from automated sand traps: Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, USA. Journal of Coastal Research 14(1):283-290.
- Bennigsen-Förder, R. von. 1857. Beitrag zur Niveaubestimmung der drei nordischen Diluvialmeere (Contribution to the level regulation of the three northern diluvial lakes). Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 9(3):457-463. (in German) (keyword: loess?)
- Bennigsen-Förder, R. von. 1858. Ueber Untersuchung der Gebilde des Schwemmlandes, besonders des Diluviums (On the investigation of the formations of the Schwemmlandes, particularly the diluviums). Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 10(10):215-221. (in German)
- Bennike, O. 1987, Quaternary geology and biology of the Jørgen Brønlund Fjord area, North Greenland. Meddelelser om Grønland, Geoscience 18:3-23. (Note: deposits of wind-abraded sand in thermal-contraction and desiccation cracks).
- Benninghoff, W.S. and Benninghoff, A.S. 1985. Wind transport of electrostatically charged particles and minute organisms in Antarctica. In: Siegfried W.R. (ed), Antarctic nutrient cycles and food webs. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp 592-596.
- Bennington, K.O. 1963. Some chemical properties of Arctic sea ice. In: Kingery, W.D. (ed), Ice and Snow: properties processes, and applications. Cambridge Mass: M.I.T. Press, pp. 248-257. (keyword: dust)
- Bennink, B. 2004. Multipurpose trees for wind erosion reduction in farming systems of northern Burkina Faso. Afstudeerverslag Wageningen University. Omslagtitel, 82 pp. (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Benny, L.A., Kennedy, N.M., Kirkman, J.H. and Stewart, R.B. 1988. Mineralogical and textural discrimination of loess derived from a tephra near Rotorua, New Zealand. Australian Journal of Soil Research 26(2):301-312.
- Bensaid, A. 2006. SIG et télédétection pour l'étude de l'ensablement dans une zone aride: le cas de la wilaya de Naâma (Algérie) (SIG and remote sensing for the study of the sand encroachment in an arid region: the case of the Wilaya of Naâma, Algeria). Doctoral thesis, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, 299 pp. (in French) (Note: dune movement)
- Benson, N.R. 1944. Gone with the winter winds. Michigan Farmer 203:25. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bente, B. and Zoeller, L. 1988. Stratigraphische Untersuchungen an Loessen suedlich Heidelberg; Sedimentologie, Geochemie und Thermolumineszenz-Altersdatierung (Stratigraphic investigations of loess in southern Heidelberg; sedimentology, geochemistry, and thermoluminescent age dating). In: Richter, D.K. (ed), 3. Treffen deutschsprachiger Sedimentologen (Third meeting of German-speaking Sedimentologists). Bochumer geologische und geotechnische Arbeiten 29:10-13. (in German)
- Bente, V. and Loescher, M. 1987. Sedimentologische, pedologische und stratigraphische Untersuchungen an Loessen suedlich Heidelberg (Sedimentological, pedological and stratigraphical investigations on loess south of Heidelberg). In: Berger, G.W. (ed), 13 Jahrestagung des Deutschen Arbeitskreises fuer Geomorphologie (Thirteenth annual conference of the German Working Group for Geomorphology). Göttinger geographische Abhandlungen 84:9-17. (in German)
- Bentley, C.F. and Pawluk, S. 1967. Eroded pits in solodized solonetz soils of North America. In: 8th International Congress of Soil Science, Bucharest, Romania (1964), Transactions 5, pp. 703-713.
- Benussi, G. 1975. Genesis of North Stradbroke Island. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 86(2):3-8.
- Benza, V.G., Nori, F. and Pla, O. 1993. Mean field theory of sandpile avalanches. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 48:4095-4098, doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.48.4095, doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.48.4095. (Note: slip-faces)
- Berardis, B. de, Incocciati, E., Massera, S., Gargaro, G. and Paoletti, L. 2007. Airborne silica levels in an urban area. Science of the Total Environment 382(2-3):251-258
- Beratan, K.K. and Anderson, R. 1997. The use of LANDSAT thematic mapper data for mapping and correlation of Quaternary geomorphic surfaces in the southern Whipple Mountains, southeastern California. In: Applied geologic remote sensing, 12th Thematic Conference on Geologic Remote Sensing, November 1997, Denver, Colorado, v. 1, pp. 61-65.
- Béraud, É. 1866. Les dunes du nord et du sud-ouest de la France (The dunes of northern and southwestern France). Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres, Arts, agriculture et Commerce d'Amiens, 2e se'rie 5:485-519. (in French) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Berben, J., Bodeaux, A., DuFrance, F., Huych, A., Jambline,, Lambert, D. and Nef, L. 1959. Recherches sur la fixation des sables volants en Campine (Research into the fixation of blowing sands in Campine). Bulletin de la Société royale forestière de Belgique 66(6):305-321. (in French) (keywords: fixation, shelter)
- Berendsen, H.J.A., de Bruin, J. and van Mourik, J.M. (eds). 1990. Kustduinen (Coastal dunes). Geografisch Tijdschrift 24(5):369-464. (in Dutch)
- Berendt, G. 1868. Geologie des Kurischen Haffes und seiner Umgebung (Geology of the Kuri Haffes and its environment). Schriften der Physikalisch-ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg 9:131-238. (in German)
- Berendt, G. 1876. Über geschiebe von pyramidale gestalt (On pebbles of pyramidal shape). Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 28:415. (in German) (Note: ventifacts, 1 paragraph only)
- Berendt, G. 1885. Geschiebe-Dreikanter oder Pyramidal-Geschiebe (Three-edged pebbles or pyramidal pebbles). Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie für 1884, pp. 201-210. (in German) (Note: ventifacts)
- Berendt, G. 1886. Dreikanter von Leuthen (Dreikanter of Leuthen). Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 38(3):478. (in German) (Note: ventifacts, 1 paragraph only)
- Berenger, M. 1963. Contribution à l'étude des lithométeores (Contribution to the study of lithometeors or dust). La Météorologie, Série 4, (72):347-374. (in French)
- Berenyi, D. 1964. Wind erosion. Budapest. Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Agrtud. Osztaly. Közlemények 23(1-2):125-206. (in Hungarian) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Berestovskii, G.G. 1961. Growing grain crops on soils which have undergone wind erosion. Vestnik sel'skokhoziaistvennoi nauki: ezhemesiachnyi nauchnyi zhurnal Ministerstva sel'skogo khoziaistva KazSSR (4):37-41. (in Russian?) (Note: management of agricultural wind erosion)
- Berestovskii, G.G. 1971. System of measures for controlling soil erosion by wind in Pavlodar Region. Zashchita Pochv ot Erozii (Doklady), pp. 242-244. (in Russian?) (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Berezina, V.M. 1949. Pochvennye vreditoli polezashchitnykh lesnykh polos. Moskva: Goslesbumizdat, 19 pp. (in Russian) (keyword: shelter)
- Berg, A. 1965. Dust blows a new warning - Great Plains conservation meets a regional problem. Soil Conservation 30(11):248-250.
- Berg, G. 1930. Über spindelförmige Windschliffgeschiebe (On spindle formed wind sharpened pebbles). Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 82(19):720. (in German) (keyword: ventifacts)
- Berg, G. 1931. Über spindelförmige Windschliffgeschiebe (On spindle formed wind sharpened pebbles). Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 83(4):244-254. (in German) (keyword: ventifacts)
- Berg, G. 1932. Nachtrage zu dem Aufsatz über spindelförmige Windschliffgeschiebe (A further essay on spindle formed wind sharpened pebbles). Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 84(7):560-567. (in German) (keyword: ventifacts)
- Berg, L.S. 1902. O nekotor'ikh Yaleniyakh denudatsii na bergakh Aralskogo Morya (Some denudational phenomena on the shores of the Aral Sea). Pochvovedeniye (1):37-44. (in Russian) (keywords: dust? geological wind erosion?)
- Berg, L.S. 1907. Zametka o pesakh Bolshe Barsyukh (k sveru ot Aralske More)(Remarks on the "Great Barssuki" sands near the Aral Sea). Pochvovedeniye (1):19-25. (in Russian) (Note: aeolian sands?)
- Berg, L.S. 1913. Op't razdeleniya Sibirii Turkestana na landshaftne i morfologicheskei oblasti. Sbornik Posvyashch. 70-letiyu D.N. Anuchina, M., xx pp. (in Russian) (Note: dunes and palaeodunes)
- Berg, L.S. 1916. O proiskhozhdenii lessa (The origin of loess). Izviestiia Imperatorskago russkago geograficheskago obshchestva 52(8):579-647. (in Russian) (also in Smalley, I.J. (ed), Loess; lithology and genesis. Benchmark papers in geology 26, (1975), Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc., Stroudsburg, PA, pp. 61-75.)
- Berg, L.S. 1926. O pochvennoi teorii obrazovaniya lessa (The soil theory of loess formation). Izvestiya Geograficheskogo Instituta 6:73-92. (in Russian)
- Berg, L.S. 1927. Loess as a product of weathering and soil formation. Pochvovedeniye 22(2):21-37. (in Russian)
- Berg, L.S. 1927. Problema lessa (The problem of loess). Priroda (Akademii Nauk SSSR) (6):446-433. (in Russian)
- Berg, L.S. 1928. Zonalynost' pokrovnikh porod Vostochnoy Evropy i proiskhozhdenie lessa (Zonality of the underlying strata of east Europe and the origin of loess). Zapiski Odesskogo ov-va Estestvoisp (Records of the Odessa Society of Naturalists) 44:33-36. (in Russian) (keyword: loess)
- Berg, L.S. 1929. Problema lessa(The problem of loess). Priroda (Akademii Nauk SSSR) (4):317-346. (in Russian)
- Berg, L.S. 1932. Less kak product vyvetrivaniya i pochvoobrzovaniya (Loess as a product of weathering and soil formation). Transactions of the International Conference of AIChPE (Assotiats. po izucheniyu chetv. Perioda Yevropy) (1):68-73. (in Russian)
- Berg, L.S. 1932. The origin of loess. Abhandlungen aus dem Geographischen Seminar der Universität Strasburg, Gerlands Beiträge zur Geophysik 35:130-150. (in English?) (Note: Reprinted in part in Smalley, I.J. (ed), 1975. Loess; lithology and genesis. Benchmark papers in geology 26, Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc., Stroudsburg, PA pp. 61-75.)
- Berg, L.S. 1945. Pochvy i vodinye osadochnye porody. Pochvovedeniye (9-10):456-479. (in Russian) (keyword: loess)
- Berg, L.S. 1946. Spravska po istorii lessovogo voprosa. Pochvovedeniye (3):164. (in Russian) (keyword: loess)
- Berg, L.S. 1947. Klimat i zhizn' (Climate and life). Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Geograficheskoi Literatury, 1971: Leningrad: Gidrometeorologicheskoe izd-vo, 356 pp. (in Russian) (keyword: loess)
- Berg, L.S. 1947. Less kak product wywietriwania i poczwoobrazowanija. In: Berg, L.S., Klimat i zyzn, Moscow: Ogiz. Gosud. izd-vo geogr. Liter., Chapter 9, pp. 155-307. (in Russian) (Note: first published 1922, keyword: loess)
- Berg, L.S. 1948. Dochetverticchnye lessy. Zemlevedenie, Novaia Seriia 2(42):92-96. (in Russian) (keyword: loess)
- Berg, L.S. 1960. Izbrannye trudy. t 3. Srednyaya Aziya lëss. Akademii Nauk SSSR, Moscow, 551 pp. (in Russian) (Note: Translated as: The loess of Central Asia. Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 178 pp.)
- Berg, L.S. 1964. Loess as a product of weathering and soil formation. Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations (available from the Office of Technical Services, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Washington), 207 pp.
- Berg, M.D.V. and Jarrard, R.D. 2004. Cenozoic mass accumulation rates in the equatorial Pacific based on high-resolution mineralogy of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199. Paleoceanography 19, PA2021, doi:10.1029/2003PA000928 (Note: dust in ocean sediments)
- Berg, N.H. 1973. Eolian sand transport. Doctoral thesis, University of California, Davis, 59 pp.
- Berg, N.H. 1983. Field evaluation of some sand transport models. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 8(2):101-114. .
- Berg, N.H. 1986. Blowing snow at a Colorado alpine site: measurements and implications. Arctic and Alpine Research 18(2):147-161.
- Berg, T.M. 1980. Ancient eolianite in Centre County. Pennsylvania Geology 11(6):13-15.
- Bergali, A. 1943. La erosión eólica y la secuea (Wind erosion and the secuea). Suelo Argentino (2):161. (in Spanish) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bergametti, G. 1987. Apport de matière par voie atmosphérique à la Mediterranée occidentale: aspects géochimiques et météorologiques (The atmospheric transport of material to the western Mediterranean: Geochemical and meteorological aspects). Doctoral thesis, Université de Paris VII, 296 pp. (in French)
- Bergametti, G. 1992. Atmospheric cycle of desert dust. Encyclopedia of Earth Science, vol 1, pp. 171-182.
- Bergametti, G. and Gillette, D.A. 2010. Aeolian sediment fluxes measured over various plant/soil complexes in the Chihuahuan desert. Journal of Geophysical Research. Earth Surface 115, F03044, doi:10.1029/2009JF001543
- Bergametti, G., Dutot, A.L., Buat-Ménard, P., Losno, R. and Remoudaki, E. 1989. Seasonal variability of the elemental composition of atmospheric aerosol particles over the northwestern Mediterranean. Tellus B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology 41(3):353-361.
- Bergametti, G., Gomes, L., Coudé-Gaussen, G., Rognon, P. and Le Coustumer, M.-N. 1989. African dust over Canary Islands: Source-regions, identification and transport pattern for some summer situations. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 94(D12):14855-14864.
- Bergametti, G., Gomes, L., Remoudaki, E., Desbois, M., Matin, D. and Buat-Ménard, P. 1989. Present transport and deposition patterns of African dusts to the northwestern Mediterranean. In: Leinen, M. and Sarnthein, M. (eds), Palaeoclimatology and palaeometeorology: modern and past patterns of global atmospheric transport, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, pp. 227-252.
- Bergametti, G., Marticorena, B. and Laurent, B. 2007. Key processes for dust emissions and their modeling. In: Mellouki, A. and Ravishankara, A.R. (eds), Regional climate variability and its impacts in the Mediterranean area. 1 September 2006, Marrakech, NATO Science Series, sub series IV, Earth and Environmental Sciences 79. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag, pp. 63-81.
- Bergametti, G., Martin, D., Dulac, F. and Buat-Menard, P. 1988. Assessment of air flow patterns of trace element transfer from the continents to the ocean. Chemical Geology 70(1-2):94. (keyword: palaeodust)
- Bergametti, G., Remoudaki, E., Losno, R., Steiner, E., Chatenet, B. and Buat-Ménard, P. 1992. Source, transport and deposition of atmospheric phosphorus over the northwestern Mediterranean. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 14(1-4):501-503. (keyword: dust)
- Bergametti, G., Vie de la Sage, R., Grubis, B., Dulieu, B. and Elichegaray, C. 1983. Relation between particulate concentration in the atmosphere and aerosol collection efficiency. Environmental Technology Letters 3(7):297-304.
- Bergen, J.D. 1983. Numerical simulation of dilute aeolian saltation, some preliminary results. In: 16th Conference on Agriculture and Forest Meteorology and 6th Conference on Biometeorology and Areobiology, Preprint Volumes, Boston, Mass: The American Meteorological Society, pp. 237-240.
- Berger, A.R. 2006. Abrupt geological changes: causes, effects, and public issues. In: Leroy, S.A.G., Jousse, H. and Cremaschi, M. (eds), Dark nature: responses of humans and ecosystems to rapid environmental changes. Quaternary International 151:3-9. (Note: abrupt changes in dune movement)
- Berger, F. 1932. Zur Gliederung des Schlesischen Lösses (The distribution of the Schleswig loesses). Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie B, Jahrgang 9(55):376-380. (in German)
- Berger, G.W. 1987. Thermoluminescence dating of the Pleistocene Old Crow tephra and adjacent loess, near Fairbanks, Alaska. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (Revue Canadienne des Sciences de la Terre) 24(10):1975-1984. (in English with French summary)
- Berger, G.W. 1988. TL dating studies of tephra, loess and lacustrine sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews 7(3-4):295-303.
- Berger, G.W. 1993. Dating loess up to 800 ka by thermoluminescence: Reply. Geology 21(6):569.
- Berger, G.W. 2003. Luminescence chronology of late Pleistocene loess-paleosol and tephra sequences near Fairbanks, Alaska. Quaternary Research 60(1):70-83.
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- Bertran, P., Allenet, G., Ge, T., Naughton, F., Poirier, P. and Goni, M.F. 2009. Coversand and Pleistocene palaeosols in the Landes region, southwestern France. Journal of Quaternary Science 24(3):259-269. (Note: palaeodunes)
- Bertran, P., Bateman, M.D., Hernandez, M., Mercier, N., Millet, D., Sitzia, L. and Tastet, J.P. 2011. Inland aeolian deposits of south-west France: facies, stratigraphy and chronology. Journal of Quaternary Science 26(4):374-388, doi:10.1002/jqs.1461
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- Bertrand, J. 1976. Visibilité et brume sèche en Afrique (Visibility and dry fog (dust haze) in Africa). La Météorologie, Série 6, (6):201-211. (in French)
- Bertrand, J. 1977. Action des poussières sub-sahariennes sur le pouvoir glacogène de l'air en Afrique de l'Ouest (Action of sub-Saharan dust on the capacity glacogene of the air in West Africa). Doctoral thesis, Université de Clermond-Ferrand, 230 pp. (in French) (Note: Doctoral thesis d'Etat)
- Bertrand, J., Baudet, J. and Drochon, A. 1974. Importance des aerosols naturels en Afrique de l'Ouest (Importance of natural aerosols in West Africa). Journal de Recherches atmosphériques 8(3-4):845-860. (in French)
- Bertrand, J., Cerf, A. and Domergue, J.L. 1979. Repartition in space and time of dust haze south of the Sahara. Geneva: World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Technical Document No. 538, pp. 409-415.
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- Beschastnov, S.P. 2004. Influence of wind shear on lateral plume dispersion at large distances from the source. Russian Meteorology and Hydrology (12):27-31. (in English)
- Beschastnov, S.P. and Naidenov, A.V. 2001. Influence of wind shear on transverse dispersion of a pollutant cloud over great distances from a source. Russian Meteorology and Hydrology (1):36-42. (in English)
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- Besedin, P.N. and Mirzazhanov, K.M. 1972. Chemical reclamation of intro-oasis moving sands. Teor. Vopr. Obrab. Pochv. (3):277-289. (in Russian)
- Besedin, P.N. and Mirzazhanov, K.M. 1972. Complex action of Nerosine in cotton fields. Teor. Vopr. Obrab. Pochv. (3):148-154. (in Russian) (Note: fixation; agricultural wined erosion)
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- Besler, H. 1972. Klimaverhaltnisse und Klima-geomorphologische Zoniering der Zentralen Namib (Climate conditions and climatic geomorphologic zones of central Namib). Stuttgarter geographische Studien 83, 209 pp. (in German)
- Besler, H. 1975. Messungen zur Mobilitat von Dunensciden am Nordrand der Dunen - Namib (Measurements of dune mobility at the northern edge of the Namibian dunes). Würzburger geographische Arbeiten 43:135-147. (in German)
- Besler, H. 1976. Wasseruberforme dunen als Glied in der Landschaftgenese der Namib. Zur methodischen und didaktischen Problematik überraschender Ergebnisse (Water-eroded forms on the surface of dunes as a part of landscape genesis in the Namib. On the methodological and didactic problematic of surprising results in nature). Mitteilungen der Basler Afrika Bibliographien 15:83-106. (in German)
- Besler, H. 1977. Fluviale und Aolische Formung Zwischen Schott und Erg (Fluvial and Aeolian formations between Schott und Erg). In: Meckhein, W. (ed). Geographische Untersuchungen am Nordrand der tunesischen Sahara. Stuttgarter geographische Studien 91:19-81. (in German)
- Besler, H. 1977. Untersuchungen in der Dunen Namib, Sud West Afrika (Investigations in the Namibian dunes, soutwest Africa). Journal of the South West African Scientific Society 31:33-64. (in German?)
- Besler, H. 1979. Salinitätsmessungen an Sanden als Hilfsmittel zur Rekonstruktion fossiler Gewässernetze in ariden Räumen, nach Untersuchungen im Namib Erg (Salinity measurements of sand as aids to the reconstruction of fossil wetlands in arid Raumen, after investigations on the Namib Erg). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 23(2):192-198. (in German with English and French summaries)
- Besler, H. 1980. Die Dünen-Namib: Entstehung und Dynamik eines Ergs (The Namib dunes: Emergence and dynamics of Ergs). Doctoral thesis, Universität Stuttgart, Germany, Geographisches Institut, Stuttgarter geographische Studien 96, 208 pp. (in German with Dutch, English and French summaries)
- Besler, H. 1981. Surface structures on Namib Dunes caused by moisture. Namib und Meer 9:11-17.
- Besler, H. 1982. A contribution to the aeolian history of the Tanezrouft. Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français 59(483-484):55-59. (in French )
- Besler, H. 1982. The north-eastern Rub' al Khālī within the borders of the United Arab Emirates. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 26(4):495-504. (in English with German and French summaries)
- Besler, H. 1983. Der Wind als Erzeuger von Wüsten (The wind as a generator of deserts). Geowissenschaften in unserer Zeit 1(4):109-114. (in German)
- Besler, H. 1983. The response diagram: distinction between aeolian mobility and stability of sands and aeolian residuals by grain size parameters. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 45:287-301. (in English with German and French summaries)
- Besler, H. 1984. Indicators for stability and mobility of sands. Travaux de l'Institut de Géographie de Reims 59-60:105-109. (in English) (Note: movement of aeolian sands)
- Besler, H. 1984. The development of the Namib Dune Field according to sedimentological and geomorphical evidence. In: Vogel, J.C. (ed), Late Cainozoic Palaeoclimates of the Southern Hemisphere, International Symposium of the South African Society for Quaternary Research, Swaziland, 1983, Rotterdam: Balkema, pp. 445-453.
- Besler, H. 1984. Verschiedene Typen von Reg, Dünen und kleinen Ergs in der algerischen Sahara (Different types of reg, dunes and small ergs in the Algerian Sahara). Die Erde 115(1-2):47-79. (in German with English and French summary)
- Besler, H. 1985. The response diagram: a possibility to predict sand movement. In: Meckelein, W. and Mensching, H. (eds), Resource management in drylands, Stuttgarter geographische Studien 105:11-17.
- Besler, H. 1986. The Toshka-Canal dune: analysis of development and dynamics. In: Nickling, W.G. (ed), Aeolian Geomorphology, 17th Annual Binghampton Geomorphology Symposium, London: Allen and Unwin, pp. 113-130.
- Besler, H. 1987. Äolische Dynamik am Rande der Sahara (Aeolian dynamics at the edge of the Sahara). In: Vogg, R. (ed), Forschung in Sahara und Sahel I, Stuttgarter geographische Studien 106:161-23. (in German)
- Besler, H. 1987. Entstehung und Dynamik von Dünen in warmen Wüsten (Origin and dynamics of dunes in warm deserts). Geographische Rundschau 39(7-8):422-428. (in German)
- Besler, H. 1987. Windschliffe und Windkanter in der westlichen Zentral-Sahara (Wind fluting and ventifacts in the western central Sahara). In: Coetzee, J.A. (ed), Palaeoecology of Africa and the Surrounding Islands 18:217-228. (in German)
- Besler, H. 1989. Dünenstudien am Nordrand des großen östlichen Erg in Tunesien (Dune study on the northern edge of the Great Western Erg in Tunisia). Stuttgarter geographische Studien 100:221-246. (in German)
- Besler, H. 1989. Untersuchungen zur aeolischen Dynamik im Ténéré (Republik Niger) (Understanding the eolian dynamics of the Tenere Desert, Niger). In: Hueser, K and Stingl, H (eds), Beitraege zur Geomorphologie Afrikas (Geomorphology of Africa). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 74:1-12. (in German with English and French abstracts)
- Besler, H. 1991. Der Namib Erg: Älteste Wüste oder älteste Dünen? (The Namib Erg: the oldest desert or the oldest dunes ?). Geomethodica (Basel) 16:93-122. (in German)
- Besler, H. 1991. Dünengenerationen in Nord Mali unter dem Raster-Elektirikonenmikroskop (Dune generations in North Mali in the Raster-Electronmicroscope). In: Blümel, D. (ed). Forschungen in Sahara und Sahel II. Stuttgarter geographische Studien 116:45-68. (in German) (keyword: palaeodunes)
- Besler, H. 1991. The Keriya dunes: first results from sedimentological analysis. Die Erde, Ergänzungsheft 6:73-88. (in German with English summary)
- Besler, H. 1995. The Keriya dunes in the Taklimakan Sand Sea: sedimentological evidence for a polygenetic evolution. Die Erde 126(3):205-222. (in English with German and French summaries)
- Besler, H. 1995. The Taklimakan sand sea compared to ancient ergs. In: The past, present and future of deserts, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on the Taklimakan Desert, Arid Zone Research, Supplement, pp. 19-25. (Note: ancient dunes)
- Besler, H. 1996. Granulometrische Sandtypen im Wuestenvergleich (Haeufigkeitsverteilungen als Informationstraeger. (Granulometric sand types in deserts compared: the frequency distribution as a carrier of information). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 40(1):23-46. (in German with French and English summaries) (Note: aeolian sands)
- Besler, H. 1996. The Tsondab Sandstone in Namibia and its significance for the Namib Erg. South African Journal of Geology 99(1):77-87. (Note: aeolian sandstone)
- Besler, H. 1997. Aktuelle und palaoformung in der Grossen Sandsee Ägyptens, Erste Ergebnisse aus dem Kölner SFB 389 (Current and Palaeo-landforms in the large sand sea of Egypt, first results from the Cologne SFB 389). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 111:1-16. (in German with English and French summaries)
- Besler, H. 1997. Eine Wanderdüne als Soliton? (A moving dune as a soliton?) Physische Blätter 53(10):983-985. (in German)
- Besler, H. 1998. Feldforschung im Extremen: Untersuchungen zur Landschaftsgenese in Dünenwüsten und im tropischen Regenwald (Field research in extremes: investigations to the landscape genesis in dune deserts and in the tropical rain forest). Forschungsansätze und Forschungsergebnisse aus der Agrarökölogie 16:125-142. (in German)
- Besler, H. 1998. Periods of aeolian activity and stability in the Great Sand Sea in Egypt. Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil I: Allgemeine, Angewandte, Regionale und Historische Geologie 1997(1-2):23-39.
- Besler, H. 2000. Dunen als klimaarchive (Dunes as climatic archives). Geographische Rundschau 52(9):30-36. (in German)
- Besler, H. 2000. Modern and palaeo-modelling in the Great Sand Sea of Egypt (Results from the Cologne Cooperative Research Project 389). Global and Planetary Change 26(1-3):13-24.
- Besler, H. 2002. Complex barchans in the Libyan Desert; dune traps or overtaking solitons? In: Lehmkuhl, F., Busche, D. and Wuennemann, B. (eds), Research in deserts and mountains of Africa and Central Asia. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 126:59-74.
- Besler, H. 2002. The formation of artefact stabilised-dunes near lower Wadi Howar (Sudan). In: Kuper, R. (ed), Tides of the desert - Geseiten der Wüste. Africa Praehistorica (Heinrich Barth Institut, Koln), pp. 389-398. (in English?) (keyword: palaeodunes)
- Besler, H. 2002. The Great Sand Sea (Egypt) during the late Pleistocene and the Holocene. In: Schmidt, K.H. and Vetter, T. (eds), Late Quaternary geomorphodynamics. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 127:1-19.
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- Besler, H. 2006. Sand sources of the Great Sand Sea (Egypt) according to sedimentological analysis. Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil I: Allgemeine, Angewandte, Regionale und Historische Geologie 2004(1):69-83. (in German)
- Besler, H. 2008. The Great Sand Sea in Egypt: formation, dynamics and environmental change - a sediment-analytical approach, with contributions from A. Bolten and others. Developments in Sedimentology 59, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 250 pp. (keyword: dunes)
- Besler, H. and Gerster, G. 1985. Dünen- die Wogen der Wüste (Dunes. The waves of the desert). Bild der Wissenschaft (5):38-47. (in German)
- Besler, H. and Gut, S. 1997. Untersuchungen zum Fuchtegehalt in Dünen am Beispiel der Namib/Namibia (Investigations to the Fuchtegehalt in dunes by the example of the Namib/Namibia). Kölner geographische Arbeiten, Sonderfolge Afrika 13, 69 pp. (in German)
- Besler, H. and Marker M.E. 1979. Namib sandstone: a distinct lithological unit. Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa 82(1):155-160. (in English) (Note: aeolian sandstone)
- Besler, H. and Pfeiffer, L. 1992. Sand encroachment at Oursi (Burkina Faso): reactivation of fixed draa or deflation of Mare sands? Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 91:185-195.
- Besler, H. and Pfeiffer, L. 1994. The Tertiary proto-erg of the Namib: depositional environment of the Tsonab Sandstone in Namibia. Namibia Scientific Society 44:7-24.
- Besler, H. and Ritter, M. 2009. Environmental histories of some Arabian sands (Oman, United Arab Emirates) deduced from extended sedimentary analysis. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 53(4):487-504.
- Besler, H. and Ritter, M. 2010. A note on granulometric sand types and the Wentworth classification. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 54(4):443-452.
- Besler, H. and Vogel, J.C. 1984. The development of the Namib dune field according to sedimentological and geomorphological evidence. In: Vogel, J.C. (ed), Late Cainozoic Palaeoclimates of the southern Hemisphere. Rotterdam: Balkema, pp. 445-453.
- Besler, H., Blümel, W.D., Heine, K., Hüser, K., Leser, H. und Rust, U. 1994. Geomorphogenese und Paläoklima Namibias: Eine Problemskizze (Geomorphogenesis and palaeoclimate in Namibia: An outline of some problems). Die Erde 125(2):139-165. (in German with English and French summaries) (Note: sand seas)
- Besler, H., Boedeker, O. and Bubenzer, O. 2007. Dunes and megadunes in the southern Namib Erg and the southern Great Sand Sea; a transcontinental comparison. Africa Praehistorica 21:60-63. (in English)
- Besler, H., Lancaster, N., Bristow, C., Henschel, I., Livingstone, I., Seely, M. and White, K. 2013. Helga's Dune: 40 years of dune dynamics in the Namib Desert. Geografiska Annaler A 95(4):361-368. (in English)
- Bespalov, N.F. 1984. Bor'ba s vetrovoĭ i irrigatsionnoi eroziei pochv pri vozdelyvanii khlopchatnika. Trudy SoiuzNIKhI 55, Tashkent: Fan, 110 pp. (in Russian) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bessa, F., Cunha, D., Goncalves, S.C. and Marques, J.C. 2013. Sandy beach macrofaunal assemblages as indicators of anthropogenic impacts on coastal dunes. Ecological Indicators 30:196-204, doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.02.022
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- Betzer, P.R., Carder, K.L., Duce, R.A., Merrill, J.T., Tindale, N.W., Uematsu, M., Costello, D.K., Young, R.W., Feely, R.A, Breland, J.A., Bernstein, R.E. and Greco, A.M. 1988. Long-range transport of giant mineral aerosol particles. Nature (London) 336(6199):568-571, doi:10.1038/336568a0
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- Beugnies, A. 1950. Contribution à l'étude des sables de l'étage supérieur du Système du Kalahari au plateau de Kamina (Congo, belge) (Contribution to the study of sands of the upper stage of the Kalahari system to the plate of Kamina, Belgian Congo). Bulletin de la Société belge de géologie, de paléontologie et d'hydrologie 59(1-2):93-102. (in French)
- Beurlen, K. 1933. Die Nehrungen ostpreussens und ihre Entstehung (The Nehrungn of East Prussia and their emergence). Aus der Heimat 46(2):33-40. (in German) (Note: coastal dunes)
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- Beydoun, Z.R. 1966. Geology of the Arabian Peninsula: Eastern Aden Protectorate and part of Dhufar. United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 0560-H, 49 pp. (keyword: dunes)
- Beydoun, Z.R. 1980. Some Holocene geomorphological and sedimentological observations from Oman and their palaeogeological implications. Journal of Petroleum Geology 2:427-437. (Note: geological wind erosion)
- Beyer, S.W. 1899. Buried loess in Story County, Iowa. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science for 1898 6:117-121.
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- Bezzeuberger, A. 1889. Die Kurische Nehrung un ihr Bewohner (the Curonian spit and its inhabitants). Forschungen zur deutschen Landeskunde 3(4):169-yy. (in German) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Bhagwat, S.B., Hughes, R.E., Masters, J.M. and DeMaris, P.D. 2001. Feldspar and quartz from the dunes of Kankakee, Illinois: a preliminary feasibility study. Illinois State Geological Survey, Champaign, Illinois Minerals 122, 29 pp.
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- Bhatt, N. 1992. Quaternary carbonate deposits of Saurashtra with special reference to their mode of occurrence and depositional environments. Doctoral thesis, University of Baroda, xx pp. (Note aeolianites)
- Bhatt, N. and Patel, M.P. 1995. Textural studies of the Quaternary aeolianites of Saurashtra, western India. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences F 14(1-2):1-8. (Note: ancient coastal dunes)
- Bhatt, N. and Patel, M.P. 1998. Diagenesis in the Quaternary carbonate sediments of Saurashtra and Kachchh, western India. In: Alsharhan, A.S., Glennie, K.W., Whittle, G.L. and Kendall, C.G.S.C. (eds), Quaternary deserts and climatic change, IGCP 349, December 1995, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, pp. 7-16. (Note aeolianites)
- Bhattachan, A., D'Odorico, P., Baddock, M.C., Zobeck, T.M. and Cassar, N. 2012. The Southern Kalahari: a potential new dust source in the Southern Hemisphere? Environmental Research Letters 7, 024001, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/2/024001
- Bhattachan, A., D'Odorico, P., Okin, G.S. and Dintwe, K .2013. Potential dust emissions from the southern Kalahari's dunelands. Journal of Geophysical Research. Earth Surface 118(F1):307-314, doi:10.1002/jgrf.20043
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- Bhattacharya, A., Panja, S., Choudhury, S. and Choudhury, A. 1987. Studies on the dunes of the tidal islands of the Hooghly-Matla estuarine delta complex West Bengal India. Indian Journal of Earth Sciences, Calcutta 14(2):189-200. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Bhattacharyya, R., Davies, K., Fullen, M.A. and Booth, C.A. 2008. Effects of palm-mat geotextiles on the conservation of loamy sand soils in east Shropshire, UK. In: Dazi, C. and Costansini, E. (eds),The soils of tomorrow, Advances in Geoecology, Catena Supplement 39:527-538. (Note: controlling agricultural wind erosion)
- Bhattarai, R., Kalita, P.K., Yatsu, S., Howard, H.R. and Svendsen, N.G. 2011. Evaluation of compost blankets for erosion control from disturbed lands. Journal of Environmental Management 92(3):803-812, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2010.10.028 (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
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- Bhimaya, C.P. 1974. Brief summary of sand dune research programme design, execution and results of the experiment on sand dune fixation in Iran. In: FAO/DANIDA training course on sand dune stabilization, shelterbelts and afforestation in dry zones, New Delhi, Jodhpur, Hissar, 3 March, 1980, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Forest Resources Division, Conservation Guide 10, pp. 79-89.
- Bhimaya, C.P. 1974. Notes and observations on shelterbelt and winbreak plantings. In: Report on the FAO/DANIDA inter-regional training centre on heathland and sand dune afforestation, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) / Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), Denmark and Libya, 26 August to 21 September 1973, FAO, Rome, FAO/DEN/TF 123, pp. 146-150.
- Bhimaya, C.P. 1974. Taḥqīq dar tas̲bīt-i tappah'hā-yi rīg-i ravān: bih ravish-i mīkānīkī va shīmyā-'i dar Khūzistan va tawjīh-i iqtiṣādī-i har yak az ānhā (Report to the government of Iran on sand dune fixation). Ūtād al-'Ajam, Muḥammad Ja'far Malakūtī. Tehran: Mu'assasah-i Taḥqīqāt-i Jangal'hā va Marāti', United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, FOR-TA-3252; UNDP-IRA, 49 pp. (in Farsi) (Note: dune stabilization)
- Bhimaya, C.P. 1976. Shelterbelts - functions and uses. In: Conservation in arid and semi-arid zones. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Conservation Guide 3, pp. 17-28.
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- Bhimaya, C.P., Kaul, R.N. and Ganguli, B.N. 1962. Sand dune stabilization in western Rajasthan. In: Proceedings of the 5th World Forestry Congress, Seattle, 1960, volume 1 (1C), pp. 358-363.
- Bhimaya, C.P., Misra, D.K. and Das, R.B. 1958. Importance of shelterbelts in arid zone farming. In: Proceedings, Farm Forestry Symposium ICAR, New Delhi, pp. 65-72.
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- Bi Cifen. 2001. Discussion on treatment countermeasure in bedrock area on Loess Plateau (Note: wind erosion control). Ni sha yan jiu (Journal of Sediment Research) (4):1-6. (in Chinese)
- Bi Jianrong, Huang Jianping, Fu Qiang, Wang Xin, Shi Jinsen, Zhang Wu, Huang Zhongwei and Zhang Beidou. 2011. Toward characterization of the aerosol optical properties over Loess Plateau of Northwestern China. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 112(2):346-360, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2010.09.006 (in English)
- Bi Xiangsheng. 1987. Discussions on wind erosion disasters and prevention in western region of Heilongjiang Province. Zhongguo nong ye zi yuan yu qu hua (Journal of China Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning) (3):21-25. (in Chinese with English abstract)
- Bi Xiaohui, Feng Yinchang, Wu Jianhui, Wang Yuqiu and Zhu Tan. 2007. Source apportionment of PM10 in six cities of northern China. Atmospheric Environment 41(05):903-912 (Note: Dust as source of PM10)
- Bi Xiaohui, Feng Yinchang, Zhu Tan, Zhang Y.-F., Wu J.-H. and Li X. 2011. Determination of buffering capacity of total suspended particle and its source apportionment using the chemical mass balance approach. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 61(1):7-13.
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- Biasi, L., de los Reyes, A., Reeks, M.W. and de Santi, G.F. 2001. Use of a simple model for the interpretation of experimental data on particle resuspension in turbulent flows. Journal of Aerosol Science 32(10):1175-1200.
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- Bibus, E. 1989. Die Auswirkung quartaerer Formungsdynamik aus Relief und Standort in der loessbedeckten Gaeulandschaft des Neckar-Enz-Gebietes (The effect of Quaternary formation dynamics on the relief and location of loess-covered landscapes in the Neckar-Enz region). In: Baer, W.F., Fuchs, F. and Nagel, G. (eds), Beitraege zum Thema Relief, Boden und Gestein (Relief, soils and lithology). Frankfurter Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten, Serie D: Physiche Geographie 10:69-83. (in German)
- Bibus, E. 1989. Paläoböden im mittleren Neckarbecken unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Lößstratigraphie und Paläoböden (Paleosols in the middle Neckar basin with special consideration of the Loess stratigraphy and Paleosols). In: Exkursionsführer 8. Tagung des Arbeitskreises "Paläoböden" der deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Heilbronn, pp. 1-31. (in German)
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- Bibus, E. 1999. Loess-paleosol sequences in south Germany - stratigraphy, paleoclimate and connections with river terraces. Chinese Science Bulletin (Ke xue tong bao. English) 44 Supplement 1:133-138. (in English)
- Bibus, E. and Semmel, A. 1977. Stratigraphische Leithorizonte in Würmlöß des Mittelrheingebietes (Stratigraphic marker horizons in Wurm loess of the central Rhine area). Geologisches Jahrbuch, Hessen 105:141-147. (in German)
- Bibus, E., Bludau, W., Bross, C. and Rahle, W. 1996. Der Altwürm und Rißabschnitt im Profil Mainz-Weisenau und die Eigenschaften der Mosbacher Humuszonen (The older Würm and Rißabschnitt section in Mainz Weisenau's profile and the properties of the Mosbacher humus zones). Frankfurter Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten, Serie D: Physiche Geographie 20:21-52. (in German) (keyword: loess)
- Bibus, E., Frechen, M., Koesel, M. and Raehle, W. 2007. Das jungpleistozaene Loessprofil von Nussloch (SW-Wand) im Aufschluss der Heidelberger Zement AG (The upper Pleistocene loess profile at Nussloch (southwestern wall) exposed at the Heidelberg Cement Company site). Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart (Quaternary Science Journal) 56(4):227-255. (in German with English abstract)
- Bickett, K.W. 1963. Forecasting blowing dust at George AFB, California. Ft. Belvoir Defense Technical Information Center March, 9 pp.
- Bicknell, D. 1991. The role of trees in providing shelter and controlling erosion in the dry temperate and semi-arid southern agricultural areas of Western Australia. In: Role of trees in sustainable agriculture, Shelter and Erosion Section, Albury, 30th September - 4th October, Rural Industries Research Development Corporation, Canberra, pp. 21-40. (Note: erosion control)
- Bidart, S. 1992. Depósitos de "polvo vial" en la cuenca del río Sauce Grande, Provincia de Buenos Aires. Connotación estratigráfica ("Road dust" deposits in the river basin of Sauce Grande River. Province of Buenos Aires. Stratigraphic nomenclature). In: Terceras Jornadas Geológicas Bonaerenses, Actas, pp. 91-96. (in Spanish)
- Bidart, S. 1993. Textural characterization and stratigraphic aspects of the late Pleistocene-Holocene eolian sediments in the Sierra de la Ventana area, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. In: Zarate, M., Flegenheimer, N. and Pécsi, M. (eds), Properties, chronology and paleoclimatic significance of loess. Quaternary International 17:39-47.
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- Bidegain, J.C., Cortelezzi, C.R., Pittori, C.A. and Rico, Y. 2002. Registros paleomagnéticos y paleontológicos en sedimentos loessoides del Pleistoceno-Holoceno en el "Estadio Ciudad de La Plata", provincia de Buenos Aires, Republica Argentina (Paleomagnetic and paleontological data of Pleistocene-Holocene loess sediments at the "Estadio Ciudad de La Plata", Buenos Aires Province, Argentina). Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 57(4):404-414. (in Spanish with English summary)
- Bidegain, J.C., Evans, M.E. and van Velzen, A.J. 2005. A magnetoclimatological investigation of Pampean loess, Argentina. Geophysical Journal International 160(1):55-62.
- Bidegain, J.C., Jurado, S.S. and Gomez Samus, M.L. 2011. Magnetoestratigraphy in a Pleistocene loess-paleosoil sequence in Marcos Paz, Buenos Aires province. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 68(4):606-614. (in English)
- Bidegain, J.C., Jurado, S.S., Chaparro, M.A.E., Gomez Samus, M., Zicarelli, S. and Parodi, A.V. 2013. Magnetostratigraphy and environmental magnetism in a Pleistocene sedimentary sequence, Marcos Paz, Argentina. Environmental Earth Sciences 69(3):749-763.
- Bidegain, J.C., van Velzen, A.J. and Rico, Y. 2007. The Brunhes/Matuyama boundary and magnetic parameters related to climatic changes in Quaternary sediments of Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 23(1):17-29. (in English) (keyword: loess)
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- Bieber, C.L. 1952. Industrial sands of the Indiana dunes. Indiana Geological Survey Bulletin 7, 31 pp. (Note: coastal sand dunes)
- Biegalski, S., Colbeck, I., Holländer, W., Kouimtzis, T., Koutrakis, P., Landsberger, S., Pacyna, J.M., Pandis, S.N., Pilinis, C., Samara, C., Selin, E., Sioutas, C., A.I. and Zouboulis, A.I. 1995. Airborne particulate matter, Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, 4(D). Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 339 pp. ISBN-10: 3540589325
- Biek, R.F., Willis, G.C., Hylland, M.D. and Doelling, H. H. 2000. Geology of Zion National Park, Utah. Utah Geological Association, Publication 28, pp. 106-138. (Note: aeolian sandstone)
- Bielders, C.L., Alvey, S. and Cronyn, N. 2001. Wind erosion: the perspective of grass-roots communities in the Sahel. Land Degradation and Development 12(1):57-70.
- Bielders, C.L., Lamers, J.P.A. and Michels, K. 2001. Wind erosion control technologies in the West African Sahel: The effectiveness of windbreaks mulching and soil tillage and the perspective of farmers. Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor 40(3):369-394. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bielders, C.L., Lamers, J.P.A. and Michels, K. 2001. Wind erosion control technologies in the West African Sahel: The effectiveness of windbreaks, mulching and soil tillage, and the perspective of farmers. Annals of Arid Zone 40(3):369-394.
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- Bielders, C.L., Michels, K. and Rajot, J.-L. 2000. On-farm evaluation of ridging and residue management practices to reduce wind erosion in Niger. Soil Science Society of America Journal 64(5):1776-1785.
- Bielders, C.L., Rajot, J.-L. and Amadou, M. 2002. Transport of soil and nutrients by wind in bush fallow land and traditionally managed cultivated fields in the Sahel. Geoderma 109(1-2):19-39. (Note: dust in soil)
- Bielders, C.L., Rajot, J.-L. and Koala, S. 1998. Wind erosion research in Niger: the experience of ICRISAT and advanced research organisations. In: Sivakumar, M.V.K., Zobisch, M.A., Koala, S. and Maukonen, T. (eds), Wind erosion in Africa and west Asia: problems and strategies, International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Aleppo, Syria, pp. 95-124.
- Bielders, C.L., Rajot, J.-L. and Michels, K. 2004. L'érosion éolienne dans le Sahel nigérien: influence des pratiques culturales actuelles et méthodes de lutte (Wind erosion in the Sahel of Niger: influence of current cultivation methods and methods of fight). Sécheresse (Montrouge) 15(1):19-32. (in French)
- Bielders, C.L., Vrieling, A., Rajot, J.-L. and Skidmore, E. 2001. On-farm evaluation of field-scale soil losses by wind erosion under traditional management in the Sahel. In: Ascough, J.C. II and Flanagan, D.C. (eds), Soil erosion research for the 21st century, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Publication 701P0007, pp. 494-497.
- Bielek, P. 2003. Soils and soil degradation in the Slovak Republic. EUR (Luxembourg) 20688, pp. 255-289. (in English) (keyword: wind erosion)
- Bieletskii, I. 1895. The action of wind upon soil. Materialy po Izucheniyu Russkikh Pochv, St Petersberg (Material for the study of Russian soils) 9:1-40. (in Russian)
- Bielov, Gr. 1899. Drift-sands and the struggle against them. Besieda 29-30. (in Russian)
- Bienman, P.M. 1982. Dunes on the Navajo Uplands of Northeastern Arizona: their Relationship to Selected Environmental Variables. Doctoral thesis, University of Oklahoma, Norman, 163 pp.
- Bierezowicz, I. 2005. The development of eolian forms in the environs of Czeremcha (Wysoczyzna Drohicka) as exemplified by Popowizna site. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Lublin, Sectio B, 60:95-113. (in Polish with English abstract) (Note: mostly palaeodunes)
- Bierman, P.R. and Caffee M. 2001. Slow rates of rock surface erosion and sediment production across the Namib Desert and Escarpment, Southern Africa. The American Journal of Science 301(4-5):326-358, doi:10.2475/ajs.301.4-5.326 (Note: discusses aeolian processes)
- Biermann, A.H., Sawyer, S. and Cappabianca, R. 1991. Evaluation of a soil fixative to retard particle entrainment: a laboratory study. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, UCRL-LR 109806, 25 pp. (Note: erosion control)
- Biernacka, J. and Issmer, K. 1996. Analiza mikrostrukturalna osadów lessowych w Kląpiczu Pomorze Zachodnie (Micromorphological analysis of loess deposits from Kląpicz, Western Pomerania). Przegląd Geologiczny 44(1) 43-48. (in Polish with English summary)
- Biernacka, J., Leśniak, G. and Buniak, A. 2006. Wpływ kompakcji i cementacji na właściwości zbiornikowe piaskowców eolicznych czerwonego spągowca z obszaru monokliny przedsudeckiej (Compaction versus cementation influence on reservoir properties of Rotligend eolian sandstones, fore-Sudetic monocline, SW Poland). Prace Instytutu Nafty i Gazu 134, 67 pp. (in Polish)
- Bierwirth, E. 2008. Airborne measurements of the spectral surface albedo over Morocco and its influence on the radiative forcing of Saharan dust. Thesis, Mainz University, 127 pp. (in ?)
- Bierwirth, E., Wendisch, M., Ehrlich, A., Heese, B., Tesche, M., Althausen, D., Schladitz, A., Müller, D., Otto, S., Trautmann, T., Dinter, T., Von Hoyningen-Huene, W. and Kahn, R. 2009. Spectral surface albedo over Morocco and its impact on radiative forcing of Saharan dust. Tellus B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology 61(1):252-269.
- Bierwirth, P.N. and Brodie, R.S. 2008. Gamma-ray remote sensing of aeolian salt sources in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. Remote Sensing of Environment 112(2):550-559.
- Bigarella, J.J. 1969. Dune sediment characteristics, recognition and importance. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 53:707.
- Bigarella, J.J. 1970-1971. Wind pattern deduced from dune morphology and internal structures. Boletim paranaense de geociências 28-29:73-114. (in ?)
- Bigarella, J.J. 1972. Eolian environments: Their characteristics, recognition and importance. In: Rigby, J.K and Hamblin, W.K. (eds), Recognition of Ancient Sedimentary Environments. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (SEPM), Special Publication 16, pp. 12-62.
- Bigarella, J.J. 1973. Textural characteristics of the Botucatu Sandstone. Boletim paranaense de geociências 31:85-94. (in English) (Note: aeolian sandstone)
- Bigarella, J.J. 1974. Eolian sedimentation environments: characteristic features, methods for their detection, and significance. In: Conditions of ancient sedimentation and their recognition. Moscow: Mir, pp. 22-86 (in Russian).
- Bigarella, J.J. 1975. Lagoa Dune Field, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil - A model of eolian and pluvial activity. In: International Symposium on the Quaternary, Southern Brazil. Boletim paranaense de geociências 33:133-167. (in English)
- Bigarella, J.J. 1975. Structures developed by dissipation of dune and beach ridge deposits. Catena 2(1-2):107-152.
- Bigarella, J.J. 1979. Botucatú and Sambaiba sandstones of South America (Jurassic and Cretaceous). In: McKee, E.D. (ed). A Study of Global Sand Seas. United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1052, pp. 233-236.
- Bigarella, J.J. 1979. Cave sandstone and similar sandstones of Southern Africa (Triassic). In: McKee, E.D. (ed). A Study of Global Sand Seas. United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1052, pp. 236-238.
- Bigarella, J.J. 1979. Dissipation of dunes, Lagoa, Brazil. In: McKee, E.D. (ed). A Study of Global Sand Seas. United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1052, pp. 124-134.
- Bigarella, J.J. 1979. Structural features at Lagoa Dune Field, Brazil. In: McKee, E.D. (ed). A Study of Global Sand Seas. United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1052, pp. 114-124.
- Bigarella, J.J. 1979. The Lagoa Dune Field, Brazil. In: McKee, E.D. (ed). A Study of Global Sand Seas. United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1052, pp. 134-154. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Bigarella, J.J. 2000. Parabolic dune behavior under effective storm wind conditions. Revista Brasileira de Geomorfologia 1(1):1-26.
- Bigarella, J.J. and Salamuni, R. 1961. Early Mesozoic wind patterns as suggested by dune bedding in the Botucatu sandstone of Brazil and Uruguay. Geological Society of America Bulletin 72(7):1089-1106.
- Bigarella, J.J. and Salamuni, R. 1964. Palaeowind patterns in the Botucatu sandstone (Triassic-Jurassic) of Brazil and Uruguay. In: Nairn, A.E.M. (ed), Problems in palaeoclimatology. Proceedings of the NATO Palaeoclimates Conference held at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, January 7-12, 1963, London: Interscience, pp. 406-409. (in English) (Note: ancient aeolian sandstones)
- Bigarella, J.J., Alessi, A.H., Becker, R.D. and Duarte, G.M. 1969. Textural characteristics of the coastal dune, sand ridge and beach sediments. Boletim paranaense de geociências 27:15-80. (in English)
- Bigarella, J.J., Basumallick, S. and Becker, R.D. 1973. Morphoscopic and mineralogic differences between water-laid and wind-laid deposits. Boletim paranaense de geociências 31:95-111. (in English?) (Note: aeolian sands)
- Bigarella, J.J., Becker, R.D. and Duarte, G.M. 1969. Coastal dune structures from Parana (Brazil). Marine Geology 7(1):5-55.
- Bigarella, J.J., Duarte, G.M. and Becker, R.D. 1971. Structural characteristics of the dune, foredune, interdune, beach, beach dune ridge and sand ridge deposits. Boletim paranaense de geociências 28-29:9-72. (in ?)
- Bigarella, J.J., Klein, A.H.D., Menezes, J.T. and Vintem, G. 2006. Southern Brazilian coastal dunes: Movement and structures. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 39, pp. 1-15.
- Bigarella, J.J., Klein, A.H.D.F., Menezes, J.T. and Vintém, G. 2005. Sub-tropical coastal dunes: Examples from southern Brazil. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 42, pp. 113-137.
- Bigelow, H.B. 1905. The shoal-water deposits of the Bermuda Banks. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 40(15):557-592. (Note: aeolian rock)
- Bigelow, N., Béget, J. and Powers, R. 1990. Latest Pleistocene increase in wind intensity recorded in eolian sediments from central Alaska. Quaternary Research 34(2):160-168, doi:10.1016/0033-5894(90)90028-J. (Comment: Waythomas, C.F., Kaufman, D.S., Bigelow, N., Begét, J.E. and Powers, W R. 1991. QR 36(3):329-338. Reply: Begét, J.E., Bigelow, N. and Powers, R. 1991. QR 36(3):334-338) (keyword: loess)
- Bigelow, N.H. and Béget, J.E. 1991. Holocene loess and paleosols in central Alaska; a proxy record of Holocene climate change. In: Weller, G., Wilson, C.L. and Severin, B.A.B. (eds), International conference on the role of the polar regions in global change, 11-15 June 1990, University of Alaska at Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute, Fairbanks, pp. 658-662.
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- Biggs, L.R. 1947. The formation, control and utilisation of coastal sand dunes. Master's thesis, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 64 pp.
- Bigler, M., Rothlisberger, R., Lambert, F., Stocker, T.F. and Wagenbach, D. 2006. Aerosol deposited in East Antarctica over the last glacial cycle: Detailed apportionment of continental and sea-salt contributions. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 111, D08205, doi:10.1029/2005JD006469 (Note: dust in ice)
- Bigot, B. 1986. Essai de modélisation de l'apport loessique en Bretagne (Modelization test concerning loessic sedimentation in Brittany, France). Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris, Série II, 303(10):919-921. (in French with English abstract)
- Bigot, B. and Monnier, J.L. 1987. Stratigraphie et sédimentologie des loess récents du nord de la Bretagne; données nouvelles d'après l'étude des coupes de Sables d'Or les Pins et de Port Lazo (Côtes du Nord, France) (Stratigraphy and sedimentology of recent loess in northern Brittany; new data from the study of sections of Sables-d'Or-les-Pins and Port-Lazo; Coast of north France). Bulletin de l'Association française pour l'Étude du Quaternaire 24(29):27-36. (in French)
- Bijelic, G. 1906. Staubfall in Ragusa (Dust fall in Ragusa). Meteorologische Zeitschrift 23(5):224. (in German)
- Bijl, J.G. and Tesch, P. 1938. Polders et dunes. (La defense du sol ancien - la conquête du sol nouveau) (Polders and dunes (The defense of ancient soil and the conquest of new). In: Congrès international de Géographie (15éme), Amsterdam, Excursion A(-C), pt. B2, 70 pp. (in French)
- Bilbro, J.D. 1985. A probability technique for calculating long-time, potential wind erosion losses. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 40(3):309-311.
- Bilbro, J.D. 1987. Crossplanting winter wheat reduces potential wind erosion of soil in semiarid regions. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 42(4):267-269.
- Bilbro, J.D. 1989. Evaluation of sixteen fall-seeded cultivars for controlling wind erosion. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 44(3):228-231.
- Bilbro, J.D. 1991. Cover crops for wind erosion control in semiarid regions. In: Hargrove, W.L. (ed), Cover crops for clean water, International Conference, West Tennessee Experiment Station, 9-11 April 1991, Jackson, Tennesee, Soil and Water Conservation Society, Ankeny, Iowa, pp. 36-38.
- Bilbro, J.D. 1991. Relationships of cotton dry-matter production and plant structural characteristics for wind-erosion modeling. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 46(5):381-384.
- Bilbro, J.D. 1992. Sunflower dry matter production and plant structural relationships for wind erosion modeling. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 47(2):194-197.
- Bilbro, J.D. 1995. Techniques for controlling fugitive emissions generated on cultivated land by the wind. Publication No. 95-MP12.01:1-16. (Note: wind erosion and dust control)
- Bilbro, J.D. and Fryrear, D.W. 1985. Effectiveness of residues from six crops for reducing wind erosion in a semi-arid region. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 40(4):358-360.
- Bilbro, J.D. and Fryrear, D.W. 1988. Annual herbaceous wind barriers for protection of crops and soils and managing snowfall. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 22/23:149-161.
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- Bilbro, J.D. and Fryrear, D.W. 1994. Wind erosion losses as related to plant silhouette area and soil cover. Agronomy Journal 86(3):550-553.
- Bilbro, J.D. and Fryrear, D.W. 1997.Comparative performance of forage sorghum, grain sorghum, kenaf,switchgrass, and slat-fence windbarriers in reducing wind velocity. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 52(6):447-452.
- Bilbro, J.D. and Stout, J.E. 1999. Wind velocity patterns as modified by plastic pipe windbarriers. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 54(3):551-556. (Note: erosion control)
- Bilbro, J.D., Fryrear, D.W. and Zobeck, T.M. 1987. Flexible conservation systems for wind erosion control in semiarid regions. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Publication 08-87, pp. 114-120.
- Bilbro, J.D., Harris, B.L. and Jones, O.R. 1994. Erosion control with sparse residue. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Report 37, pp. 30-32.
- Bilbro, J.D., Undersander, D.J., Fryrear, D.W. and Lester, C.M. 1991. A survey of lignin, cellulose, and acid detergent fiber ash contents of several plants and implications for wind erosion control. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 46(4):314-316.
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- Bilenko, D.K. 1934. Ueber die Grenzlinie der Loess und Sandablagerungen auf dem Territorium von Kiev und seiner Umgebung (About the boundary line of the Loess and sand deposits in the territory of Kiev and its environment). Académie des sciences, Ukraine (Quaternaire), Kiev (7):89-98. (in Ukrainian with German summary)
- Billard, A. 1991. Stratigraphic subdivision and climatic changes in the Loess Plateau of mainland China and the Chinese Province of Taiwan. In: International Geological Correlation Programme: Quaternary stratigraphy of Asia and the Pacific IGCP 296, 3rd regional meeting, October, Pukhet, Mineral Resources Development Series- United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (63), pp. 43-50.
- Billard, A. 1992. Le plateau des loess du nord de la Chine (The loess plateau of northern China). Annales de Géographie 101(567):497-519. (in French with English abstract)
- Billard, A. 1992. The climatic record in loessic sediments of northern Italy and Eurasia. In: Derbyshire, E. (ed) Loess and the Argentine Pampa. University of Leicester, Department of Geography, Occasional Paper 23, pp. 50-53.
- Billard, A. 1993. Is a Middle Pleistocene climatic optimum recorded in the loess-paleosol sequences of Eurasia? Quaternary International 17:87-94.
- Billard, A. 2000. Le vent et l'eau dans la construction et le démantèlement du Plateau des Loess en Chine (Role of wind and water in the growth and erosion of the Chinese Loess Plateau). Géographies: Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français 77(1):17-23. (in French)
- Billard, A., Derbyshire, E. and Shaw, J. 1987. Sedimentology and magnetostratigraphy of the loess succession at Saint Valiier, Drome, France: preliminary results. In: Liu Tungsheng (ed), Aspects of loess research. Beijing: China Ocean Press, pp. 231-251. (in English; two pages reproduced in Loess Letter 16(1986):31-32)
- Billard, A., Derbyshire, E., Shaw, J. and Rolph, T. 1987. New data on the sedimentology and magnetostratigraphy of the loessic silts at Saint Vallier, Drome, France. In: Pécsi, M. (ed), Loess and environment. Catena Supplement 9:117-128. (1st page in Loess Letter 27 (April 1992):16)
- Billingsley, G H. 1987. Geology and geomorphology of the southwestern Moenkopi Plateau and southern Ward Terrace, Arizona. United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 1672-B, 18 pp. (Note: geological wind erosion; aeolian sandstone)
- Billman-Stunder, B.J. and Arya, S.P.S. 1988. Windbreak effectiveness for storage-pile fugitive-dust control: a wind tunnel study. International Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association 38(2):135-143.
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- Billwitz, K. 1997. Überduente Strandwaelle und Duenen und ihr geooekologisches Inventar an der vorpommerschen Ostseekueste (Geological inventory of beach ridges and dunes at the western Baltic coast of Vor-Pommerania). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 111:161-173. (in German with English and French summaries) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Bilodeau, W.L. and Keith, S.B. 1986. Lower Jurassic Navajo-Aztec-equivalent sandstones in southern Arizona and their paleogeographic significance. AAPG Bulletin (American Association of Petroleum Geologists) 70(6):690-701. (Note: aeolian sandstones)
- Binda, P.L. 1972. On the sedimentology of some cover sands from Zambia. Kalulushi, Zambia: R.C.M. Report, GR 44.
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- Binney, A. 1848. The strata of the bluffs at Natchez, on the Mississippi River. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 2:126-130. (keyword: loess) (Note: title extracted from text)
- Bintanja, R. 1998. The interaction between drifting snow and atmospheric turbulence. Annals of Glaciology 26:167-173. (in English)
- Bintanja, R. 2000. Snowdrift suspension and atmospheric turbulence. Part I: Theoretical background and model description. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 95(3):343-368.
- Bintanja, R. 2000. Snowdrift suspension and atmospheric turbulence. Part II: Results of Model Simulations. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 95(3):369-395.
- Bintanja, R. 2001. Characteristics of snowdrift over a bare ice surface in Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 106(D9):9653-9660.
- Bintanja, R. and Reijmer, C.H. 2001. Detailed observations of the rippled surface of Antarctic blue ice areas. Journal of Glaciology 47(158):387-396. (Note: cf. aeolian ripples)
- Biörn, S. 1798. Über die beste Art, der allmähligen Versandung der Nehrung durch Dühnenbau und Bepflanzung möglichst vorzubeugen (On the best method of preventing the gradual sand silting of the narrow tongue of land by building of dunes and planting if possible). In: Sammlung nützlicher Aufsätze und Nachrichten, die Baukunst betreffend hrsg. von Mitgliedern des K. Preuss. Ober-Bau-Dept. Berlin, vol. 2, p. 81. (in German)
- Biörn, S. 1808. Ueber die vortheilhafteste Behandlungsart bei Behauung und Bepflanzung der Kiefern auf mageren, vorzüglich auf ganz sandigen Boden, Sandschollen und Sanddünen u.s.w. (On the vortheil type of treatment hafteste with hewing and planting jaws on lean, excellently on completely sandy ground, sand schollen and sand of the dunes u.s.w.). Danzig: (s.l.), 40 pp. (in German)
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- Birch, G.F., Du Plessis, A. and Willis J.P. 1978. Offshore and onland geological and geophysical investigations in Wilderness Lakes region. Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa 81(3):339-352. (Note: includes coastal dunes)
- Birch, P.B. 1981. Effects of wind erosion on crop yields on Geraldton sandplain soils. Perth: Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Technical Bulletin 54, 9 pp.
- Bircham, P.D. and Bruneau, H.C. 1985. Degradation of Canada's prairie agricultural lands: a guide to the literature and annotated bibliography. Ottawa: Environment Canada, Land-Use Policy and Research Branch, Working Paper 37, 137 pp.
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- Bird, E.C.F. 2005. Eolianite. In: Schwartz, M.L. (ed), Encyclopaedia of Coastal Science. 5. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 246-248. (Note: calcareous arenite)
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- Bird, J.B. 1967. The physiography of Arctic Canada, with special reference to the area south of the Parry Channel. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 336 pp. (dunes etc.: pp. 237-241)
- Bird, J.B. 1970. Eolian processes in Arctic Canada. In: Nelson, J.G. and Chambers, M.J. (eds), Processes and methods in Canadian geography: geomorphology, London: Methuen, pp. 325-332.
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- Birrell, K.S. and Packard, R.G. 1953. Some physical properties of New Zealand "loess". New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 35(1):30-35.
- Birrell, K.S., Stevens, K.F. and Vucetich, C.G. 1981. Late Quaternary sections containing tephra and loess in the Te Kuiti District, New Zealand. In: Howorth, R., Froggatt, P.C., Vucetitch, C.G. and Collen, J.D. (eds), Proceedings of the Tephra workshop. Victoria University of Wellington, Publication of Geology Department no. 20, pp. 5-10.
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- Bishop, M.A. 2001. Seasonal variation of crescentic dune morphology and morphometry, Strzelecki-Simpson Desert, Australia. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 26(7):783-791
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- Bishop, M.A. 2007. Point pattern analysis of north polar crescentic dunes, Mars: A geography of dune self-organization. Icarus 191(1):151-157.
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- Bishop, M.A. 2011. Aeolian scours as putative signatures of wind erosion and sediment transport direction on Mars. Geomorphology 125(4):569-574, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2010.10.029
- Bishop, M.A. 2013. Dune field development, interactions and boundary conditions for crescentic and stellate megadunes of the Al Liwa Basin, the Empty Quarter. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 38(2):183-191, doi:10.1002/esp.3318
- Bishop, S.R., Momiji, H., Carretero-Gonzalez, R. and Warren, A. 2002. Modelling desert dune fields based on discrete dynamics. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 7(1):7-17.
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- Bisslauch, J.K. 1915. Der Löß (The loess). Mitteilungen Russischen geographischen Gesellschaft, St. Petersberg 51:49-yy. (in German)
- Biswas, A.S. 1966. A note on certain sand dunes from the Kailiane area, Mahendragarh area, Punjab. Records of the Geological Survey of India 94(2):221-228.
- Biswas, A.S. 2005. Coarse aeolianites: sand sheets and zibar-interzibar facies from the Mesoproterozoic Cuddapah Basin, India. Sedimentary Geology 174(1-2):149-160
- Biswas, M.K. and Krishnamurti, T.N. 2010. Distinguishing developing versus non-developing African easterly waves using adaptive observational strategies. Marine Geodesy 33(4):356-377. (in English) (Note: impacts of dust loaded Saharan air layer)
- Biswas, S.K. 1971. Miliolite rocks of Kutch and Kathiawar (Western India). Sedimentary Geology 5(2):147-164. (Note: aeolianite)
- Bitan, A. 1977. Planning and climate - the case of Di-Zahav. Geoforum 8(5/6):249-265. (in English)
- Bitenc, M., Lindenbergh, R., Khoshelham, K. and van Waarden, A.P. 2011. Evaluation of a LIDAR land-based mobile mapping system for monitoring sandy coasts. Remote Sensing 3(7):1472-1491. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Bitinas, A. 2004. Lietuvos eoliniu nuogulu amzius (The age of aeolian deposits of Lithuania). Geologija, Vilniaus Universitetas 45:1-5. (in Lithuanian)
- Bitinas, A., Zaromskis, R., Gulbinskas, S., Damusyte, A., Zilinskas, G. and Jarmalavicius, D. 2005. The results of integrated investigations of the Lithuanian coast of the Baltic Sea, geology, geomorphology, dynamics and human impact. Geological Quarterly (Warsaw) 49(4):355-362. (Note: coastal dune)
- Bitkayeva, L.Kh. 1997. Landshafty Terskikh peskov (istoriya, struktura, dinamika) (Landscapes of Terek sands; history, structure and dynamics). Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriia V: Geografiia (2):51-55. (in Russian)
- Bitkayeva, L.Kh. 1998. Faktory landshaftnoy dinamiki terskikh peskov (Factors of landscape dynamics of Terek sand). Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriia V: Geografiia (2):57-60. (in Russian with English abstract)
- Bitkayeva, L.Kh. 2000. Landshafty i antropogennoye opustynivaniye Terskikh peskov (Landscapes and anthropogenic desertification of the Terskiy sand massif). Master's thesis, Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet, Moscow, 205 pp. (in Russian) (Note: remobilization of aeolian sands)
- Bitkayeva, L.Kh. and Nikolayev, V.A. 2001. Landshaftno-ekologicheskiye predposylki fitomelioratsii eolovykh peskov vostochnogo predkavkaz'ya (Landscape environmental conditions of phytoamelioration of aeolian sands in eastern Pre-Caucasus). Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriia V: Geografiia (2):39-45. (in Russian, summary in English)
- Bitog, J.P., Lee, I-B., Hwang, H.-S., Shin, M.-H., Hong, S.-W., Seo, I.-H., Kwon, K.-S., Mostafa, E. and Pang Zhenzhen. 2012. Numerical simulation study of a tree windbreak. Biosystems Engineering 111(1):40-48. (keyword: shelter)
- Bitog, J.P., Lee, I.-B., Shin, M.-H., Hong, S.-W., Hwang, H.-S., Seo, I.-H., Yoo,J.-I., Kwon, K.-S., Kim, Y.-H. and Han, J.-W. 2009. Numerical simulation of an array of fences in Saemangeum reclaimed land. Atmospheric Environment 43(30):4612-4621. (Note: shelter; dust control)
- Bittancourt, A.C.S.P., Dominguez, J,M.L. and Moita Filho, O. 1990. Variações texturias induzidas pelo vento nos sedimentos da face de Praia (Praia de Atalaia-Piauí): implicações paleoclimáticas (Textural variations induced by the wind in the sediments of the Beach face (Beach of Atalaia-Piauí). Revista Brasileira de Geociências 20(1-4):201-207. (in Portuguese) (Note: aeolian sands)
- Bittmann, F. and Pasada, C. 1999. Die Entwicklung einer Düne während der letzten 12.000 Jahre - Untersuchungsergebenisse von Groß Leiskow (Stadt Cotbus) in der Niederlausitz (The development of a dune during the last 12,000 year investigation resulting of Grosse Leiskow, in the city of Cotbus, in the Niederlausitz). Quartär 49-50:39-54. (in German) (Note: stabilized dunes)
- Bittner, A. 1888. Lösschecken, hohle Diluvialgescheibe und Megalodonten aus Bosnien-Herzegowina. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen geologischen Reichsanstalt, Wien, p. 162. (in German)
- Bitton, M. and Hesp, P.A. 2013. Vegetation dynamics on eroding to accreting beach-foredune systems, Florida Panhandle. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 38(12):1472-1480.
- Bitton, M.C.A. 2002. Dune morphology response to water level change, Pinery Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada. Master's thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, 99 pp.
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- Bjarnason, H. 1944. Iceland's brave soils face tough opposition. Soil Conservation 10(4):84-86.
- Bjorck, S. and Clemmensen, L.B. 2004. Aeolian sediment in raised bog deposits, Halland, SW Sweden: a new proxy record of Holocene winter storminess variation in southern Scandinavia? The Holocene 14(5):677-688.
- Bjørlykke, K.O. 1912. Om gryteol og pytfladedannelse paa Romerike (On the glaci-fluvial deposits of Romerike). Videnskapsselskapets skrifter, Matematisk-naturvidenskabelig klasse, Kristiania, 14 pp. (in Norwegian) (Note: describes dunes)
- Bjørlykke, K.O. 1913. Sandfyk og Sandslit, en iakttagelse fra Kvitsanden ved Røros. Naturen (Kristiania) pp. 80-86. (in Norwegian) (Note: geological wind erosion)
- Bjørlykke, K.O. 1918. Løssjord i Norge? (Loess deposits in Norway?). Forhandlinger ved de Skandinaviske naturforskeres (Kristiania) 16:511-517. (in Norwegian)
- Bkar Pk, M.A., Azad, M.A.K., and Alam Sarker, M.S. 2013. First-order reactant in homogeneous turbulence prior to the ultimate phase of decay for four-point correlation in presence of dust particle. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 5(2):585-595.
- Black, A.L. 1966. Wind erosion control takes some doing. Montana Farmer and Stockman 53(14):40-41.
- Black, A.L. and Bauer, A. 1983. Soil conservation: northern great plains. In: Dregne, H.E. and Willis, W.O. (eds). Dryland Agriculture. Madison, Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Monograph 23, pp. 247-257.
- Black, A.L. and Siddoway, F.H. 1971. Tall wheatgrass barriers for soil erosion control and water conservation. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 26(3):107-110.
- Black, A.L. and Siddoway, F.H. 1976. Dryland cropping sequences within a tall wheatgrass barrier system. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 31(3):101-105.
- Black, A.L., Siddoway, F.H. and Brown, P.L. 1974. Summer fallow in the Northern Great Plains (winter wheat). In: Summer fallow in the western United States, United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Conservation Research Report 17, pp. 36-50.
- Black, A.L., Siddoway, F.H. and Saulmon, R.W. 1976. Wheatgrass barriers stop soil blowing, trap water. Montana Farmer and Stockman 68(16):7-8,10.
- Black, H. 1996. Running dust pollution to earth. New Scientist 150(2026):21.
- Black, J.A. 1993. Napeague dunes Long Island, N.Y. In: Coastal Zone '93, Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management, New Orleans, July 1993, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2, pp. 1925-1937.
- Black, J.A. 1996. The origin and fate of the migrating dunes, Napeague, N.Y. In: Hanson, G. H. (ed), Geology of Long Island and Metropolitan New York, Program with Abstracts: Stony Brook, NY, Long Island Geologists, pp. 11-16.
- Black, J.M.W. and Chanasyk, D.S. 1989. The wind erodibility of some Alberta soils after seeding: aggregation in relation to field parameters. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 69(4):835-847. (in English with French summary)
- Black, R.F. 1951. Eolian deposits of Alaska. Arctic 4(2):89-111.
- Black, R.F. and Barksdale, W.L. 1949. Oriented lakes of northern Alaska. The Journal of Geology 57(2):105-118.
- Black, R.F. and Berg, T.E. 1968. Ventifacted, cavernously weathered, perched stones of Taylor valley, Antarctica, and the glacial chronology. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 101, pp. 18-19.
- Black, W.G. 1903. Rain and dust fall in Edinburgh, 1902. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 29(126):134.
- Black, W.G. 1903. Rain and dust fall in Edinburgh, 1902. The Journal of the Manchester Geographical Society 19(1-3):72.
- Black, W.G. 1904. Observations of rain and dust and evaporation, Edinburgh, 1903. Symons's Meteorological Magazine 39(458):29.
- Blackburn, G. 1962. Stranded coastal dunes in north-western Victoria. Australian Journal of Science 24(9):388-389.
- Blackburn, G. 1973. Terrestrial salt dust as a probable contributor to River Murray salinity. Search 4(3):75-76.
- Blackburn, G. 1981. Particle size analysis of Widgelli parna in southeast Australia. Australian Journal of Soil Research 19(4):355-360.
- Blackburn, G. and McLeod, S. 1983. Salinity of atmospheric precipitation in the Murray-Darling drainage division, Australia. Australian Journal of Soil Research 21(4):411-434. (keyword: palaeodust)
- Blackburn, G. and Taylor, R.M. 1969. Limestones and red soils of Bermuda. Geological Society of America Bulletin 80(8):1595-1598, doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1969)80[1595:LARSOB]2.0.CO;2. Discussion: Bricker, O.P. and Mackenzie, F.T. 1971. Geological Society of America Bulletin 81(10):2523-2524. (Note: calcareous aeolian sandstones)
- Blacker, L. 1969. Prevent wind erosion. Sugar Beet Magazine 59(Summer):10. (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Blackstone, D.L. 1973. Geology of photo linear elements, Great Divide Basin, Wyoming. Laramie, Wyo: University of Wyoming, Remote Sensing Laboratory / Springfield, Va., 11 pp. (Note: dunes and geological wind erosion)
- Blacktin, J.C. 1934. Dust. London: Blackie, 296 pp.
- Blackwelder, E. 1909. Cenozoic history of the Laramie region, Wyoming. The Journal of Geology 17(5):429-444.
- Blackwelder, E. 1928. Wind abrasion in arid Southwest. The Pan-American Geologist 49(4):303.
- Blackwelder, E. 1929. Cavernous rock surfaces in the desert. The American Journal of Science, 5th Series, Whole no. 217, 17(101):393-399, doi:10.2475/ajs.s5-17.101.393 (Note: possible geological wind erosion)
- Blackwelder, E. 1929. Sandblast action in relation to the glaciers of the Sierra Nevada. The Journal of Geology 37(3):256-260.
- Blackwelder, E. 1930. Yardang and Zastruga. Science 72(1868):396-397, doi:10.1126/science.72.1868.396
- Blackwelder, E. 1931. Desert plains. The Journal of Geology 39(2):133-140.
- Blackwelder, E. 1931. The lowering of playas by deflation. The American Journal of Science, 5th Series, Whole no. 221, 21(122):140-144, doi:10.2475/ajs.s5-21.122.140 (Comment: Bryan, K. 1932-1933. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 6(1):29-31.) (Note: geological wind erosion)
- Blackwelder, E. 1933. Lake Manly: An extinct lake of Death Valley. The Geographical Review 23(3):464-471.
- Blackwelder, E. 1934. Yardangs. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 45(2):159-166.
- Blackwelder, E. 1954. Geomorphic processes in the desert. Sacramento: State of California, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mines, Bulletin 170, pp. 11-20. (Note: dunes, geological wind erosion)
- Blackwelder, E. and Barrows, H.H. 1911. Elements of Geology. New York: American Book Company, 478 pp. (Note: Chapter III: Work of the Atmosphere)
- Blackwell, B. 1987. SLEADS (Salt Lakes, Evaporites, Aeolian Deposits) workshop. Geoscience Canada 14(2):109-111.
- Blackwell, P., Krull, E., Butler, G., Herbert, A. and Solaiman, Z. 2010. Effect of banded biochar on dryland wheat production and fertiliser use in south-western Australia: An agronomic and economic perspective. Australian Journal of Soil Research 48(6-7):531-545. (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Blaesing-Thompson, S.R. 2000. Wind erosion on the Columbia Plateau a mappable solution. Master's thesis, Washington State University, Pullman, 69 pp.
- Blaga, C. 2011. Considerations on the drought phenomenon in Cluj County. Cluj University Press, and Directory of Open Access Journals, 340 pp. (in English) (Note: agricultural wind erosion, available on line)
- Blagoveshchenskiy, E.N. 1940. The petrographic and geomorphological regions of the eastern Kara-Kum. Izvestiya Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva 72(2):211-224. (in Russian) (Note: aeolian sands).
- Blagoveshchenskiy, E.N. 1949. Opt restaratsii ekologicheskikh uslovii Sushchestvov avskikh v zpadnom Turane v period nakopleniya peskov zaunguzkoi tolshchi. Izvestiya Vsesoiuznogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva 81(1):36-43. (in Russian) (Note: humid periods in the Kyzylkum and Karakum palaeodunes)
- Blagoveshchenskiy, E.N. 1957. Formation of a longitudinal wind-laid topography. Tadzhik SSR Academy of Sciences, Natural Environment Department, No 24. (in Russian?)
- Blagoveshchenskiy, E.N. 1968. Aeolian forms of relief in east part of Thar Desert (India). Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (2):48-58. (in Russian with English summary)
- Blagoveshchenskiy, E.N. 1969. Pustynya Tar v zapadnom Radzhastane, chetvertichnye otlozheniya i gruntovyye vody (The Thar desert of western Rajasthan during the Quaternary and ground-water resources). Izvestiia Vsesoiuznogo geograficheskogo obshchestva 101(4):343-353. (in Russian) (Note: stabilized dunes)
- Blagoveshchenskiy, E.N. and Petrov, G.E. 1953. Are mechanical safeguards necessary in strengthening moving dunes. Lesnoe Khoziaistvo 6:34-36. (in Russian) (keyword: fixation)
- Blair, K. and Evans, C.A. 1964. Sand dune stabilisation with petroleum products (Prepared for publication in the Middle East Journal "Organisme technique de mise en valeur des richnesses du Sous-Sol Saharien"). Report ER-23M-64. Abingdon, Berkshire: Esso Research Ltd., 45 pp.
- Blair, W.M. 1960. West winds blowing up a new dust bowl. Co-Op Grain Quarterly 8(2):25-32. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Blake, C.T., Woodhouse, W.W., Seneca, E.D. and Brome, S.W. 1973. Vegetative dune stabilization in North Carolina. North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service, Beach and Dune Stabilization, Agronomy Information Leaflet, Series No. 1, 1 pp.
- Blake, J. 1874. On the structure of the sonorous sand from Kauai. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 1907:357-358. (Note: singing sand)
- Blake, J.F. 1897. On some surficial deposits in Cutch. The Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 53(210):223-244, doi:10.1144/GSL.JGS.1897.053.01-04.19 (Note: miliolite coastal palaeodunes/ sandstone)
- Blake, W.P. 1855. On the grooving and polishing of hard rocks and minerals by dry sand. The American Journal of Science and Arts, 2nd Series, Whole no. 70, 20(59):178-181.
- Blake, W.P. 1856. Geological report. Pacific Railway Reports vol. 5, pp. 1-310; 344-358. (Note: wind abrasion, p. 92)
- Blake, W.P. 1856. On the grooving and polishing of hard rocks and minerals by dry sand. In: Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 9th Meeting held at Providence, Rhode Island, August 1855, Section B: Chemistry and Natural History. III. Geology, pp. 216-220.
- Blake, W.P. 1856. On the grooving and polishing of hard rocks and minerals by dry sand. The Annual of Scientific Discovery or Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art for 1856, pp. 286-288.
- Blake, W.P. 1856. On the grooving and polishing of hard rocks and minerals by dry sand. The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal NS 4(1):186-187.
- Blake, W.P. 1856. Report on the geology of the route, near the thirty-second parallel: prepared from the collection and notes of Capt. Pope. Explorations and surveys for a railroad route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Route near the thirty-second parallel, from the Red River to the Rio Grande, explored by Brevet Captain John Pope, Corps of Topographical Engineers, in 1854. United States War Department, Corps of Topographical Engineers, United States Pacific Railroad Surveys, Washington DC, 50 pp. (Note: discusses wind abrasion, sand hills)
- Blake, W.P. 1858. Report of a geological reconnaissance in California. New York: H. Baillière, 370 pp.
- Blake, W.P. 1882. Origin of loess. In: Hanks, H.G. (ed), Second Report of the State Mineralogist of California from December 1, 1880, to October 1, 1882. Sacramento: State of California, Appendix, pp. 218-223.
- Blake, W.P. 1904. Origin of pebble-covered plains in desert regions. Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers 34:161-162. (Note: desert pavement, aeolian denudation)
- Blake, W.P. 1905. Superficial blackening and discoloration of rocks especially in desert regions. Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers 35:371-375. (Note: desert varnish)
- Blake, W.P. 1914. The Cahuilla Basin and desert of the Colorado. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication no. 193, pp. 1-12.
- Blakey, R.C. 1988. Basin tectonics and erg response. In: Kocurek, G. (ed), Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic eolian deposits of the Western Interior of the United States. Sedimentary Geology 56(1-4):127-151. (Note: aeolian sandstones)
- Blakey, R.C. 1988. Superscoops - their significance as elements of eolian architecture. Geology 16(6):483-487, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1988)016<0483:STSAEO>2.3.CO;2 (Note: geological wind erosion)
- Blakey, R.C. 1989. Triassic and Jurassic geology of the southern Colorado Plateau. Arizona Geological Society Digest 17:369-396. (Note: aeolian sandstone)
- Blakey, R.C. 1994. Paleogeographic and tectonic controls on some Lower and Middle Jurassic erg deposits, Colorado Plateau. In: Caputo, M.V., Peterson, J.A. and Franczyk, K.J. (eds), Mesozoic systems of the Rocky Mountain region, USA. Society for Sedimentary Geology, Rocky Mountain Section Denver, pp. 273-298. (Note: aeolian sandstones)
- Blakey, R.C. 1996. Permian eolian deposits, sequences, and sequence boundaries, Colorado Plateau. In: Blakey, R.C., Longman, M.W. and Sonnenfeld, M.D. (eds), Paleozoic systems of the Rocky Mountain Region, pp. 405-426.
- Blakey, R.C. and Baars, D.L. 1987. Monument Valley, Arizona and Utah. In: Beus, S.S. (ed), Centennial field guide (6), Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO, pp. 361-364. (Note: aeolian sandstone)
- Blakey, R.C. and Middleton, L.T. 1983. Field trip 7; Lower Mesozoic stratigraphy and depositional systems, Southwest Colorado Plateau. In: Gurgel, K.D. (ed), Geologic excursions in stratigraphy and tectonics; from southeastern Idaho to the southern Inyo Mountains, California, via Canyonlands and Arches national parks, Utah; Guidebook, Part II, 54-73. (Note: aeolian sandstone)
- Blakey, R.C. and Middleton, L.T. 1983. Permian shoreline eolian complex in central Arizona: dune changes in response to cyclic sea-level changes. In: Bookfield, M.E. and Ahlbrandt, T.S. (eds), Aeolian sediments and processes, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 551-582.
- Blakey, R.C. and Middleton, L.T. 1986. Triassic-Jurassic continental systems, northern Arizona. in: Nations, J.D., Conway, C.M. and Swann, G.A. (eds), Geology of central and northern Arizona, Geological Society of America, Field trip guidebook, Rocky Mountain Section meeting, Flagstaff, Arizona, Northern Arizona University, Geology Department, Flagstaff, AZ, pp. 93-110. (Note: aeolian sandstone)
- Blakey, R.C. and Middleton, L.T. 1988. Late Paleozoic depositional systems, Sedona-Jerome area, central Arizona. In: Davis, G.H. and VandenDolder, E.M. (eds), Geologic diversity of Arizona and its margins; excursions to choice areas. State of Arizona, Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology, Special Paper 5, University of Arizona, Tucson, pp. 143-157. (Note: aeolian sandstone)
- Blakey, R.C., Havholm, K.G. and Jones, L.S. 1996. Stratigraphic analysis of eolian interactions with marine and fluvial deposits, Middle Jurassic Page Sandstone and Carmel Formation, Colorado Plateau, USA. Journal of Sedimentary Research B 66(2):324-342.
- Blakey, R.C., Peterson, F. and Kocurek, G. 1988. Synthesis of late Paleozoic and Mesozoic eolian deposits of the western interior of the United States. Sedimentary Geology 56(1-4):3-125.
- Blamont, J.E., Chassefiere, E., Goutail, J.P., Mege, B., Nunes-Pinharanda, M., Souchon, G., Krasnopolsky, V.A., Krysko, A.A. and Moroz, V.I.1989. Vertical profiles of dust and ozone in the Martian atmosphere deduced from solar occultation measurements. Nature (London) 341(6243):600-603, doi:10.1038/341600a0
- Blanc, A.C. 1935. Le dune fossili di Castiglioncelloe e la regression marina post-tirreniana (The fossil dune of Castiglioncelloe and the post-Tirrenian marine regression). Rivista geografica italiana, Firenze 42(1-3):1-14. (in Italian)
- Blanc, É. 1883. Étude sur les Landes (Study of the Landes). La Revue scientifique de la France et de l'étranger, 3e Série, 5(13):391-399. (in French) (Note: dune fixation)
- Blanc, É. 1890. Note sur la formation des dunes Sahariennes (Note on the formation of the Sahran dunes). Compte rendu des séances de la Société de géographie, Paris (12-13):363-372. (in French)
- Blanc, J.J. and Bonifay, E. 1955. Les grès quaternaires littoreaux en Provence occidentale (Quaternary sandstones on the coast of western Provence). Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris 240(18):1787-1788. (in French) (Note: aeolian sandstones)
- Blanchard, C.L., Tanenbaum, S. and Hidy, G.M. 2012. Source contributions to atmospheric gases and particulate matter in the Southeastern United States. Environmental Science and Technology 46(10):5479-5488. (keyword:dust)
- Blanchard, D.C. and Syzdek, L. 1972. Variations in Aitken and giant nuclei in marine air. Journal of Physical Oceanography 2(3):255-262. (keyword: dust)
- Blanchard, D.C. and Woodcock, A.H. 1980. The production, concentration, and vertical distribution pf sea-salt aerosol. In: Kneip, T.J. and Lioy, P.J. (eds), Aerosols: anthropogenic and natural, sources and transport, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 338:330-347.
- Blanchard, W.O. 1926. The Landes: reclaimed wastelands of France. Economic Geography 2(2):249-255.
- Blanchet, C.L., Thouveny, N., Vidal, L., Leduc, G., Tachikawa, K., Bard, E. and Beaufort, L. 2007.Terrigenous input response to glacial/interglacial climatic variations over southern Baja California: a rock magnetic approach. Quaternary Science Reviews 26(25-28):3118-3133. (Note: dust in marine sediments)
- Blanchet, J.P. 1987. On radiative effects of anthropogenic aerosol components in Arctic haze and snow. Tellus B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology 39(3):293-317. (Note: dust)
- Blanchet, J.P. 1995. Mechanisms of direct and indirect climate forcing by aerosols in the Arctic region. In: Charlson, R.J. and Heintzenberg, J. (eds), Aerosol Forcing of Climate: Report of the Dahlem Workshop on Aerosol Forcing of Climate, 24-29 April 1994, Berlin, John Wiley, Chichester, U.K., pp. 109-121.
- Blanchette, F.A. 2003. Sedimentation in a stratified ambient. Doctoral thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, 156 pp.
- Blanck, J.-P. 1968. Schema d'évolution géomorphologique de la Vallée du Niger entre Tombouctou et Labbezanga (Diagram of geomorphologic evolution of the Valley of Niger between Tombouctou and Labbezanga). République de Mali. Bulletin, ASEQUA 19-20:17-26. (in French) (keyword: palaeodunes)
- Blanck, J.-P. and Tricart, J. 1991. Quelques types de degradation des milieux saheliens (Several types of degradation in the Sahel environment). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 83, pp. 17-21. (in French?) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Blanck, J.-P., Wacquant, J.P., Paquete, H., Tricart, J., Usselmann, P. and Vogt, H. 1971. Contribution ä l'étude des formations loessiques d'Eguisheim (Sud-Ouest de Colmar, Haut-Rhin, France) (Contribution to the Eguisheim loess formations southwest of Colmar, Haut-Rhin, France). Bulletin du Service de la carte géologique d'Alsace et de Lorraine 24(2-3):57-91. (in French)
- Blanco-Canqui, H. and Lal, R. 2010. Chapter 3: Wind erosion. In: Principles of Soil Conservation and Management 2010, pp. 55-80, doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-8709-7_3 (in English)
- Blanco-Canqui, H. and Lal, R. 2010. Chapter 4: Modeling water and wind erosion. In: Principles of Soil Conservation and Management 2010, pp. 81-107, doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-8709-7_4 (in English)
- Blanco-Canqui, H., Mikha, M.M., Benjamin, J.G., Stone, L.R., Schlegel, A.J., Lyon, D.J., Vigil, M.F. and Stahlman, P.W. 2006. No-till management effects on soil water and wind erodibility parameters. Agronomy Field Research 2006, Report of Progress 1017, pp. 100-105. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Blanco-Canqui, H., Mikha, M.M., Benjamin, J.G., Stone, L.R., Schlegel, A.J., Lyon, D.J., Vigil, M.F. and Stahlman, P.W. 2009. Regional study of no-till impacts on near-surface aggregate properties that influence soil erodibility. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73(4):1361-1368, doi:10.2136/sssaj2008.0401 (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Blanco-Macías, G. 1949. Las tolvaneras o tormentas de polvo en el Valle de México, sus causas y sus remedies (Dust devils or dust storms in the Valley of Mexico: their causes and remedy). México D.F., [s.n.], 20 pp. (in Spanish)
- Blanco-Macías, G. 1950. Las tolvaneras o tormentas de polvo en el Valle de México, sus causas y sus remedies (Dust devils or dust storms in the Valley of Mexico, their causes and remedy). Boletín de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía y Estadística 70(1-3):111-128. (in Spanish)
- Blanco, A., De Tomasi, F., Filippo, E., Manno, D., Perrone, M.R., Serra, A., Tafuro, A.M. and Tepore, A. 2003. Characterization of African dust over southern Italy. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3(6):2147-2159.
- Blanco, M. del C. and Stoops, G. 2007. Genesis of pedons with discontinuous argillic horizons in the Holocene loess mantle of the southern Pampean landscape, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 23(1):30-45.
- Blanco, P.D., Metternicht, G.I. and del Valle, H.F. 2009. Improving the discrimination of vegetation and landform patterns in sandy rangelands: A synergistic approach. International Journal of Remote Sensing 30(10):2579-2605. (Note: dune pattern)
- Blanco, P.D., Metternicht, G.I., del Valle, H.F. and Sione, W. 2007. Assessment of Terra-ASTER and Radarsat imagery for discrimination of dunes in the Valdes Peninsula: an object oriented approach. In: Martin (ed), Teledetección - Hacia un mejor entendimiento de la dinámica global y regional, XII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección, la Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales, 19-21 de septiembre 2007, Mar del Plata, Argentina, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la provincia de Buenos Aires, pp. 427-434. (in English with Spanish abstract)
- Blanco, P.D., Rostagno, C.M., del Valle, H.F., Beeskow, A.M. and Wiegand, T. 2008. Grazing impacts in vegetated dune fields: predictions from spatial pattern analysis. Rangeland Ecology and Management 61(2):194-203, (Note: includes wind erosion)
- Bland, P.A., de Souza, C.R., Jull, A.J.T., Kelley, S.P., Hough, R.M., Artemieva, N.A., Pierazzo, E., Coniglio, J., Pinotti, L., Evers, V. and Kearsley A.T. 2002. A possible tektite strewn field in the Argentinian pampa (aeolian origin of elongate depressions). Science 296(5570):1109-1111, doi:10.1126/science.1068345
- Blandford, C.M. 1948. Some further remarks on dust storms. Journal of the Soil Conservation Service of New South Wales 4(1):36-39.
- Blanford, H.F. 1859. On the geological structure and physical features of the Districts of Bancoorah, Midnapore and Orissa - Bengal. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India 1:249-279. (Note: coastal sand dunes, pp. 275-276: "Blown Sand")
- Blanford, H.F. 1889. Thunder-storms and dust-storms. In: Blanford, H.F. (ed), A Practical Guide to the Climates and Weather of India, Ceylon and Burmah and the Storms of Indian Seas. Calcutta: Thacker, Spink and Co., pp. 81-84.
- Blanford, W.T. 1876. On the physical geography of the Great Indian Desert with especial reference to the former existence of the sea in the Indus valley; and on the origin and mode of formation of the sand-hills. The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 45(2):86-103. (Note: stabilized and active dunes)
- Blanford, W.T. 1877. Geological notes on the Great Desert between Sind and Rájpútána. Records of the Geological Survey of India 10(1):10-21.
- Blanford, W.T. 1886. Notes on a smoothed and striated boulder from a pre-Tertiary deposit in the Punjab Salt Range. The Geological Magazine, Decade III, 3(11):494-495.
- Blanford, W.T. 1886. The facetted blocks from the Punjab Salt Range. The Geological Magazine, Decade III, 3(12):292; 294; 574, doi:10.1017/S001675680046694X (Note: dismisses ventifacts)
- Blank, M., Leinen, M. and Prospero, J.M. 1985. Major Asian eolian inputs indicated by the mineralogy of aerosols and sediments in the western North Pacific. Nature (London) 314(6006):84-86, doi:10.1038/314084a0
- Blank, R.R. and Fosberg, M.A. 1991. Duripans of Idaho, USA: in situ alteration of eolian dust (loess) to an opal-A/ X-ray amorphous phase. Geoderma 48(1-2):131-149. (Note: dust in soil)
- Blank, R.R., Young, J.A. and Allen, F.L. 1999. Aeolian dust in a saline playa environment, Nevada, U.S.A. Journal of Arid Environments 41(4):365-381.
- Blanken, L.C. 1988. Najagen van wind. Wind erosie metingen in Nederland en Mexico (Pursuit of the wind. Wind erosion measurements in the Netherlands and Mexico). Master's thesis, Wageningen Universiteit, The Netherlands, 85 pp. (in Dutch)
- Blankenhorn, M.L.P. 1901. Neues zur Geologie und Palaeontologie Aegyptens. IV. Das Pliocän- und Quartärzeitalter in Aegypten ausschliesslich des Rothen Meergebietes (New findings on the geology and palaeontology of Egypt. IV. The Pliocene and Quaternary in Egypt and the Red Sea area). Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 53(3):307-502. (in German)
- Blankenhorn, M.L.P. 1907. Der Haupt-Buntsandstein ist keine echte Wüstenbildung (The Upper Bunter Sandstone is not a genuine desert formation). Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft, Monatsberichte 59(12):297-315. (in German)
- Blasius, K.R., Cutts, J.A. and Howard, A.D. 1982. Topography and stratigraphy of Martian polar layered deposits. Icarus 50(2-3):140-160. (Note: dust deposits)
- Blasius, K.R., Cutts, J.A. and Roberts, W.J. 1978. Martian polar layered deposits; the geological consequences of dust storms. In: Anderson, D.M. (chair), Proceedings of the Second colloquium on planetary water and polar processes, U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, pp. 173-178.
- Blasket, K.S. 1949. Concentration of dune sands from near the mouth of the Sigatoka River, Fiji. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Department of Mining, Melbourne, University of Melbourne, Ore dressing investigations, Report 363.
- Blaszczyk, J.K. 1981. Wpływ paleomorfologii stropu białego spągowca na zmienność facjalną serii złożowej w Zagłębiu Lubińskim (Palaeomorphology of the Weissliegendes top as the control on facies variability in the ore-bearing series of Lublin copper-field, southwestern Poland). Geologia Sudetica 16(1):195-217. (Polish with English summary) (Note: aeolian sandstones)
- Blatt, H., Middleton, G., Murray, R. 1972. Origin of sedimentary rocks. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 634 pp. (Note: Section 5.7: sedimentary structures formed by wind, pp. 171-173; 9.18: sandy deserts)
- Blau, S., Denham, T., Magee, P., Biggins, A., Robinson, J. and Jasim, S. 2000. Seeing through the dunes: geophysical investigations at Muweilah, an Iron Age site in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Field Archaeology 7(2):117-129.
- Blaupot ten Cate, J.A.M. 1920. De Nederlandsche duinen, beschouwd in verband met bodembewegingen (The Netherlands dunes, regarded in connection with ground movements). Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Series 2, 37(4):357-437. (in Dutch)
- Blaupot ten Cate, J.A.M. 1969. Valley coversand ridge, a new morphological element in the Guelders Valley. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny 20:345-354. (in English)
- Blaupot ten Cate, J.A.M., Koster, E.A., van der Meer, J.J.M. and de Veer, A.A. 1981. Maarlveld and his significance to physical geography. In: A review of the published work of Prof. Dr. G.C. Maarlveld, dedicated to him on his retirement from the University of Amsterdam, pp. 377-400.
- Blay, C.T. and Longman, M.W. 2001. Stratigraphy and sedimentology of Pleistocene/Holocene carbonate eolianites, Kauai, Hawaii. In: Abegg, F.E., Harris, P.M. and Loope, D.B. (eds), Modern and ancient carbonate eolianites; sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, and diagenesis, AAPG/SSG Annual Meeting 1998, Salt Lake City, Utah, Society for Sedimentary Geology, Special Publication 71, pp. 93-116.
- Blazauskas, N., Jurgaitis, A. and Sinkunas, P. 1998. Teksturu analize kvartero nuogulu sedimentologiniuose tyrimuose (Textural analysis in the sedimentological investigations of Quaternary deposits). Geologijos Akiraciai (3):28-33. (in Lithuanian with English abstract) (Note: mentions dune sands)
- Blechschmidt, A.-M., Kristjánsson, J.E., Ólafsson, H., Burkhart, J.F., Hodnebrog, Ø. and Rosenberg, P.D. 2012. Aircraft-based observations and high-resolution simulations of an Icelandic dust storm. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12(22):10649-10666.
- Blecka, M.I., Colangeli, L., Palomba, E. and Esposito, F. 1999. Simulation of the Martian spectral radiance in the presence of atmospheric dust. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary Science 24(5):615-617.
- Bleed, A.S. and Flowerday, C. 1989. An atlas of the Sand Hills. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 238 pp. (Note: palaeodunes)
- Bleich, B.E., Herrmann, L., Papenfuß, K.H. and Stahr, K. 1996. Dust influx into the soils of the Sahelian zone of Niger: its composition and identification. In: Buerkert, B., Allison, B.E. and von Oppen, M. (eds), Wind erosion in West Africa: the problem and its control, Proceedings of the International Symposium, 5-7 December 1994, Universität Hohenhiem, Margraf Verlag, Weikersheim, pp. 311-317.
- Bleich, K.E. and Herrmann, L. 1996. Stufenbildung und Bodenentwicklung in einer typischen Kleinlandschaft bei Tara, SW-Niger, Westafrika (Step and soil pattern formation in a typical small-scale landscape near Tara, southwestern Niger, West Africa. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 103:103-122. (in German, English, French summaries) (Note: dust in soil; palaeodust)
- Blenck, H. 1952. Das Windschutzproblem (The wind shelter problem). Umschaudienst der Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, Hanover 5-6:170-235. (in German)
- Blenck, H. 1953. Strömungstechnische Beitrage zum Windschutzproblem (Flowtechnical contribution to the wind shelter problem). Landtechnische Forschung, Barunschweig-Volkenrode 3, 8 pp. (in German)
- Blencowe, J.P. 1962. Soil on the wind. Journal of Agriculture, South Australia 65(7):272-277. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Blencowe, J.P. and Birch, A.R. 1966. The badly drifting farm report of the Murray Mallee District Soil Conservation Board, 1948-1952. Adelaide: Department of Agriculture, South Australia, Soil Conservation Branch, 19 pp. (note agricultural wind erosion)
- Blenk, H. 1952. Aerodynamische untersuchungen zum windschutzproblem (Aerodynamic investigations on the wind protection problem). In: Das Windschutzproblem: Sitzungsbericht der 4. Tagung des Arbeitskreises "Windwirkung und Bodenschutz" am 1./2. Juli 1952 in Hannover., Umschaudienst des Forschungsauschusses "Landschaftspflege und Landschaftsgestaltung" der Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, Jg. 2, H. 5/6, Hannover: Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, pp. 183-253. (in German)
- Blenk, H. and Trienes, N. 1956. Strömungstechnische Beiträge zum Windschutz. Strömungsuntersuchungengen an Windhindernissen am Modell und in der Freien Natur (Flow technical contributions to wind protection. Flow investigations of wind obstacles at the model scale and in free nature). Düsseldorf: Verlag des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure, Grundlagen der Landtechnik 8 (1 and 2), pp. 65; 18 pp. (in German)
- Blerard, C. and Vergne, V. 1985. Les dunes du littoral picard, 1947-1981 (The dunes of the Picardy coast 1947-1981). Hommes et Terres du Nord (4):258-267. (in French) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Blesson, A. 1828. Bemerkungen über sand und dünen (Remarks on sand and dunes). Hertha (Zeitschrift der Erd-, Völker und Staatenkunde) 11(2):177-196; (3):279-291; (4):416-435. (in German)
- Bleuch, B.J.R. 1965. Strandmarken und Dueodde: a study of the dune region of south Bornholm. Geografisk Tidsskrift 64(1):636-653. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Blifford, I.H. Jr. 1970. Tropospheric aerosols. Journal of Geophysical Research 75(15):3099-3103.
- Blifford, Irving, H. and Gillette, D.A. 1972. Influence of air origin on the chemical composition and size distribution of tropospheric aerosols. Atmospheric Environment 6(7):463-480. (keyword: dust)
- Bligh, K. and Findlater, P. 1996. No-till sowing helping to keep cropland soils in place. Journal of Agriculture, Western Australia 37(2):50-55.
- Blight, G.E. 2003. An examination of the erosive effect of wind on the slopes and interior surfaces of tailings impoundments. In: Proceedings; tailings and mine waste '03. Tenth international conference on Tailings and mine waste. Vail, COUSA United States. October 12-15, Lisse: A.A.Balkema, pp. 193-198. (Note: industrial wind erosion; dust)
- Blight, G.E. 2007. Wind erosion of tailings dams and mitigation of the dust nuisance. Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 107(2):99-107.
- Blight, G.E. 2008. Wind erosion of waste impoundments in arid climates and mitigation of dust pollution. Waste Management and Research (London) 26(6):523-533.
- Blight, G.E. and Amponsah, daCosta. F. 2001. On the mechanics of wind erosion from tailings dams. In: Nelson, J.D. (chair), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, pp. 189-196.
- Blijdenstein, A.J. and Brants, L.R. 1890. Onderzoek ingesteld omtrent de boschbeplantingen op de zeeduinen aan Noord- en Oostzee (Research established on the forestation of the coastal dunes of the North Sea and Baltic Sea). Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Heidemaatschappij 4(2):103-155. (in Dutch)
- Blijdenstein, A.J. and Brants, L.R. 1892. Rapport van het Bestuur der Nederlandische Heidmemaatschappij aan de Regeering over het beplanten van de Nederlandsche Zeeduinen met bosch (Report of the governing board of the Nederlands Heidmemaatschappij to the Regeering concerning planting the Nederlands coastal dunes with trees). Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Heidemaatschappij 3:41-147. (in Dutch) (keyword: fixation)
- Bliley, D.J. and Pettry, D.E. 1979. Carolina Bays on the eastern shore of Virginia. Soil Science Society of America Journal 43(3):558-564.
- Blink, H. 1895. De duinen van Nederland en de afneming der Nederlandsche kust (The dunes of the Netherlands and the diminution of the Netherlands coast). Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Heidemaatschappij (Illustrated Magazine of the Nederlandsche Heathland Society), 2 serie, 7(1):6-13. (in Dutch)
- Blinov, L.K. and L'vov, V.P. 1956. Pul'naia buria v Kraznom More (Dust storm over the Red Sea). Priroda (Akademii Nauk SSSR) 45(3):116-118. (in Russian)
- Blinov, P.K. 1951. Effect of wind on the salinization of soils and continental waters. Voprosy Geografii (26):168-196. (in Russian) (Note: saline dust)
- Bloch, M.R. 1964. Dust-induced albedo changes of polar ice sheets and glacierization. Journal of Glaciology 5(38):241-244.
- Bloch, M.R. 1965. Die Beeinflussung der Albedo von Eisflaechen durch Staub und ihre Wirkung auf Ozeanhoehe und Klima (The influence of dust on the albedo of ice caps and its effect on sea level and climate). Geologische Rundschau 54(1):515-522. (in German)
- Bloemendal J. and Liu Xiuming. 2005. Rock magnetism and geochemistry of two Plio-Pleistocene Chinese loess-palaeosol sequences; implications for quantitative palaeoprecipitation reconstruction. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 226(1-2):149-166.
- Bloemendal, J., King, J.W., Hunt, A., Demenocal, P.B. and Hayashida, A. 1993. Origin of the sedimentary magnetic record at Ocean Drilling Program Sites on the Owen Ridge, western Arabian Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth 98(B3):4199-4219. (Note: dust in marine sediments)
- Bloemendal, J., Liu Xiuming and Rolph, T.C. 1995. Correlation of the magnetic susceptibility stratigraphy of Chinese loess and the marine oxygen isotope record; chronological and palaeoclimatic implications. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 131( 3-4):371-380.
- Blom, R. 1981. Radar mapping of the Sonoran dune field, Sonora, Mexico. Photo interprétation, Paris 20(5), 4 pp.
- Blom, R. and Elachi, C. 1981. Spaceborne and airborne imaging radar observations of sand dunes. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth 86(B8):3061-3073.
- Blom, R. and Elachi, C. 1987. Multifrequency and multipolarization radar scatterometry of sand dunes and comparisons with spaceborne and airborne radar images. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth and Planets 92(B8):7887-7889.
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- Blom, R.G., Daily, M.I., Elachi, C. and Saunders, R.S. 1979. Analysis of SEASAT SAR images of sand dunes. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Technical Memorandum TM-80339, pp. 359-361.
- Blondeaux, P. 2012. Sediment mixtures, coastal bedforms and grain sorting phenomena: An overview of the theoretical analyses. Advances in Water Resources 48:113-124, doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2012.02.004
- Bloom, A.L. 1990. Some questions about the Pampean Loess. In: Derbyshire, E. (ed), Loess and the Argentine Pampa. Leicester University Geography Department, UK, Occasional Paper 23, pp. 17-18.
- Bloomfield, E.M. and Ware, C.I. 2004. Fines content for optimum stability within coastal dune sands within Northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 63(4):303-308, doi:10.1007/s10064-003-0224-3
- Bloomfield, J.P., Moreau, M.F. and Newell, A.J. 2006. Characterization of permeability distributions in six lithofacies from the Helsby and Wilmslow sandstone formations of the Cheshire Basin, UK. In: Barker, R.D. and Tellam, J.H. (eds), Geological Society of London, Special Publication 263, pp. 83-101. (Note: aeolian sandstone)
- Bloomstine, M.K. and Rea, D.K. 1986. Post-Middle Oligocene eolian deposition from the trade winds of the southeast Pacific. In: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 92, pp. 331-340. (Note: dust in marine sediment)
- Bloore, F.J. 1980. On the existence of characteristic shapes for desert dunes. In: Jones, T.A. (ed). Special Issues in Statistics and Earth Sciences. Journal of the International Association for Mathematical Geology 13(5):461-463.
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- Bluem, M. 1999. Reactivation and stabilization phases of eolian deposits under climatic and anthropogenic influences in the Rolling Plains of Texas U.S.A. Doctoral thesis, Würzburg University, 170 pp. (in English with German summary)
- Bluestein, H.B. 2005. A review of ground-based, mobile, W-band Doppler-radar observations of tornadoes and dust devils. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 40(3):163-188.
- Bluestein, H.B. and Pazmany, A.L. 2000. Observations of tornadoes and other convective phenomena with a mobile, 3-mm wavelength, Doppler radar: the spring 1999 field experiment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 81(12):2939-2951, doi:10.1175/1520-0477(2000)081<2939:OOTAOC>2.3.CO;2
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- Blum, M. and Jones, J.R. 1985. Variation in vegetation density and foredune complexity at North-Padre-Island, Texas. Texas Journal of Science 37(1):63-73. (Note: coastal dunes)
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- Blumberg, D.G. 1997. Airborne remote sensing of desert aeolian modified terrain and processes using JPL AIRSAR. In: 3rd International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference, 1997, pub. by ERIM International, Ann Arbor, Michigan, vol. 1, pp. I571-I578.
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- Blumberg, D.G. and Greeley, R. 1993. AIRSAR views of aeolian terrain. In: 4th Annual Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Airborne Geoscience Workshop, 3, pp. 9-12.
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- Blumberg, D.G. and Greeley, R. 1996. A comparison of general circulation model predictions to sand drift and dune orientations. Journal of Climate 9(12, Part II):3248-3259, doi:10.1175/1520-0442(1996)009<3248:ACOGCM>2.0.CO;2
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- Blüme, H.-P. and Szabados, E. 1974. Einfluss des Liegenden auf die Sediment- und Bodeneigenschaften pleistozaener Loessdecken (The effect of the underlying rock on the properties of Pleistocene loess and soils developed on it). In: Nogina, N.A., Karavayeva, N.A., Sokolov, I.A., Targul, Y.V.O. and Fridland, V.M. (eds), Genezis, klassifikatsiya i geografiya pochv (Genesis, classification and geography of soils). Transactions - Congress of the International Society of Soil Science 10, 6(2), Commission 5, pp. 569-576. (in German with English, French and Russian summaries)
- Blüme, H.-P., Hoffmann, R. and Pachur, H.-J. 1979. Periglaziäre steinring- und frostkeilbildungen norddeutscher parabraunerden (Periglacial stone rings and frost wedge formations of north German sandy loam soil). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 33:257-265. (Note: deposits of wind-abraded sand in thermal-contraction cracks, in German).
- Blüme, H.-P., Yair, A. and Yaalon, D.H. 1995. An initial study of pedogenic features along a transect across longitudinal dunes and interdune areas. Nizzana Region, Negev, Israel. Advances in Geoecology, Catena Supplement 28:51-64.
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- Blümel, W.D. (ed). 1997. Äolische Dynamik: Formen und Prozesse (Eolian dynamics: landforms and processes). Proceedings of the Second Middle. European Conference on Geomorphology, Stuttgart 1996, Tagung des Deutschen Arbeitskreises fur Geomorphologie, Stuttgart, Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin, 173 pp. (in German)
- Blumel, W.D. 1982. Calcretes in Namibia and southeast Spain - relations to sub-stratum, soil formation and geomorphic factors. Catena Supplement 1:67-95. (Note: dust in soil)
- Blumel, W.D. 1991. Kalkrusten - Ihre genetischen Bexiehungen zu Bodenbildung und aolischer Sedimentation (Calcrete: Genetic relationship to soil formation and Aeolian sedimentation). Geomethodica (Basel) 16:169-197. (in German)
- Blumel, W.D. and Vogt, T. 1979. Croûtes calcaires de Namibie. Problèmes géomorphologiques et etude micromorphologique (Calcretes from Namibia. Geomorphological questions and micromorphological study). Recherches géographiques à Strasbourg 12:55-68. (in French) (Note: dust in soil)
- Blumenthal, K.P. 1964. The construction of a drift-sand dyke on the island of Rottumerplaat. In: Proceedings of the 9th Coastal Engineering Conference, Lisbon, pp. 346-367. (Note: coastal dune control)
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- Bluszcz, A., Poreba, G.J. and Snieszko, Z. 2007. The basis of the study of the age of the Holocene diluvium on loess areas of the Polish highlands. Geochronometria 28:61-66. (in English)
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- Bo Chongde and Zhang Weijiang. 2004. Study on estimated method of groundwater resources of arid aeolian sand region in the middle area of Ningxia. Shui tu bao chi yan jiu (Research of Soil and Water Conservation) 11(3):41-45. (in Chinese)
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- Bo Tianli and Zheng Xiaojing. 2011. Bulk transportation of sand particles in quantitative simulations of dune field evolution. Powder Technology 214(2):243-251.
- Bo Tianli and Zheng Xiaojing. 2011. The formation and evolution of aeolian dune fields under unidirectional wind. Geomorphology 134(3-4):408-416, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.07.014
- Bo Tianli and Zheng Xiaojing. 2013. A field observational study of electrification within a dust storm in Minqin, China. Aeolian Research 8:39-47, doi:10.1016/j.aeolia.2012.11.001
- Bo Tianli and Zheng Xiaojing. 2013. Collision behaviors of barchans in aeolian dune fields. Environmental Earth Sciences 70(7):2963-2970, doi:10.1007/s12665-013-2354-7
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- Bo Tianli and Zheng Xiaojing. 2013. Wind speed-up process on the windward slope of dunes in dunefields. Computers & Fluids 7(1):400-405, doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.11.007
- Bo Tianli, Fu Lintao and Zheng Xiaojing. 2013. Modeling the impact of overgrazing on evolution process of grassland desertification. Aeolian Research 9:183-189, doi:10.1016/j.aeolia.2013.01.001
- Bo Tianli, Zhang Huan, Hu Wenwen and Zheng Xiaojing. 2013. The analysis of electrification in windblown sand. Aeolian Research 11:15-21.
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- Bobrova, T.N. 1979. Dependence of atmospheric dust level upon landscape. Trudy, Glavnaya Geofizicheskaya Observatoriya (Main Geophysical Observatory, Leningrad) 436:145-151. (in Russian)
- Bobrovskii, M.V. 2008. The role of windfall pedoturbations in the formation of forest soil profiles. Eurasian Soil Science 41(13):1366-1370. (in English)
- Bobrowski, W. 1953. Ocena wielskości i stopnia obtoczenia ziarn skalnuch (Size and degree of grain rounding). Przegląd Geologiczny 1(8):31-34. (in Polish with English summary) (Note: aeolian sands)
- Bobrowski, W. and Kossakowska-Such, J. 1960. Pomiar stopnia obtoczenia ziarn skalnych (Measuring the degree of roundness of rock grains). Przegląd Geologiczny 8(9):470-472. (in Polish with English summary) (Note: aeolian sands)
- Bobrowski, W. and Kossakowska-Such, J. 1961. Dokładnosk pomiaru stopnia obtoczenia ziarn skalnych (Exactness of measurements of roundness of rock grains). Biuletyn Geologiczny, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Geologii 1:138-147. (in Polish with English summary) (Note: aeolian sands)
- Bobst, H.G. 1957. Wind erosion on the Great Plains. In: Proceedings, Great Plains Agricultural Council, pp. 8-16. (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bocamazo, L.M., Grosskopf, W.G. and Buonuiato, F.S. 2011. Beach nourishment, shoreline change, and dune growth at Westhampton Beach, New York, 1996-2009. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 59, pp. 181-191.
- Boccardo, G. 1870. A fall of Yellow rain. Nature (London) 2(35):166, doi:10.1038/002166b0 (in English)
- Boccardo, G. 1870. A rain of solid matter. Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania 90(1):11-12.
- Boccardo, G. 1870. Coloured rain and snow. The Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions, 3rd series, 1(10):190. (in English)
- Boccardo, G. 1870. Lettera intorno ad una pioggia terrosa caduta in Genova (Letter about a fallen earth rain in Genoa). Atti della Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino (1869-1870) 5(5):459-463. (in Italian)
- Boccardo, G. 1870. Sur une pluie de substance jaunâtre à Gênes dans la matinée du 14 février 1870 (On a rain of yellowish substance in Genoa in the morning of 14 February 14 1870). Cosmos, Paris (3) 6:537-538. (in French)
- Boccardo, G. 1870. Sur une pluie de substance jaunâtre à Gênes, dans la matinée du 14 février 1870 (On a rain of yellowish substance in Genoa in the morning of 14 February 14 1870). Bulletins de l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, Bruxelles, 2e série, 29:376-379. (in French)
- Bocci, E., Bonafoni, S., Basili, P., Biondi, R. and Arinò, O. 2009. Analisi dello spessore ottico dell'aerosol stimato da MODIS e MERIS e confronto con dati fotometrici (Analysis of aerosol optical depth retrieved by MODIS and MERIS and comparison with photometer data). Rivista Italiana di Telerilevamento (Italian Journal of Remote Sensing) 41(1):5-10. (in Italian, English abstract)
- Bocharov, A.I. 1963. Evaluating the resistance of the surface of eroded soils to the wind. Vestnik sel'skokhoziaistvennoi nauki Moskva (11):38-39.(in Russian) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bocharov, A.P. 1960. An investigation of a field aerodynamic apparatus for studying soil wind erosion. Vestnik sel'skokhoziaistvennoi nauki: ezhemesiachnyi nauchnyi zhurnal Ministerstva sel'skogo khoziaistva KazSSR (12):37-48. (in Russian, summary in Kazakh) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bocharov, A.P. 1960. Instruments for measuring the wind erosion of soil. Vestnik sel'skokhoziaistvennoi nauki: ezhemesiachnyi nauchnyi zhurnal Ministerstva sel'skogo khoziaistva KazSSR (8):82-94. (in Russian) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bocharov, A.P. 1960. Problems of the study of wind erosion of soils. Trudy N.-i. In-ta. Mekhanizatsii i Elektrifikatsii s.-kh. (Kazakh Akademii Nauk) (4):301-310. (in Russian) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bocharov, A.P. 1961. Problem of measuring the sensitivity of soil to wind erosion. Doklady Kazakhst. Akademii Nauk (1):71-75. (in Russian) (Note: agricultural wind erosion).
- Bocharov, A.P. 1972. Pribory i ikh primenenie v issledovanii vetrovoi e'rozii pochv (A description of devices used in the study of wind erosion of soils). V.I. Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Central Scientific Agricultural Library, Alma-Ata: Kaynar Publishers, 96 pp. (in Russian with English translation by Subhash C. Dhamija. 1984, Russian translations series l4, Published for the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., New Delhi: Amerind Pub. Co., 90 pp.)
- Bocharov, A.P. 1984. A description of devices used in the study of wind erosion of soils (Pribory i ikh primenenie v issledovanii vetrovoi e'rozii pochv). Russian translations series 14, Rotterdam: Balkema, 90 pp. (in English, translated from Russian by Subhash C. Dhamija)
- Bocharov, A.P. and Kort, B. 1960. Certain data on wind erosion in winter. Doklady Kazakh. Akademii S.-Kh. Nauk (2):76-78. (in Russian) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bocharov, M.Ye. 1971. Modern equipment and techniques for the study of soil deflation. Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn' (Problems of Desert Development) (1):83-87. (in Russian?) (Note: wind erosion)
- Böcher, T.W. 1941. Ueber die Flechtenheiden und Dünen der Insel Läsö. Kongel (On the lichen heaths and dunes of Läsö Island). Danske videnskabernes selskab, Biologiske skrifter 2(1):1-38. (in German)
- Bochet, R. 1937. Les vents de sable des 27 novembre 1930 et 12 mars 1931 à Oran-La Sénia (Sand winds of 27 November 1930 and 12 March 1931 in Oran of Sénia). Mémorial de l'Office national météorologique de France 27:113-116. (in French)
- Bochet, R. 1948. Tempêts de sable et météores sableux en Oranie (Sand storms and sand in transport in Oranie). La Météorologie, 4e série, (12):251-277. (in French)
- Bochev-van der Burgh, L.M., Wijnberg, K.M. and Hulscher, S.J.M.H. 2011. Decadal-scale morphologic variability of managed coastal dunes. Coastal Engineering 58(9):927-936.
- Bochkarev, V.P. 1961. "Poishchie izerki" Iliiskoi upadiny ("Singing sands" of the Ilian depression). Priroda (Akademii Nauk SSSR) (12):103-105. (in Russian)
- Bock, K.-H. 1977. Ein Sandsturm im östlichen Mittelmeer (A sandstorm in the eastern Mediterranean). Der Wetterlotse 29(363-364):29-36. (in German)
- Bockheim, J.G. 2010. Soil preservation and ventifact recycling from dry-based glaciers in Antarctica. Antarctic Science 22(4):409-417, doi:10.1017/S0954102010000167
- Bockheim, J.G. 2012. Origin of glossic horizons in Cryalfs of the eastern Rocky Mountains, USA. Geoderma 187-188:1-7. (Note: dust in soil)
- Bockheim, J.G. and Hartemink, A.E. 2013. Soils with fragipans in the USA. Catena 104:233-242. (Note: loess).
- Bockheim, J.G. and Koerner, D. 1997. Pedogenesis in alpine ecosystems of the eastern Uinta Mountains, Utah, U.S.A. Arctic and Alpine Research 29(2):164-172. (Note: dust in soil)
- Bockheim, J.G., Coronato, A., Rabassa, J., Ercolano, B. and Ponce, J. 2009. Relict sand wedges in southern Patagonia and their stratigraphic and paleo-environmental significance. Quaternary Science Reviews 28(13-14):1188-1199. (Note: palaeoaeolian sands)
- Bodanov, I.Ia. 1972. Orositel'nye sistemy na prosadochnykh lessovykh gruntakh. Rostov-na-Donu: Izdatel'stvo Rostovskogo universiteta, 242 pp. (in Russian) (keyword: loess)
- Bodart, C. 2004. Etude de l'ensablement dans la région de Gouré (sud-est du Niger): processus et apport de la télédétection (A study of sand encroachment in the Goure region (south-eastern Niger): processes and the role of teledetection), Mémoire de licence en Sciences Géographiques, Université de Liège, 149 pp. (in French)
- Bodart, C. 2007. Apport de l'interférométrie radar dans l'étude des mouvements de sable (sud-est du Niger) (The role of radar interferometry in the study of movements of sand, southeastern Niger). Université de Liège, Faculté des Sciences, Rapport du diplôme d'études approfondies en Sciences, 44 pp. (in French)
- Bodart, C. and Ozer, A. 2007. The use of SAR interferometric coherence images to study sandy desertification in southeast Niger: preliminary results. European Space Agency Special Publication ESA SP 636, Proceedings of Envisat Symposium, 5 pp.
- Bodart, C. and Ozer, A. 2009. Apports de la télédétection dans l'étude de la remise en mouvement du sable dunaire dans la région de Gouré (sud-est du Niger) (Contribution of remote sensing in the study of the wind erosion processes in the Gouré region, southeast Niger). Geo-Eco-Trop 33(1-2):57-68. (in French)
- Bodart, C., et al. 2009. Contribution of Sar interferometry (from Ers1/2) in the study of aeolian transport processes: The cases of Niger, Mauritania And Morocco. In: Marini, A. and Talbi, M., Editors, 2009. Desertification and Risk Analysis using High and Medium Resolution Satellite Date. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, ISBN 978-1-4020-8936-7, 274 pp.
- Bodart, C., Gassani, J., Salmon, M. and Ozer, A. 2009. Contribution of SAR interferometry (from ERS 1/2) in the study of aeolian transport processes: The cases of Niger, Mauritania and Morocco. In: Marini, A. and Talbi, M., Editors, 2009. Desertification and risk analysis using high and medium resolution satellite data. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, ISBN 978-1-4020-8936-7, pp. 129-136.
- Boddy, J.H. 1977. Techniques for the analysis of particulate matter in the atmosphere. Den Haag: CONCOW Report 12/77, 120 pp.
- Bodeaux, A. 1956. De utilité, en Campigne, de rideaux-abris contre le vent (The use, in the Campigne, of shelters against the wind). Bulletin de la Société royale forestière de Belgique 63(2):463-476. (in French) (keyword: shelter)
- Bödeker, O. 2005. Sedimentologische und geochronologische Untersuchungen zur jungquartären Klima- und Reliefgeschichte im südlichen Kaokoland (NW-Namibia). Dissertation, University of Köln, 176 pp. (in German) (Note: available online)
- Bödeker, O. and Brunotte, E. 2006. Zur jungquartären Klimageschichte des Kaokolandes (NW-Namibia) - Dünen als Archive autochthoner Formung (Late Quaternary climatic history of the Kaokoland (NW-Namibia) - Dunes as archives of autochthonous forming). Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil I: Allgemeine, Angewandte, Regionale und Historische Geologie 2005(1):85-95. (in German)
- Bodenbender, W. 1893. Die Pampa-Ebene im Osten der Sierra von Córdoba in Agentinien (The Pampa plain east of Sierra Córdoba in Agentina). Dr. A. Petermann's Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstalt 39(10):231-237; (11):259-264. (in German)
- Bodenschatz, E., Pesch, W. and Ahlers, G. 2000. Recent developments in Rayleigh-Bénard Convection (Note: fluid mechanics of aeolian processes). Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 32:709-778.
- Bodhaine, B.A. 1995. Aerosol absorption measurements at Barrow, Mauna Loa and the South Pole. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 100(D5):8967-8976.
- Bodhaine, B.A. and Pueschel, R.F. 1972. Flame photometer analysis of the transport of sea salt particles. Journal of Geophysical Research 77(27):5106-5115. (keyword: dust)
- Bodhaine, B.A., Mendonca, B.G., Harris, J.M. and Miller, J.M. 1981. Seasonal variations in aerosols and atmospheric transmission at Mauna Loa Observatory. Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans and Atmospheres 86(C8):73957398, doi:10.1029/JC086iC08p07395. (keyword: dust)
- Bodin, L. 1950. Les sables de la région lacustre du Moyen-Niger occidental (The sands of the lake region of eastern Niger). In: Comptes rendus de la Conférance international des Africanistes de l'Ouest, 1ere, Dakar 1, pp. 64-67. (in French) (Note: aeolian sands)
- Bódis, K. and Szatmári, J. 1998. Eolikus geomorfológiai vizsgálatok DDM felhasználásával. VII. Térinformatika a felsőoktatásban szimpózium előadásai. Budapest, pp. 102-107. (in Hungarian) (Note: aeolian geomorphology; palaeodunes?)
- Bodolay, I. 1965. Szélerózió elleni védekezés öntözött homokterületeken (Protection from wind erosion in irrigated sand areas). Agrokémia és Talajtan 14(1-2):1-15. (in Hungarian)
- Bodolay, I. 1965. Wind erosion process and dynamics of soils. Agrokémia és Talajtan 14(2-4):279-294. (in Hungarian)
- Bodolay, I. 1966. A talajművelés szerepe a szélerózió fellépésében (The role of soil cultivation in the appearance of wind erosion). Agrokémia és Talajtan 15(1-4):183-198. (in Hungarian) (Note: wind erosion)
- Bodolay, I. 1966. Changing physical properties influence wind erosion. Agrokémia és Talajtan 15(2):372-383. (in Hungarian) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bodolay, I., Mate, F. and Szucs, L. 1976. Szelerozio hatasa a Bacskai loszhaton (The effect of wind erosion on the Bacska Loess Ridge in Hungary). Agrokémia és Talajtan 25(1-2):96-106. (in Hungarian with English summary) (Note: agricultural wind erosion)
- Bodolay, S. 1974. Wind erosion control of agricultural lands. In: Shikula, N.K., Rozhkov, A.G. and Vasil'yev, G.I. (eds). 1974. Protivoerozionnyye sistemy zemledeliya i okhrana pochv ot erozii (Systems of soil-protecting farming and soil erosion control). Transactions of the 10th International Congress of Soil Science, Vol. 11, pp. 112-119.
- Bodrov (Bodroff), V.A. 1935. The influence of shelterbelts on the microclimate of adjacent territories. Vsesoiuzny Nauk. Leso-kulturny i Agrolesomeliorativnyi Instituta, 83 pp. (in Russian; Translation to English by the United States Forestry Service, Division of Silvics 164, 53 pp.)
- Bodrov (Bodroff), V.A. 1935. The influence of shelterbelts on the microclimate of the adjoining territory. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Division of Silvics, Translation 164, by Blumenthal, C.P., 52 pp. (original in Russian)
- Bodrov (Bodroff), V.A. 1936. The influence of shelterbelts on the microclimate of adjacent territories. Journal of Forestry 34(7):696-692.
- Bodrov (Bodroff), V.A. 1949. Stepnoe lesorazvedenie (Istoricheski ocherki) (Shelterbelts on the steppes, an historical outline). Priroda (Akademii Nauk SSSR) 38(12):25-31. (in Russian)
- Bodrov (Bodroff), V.A. 1950. Lesovodstvennyi metod bor'by s zasukhoi. Moskva: Goslesbumizdat, 97 pp. (in Russian) (keyword: shelter)
- Bodrov (Bodroff), V.A. 1961. Lesnaia melioratsiiam, Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Selkhozgiz Literatury, Zhurnalov i Plakatov, 511 pp. (in Russian) (keyword: shelter) (First edition 1951, 459 pp?)
- Boeddicker, O. 1908. Black rain in Ireland October 8th-9th, 1907. Symons's Meteorological Magazine 43(505):2-4.
- Boehm, G. and Leuschne, R. 1974. Registrierung von Saharastaubfällen mit Hilfe einer Burkard Pollen und Sporenfalle (Keeping record of Sahara dust streams using Burkard pollen and spore traps). Experientia 30(5):574-576. (in German)
- Boehm, M.T. and Aylor, D.E. 2005. Lagrangian stochastic modeling of heavy particle transport in the convective boundary layer. Atmospheric Environment 39(27):4841-4850.
- Boehnke, R.D. 1975. The development of a growing mulch tillage system to reduce wind erosion losses for sugar beets. Master's thesis, University of Wyoming, Laramie, 95 pp.
- Boenigk, W. and Frechen, M. 1999. Klimaschwankungen im Frühweichsel der Lößabfolgen des Mittelrheingebiets (Climatic fluctuations in the early Weichsel period of the loess successions of the central Rhine area). Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart (Quaternary Science Journal) 49:124-131. (in German)
- Boenigk, W. and Frechen, M. 1999. The middle Pleistocene loess / Palaeosol sequence of section Karlich. In: Weidenfeller, M. and Zoeller, L. (eds), Loess in the middle and upper Rhine area; field guide. Mainz: Geolog. LA Rheinland-Pfalz, pp. 73-83. (in English)
- Boenigk, W. and Frechen, M. 2001. The loess record in sections at Koblenz-Metternich and Tonchesberg in the Middle Rhine Area. Quaternary International 76-77:201-209.
- Boenigk, W., Brunnacker, K., Tillmanns, W. and Ronen, A. 1985. Die Aeolianite in der noerdlichen Kuestenzone von Israel; Genese, Stratigraphie und Klimageschichte (Eolianite in the northern coastal zone of Israel; genesis, stratigraphy, and climatic history). Quartär 35-36:113-164. (in German)
- Boenigk, W., Frechen, M. and Weidenfeller, M. 1994. Die mittel-und oberpleistozäne Deckschichtenfolge im Naturschutzgebiet "Eiszeitliches Lößprofil" in Koblenz-Metternich (Middle and Upper Pleistocene surface layer sequence in the protected area "ice-age loess profile" in Koblenz Metternich). Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen 23:287-320. (in German)
- Boer, G. de. 1963. Spurn Point and its predecessors. The Naturalist (887):113-120.
- Boer, G. de. 1964. Spurn Head: its history and evolution. Transactions and Papers (Institute of British Geographers) 34:71-89.
- Boerboom, J.H.A. 1964. Microklimatologische waarnemingen in de Wassenaarse duinen (Microclimatological observations in the Wassenaar dunes). Mededelingen van de Landbouwhogeschool te Wageningen, 64-3, 30 pp. (in Dutch, English summary) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Boettinger, J.L. and Southhard, R.J. 1991. Silica and carbonate sources for aridisols on a granitic pediment, western Mojave Desert. Soil Science Society of America Journal 55(4):1057-1067. (Note: dust in soil)
- Boeyinga, J., Dusseljee, D.W., Pool, A.D., Schoutens, P., Verduin, F., van Zwicht, B.N.M. and, Klein, A.H.F. 2010. The effects of a bypass dunefield on the stability of a headland bay beach: A case study. Coastal Engineering 57(2):152-159. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Bofah, K.K. and Ahmad, W. 1989. On the structure of eolian sand dunes created by porous fences. In: El-Baz, F., El-Tayeb, I.A. and Hassan, M.H.A. (eds), Proceedings of the United Nations International Workshop on Sand Transport and Desertification in Arid Lands, 17-26 November 1985, Khartoum, World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 389-418.
- Bofah, K.K. and Al-Hinai, K.G. 1985. Field tests of porous fences in the regime of sand-laden wind. In: 6th Colloquium on Industrial Aerodynamics, June 19-21, Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, Aachen, 21 pp.
- Bofah, K.K. and Al-Hinai, K.G. 1986. Field tests of porous fences in the regime of sand-laden wind. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 23(1-3):309-319.
- Bofah, K.K. and Owusu, Y.A. 1986. The eolian sand problems arising from desertification. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 6(3):283-290.
- Bofah, K.K., Kramer, C. and Gerhardt, H.J. 1991. Design considerations for buildings in a sandy and dusty environment. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 30(2-3):161-166.
- Bogacki, M. 1969. Wydmy rowmininyt Kurpiowskiej. (Dunes of the Durpie Plain). In: Galon, R. (ed), Procesy i Formy Wydmowe w Polsce, Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Geografii, Prace geograficzne 75:327-354. (in Polish)
- Bogacki, M. 1970. Eolian processes on the forefield of the Skeidarar-jokull (Iceland). Bulletin de l'Académie polonaise des sciences. Série des sciences géologiques et géographiques 18(4):279-287.
- Bogdanov, I. IA. 1972. Orositel nye sistemy na prosadochnykh lessovykh gruntakh: inzhenerno--geologicheskie issledovaniia: bibliograficheskii ukazatel otechestvennoi literatury za 1930-1970 gg. Moskva: [s.n.], 241 pp. (in Russian) (keyword: loess)
- Bogdanova, N.M. 1984. Geomorphic features of the emerged Aral Sea floor. Geomorfologiya (3):44-50. (in Russian?) (Note: wind erosion of saline sediment; dust)
- Bogdanova, N.M. 1999. Coastal dunes relief and relative sea level changes. Geomorfologiya (3):63-72. (in Russian with English summary) (Note: drying Aral Sea)
- Bogdanova, N.M. 2000. Some peculiarities of Baer's mounds reformation under Caspian Sea level changes. Geomorfologiya (3):15-20. (in Russian) (Note: palaeocoastal dunes)
- Bogdanova, N.M., Vostokva, T.A., Ostrovskiy, I.M. and Rubanov, I.V. 1980. Usloviya formirovaniya solevykh nakopleniy v yuzhnom priaral'ye (The formation of salt accumulations in the southern part of the region bordering the Aral Sea). Izvestiya Akademia nauk SSSR, Seriya geograficheskaya (3):98-106. (in Russian)
- Bogdanovich, K.I. 1917. K voprosu o lesse. p povody statyi L.S. Berga. O proiskhozhdenii lessa. R. Geofr. O. 53:202-213. (in Russian) (Note: discussion of L.S. Berg's ideas on loess)
- Bogemans, F. and Vandenberghe, D. 2011. OSL dating of an inland dune along the lower River Scheldt near Aard (East Flanders, Belgium). Geologie en Mijnbouw (Netherlands Journal of Geosciences) 90(1):23-29. (in English) (Note: palaeodune)
- Boger, L. 1968. Trees against the wind in Ohio reverse pioneer trend of forest clearing. Soil Conservation 34(1):11.
- Boggs, D.A., Boggs, G.S., Eliot, I. and Knott, B. 2006. Regional patterns of salt lake morphology in the lower Yarra Yarra drainage system of Western Australia. Journal of Arid Environments 64(1):97-115.
- Boggs, S.W. 1929. Wind, river and wave erosion in Tibet. The Pan-American Geologist 51(2):109-116.
- Bognar, A. 1975. Osobine i regionalno značenje Banskog brda i Južne barabjske lesne zaravni. Master's thesis, Sveučilište u Zagreb, 249 pp. (in Croatian?) (keyword: loess)
- Bognar, A. 1977. Genesis of loess and loess-like sediments of fluvial origin in Baranja, JAZU. Centar za znanstveni red - Vinkovci, posebna izdanja, knj, Special Issue 4, 164-188. (in Croatian?)
- Bognar, A. 1977. Les i lesu slični sedimenti i nijhovo geografsko značenje. Geografski Horizont (GDH Zagreb) 22 (1-2):15-31. (in Croatian) (keyword: loess)
- Bognar, A. 1978. Les i lesu slicni sedimenti Hrvatske (Loess and loess-like sediments of Croatia). Geografski Glasnik (Croatian geographical bulletin) 40:21-39. (in Serbian or Serbo-Croat)
- Bognar, A. 1979. Distribution, properties and types of loess and loess-like sediments in Croatia. In: Szadeczky, K.E. (ed), Studies on loess, Acta Geologica Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Földtani Közlönye) 22(1-4):267-286. (in English)
- Bognar, A. 1982. Loess and loess-like sediments of fluvial origin in the Socialist Republic of Croatia and their significance in the investigation of river terraces. In: Pécsi, M. (ed), Quaternary studies in Hungary, 11th International Congress on Quaternary (INQUA), Moscow 1982, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geographical Research Institute, Budapest, Elmélet, Módszer, Gyakorlat 24, pp. 171-177. (in English)
- Bognar, A. 2003. SUSAK: environmental reconstruction of a loess island in the Adriatic. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geographical Research Institute, Budapest, 141 pp. (in Hungarian ?)
- Bognar, A. and Zambo, L. 1993. Latest study of the genesis and paleogeography of the loess on Susak Island. Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio geographica (22-23):23-34. (in English)
- Bognar, A., Scheuer, G. and Schweitzer, F. 1981. Inzinjersko-geomorfoloski problemi strmih lesnih odsjeka uz Dunav i Tisu u Jugoslaviji i Madarskoj (The engineering and geomorphological characteristics of loess bluffs along the Danube and Tisa rivers in Yugoslavia and Hungary). Geografski Glasnik (Croatian geographical bulletin) 43:51-72. (in Croatian?)
- Bognar, A., Schweitzer, F. and Kis, E. 2002. The reconstruction of the paleoenvironmental history of the northern Adriatic region using of the granulometric properties of loess deposits on Susak Island, Croatia. In: Fifth international conference on Geomorphology; loess and eolian dust. Chikei (Transactions of the Japanese Geomorphological Union) 23(5):795-810. (in English)
- Bognar, A., Schweitzer, F. and Szo'o'r, G. (eds). 2003. Susak: environmental reconstruction of a loess island in the Adriatic. Budapest: Geographical Research Institute, Research Centre for Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 141 pp.
- Bogomolov, G.V., Klementyev, V.P. and Turenkov, N.I.W. 1981. Wind and water erosion of waste heaps at concentration plants for potassium production. In: Walling, D.E. and Tacconi, P. (eds), Mesure de l'érosion et du transport des sediments (Measurement of erosion and transport of sediments). International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IASH-AIHS), Publication 133, pp. 513-519.
- Bogucki (Bogocky) A.B. 1987. Osnovnyje ljossovyje i paleopocvennyje horyzonty peryglacjalnoj ljos- sovo-pocvennoj seru plejstocena jugo-zapada Vostocno-Evropejskoj Platformy. In: Stratigrafyja i korrelacyja morskich i kontinentalnyh otlozenij Ukrainy, Naukova Dumka, Kiev, pp. 47-52. (in Ukrainian?) (keyword: loess)
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- Bokhorst, M.P., Duller, G.A.T. and Van Mourik, J.M. 2005. Optical dating of a Fimic Anthrosol in the southern Netherlands. Journal of Archaeological Science 32(4):547-553. (Note: palaeo-agricultural wind erosion)
- Bokhorst, M.P., Markovic, S.P. and Frechen, M. 2004. Towards validation of wiggle-matching - a multi-proxy appraoch (applied to two loess sections in the Carpathians). In: IV Seminarium Lessow (4th loess symposium) Zmiany klimatu zapisane w sekwencjach lessowych (Records of climatic change in loess successions), Strzelin, 13-16 pazdźiernika, pp 20-21. (in English, reproduced in Loess letter 53, 2005, 9-10).
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- Bolikhovskaya, N.S. 1987. Paleogeograficheskiye tsikly pozdnepleystotsenovogo lessonakhopleniya (na primere Srednego Pridnestrov'ya) (Paleogeographic cycles of upper Pleistocene loess accumulation; an example of the Middle Dniester region). In: Volkov, I.A. (ed), Tsiklichnost' noveyshikh subaeral'nykh otlozheniy; nauchnyye i prikladnyye aspekty problemy (Cyclic subaerial Recent deposits; scientific and applied aspects of the problem). Izdatel'stvo Nauka, Sibirskoe otdelenie Novosibirsk, pp. 95-103. (in Russian)
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- Bolikhovskaya, N.S. 1991. Paleogeography, stratigraphy and genesis of the loess-paleosol formation of northern Eurasia (palynological data). In: Pécsi, M. (ed), Proceedings, 13th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research; Distribution and chronological problems of loess. GeoJournal 24(2):181-184.
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- Bondarev, L.G. 1982. Reliktovy eolvyy rel'yef v vostoknoy chasti Issyk-Kul'skoy kotloviny (Relict aeolian relief in the eastern part of the Issyk-kul basin. In: Maksimov, Ye.V. (ed), Dinamika landshaftov ravinnykh i gornyk stran. Izd. Lenningradskoi Universiteta, pp. 148-154. (in Russian ) (Note: palaeodunes ?)
- Bondarik, G.K., Goral'chuk, M.I., Sirotkin, V.G. and Federova, L.N. (eds). 1976. Zakonomernosti prostranstvennoy izmenchivosti lessovykh porod (Spatial principles of the variations in loess rocks). Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Nauka, 230 pp. (in Russian)
- Bonde, J., Varricchio, D.J., Jackson, F.D., Loope, D.B. and Shirk, A.M. 2008. Dinosaurs and dunes! Sedimentology and paleontology of the Mesozoic in the Valley of Fire State Park. In: Duebendorfer, E.M. and Smith, E.I. (eds), Field guide to plutons, volcanoes, faults, reefs, dinosaurs, and possible glaciation in selected areas of Arizona, California, and Nevada. Geological Society of America Field Guide 11, pp. 249-262.
- Bondy, E., Lyles, L. and Hayes, W.A. 1980. Computing soil erosion by periods using wind-energy distribution. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 35(4):173-176.
- Bondy, E.J. 1968. Subble mulching moves east to play dual role in wind and water erosion control. Soil Conservation 33(11):255-256.
- Bondyrev, V. 1898. A few words more on the dusty "mgla" or "pomocha". Gazette d'Agriculture 350-352. (in Russian)
- Bondyrev, V. 1898. A few words on the cause of the dusty "mgla" or "pomocha". Gazette d'Agriculture 531-535. (in Russian)
- Bondyrev, V. 1898. On the dusty "mgla" or "pomocha". Journal X. Congrès Naturalistes Medecins Russie à Kiev pp. 90-91. (in Russian)
- Bonelli, P., Braga-Marcazzan, G.M. and Cereda, E. 1996. Elemental composition and air trajectories of African dust transported in northern Italy. In: Guerzoni, S. and Chester, R. (eds), The impact of desert dust across the Mediterranean, October 1995, Oristano, Italy. Environmental Science and Technology Library 11, Dordrecht and London: Kluwer, pp. 275-284.
- Bonev, B.P., Hansen, G.B., Glenar, D.A., James, P.B. and Bjorkman, J.E. 2008. Albedo models for the residual south polar cap on Mars: Implications for the stability of the cap under near-perihelion global dust storm conditions. Planetary and Space Science 56(2):181-193.
- Bonfils, C.G. 1959. Suelos y erosión en la región Pampeana semiárida (Soils and erosion in the semiarid Pampan region). Revista de Investigaciones Agrícolas (Buenos Aires) 13(4):322-396. (in Spanish)
- Bongiolo, D.E. and Scherer, C.M.S. 2010. Facies architecture and heterogeneity of the fluvial-aeolian reservoirs of the Sergi formation (Upper Jurassic), Reconcavo Basin, NE Brazil. Marine and Petroleum Geology 27(9):1885-1897. (Note: aeolian sandstone)
- Bongrand, M.-O., Dars, R. and Sougy, J. 1961. Sur la présence de galets éoliens dans le complexe de base de l'Adrar mauritanien (On the presence of aeolian pebbles (ventifacts) in the basal complex of the Mauritanian Adrar). Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, Série 7, 3(2):210-215. (in French)
- Bonifay, E. 1952. Influence du vent et du froid en Basse-Provence, au quaternaire superieur (Influence of wind and cold in Basse Provence in the Quaternary period). Compte rendu sommaire des Séances de la Société géologique de France (13-14):306-307. (in French)
- Bonifay, E. 1952. Les limons loessiques des environs de Marseille (The loessic silts around Marseille). Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, Série 6, 2(7-9):461-466. (in French)
- Bonifay, E. 1952. Plages fossiles et dunes consolidées des côtes de Provence occidentale (Fossil beaches and consolidated dunes on the coasts of western Provence). Compte rendu sommaire des Séances de la Société géologique de France (9-10):176-178. (in French)
- Bonifay, E. 1954. Note sur deux nouveaux gisements de limons loéssiques en Basse-Provence (Note on new exposures pf loessic silts in Basse Provence). Compte rendu sommaire des Séances de la Société géologique de France (14-15):351-352. (in French)
- Bonifay, E. 1958. Stratigraphie des loess anciens dans la basse vallée de la Durance (Stratigraphy of the ancient loesses in the lower valley of the Durance). Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris 247(25):2394-2396. (in French)
- Bonifay, E. 1959. Stratigraphie des loess wurmiens en Provence (Stratigraphy of the Würm loesses of Provence). Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris 248(1):123-125. (in French)
- Bonifay, E. 1965. Stratigraphie des loess anciens et récents dans le sud-est de la France (The stratigraphy of older and younger loess in southeastern France). Bulletin de l'Association française pour l'Étude du Quaternaire 2(1):21-34. (in French)
- Bonifay, E. and Tiercelin, J.-J. 1978. Stratigraphie des limons loessiques pléistocènes dans la moyenne vallée de la Durance (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) (Stratigraphy of the Pleistocene clayey loess in the middle Durance Valley, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence). Compte rendu sommaire des Séances de la Société géologique de France (6):293-295. (in French with English abstract)
- Bonneau, L., Andreotti, B. and Clement, E. 2007. Surface elastic waves in granular media under gravity and their relation to booming avalanches. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75, 016602, doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.75.016602. (Note: singing sands)
- Bonner, A.E. 1988. Pedestrian walkover form and eolian sediment movement at Fire Island, New York. Shore and Beach 56(1):23-27.
- Bonnet, S. and Guieu, C. 2004. Dissolution of atmospheric iron in seawater. Geophysical Research Letters 31, L03303, doi:10.1029/2003GL018423
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- Bonney, T.G. 1900. On the relation of certain breccias to the physical geography of their age. The Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 58(1-4):185-206, doi:10.1144/GSL.JGS.1902.058.01-04.15 (Note: dust within breccias)
- Bonney, T.G. 1904. Some eroded rocks in Corsica. The Geological Magazine, Decade V, 1(8):388-392, doi:10.1017/S0016756800123738 (Note: questions wind abrasion)
- Bonney, T.G. 1906. On the origin of the British Trias. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 16(1):1-14, 19-20, doi:10.1144/pygs.16.1.1
- Bonney, T.G. 1908. On evidence for desert conditions in the British Trias. The Geological Magazine, Decade V, 5(8):337-341, doi:10.1017/S0016756800138865 (Note: questions regarding the shape of sands, ventifacts)
- Bonnifield, M.P. 1979. The Dust Bowl: men, dirt and depression. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 232 pp.
- Bonnin, R. 1905. La dune d'Helgoland (The dune of Helgoland). La Nature, Part I, 33(1650):91-94. (in French)
- Bonython, C.W. 1956. The salt of Lake Eyre, its occurrence in Madigan Gulf and its possible origin. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 79:66-92. (Note: saline dust)
- Boocock, C. and van Straaten, O.J. 1962. Notes on the geology and hydrology of the central Kalahari region, Bechuanaland Protectorate. Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa 65(1):125-171. (Note: palaeodunes)
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- Boon, J.D. 1935. Dust storms in the southwest. Field and Laboratory 3(2):33-40.
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- Boorman, L.A. 1977. Sand dunes. In: Barnes, R.S.K. (ed), The coastline. New York: Wiley, ISBN 0471994707 pp. 161-197.
- Booth, A.W. 1942. The Portales region: A pump irrigation district in the Llano Estacado. Economic Geography 18(1):97-105.
- Booth, J.L. 2006. Influence of controlled density arrays of natural and artificial vegetation on flow field characteristics. Master's thesis, Louisiana State University, 97 pp. (keyword: shelter)
- Booth, R.K., Jackson, S.T., Forman, S.L., Kutzbach, J.E., Bettis, E.A.III., Kreig, J. and Wright, D.K. 2005. A severe centennial-scale drought in mid-continental North America 4200 years ago and apparent global linkages. The Holocene 15(3):321-328. (Note: dune reactivation)
- Borbely-Kiss, I., Kiss, A.Z., Koltay, E., Szabó, G. and Bozo, L. 2004. Saharan dust episodes in Hungarian aerosol: Elemental signatures and transport trajectories. Journal of Aerosol Science 35(10):1205-1224.
- Borchert, J.R. 1971. The Dust Bowl in the 1970s. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 61(1):1-22.
- Borchert, Z., Miotk-Szpiganowicz, G., Olszak, I. and Borówka, R. 1999. Multi-year trends of change in the intensity of potential aeolian transport on the West Pomeranian coast of the Baltic in the context of the morphology and present-day development of coastal dunes. Quaternary Studies in Poland, Special Issue, 67-75.
- Bordes, F. 1947. La stratigraphie des limons quaternaries de la carrière Bouchon à Ivry (Seine) et ses repercussions possibles sur la chronologie préhistorique (The stratigraphy of the Quaternary silts of the Bouchon Quarry at Ivry (Seine) and its possible repercussions on the prehistoric chronology). Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, Série 5, 16(7-9):503-510. (in French) (keyword: loess)
- Bordes, F. 1947. Les limons quaternaries de la basin de Paris et au Nord de la France (The Quaternary silts of the Paris basin and the north of France). In: La géologie des terrains récents dans l'ouest de l'Europe. Session extraordinaire des Sociétés belges géologie, 19-26 septembre 1946, Bruxelles: M. Hayez, pp. 318-322. (in French) (keyword: loess)
- Bordes, F. 1951. Contribution to the study of loess and sand cover, particularly in the Veluwe of the South-East. L'Anthropologie, Paris 55(3-4):325-325.
- Bordes, F. 1951. Loess et cailloutis; le complexe loessique, phenomène cyclique (Loess and pebble-beds; the loess complex, a cyclic phenomenon). In: Sédimentation et Quaternaire (Congrès de Géologie quaternaire, Charente-Dordogne 1949, Bordeaux: Led-Sam, pp. 173-181. (in French)
- Bordes, F. 1952. Loess stratigraphy and the evolution of Paleoltihic industries in the western Paris Basin. L'Anthropologie, Paris 56(5-6):405-452.
- Bordes, F. 1952. Stratigraphy of loess and evolution of Paleolithic industries in the western Paris Basin. L'Anthropologie, Paris 56(1-2):1-39.
- Bordes, F. 1953. Les limons quaternaires du bassin de la Seine. Stratigraphie et archéologie paléolithique (Quaternary loess in the basin of the Seine. Stratigraphy and Palaeolithic archaeology). Archives de l'Institut de 'Archéologie et de Paléontologie humaine, Mémoir 26, 472 pp. (in French)
- Bordes, F. 1955. Loess des États-Unis et loess du bassin de Paris (Loess in the United States and in the Paris basin). L'Anthropologie, Paris 59(3-4):365-368. (in French)
- Bordes, F. 1963. Les loess de Goderville (Seine-Maritime) et la stratigraphie du Quaternaire récent (The loess of Goderville (Seine-Maritime) and the stratigraphy of the recent Quaternary). Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, Série 7, 5(4):443-445. (in French)
- Bordes, F. 1969. Le loess en France (Loess in France). In: Études françaises sur le quaternaire. In: La stratigraphie des loess d'Europe, Bulletin de l'Association française pour l'Étude du Quaternaire, Supplément, pp. 69-76. (in French)
- Bordes, F. 1974. A propos d'un biface sur dreikanter et d'un point de typologie (On a biface on a ventifact and on a typological point). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française 71(6):168-169. (Notea: also PERSEE, 2 pp. internet resource) (in French) (keyword: ventifact)
- Bordy, E.M. and Catuneanu, O. 2003. Sedimentology and palaeontology of upper Karoo aeolian strata (Early Jurassic) in the Tuli Basin, South Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences 35(2):301-314.
- Börgel-Olivares, R. 1963. Las dunas litorales en Chile: teoría y aplicación (The coastal dunes of Chile: theory and application). Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Facultad de Filosofía y Educación, Instituto de Geografía, Sección Aplicada, Publicación 3, 38 pp. (in Spanish)
- Borges, A.R. and Viegas, D.X. 1988. Shelter effect on a row of coal piles to prevent wind erosion. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 29(1-3):145-154.
- Borges, A.R.J. and Saraiva, J.A.G. 1980. Erosion technique for assessing ground level winds. Zement-Kalk-Gips 1:235-242.
- Borges, J.F. 1902. As dunas de Portugal e a sua arborisação (The dunes of Portugal and its arborisação). Boletim da Real Associação Central da Agricultura Portugueza 4(5):239-269. (in Portuguese)
- Borggreve, B. 1875. Über die Entstehung und Veränderung der Dünen, insbesondere an den deutschen Nordseeküsten (On the origin and change of the dunes in particular in the German North Sea Coasts). Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen vereins der preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens (4) 32:69-72. (in German)
- Boriczka, J. 1970. Attempt to compare various distributions of the density and fall of dust and their adaption to climatalogical studies. Warsaw: Universytet Katedra Klimatalogii, Prace i Studia (4):51-132. (in Hungarian, English summary)
- Boris, J.P. 2007. Dust in the wind: Challenges for urban aerodynamics. In: Young, C.Y. and Gilbreath, C. (eds), Atmospheric Propagation IV: 11-12 April, 2007, Orlando, Florida, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6551, article 655102.
- Borisogblebskii, G.I., Kulikov, V.A. and Mogila, L.E. 1961. Dust storms in the southern European part of the USSR in the spring of 1960. Meteorologiia i Gidrologiia (5):29-33. (in Russian)
- Borja Barrera, F. 1997. Dunas litorales de Huelva (SW de España) Tipología y secuencias Pleistoceno Superior-Holoceno (Coastal dunes of Huelva, SW Spain, Pleistocene typology and Upper Holocene sequences). In: Rodríguez-Vidal, J., (ed), Cuaternario Ibérico, Universidad de Huelva, pp. 84-97. (in Spanish)
- Borja Barrera, F. and Pérez-González, A. 2001. Formas y procesos eólicos (Eolian forms and processes). In: Gómez-Ortiz, A. and Pérez-González, A. (eds), Proceedings of the 5th International Geomorphology Conference, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 289-318. (in Spanish with English abstract)
- Borja Barrera, F., Gutiérrez, J. M. and Díaz del Olmo, F. 1997. Fases de dunas durante el Holoceno reciente en el litoral de El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz) (Dune facies during the recent Holocene in the littoral of the port of Santa Maria, Cadiz). Geogaceta 21:39-42. (in Spanish with English abstract)
- Borja, F., Zazo, C., Dabrio, C.J., del Olmo, F.D., Goy, J.L. and Lario, J. 1999. Holocene aeolian phases and human settlements along the Atlantic coast of southern Spain. The Holocene 9(3):333-339.
- Borja, F., Zazo, C., Lario, J., Dabrio, C.J., Olmo, D.del, Goy, J.L., Bao, R. and Freitas, M.da C. 1999. Separating eustatic from local environmental effects: a late-Holocene record of coastal change in Albufeira Lagoon, Portugal. The Holocene 9(3):341-352. (Note: coastal dunes)
- Bork, H.-R. 1983. Die holozäne Relief-und Bodenentwicklung in Lößgenieten. Beispiele aus dem südöstlichen Niedersachsen (The Holocene relief and soil development in loess areas. Examples from the southeast Lower Saxony). Catena Supplement 3, 93 pp. (in German)
- Bork, H.-R. and Li Y. 2002. 3200 Jahre Reliefentwicklung im Lössplateau Nordchinas - Das Fallbeispiel Zhongzuimao (3,200 years of surface change in the loess plateau of Northern China - The Zhongzuimao case). Petermanns geographische Mitteilungen 146(2):80-85. (in German, English summary)
- Borne, von dem. 1857. Zur Geognosie der Provinz Pommern (Geognosy of the Pommeranian province). Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft 9(3):473-510. (in German)
- Boroi, M. von dem. 1902. Mittheilungen über den Regenstaub vom 10. bis 11. März 1901 (Memorandum on the dust-rain from 10 to 11 March, 1901). Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Clubs in Fiume (1901) 6:123-129. (in German)
- Borovko, N.G. and Borovko, N.N. 1978. Granulometricheskiy metod izucheniya peskov kak sposob paleogeograficheskikh issledovaniy (The granulometric method of sand studies and its application in paleogeographic investigations). Byulleten' Moskovskogo obshchestva ispytatelei prirody. Otdel geologicheskiy 53(3):116-127. (in Russian) (Note: discrimination of aeolian sands)
- Borovskii (Borovsky), V.M. 1947. Deposits of glass sands in the Aral region. Vestnik Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR (3) (24):57-58. (in Russian) (Note: aeolian sands?)
- Borovskii (Borovsky), V.M. 1961. Salt exchange between the sea and the land, and long-term dynamics of salt processes. Pochvovedeniye (3):1-11. (in Russian) (Note: saline dust)
- Borowiec, J. 1970. Comparison of composition and properties of loesses occurring in Poland. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Lublin, Sectio B, 25:51-81. (in Polish with English abstract)
- Borowiec, J. and Nakonieczny, S. 1968. Charakterystyka plytkich utworow lessopodobnych w lewobrzeznym dorzeczu srodkowego Wieprza (Characteristics of a loesslike formation at shallow depth in the left bank area of the Wieprz river basin). Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Lublin, Sectio B, 20:159-175. (in Polish)
- Borówka, M. 1979. Przebieg procesow deflacji i akumulacji na powierzchni nadbrzeznych walow wydmowych (Deflation and accumulation processes on the surface of coastal dune ridges). Badania Fizjograficzne nad Polska Zachodnia A 32:31-48. (in Polish)
- Borówka, M. 1979. Rekonstrukcja Rozwoju Rzezby Zaplecza Plazy w Srodkowej Czesci Mierzei Łebskiej (The reconstruction of relief development in the Besch Hinterland, the central part of the Łeba Bar). Badania Fizjograficzne nad Polska Zachodnia A 32:7-20. (in Polish) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Borówka, M. 1986. Wspólczesne procesy mode-lujace powierzchnie plazy piaszczystej morza bezplywowego (Present-day processes modelling the sandy beach surface of untidal sea). Doctoral thesis, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, 133 pp. (in Polish) (Note: Aeolian processes)
- Borówka, M. and Rotnicki, K. 1995. Balance of the aeolian sand transport on the beach and the problem of sand nourishment of the active dune field on the Łeba Barrier. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 22, pp. 257-265.
- Borówka, M. and Rotnicki, K. 2000. Balance of the aeolian sand transport on the beach and the problem of sand nourishment of the active dune field on the Łeba Barrier. In: Geoindicators symposium and field meeting; abstracts and guidebook of the excursion. Polish Geological Institute, Branch of Marine Geology. Gdansk, pp. 57-64. (in English)
- Borówka, M. and Rotnicki, K. 2001. Budget of the eolian sand transport on the sandy barrier beach (a case study of the Łeba Barrier, southern Baltic coast, Poland). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 45(1):55-79. (in English)
- Borówka, R.K. 1973. Influence of dune slip-face on wind directions distribution in the ground zone. Sprawozdania - Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciól Nauk, Wydzial Matematyczno-Przyrodniczy 91:75-78. (in Polish)
- Borówka, R.K. 1975. Problem of the morphology of fossil dune forms on the Łeba Bar. Quaestiones Geographicae 2:39-52. (in English)
- Borówka, R.K. 1976. Niektóre typy struktur sedimentacyjnych i zaburezniowych wydm nadmorskich i ich znaczenie palaeogeograficzne (Some types of sedimentary structures and disturbances of coastal dunes and their palaeogeographical significance). Sprawozdania - Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciól Nauk, Wydzial Matematyczno-Przyrodniczy 94:32-34. (in Polish)
- Borówka, R.K. 1979. Accumulation and redeposition of eolian sands on the lee slope of dunes and their influence on formation of sedimentary structures. Quaestiones Geographicae 5(5):5-22. (in English)
- Borówka, R.K. 1980. Present-day processes and dune morphology on the Leba barrier, Polish coast of the Baltic. Geografiska Annaler A 62(1-2):75-82. (in English)
- Borówka, R.K. 1980. Wspólczesne procesy transportu i sedymentacji piasków eolicznych oraz ich uwarunkowania i skutki na obszarze wydm nadmorskich (Present-day transport and sedimentation processes of eolian sands: controlling the factors and resulting phenomena on a coastal dune area). Sprawozdania - Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciól Nauk, Wydzial Matematyczno-Przyrodniczy 20, 126 pp. (in Polish)
- Borówka, R.K. 1986. Wspolczesne procesy modelujace powierzchnie plazy piaszczystej morza bezplywowgo (Contemporary aeolian processes forming the surface relief development of sandy surfaces). Doctoral thesis, Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Pozńaniu, 133 pp. (in Polish)
- Borówka, R.K. 1988. The Quaternary in the vicinity of Łeba. Sprawozdania - Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciól Nauk, Wydzial Matematyczno-Przyrodniczy 105:40-42. (in Polish)
- Borówka, R.K. 1990. Coastal dunes in Poland. In: Bakker, T.W.M., Jungerius, P.D. and Klijn, J.A. (eds), Dunes of the European coasts. Catena Supplement 18:25-29.
- Borówka, R.K. 1990. The Holocene development and present morphology of the Łeba dunes, Baltic coast of Poland. In: Nordstrom, K.F., Psuty, N.P. and Carter, R.W.G. (eds), Coastal dunes: form and processes. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 289-314.
- Borówka, R.K. 1995. Dunes on the Łeba Barrier; their history and dynamics of present-day aeolian processes. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 22, pp. 247-251.
- Borówka, R.K. 2000. Dunes on the Łeba Barrier; their history and dynamics of present-day aeolian processes. In: Geoindicators symposium and field meeting; abstracts and guidebook of the excursion, Polish Geological Institute, Branch of Marine Geology, Gdansk, pp. 52-56. (in Polish)
- Borówka, R.K. and Belczynska, A. 1998. Aeolian coversands and fossil soils in geological structure of the Wolin Island cliffs near Miedzyzdroje-Grodno and Swietousc. In: Field symposium on glacial geology at the Baltic Sea coast in northern Poland, International Association for Quaternary Research; Commission on Glaciation; Peribaltic Group, PGI, pp. 15-18.
- Borówka, R.K. and Nowaczyk, B. 1976. The intensity of Holocene eolian processes at Steknoca near Łeda. Sprawozdania - Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciól Nauk, Wydzial Matematyczno-Przyrodniczy 94:41-42. (in Polish)
- Borówka, R.K. and Osadczuk, K. 2001, Wieloletnie trendy zmian intensywnosci potencjalnego transport eolicznego na zachodniopomorskim wybrzezu Baltiku a morfologia i wspolczesny rozwoj wydm nadmorskich. In: Pelka-Gosciniak, J. and Szczypek, T. (eds), Dynamiczne aspekty geomorfologii eolicnej. Wydzial Nauk o Ziemi Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologow Polskich, Sosnowiec, pp. 62-71. (in Polish) (Note: sand transport by wind)
- Borówka, R.K. and Rotnicki, K. 1988. New data on the geologic structure of the Łeba barrier. Sprawozdania - Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciól Nauk, Wydzial Matematyczno-Przyrodniczy 105:26-29. (in Polish)
- Borówka, R.K. and Tobolski, K. 1979. New archaeological sites on the Łeba Bar and their significance for palaeogeography of this area. Badania Fizjograficzne nad Polska Zachodnia A 32:21-29. (in Polish)
- Borówka, R.K., Gonera, P., Kostrzewski, A. and Zwolinski, Z. 1982. Origin and age of cover sands in the Wolin end moraine area. Quaestiones Geographicae 8:19-36. (in English)
- Borówka, R.K., Gonera, P., Kostrzewski, A. and Zwolinski, Z. 1983. Origin, age and palaeogeographic significance of cover sands in the Wolin end moraine area. Sprawozdania - Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciól Nauk, Wydzial Matematyczno-Przyrodniczy 97-99:135-137. (in Polish)
- Borówka, R.K., Gonera, P., Kostrzewski, A., Nowaczyk, B. and Zwolinski, Z. 1986. Stratigraphy of eolian deposits in Wolin Island and the surrounding area, north-west Poland. Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici. Geografia 21:119-124. (in Polish)
- Borówka, R.K., Gonera, P., Kostrzewski, A., Nowaczyk, B. and Zwolinski, Z. 1986. Stratigraphy of eolian deposits in Wolin Island and the surrounding area, northwestern Poland. Boreas 15(4):301-309.
- Borrego, C., Monteiro, A., Pay, M.T., Ribeiro, I., Miranda, A.I., Basart, S. and Baldasano, J.M. 2011. How bias-correction can improve air quality forecasts over Portugal. Atmospheric Environment 45(37):6629-6641. (Note: Saharan dust forecasting)
- Borrelli, J., Gregory, J.M. and Abtew, W. 1989. Wind barriers - a re-evaluation of height, spacing and porosity. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 32(6):2023-2027.
- Borrmann, S. and Jaenicke, R. 1987. Wind tunnel experiments on the resuspension of sub-micometer particles from a sand surface. Atmospheric Environment 21(9):1891-1898.
- Bors, J.P. 2005. Dust in the wind: challenges for urban aerodynamics (Invited Paper) (6551-01). American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Papers - 2005 and Conf 41, pp. AIAA-2005-5393, 63 pp.
- Borsato, A. 2009. Depositi loessici in Trentino; caratteristiche morfologiche, tessiturali, mineralogiche e pedologiche (Loess deposits in Trentino; morphologic, textural and pedogenic characterization). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, Acta Geologica 85:51-59. (in Italian)
- Borsius, J. 1981. Addendum to coastal dunes - their function, delineation, and management. New Brunswick, NJ.: Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, Doolittle Hall, Busch Campus, 8 pp.
- Borst, N.P. 1967. Liquid fertilizer: measure against soil blowing in the spring. Netherlands Directorat: Landbrouw. Landbrouwvoorlichting 24(1):39-40. (in Dutch) (Note: control of agricultural wind erosion)
- Borstlap, L. 1999. Farming with wind erosion; case study on-site and off-site effects of wind erosion in Scania, Sweden. Doctoral thesis, Larenstein International Agricultural College, Velp, The Netherlands, International Land and Water management, 47 pp.
- Borsy, Z. 1964. Adalékok a Lengyelországi Futóhomok Kérdésehéz (Summary: Contributions to the problem of wind blown sands in Poland). Acta Geographica Debrecina 10(3):109-142. (in Hungarian)
- Borsy, Z. 1965. Görgeteltségi vizsgálatok a magyarszági futóhumoku (The wind-blown sand regions in Hungary). Acta Geologica Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Földtani Közlönye) 9(1-2):85-94. (in Hungarian with German summary)
- Borsy, Z. 1972. A szelerozio vizsgalata a magyarorszagi futóhomok teruleteken (Wind erosion in the wind-blown sand areas of Hungary). Földrajzi Közlemények 20(2-3):156-160.
- Borsy, Z. 1972. Studies on wind erosion in the wind-blown sand areas of Hungary. Acta Geographica Debrecina 17(197):123-132. (Note: also a separate publication, 10 pp)
- Borsy, Z. 1973. A Homokfodrok. (On ripple marks). Földrajzi Értesítő (Hungarian Geographical Bulletin) 22(1):109-115. (in Hungarian)
- Borsy, Z. 1973. A Magyarorszagi futóhomok teruletek losz-, homokos loszes loszos homoktakaroja (Loess, sand loess and loessy sand blankets in Hungarian wind-blown sand regions). Földrajzi Közlemények 22(93, 2):172-184. (in English and Hungarian)
- Borsy, Z. 1974. Attritional studies on blown-sand grains. Acta Geographica ac Geologica et Meteorologica Debrecina 12:29-52. (in English)
- Borsy, Z. 1974. Folyovizi homok vagy futóhomok?; a homokszemcsek vizsgalatanak ertekelese, problemai (Fluviatile or wind-blown sand; evaluation and problems of grain-size analysis). Földrajzi Közlemények 22(1):1-13.
- Borsy, Z. 1974. Movement principles of shifting sands and prevention of wind erosion. Doctoral thesis, Debrecen, 329 pp. (in Hungarian).
- Borsy, Z. 1974. Recent results of wind erosion studies in Hungarian blown-sand areas. Földrajzi Értesítő (Hungarian Geographical Bulletin) 23(2):227-236.
- Borsy, Z. 1976. Relief forms of wind blown sand areas. Egyetemi Földrajzi Intezet, Geographical Institute of the University, 1010 Debrecen, Hungary, 10 pp.
- Borsy, Z. 1976. Relief forms of wind blown sand. In: Gerasimov, I.P. (ed), International Geography, XXIII International Geographical Congress, Moscow, July-August 1976, Section 1: Geomorphology and Paleogeography, pp. 134-137. (in English)
- Borsy, Z. 1977. Evolution of relief forms in Hungarian wind blown sand areas. Földrajzi Közlemények 25(101):3-16. (and Kölemenyek a debreceni kossuth lajos tudomanyegyetem földrajzi intezetebol 118, Kossuth University)
- Borsy, Z. 1986. Research in areas of wind-blown sand (in Hungary). In: Pécsi, M. and Loczy, D. (eds), Physical geography and geomorphology in Hungary, Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geographical Research Institute, pp. 77-82. (in English) (Note: aeolian sands)
- Borsy, Z. 1987. Paleogeography of blown sand in Hungary. In: Pécsi, M. and Velichko, A. (eds), Palaeogeography and loess, Akadémiai Kiadó, Studies in Geography in Hungary 21, pp. 75-87.
- Borsy, Z. 1989. Adatok a magyarorszagi tipusos (valodi) loszok kepzodesehez (Data on the evolution of typical loesses in Hungary). Acta Geographica ac Geologica et Meteorologica Debrecina 28-29:247-262. (in Hungarian with English summary)
- Borsy, Z. 1991. Blown sand territories in Hungary. In: Kozarski, S. (ed), Late Vistulan (Weichselian) and Holocene aeolian phenomena in North and West Europe. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 90:1-14.
- Borsy, Z., Csongor, É. and Szabó, I. 1982. Mobile sand phases in the north-east part of the Great Hungarian Plain. In: Pécsi, M. (ed), Quaternary studies in Hungary, 11th International Congress on Quaternary (INQUA), Moscow 1982, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geographical Research Institute, Budapest, Elmélet, Módszer, Gyakorlat 24, pp. 193-208.
- Borsy, Z., Csongor, É., Lóki, J. and Szabó, I. 1983. Ujabb koradatok a bodrogkoezi futóhomok mozgasainak idejehez (Recent results in the radiocarbon dating of wind-blown sand movements in the Tisza-Bodrog interfluve). Acta Geographica ac Geologica et Meteorologica Debrecina 22:5-16. (in Hungarian and English)
- Borsy, Z., Csongor, É., Sárkány, S. and Szabó, I. 1982. A futóhomok mozgásának periódusai az Alföld ÉK-i részében (Phases of blown-sand movements in the north-east part of the great Hungarian plain). Acta Geographica ac Geologica et Meteorologica Debrecina 20:5-33. (in Hungarian and English)
- Borsy, Z., Felszerfalvi, J. and Lóki, J. 1984. Electronmicroscopic investigation of the sand material from the loess exposure at Paks. In: Pécsi, M. (ed), Lithology and stratigraphy of loess and paleosols, 11th International Congress on Quaternary (INQUA), Moscow 1982, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geographical Research Institute, Budapest, Elmélet, Módszer, Gyakorlat 30, pp. 71-86.
- Borsy, Z., Felszerfalvi, J. and Szabó, J.J. 1979. Thermoluminescence dating of several layers of loess at Paks and Mende (Hungary). Acta Geologica Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Földtani Közlönye) 22(1-4):451-460.
- Borsy, Z., Felszerfalvi, J., Franyó, F. and Loki, J. 1983. Totkomlos III./P.-jelue magfuras homokretegeinek elektronmikroszkopos vizsgalata (Totkomlos core III; electron microscopic investigation of sand profiles). Acta Geographica ac Geologica et Meteorologica Debrecina 22:47-62. (in Hungarian) (Note: aeolian sands)
- Borsy, Z., Felszerfalvi, J., Franyo, F. and Loki, J. 1985. Electron microscopic investigation of the sand profiles in the core drilling III/P Totkomlos, Hungary. Acta Geographica ac Geologica et Meteorologica Debrecina 22:47-63. (in Hungarian) (Note: aeolian sands)
- Borsy, Z., Felszerfalvi, J., Lóki, J. and Franyo, F. 1987. Electron microscopic investigations of sand material in the core drillings in the Great Hungarian Plain. GeoJournal 15(2):185-195.
- Bortier, P. 1874. Boisement du littoral et les dunes de Flandre (Afforestation of the shore and dunes of Flanders), Bruxelles: Ch. Vanderauwera 14 pp. (in French) (keyword: fixation)
- Bortolin, E., Boniglia, C., Della Monaca, S., Gargiulo, R., Onori, S. and Fattibene, P. 2010. Is dust a suitable material for retrospective personal dosimetry? Radiation Measurements 45(3-6):753-755.
- Borushko, I.S. 1972. Dust storm distribution in the tropics. Trudy, Glavnaya Geofizicheskaya Observatoriya (Main Geophysical Observatory, Leningrad) 284:76-83. (in Russian)
- Bory, A., Dulac, F., Moulin, C., Chiapello, I., Newton, P.P., Guelle, W., Lambert, C.E. and Bergametti, G. 2002. Atmospheric and oceanic dust fluxes in the northeastern tropical Atlantic Ocean: How close a coupling? Annales Geophysicae 20(12):2067-2076. (in English).
- Bory, A., Wolff, E., Mulvaney, R., Jagoutz, E., Wegner, A., Ruth, U. and Elderfield, H. 2010. Multiple sources supply eolian mineral dust to the Atlantic sector of coastal Antarctica: Evidence from recent snow layers at the top of Berkner Island ice sheet. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 291(1-4):138-148.
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- Bosazza, V.L. 1967. The Kalahari system in southern Africa and its importance in relationship to the evolution of man. In: Pan-African Congress on Prehistory, 3rd (1965), Livingstone, London: Chatto and Windus, pp. 127-132. (in English) (Note: stabilized dunes)
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- Böse, M. 1991. A palaeoclimatalogical interpretation of frost wedge casts and aeolian sand deposits in the lowlands between Rhine and Vistula in the Upper Peneglacial and Late Glacial. In: Kozarski, S. (ed), Late Vistulan (Weichselian) and Holocene aeolian phenomena in North and West Europe. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 90:15-28.
- Böse, M. 1992. Late Pleistocene sand wedge formation in the hinterland of the Brandenburg stade. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning 81:59-63. (in English) (Note: deposits of wind-abraded sand in thermal-contraction cracks).
- Böse, M. and Brande, A. 2000. Regionalne modele holoceńskiego transportu piasku na obszarze między Berlinem i Brandenburgiem (Regional patterns of Holocene sand transport in the Berlin-Brandenburg area). In: Dulias, R. and Pelłka, G.J. (eds), Aeolian processes in different landscape zones. University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, pp. 51-58. (in Polish)
- Böse, M., Müller, M., Brande, A. And Facklam, M. 2002. Jungdünenentwicklung und Siedlungsgschichte auf der Glindower Platte (Branderburg) (Recent dune development and settlement history on the Glindower Platte, Branderbur). Brandeburgische Geowissenschaftliche Beiträge 9(5-6):45-57. (in German)
- Bose, P.K., Snehasis Chakrabarty, A. and Sarkar, S. 1999. Recognition of ancient eolian longitudinal dunes: a case study in upper Bhander Sandstone, Son Valley, India. Journal of Sedimentary Research A 69(1):74-83.
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- Bosinski, G., Brunnacker, K., Krimsiek, K., Hambach, U., Tillmans, W. and Urban, K.B. 1985. Das Fruehwuerm im Loessprofil von Wallertheim/ Rheinhessen (The early Wurm in the loess profile from Wallertheim, Rheinhess). Geologisches Jahrbuch, Hessen 113:187-215. (in German)
- Boss, G. 1941. Niederschiagsmenge und Salzgehalt des Nebelwassers an der Kuste Deutsch-Sudwest-.Afrikas (Amount of precipitation and salt content of fog water on the coast of Southwest Africa). Bioklimatatische Beiblatter 8:1-15. (in German) (Note: saline “dust”)
- Bossi, J., Ortiz, A. and Perea, D. 2009. Pliocene to middle Pleistocene in Uruguay: A model of climate evolution. Quaternary International 210(1-2):37-43. (keyword: loess)
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- Boswell, P.G.H. 1914. On the occurrence of the North Sea (Lower Glacial) and certain other Brick Earths in Suffolk. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 25(3):121-153. (keyword: loess)
- Boswell, P.G.H. 1916. The petrology of the North Sea drift and upper glacial brickearths in East Anglia. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 27(2):79-98. (keyword: loess)
- Bosworth, T.O. 1908. The origin of the upper Keuper of Leicestershire. Report of the Seventy-Seventh Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science; held in Leicester in 1907, Transactions of the Sections, Section C: Geology, pp. 505-506. (Note: briefly mentions wind-worn rocks)
- Bosworth, T.O. 1908. The origin of the upper Keuper of Leicestershire. The Geological Magazine, Decade V, 5(8):353-357, doi:10.1017/S0016756800138890
- Bosworth, T.O. 1908. The origin of the upper Keuper of Leicestershire. Transactions of the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society 12(1):28-34.
- Bosworth, T.O. 1910. Wind erosion on the coast of Mull. The Geological Magazine, Decade V, 7(8):353-355, doi:10.1017/S0016756800134788
- Bosworth, T.O. 1922. Geology of the Tertiary and Quaternary periods in the northwest Parts of Peru. London: MacMillan, 434 pp. (Note: dunes, including names for nabkha pp. 301-311)
- Botha, G. and Porat, N. 2007. Soil chronosequence development in dunes on the southeast African coastal plain, Maputaland, South Africa. Quaternary International 162-163:111-132. (Note: history of coastal dunes)
- Botha, G.A., Bristow, C.S., Porat, N., Duller, G., Armitage, S.J., Roberts, H.M., Clarke, B.M., Kota, M.W. and Schoeman, P. 2003. Evidence for dune reactivation from GPR profiles on the Maputaland coastal plain, South Africa. In: Bristow, C.S. and Jol, H.M. (eds), Ground-penetrating radar in sediments. Geological Society of London, Special Publication 211, pp. 29-46.
- Botkin, C.W. 1933. White Sands National Monument. Pan-American Geologist 60(4):304-305. (Note: dunes, aeolian sands)
- Botsford, A.H. 1901. Ropes of sand. New England Magazine NS 30(24):3. (keyword: fixation)
- Bottomley, G. and Parker, N. 1974. Shelter. I. Design principles and benefits. Journal of Agriculture, Tasmania 45(2):92-99.
- Bou Karam, D., Flamant, C., Cuesta, J., Pelon, J. and Williams, E. 2010. Dust emission and transport associated with a Saharan depression: February 2007 case. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 115, D00H27, doi:10.1029/2009JD012390
- Bou Karam, D., Flamant, C., Tulet, P., Chaboureau, J-P., Dabas, A. and Todd, M.C. 2009. Estimate of Sahelian dust emissions in the intertropical discontinuity region of the West African monsoon, Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres 114, D13106, doi:10.1029/2008JD011444
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- Bouchaud, J.P., Cates, M.E., Prakash, J.R. and Edwards, S.F. 1994. A model for the dynamics of sandpile surfaces. Journal de Physique I, 4(10):1383-1410. (Note: topographic effects on wind erison)
- Boucher, K. 1993. The Saharan dust episode of 7th May 1988. Loughborough University of Technology, Department of Geography, Occasional Paper 19, 49 pp.
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- Boucheron-Randet, C. 1986. Amenagement et gestion des dunes littorales françaises (Planning and management of French coastal dunes). Doctoral thesis, Université de Paris IV: Paris-Sorbonne, 2 microfiches. (in French)
- Bouchlaghem, K., Nsom,B., Latrache, N. and Haj Kacem, H. 2009. Impact of Saharan dust on PM10 concentration in the Mediterranean Tunisian coasts. Atmospheric Research 92(4):531-539.
- Boucquez, G. 1983. Driemaandelijks Tijdschrift. Vereniging voor het Onderwijs in de Biologie Eerste contact met de duinen tussen Oostende en Blankenberge. Achtergronden bij de uitwerking van een project (First contact with the dunes between Oostende and Blankenberge (Belgium). Background to the elaboration of a [sand filling] project [geology, history, flora, fauna]]. Driemaandelijks Tijdschrift. Vereniging voor het Onderwijs in de Biologie 6(1-4):253-286. (in Dutch) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Boudreau, S. and Houle, G. 2001. The Ammophila decline: A field experiment on the effects of mineral nutrition. Ecoscience 8(3):392-398.
- Boudy, P. 1948-1951. Les dunes de Mogodor et d'Agadir (The dunes of Mogodor and Agadir). Economie forestiere nordafricaine. Paris: Larose (1,2); Rabat: Moncho (3) 3 volumes, Vol. 1: pp. 273 ff; Vol. 2: p.471 ff; Vol. 3:p 211 ff. (in French) (Note: coastal dunes; fixation)
- Boue', A. 1825. Erlälauterungen über die loss des Rhienthales im Jahre 1823 Aufgefunden Menschenknockem (More explanations of the Löss of the Rheinthales in the year 1823 in which were found human remains). Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Classe, Wien, 8, pp. 88-93. (in German)
- Bouet, C., Cautenet, G., Bergametti, G., Marticorena, B., Todd, M.C. and Washington, R. 2012. Sensitivity of desert dust emissions to model horizontal grid spacing during the Bodélé Dust Experiment 2005. Atmospheric Environment 50:377-380, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.12.037
- Bouet, C., Cautenet, G., Washington, R., Todd, M.C., Laurent, B., Marticorena, B. and Bergametti, G. 2007. Mesoscale modeling of aeolian dust emission during the BoDEx 2005 experiment. Geophysical Research Letters 34, L07812, doi:10.1029/2006GL029184
- Bougan, S. and Greeley, R. 1985, "Microdunes" and other aeolian bedforms in high-density atmospheres. In: Barndorff-Nielsen, O., Møller, J.-T., Rasmussen, K.R. and Willetts, B.B. (eds), Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Physics of Blown Sand, May 28-31, University of Aarhus, Department of Theoretical Statistics, Institute of Mathematics, Memoir 8, pp. 369-376.
- Bougan, S.J. 1986. Flux, ripples, and dunes on Venus. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Technical Memorandum TM-88784, pp. 364-367.
- Bougher, S.W., Murphy, J. and Haberle, R.M. 1997. Dust storm impacts on the Mars upper atmosphere. Advances in Space Research 19(8):1255-1260.
- Bouillet, G. and Cailleux, A. 1962. Forme des grains de quartz de sables et gres du Bresil (Form of quartz grains and sands in Brazil). Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, Série 7, 4(3):329-335. (in French)
- Bouima, T. and Mezghache, H. 2006. Noueaux elements en faveur d'une désertification anté-couverture paléozoique dans les monts d'Ougarta (Algérie) (New data on possible Paleozoic desertification surface in the Ougarta Range, Algeria). Mémoires du Service Géologique de l'Algérie 13, pp. 139-143. (in French) (Note: palaeoventifacts)
- Bouis, J. 1863. Relation d'une pluie de terre tombée dans le midi de la France et en Espagne (Account of a rain of earth that fell in the south of France and in Spain). Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris 56(20):972-974. (in French)
- Bouis, J. 1863. Relation d'une pluie de terre tombée dans le midi de la France et en Espagne (Relation of a rain of earth fallen in the south of France and in Spain). Société chimique de Paris, Bulletin de Chimie Pur 5:286-289. (in French)
- Boulaine, J. 1953. Trois notes pédologiques: érosion des sols - morphologie des chotts et sebkhas - cartographie des croûtes (Three pedological notes: soil erosion, morphology of the playas and mapping of crusts). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 44:237-238, 242. (in French)
- Boulaine, J. 1954. La Sebkha Ben Ziane et sa 'lunette' ou bourrelet: exemple de complexe morphologique formé par la dégradation éolienne des sols salé (Sebkha Ben Ziane and its ' lunette' or pad: morphological example of complex formed by wind degradation of the saline surface). Revue de géomorphologie dynamique 5(3):102-123. (in French)
- Boulaine, J. 1956. Les lunettes des basses plaines oranaises: formations éoliennes argileuses lié à l'extension des sols salins; la Sebkha de Ben Ziane; la dépression de Chentrit (Lunettes of the Oran plains: clay aeoilian dune formations related to the extent of the saline soils; Sebkha of Ben Ziane; depression of Chentrit). In: 4th International Congress on Quaternary (INQUA), Rome-Pisa, Actes I, pp. 143-150. (in French)
- Boulay, S., Colin, C., Trentesaux, A., Clain, S., Liu Zhifei and Lauer-Leredde, C. 2007. Sedimentary responses to the Pleistocene climatic variations recorded in the South China Sea. Quaternary Research 68(1):162-172. (Note: Dust deposition at sea)
- Boulger, G.S. 1889. Rock-pinnacles. Knowledge (London) 13:21-24. (Note: discusses cutting action of wind-blown sand)
- Boulter, C., Bateman, M.D. and Frederick, C.D. 2007. Developing a protocol for selecting and dating sandy sites in East Central Texas: Preliminary results. Quaternary Geochronology 2(1-4):45-50. (Note: aeolian coversands)
- Boulter, C., Bateman, M.D. and Frederick, C.D. 2010. Understanding geomorphic responses to environmental change: A 19 000-year case study from semi-arid central Texas, USA. Journal of Quaternary Science 25(6):889-902. (Note: aeolian deposition during Holocene)
- Boulton, J.W. 1997. Quantifying the morphology of aeolian impact ripples formed in a natural dune setting. Master's thesis, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 172 pp.
- Boulton, W.S. 1951. Permian rocks of midlands. Geological Magazine 88(1):36-40. (Note: aeolian sandstone)
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- Bourcart, J. 1937. Sur la possibilité de determiner l'origine d'un ensablement par l'étude des courbes de fréquences granulomètriques (On the possibility of determining the discovery of sand encroachment by means of granulometric frequency curves). Compte rendu sommaire des Séances de la Société géologique de France (4):49-50. (in French)
- Bourcart, J. and Malycheff, V. 1926. Premiers résultats de recherches sur les sables du Sahara (First results of research on sands of the Sahara). Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, Série 4, 26(13):191-208. (in French)
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- Bourdier, F. 1940. Les dépôts quaternaires et le problème du loess dans la vallée de la Durance méridionale (the Quaternary deposits and the problem of the loess in the southern valley of the Durance). Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris 210(11):405-408. (in French)
- Bourdier, F. 1947. Les caractères distinctifs de chaque glaciation alpine d'apres les couvertures de loess et les sols d'alteration (the distinctive characteristics of each Alpine glaciation revealed by the loess cover and its soils). In: La géologie des terrains récents dans l'ouest de l'Europe. Session extraordinaire des Sociétés belges géologie, 19-26 septembre 1946, Bruxelles: M. Hayez, pp. 332-347. (in French)
- Bourdier, F. 1969. Aperçu sur la stratigraphie des limons quaternaires du bassin de Paris (Stratigraphy of Quaternary loess deposits of the Paris basin). In: Colloque sur les limons du bassin de Paris, Mémoire Hors de Série, Société géologique de France 5, pp. 53-56. (in French)
- Bourdin, P. and Wilson, J.D. 2008. Windbreak aerodynamics: Is computational fluid dynamics reliable? Boundary-Layer Meteorology 126(2):181-208. (keyword: shelter)
- Boureboune, L. and Benazzouz, M.T. 2009. Aeolian morphogenesis and strategy of fight against desertification In Algeria (Hodna And Zibans Basin). In: Marini, A. and Talbi, M., Editors, 2009. Desertification and risk analysis using high and medium resolution satellite date. NATO Science for Peace and Security, Series C: Environmental Security, ISBN 978-1-4020-8936-7, pp. 91-103.
- Bourgignon, P. and Delecour, F. 1955. Identification de loess en Gaume (identification of loess in Gaume). Annales de la Société géologique de Belgique 78(5-7):317-334. (in French)
- Bourgignon, P. and Delecour, F. 1961. Superposition de loess dans l'Entre Sambre et Meuse (Superimposition of loess between the Sambre and Meuse). Annales de la Société géologique de Belgique 84(4-8):377-400. (in French)
- Bourgou, M. 1982. Contribution à l'e'tude géomorphologique des accumulations dunaires de la pe'ninsule du Cap Bon (Tunisie) (Contribution to the geomorphological study of the dune accumulations if the Cap Bon Peninsula (Tunisia) Doctoral thesis, Université de Tunis, 254 pp. (in French) (Note: coastal dunes)
- Bourgou, M. 1991. Les accumulations dunaires de la péninsule du Cap Bon (Tunisie): étude géomorphologique (Dune accumulations of the Cap Bon Peninsula: a geomorphological study). l'Université de Tunis, Faculté des sciences humaines et sociales de Tunis. Deuxième série, Série Géographie, Université de Tunis, Publications 26, 206 pp. (in French)
- Bourke, M.C. 2003. Gone but not forgotten: the aeolian modification of fluvial surfaces on Mars. In: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 34, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Extended Abstract 1643.
- Bourke, M.C. 2010. Barchan dune asymmetry: Observations from Mars and Earth. Icarus 205(1):183-197, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2009.08.023
- Bourke, M.C. and Goudie, A.S. 2009. Varieties of barchan form in the Namib Desert and on Mars. Aeolian Research 1(1-2):45-54, doi:10.1016/j.aeolia.2009.05.002
- Bourke, M.C. and Viles, H.A. (eds). 2007. A photographic atlas of rock breakdown features in geomorphic environments. Tucson: Planetary Science Institute, 79 pp. (Note: Chapter 2: Aeolian features)
- Bourke, M.C., Balme, M. and Zimbelman, J.R. 2004. A comparative analysis of barchan dunes in the intra-crater dune fields and the North Polar Sand Sea. In: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 35, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Extended Abstract 1453.
- Bourke, M.C., Balme, M., Bayer, R.A., Williams, K.K. and Zimbelman, J.R. 2004. How high is that dune? A comparison of methods used to constrain the morphometry of aeolian bedforms on Mars. In: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 35, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Extended Abstract 1713.
- Bourke, M.C., Balme, M., Beyer, R.A., Williams, K.K. and Zimbelman, J.R. 2006. A comparison of methods used to estimate the height of sand dunes on Mars. Geomorphology 81(3-4):440-452, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.04.023
- Bourke, M.C., Bullard, J.E. and Barnouin-Jha, O.S. 2004. Aeolian sediment transport pathways and aerodynamics at troughs on Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets 109, E07005, doi:10.1029/2003JE002155
- Bourke, M.C., Edgett, K.S. and Cantor, B.A. 2008. Recent aeolian dune change on Mars. Geomorphology 94(1-2):247-255.
- Bourke, M.C., Ewing, R.C., Finnegan, D. and McGowan, H.A. 2009. Sand dune movement in the Victoria Valley, Antarctica. Geomorphology 109(3-4):148-160.
- Bourke, M.C., Lancaster, N., Fenton, L.K., Parteli, E.J.R., Zimbelman, J.R. and Radebaugh, J. 2010. Extraterrestrial dunes: An introduction to the special issue on planetary dune systems. Geomorphology 121(1-2):1-14.
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- Bourke, M.C., Wilson, S.A. and Zimbelman, J.R. 2003. The variability of transverse aeolian ridges in troughs on Mars. In: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 34, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Extended Abstract 2090.
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- Bourman, R.P., Murray-Wallace, C.V., Belperio, A.P. and Harvey, N. 2000. Rapid coastal geomorphic change in the River Murray Estuary of Australia. In: Stiros, S.C. and Scott, D.B. (eds), Records of rapid change in late Quaternary coastal sediments and landforms; selected papers from the International Geological Program Project 367. Marine Geology 170(1-2):141-168. (Note: palaeo-coastal dunes)
- Bourne, J.A. and Twidale, C.R. 2010. Playas of inland Australia. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe 35:71-98. (in English)
- Bourquin, S., Guillocheau, F. and Peron, S. 2009. Braided rivers within an arid alluvial plain (example from the Lower Triassic, western German Basin); recognition criteria and expression of stratigraphic cycles. Sedimentology 56(7):2235-2264. (keyword: ventifacts)
- Boussen, S., Sebei, A., Soubrand-Colin, M., Bril, H., Chaabani, F. and Abdeljaouad, S. 2010. Mobilisation par ruissellement et érosion éolienne, de particules solides riches en plomb et zinc à partir de haldes minières dans le nord de la Tunisie (Mobilization of lead-zinc rich particles from mine tailings in northern Tunisia by aeolian and run-off processes). Bulletin de la Société géologique de France 181(5):459-471. (in French with English summary)
- Bout-Roumazeilles, V., Combourieu Nebout, N., Peyron, O., Cortijo, E., Landais, A. and Masson-Delmotte, V. 2007. Connection between South Mediterranean climate and North African atmospheric circulation during the last 50,000 yr BP North Atlantic cold events. Quaternary Science Reviews 26(25-28):3197-3215. (Note: Holocene dust in marine sediments)
- Bout, P. 1953. Contribution à l'étude vulcanologique et morphologique de l'Islande sud-ouest (Contribution to the vulcanological and morphological study of south-western Iceland). Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, Série 6, 3(1-3):187-204. (in French) (Note: actively forming ventifacts)
- Bout, P. 1956. Les cones de poussières des glaciers Islandais (Dust cones on Icelandic glaciers). Revue de géomorphologie dynamique 7(7-8):97-109. (in French)
- Bout, P. and Cailleux, A. 1950. Actions éoliennes au Villafranchien et au Pléistocène ancien en Velay (Aeolian activity in the Vaillafrancian and in the Pleistocene in Velay). Compte rendu sommaire des Séances de la Société géologique de France (15-16):267-269. (in French)
- Bout, P., Corbel, J., Derruau, M., Garavel, L. and Peguy, C.P. 1955. Géomorphologie et glaciologie en Islande central (Geomorphology and glaciology in central Iceland). Norois 2(8):461-573. (in French) (Note: ventifacts etc.: pp. 510-515)
- Bouthillier de Beaumont, H. 1879. Formation des dunes (Formation of dunes). Bulletin de la Société de géographie de Lyon 3:475. (in French)
- Bouthillier de Beaumont, H. 1886. Sur la formations des dunes et son importance comme facies géologique et hydrographique (On dune formations and its importance as geological and hydrographic facies). Actes de la Société helvetique des sciences naturelles 69:56-57. (in French)
- Bouthillier de Beaumont, H. 1886. Sur la formations des dunes et son importance comme facies géologique et hydrographique (On dune formations and its importance as geological and hydrographic facies). Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles, Genève, Période 3, 16:383-386. (in French)
- Bouthillier de Beaumont, H. 1887. Sur la formation des dunes (On the formation of dunes). Association française pour l'avancement des sciences. Compte rendu de la 16e session, Paris 1895. Première partie, pp. 349-350. (in French)
- Boutreux, T. 1998. Surface flows of granular mixtures: II. Segregation with grains of different size. European Physical Journal B 6(3):419-424. (Note: slip face processes on dunes)
- Boutreux, T. and de Gennes. P.G. 1996. Surface flows of granular mixtures .1. General principles and minimal model. Journal de Physique I, 6(10):1295-1304. (Note: slip face processes on dunes)
- Boutreux, T., Makse, H.A. and de Gennes, P.G. 1999. Surface flows of granular mixtures - III. Canonical model. European Physical Journal B 9(1):105-115. (Note: slip face processes on dunes)
- Bouvet, T., Loubet, B., Wilson, J.D. and Tuzet, A. 2007. Filtering of windborne particles by a natural windbreak. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 123(3):481-509. (keyword: dust)
- Bouvet, T., Wilson, J.D. and Tuzet, A. 2006. Observations and modeling of heavy particle deposition in a windbreak flow. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 45(9):1332-1349, doi:10.1175/JAM2382.1
- Bouya, Z., Box, G.P. and Box, M.A. 2010. Seasonal variability of aerosol optical properties in Darwin, Australia. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 72(9-10):726-739, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2010.03.015
- Bouza, M.E., Silenzi, J.C., Echeverría, N.E. and De Lucia, M.P. 2012. Analysis of erosive events for a soil in the southwest of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Aeolian Research 3(4):427-435, doi:10.1016/j.aeolia.2011.10.001
- Bouzenoune, A. and Remoum, K. 2008. Granulométrie et concentrations en minéraux lourdes des sables dunaires et de plage de la région de Oued Zhour (Jijel, Algérie nord orientale)(Granulometry and heavy mineral concentrations in Oued Zhour beach and dune sand, Jijel, northeastern Algeria). Bulletin du Service Géologique National 19(3):287-302. (in French)
- Bova, N.V. 1957. O pyl'nykh burayakh v zavolzh'ye (Dust storm on the left bank of the Volga). Meteorolgiya i Gidrologiya (Soviet Meteorology and Hydrology) (12):29-31. (in Russian)
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- Boven, K.L. and Rea, D.K. 1998. Partitioning of eolian and hemipelagic sediment in eastern equatorial Pacific core TR163-31B and the late Quaternary paleoclimate of the northern Andes. Journal of Sedimentary Research A 68(5):850-855.
- Bovet, P.A. 1910. El problema de los médanos en el país (con especial referencia á los del sud de Córdoba y San Luís) (The problem of the dunes in the country, with special reference to those south of Córdoba and San Luís). Republica Argentina. Dirección general de defensa agrícola, Buenos Aires: Ortega & Radaelli, 52 pp. (in Spanish)
- Bovet, P.A. 1912. Cómo encarar nuestro problema de los médanos: trabajo presentado al Congreso forestal y frutal de la provincia de Buenos Aires (noviembre de 1911) (How to solve our sand dune problems: work presented at the forest and fruit Congress of the province of Buenos Aires, November of 1911). La Plata: Taller de Impresiones Oficiales, 31 pp. (in Spanish)
- Bovet, P.A. 1913. Informe sobre las dunas y plantaciones de Chile (Report on dunes and plantations in Chile). Buenos Aires: Dirección General de Agricultura y Defensa Agrícola; Tall. de Publicaciones de la Dirección Meteorológica, 122 pp. (in Spanish) (Note: control of coastal dunes?)
- Bovill, E.W. 1920-21. The encroachment of the Sahara on the Sudan. Journal of the African Society 20(79):174-185; (80):259-269. (Note: dunes, æolian deposits)
- Bovin, A.I. 1950. Shelterbelts and stabilisation of sands in the construction area of the Principal Turkmenian Canal. Les i Step' (Moskva) 2(11):16-22. (in Russian) (keyword: fixation)
- Bovina, G. 2004. Restauro e conservazione delle dune costiere (Restoration and conservation of coastal dunes). Professione geologo - Rivista dell'Ordine dei Geologi del Lazio, 69 pp. (in Italian) (Note: coastal dunes, fixation)
- Bowden, A.R. 1983. Relict terrestrial dunes: legacies of a former climate in coastal northeastern Tasmania. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 45:153-174. (in English with German and French summaries)
- Bowden, L.W., Huning, J.R., Hutchinson, C.F. and Johnson, C.W. 1974. Satellite photograph presents first comprehensive view of local wind: the Santa Ana. Science 184(4141):1077-1078.
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- Bowes, D.R., Langer, A.M. and Rohl, A.N. 1977. Nature and range of mineral dusts in the environment. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A 286(1336):593-610.
- Bowker, D.E. and Davis, R.E. 1987. Effects of aerosols and surface shadowing on bidirectional reflectance measurements of deserts. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Technical Paper 2756, 1 vol.
- Bowker, G.E., Gillette, D.A., Bergametti, G. and Marticorena, B. 2006. Modeling flow patterns in a small vegetated area in the northern Chihuahuan Desert using QUIC (Quick Urban & Industrial Complex). Environmental Fluid Mechanics 6(4):359-384. (Note: wind erosion)
- Bowker, G.E., Gillette, D.A., Bergametti, G., Marticorena, B. and Heist, D.K. 2007. Sand flux simulations at a small scale over a heterogeneous mesquite area of the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 46(9):1410-1422, doi:10.1175/JAM2537.1
- Bowker, G.E., Gillette, D.A., Bergametti, G., Marticorena, B. and Heist, D.K. 2008. Fine-scale simulations of aeolian sediment dispersion in a small area in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Geophysical Research. Earth Surface 113, F02S11, doi:10.1029/2007JF000748
- Bowler, J.M. 1967. Quaternary chronology of Goulbourn Valley sediments and their correlation in southwestern Australia. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia 14(2):287-292.
- Bowler, J.M. 1968. Australian Landform example no. 11: Lunette. The Australian Geographer 10(5):402-404. (Note: clay dunes)
- Bowler, J.M. 1970. Late Quaternary environments: a study of lakes and associated sediments in south-eastern Australia. Doctoral thesis, Australian National University, Canberra, 340 pp. (Note: clay dunes)
- Bowler, J.M. 1971. Pleistocene salinities and climatic change: Evidence from lakes and lunettes in southeastern Australia. In: Mulvaney, D.J. and Golson, J. (eds), Aboriginal Man and Environment in Australia. Canberra: Australian National University Press, pp. 47-65.
- Bowler, J.M. 1973. Clay dunes: their occurrence, formation and environmental significance. Earth-Science Reviews 9(4):315-338, doi:10.1016/0012-8252(73)90001-9
- Bowler, J.M. 1975. Deglacial events in southern Australia: their age, nature and palaeoclimatic significance. In: Suggate, R.P. and Cresswell, M.M. (eds). Quaternary studies, Selected Papers from the Ninth International Quaternary Association (INQUA) Congress, Bulletin of the Royal Society of New Zealand 13:75-82. (keyword: palaeodunes)
- Bowler, J.M. 1976. Aridity in Australia: age, origins and expression in aeolian landforms and sediments. Earth-Science Reviews 12(2-3):279-310.
- Bowler, J.M. 1978. Glacial age aeolian events at high and low latitudes: A southern hemisphere perspective. In: Van Zinderen Bakker, E.M. (ed), Antarctic Glacial History and World Paleoenvironments, Balkema, pp. 149-172.
- Bowler, J.M. 1978. Quaternary climate and tectonics in the evolution of the riverine plain, southeastern Australia. In: Davies, J.L. and Williams, M.A.J. (eds), Landform Evolution in Australasia, Canberra: Australian National University Press, pp. 70-112. (Note: clay dunes)
- Bowler, J.M. 1980. Quaternary chronology and palaeohydrology in the evolution of the mallee landscapes. In: Storrier, R.R. and Stannard, M.E. (eds), Aeolian landscapes in the semi-arid zone of southeastern Australia, Australian Society of Soil Science, Riverina Branch, Wagga Wagga, pp. 17-36. (keyword: palaeodunes)
- Bowler, J.M. 1981. Australian salt lakes, a palaeohydrological approach. Hydrobiologia 82:431-444.
- Bowler, J.M. 1983. Lunettes as indices of hydrologic change, a review of Australian evidence. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 95(3):147-168.
- Bowler, J.M. 1986. Quaternary landform evolution. In: Jeans, D.N. (ed), Australia: a geography. 1. The natural environment, Sydney University Press, Sydney, pp. 117-147.
- Bowler, J.M. 1986. Spatial variability and hydrologic evolution of Australian lake basins: analogue for Pleistocene hydrologic change and evaporite formation. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 54(1-4):21-41, doi:10.1016/0031-0182(86)90116-1 (keyword: lunette)
- Bowler, J.M. 1998. Willandra Lakes revisited: environmental framework for human occupation. Archaeology in Oceania 33(3):120-155. (Note: palaeodune, lunettes)
- Bowler, J.M. and Harford, L.B. 1963. Geomorphic sequence of the Riverine Plain near Echuca. Australian Journal of Science 26(3):88. (Note: clay dunes)
- Bowler, J.M. and Magee, J.W. 1978. Geomorphology of the Mallee region in semi-arid northern Victoria and the western New South Wales. Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria 90(1):5-21. (keyword: palaeodunes)
- Bowler, J.M. and Magee, J.W. 2000. Redating Australia's oldest human remains: a sceptics view. Journal of Human Evolution 38(5):719-726. (Note: palaeodune, lunettes)
- Bowler, J.M. and Wasson, R.J. 1984. Glacial age environments of inland Australia. In: Vogel, J.C. (ed), Late Cainozoic Palaeoclimates of the Southern Hemisphere, International Symposium of the South African Society for Quaternary Research, Swaziland, 1983, Rotterdam: Balkema, pp. 183-208.
- Bowler, J.M., Chen Kezao and Yuan Baiyin 1987. Systematic variations in loess source areas: evidence from Qaidam and Qinghai basins, western China. In: Liu Tungsheng (ed), Aspects of loess research. Beijing: China Ocean Press, pp. 39-51. (in English early version (?): "Lakes and playas: loess sources or sinks ?" reproduced in Loess Letter 16(1986):39.)
- Bowler, J.M., Hope, G.S., Jennings, J.N., Singh, G. and Walker, D. 1976. Late Quaternary climates of Australia and New Guinea. Quaternary Research 6(3):359-394.
- Bowler, J.M., Johnston, H., Olley, J.M., Prescott, J.R., Roberts, R.G., Shawcross, W., Spooner, N.A. 2003. New ages for human occupation and climatic change at Lake Mungo, Australia. Nature (London) 421(6925), 837-840, doi:10.1038/nature01383 (keyword: lunettes)
- Bowler, J.M., Kotsonis, A. and Lawrence, C.R. 2006. Environmental evolution of the Mallee region, western Murray Basin. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 118(2):161-210. (Note: palaeodunes)
- Bowles, F.A. 1975. Paleoclimatic significance of quartz/illite variations in cores from the eastern equatorial Atlantic. Quaternary Research 5(2):225-235. (Note: dust additions to oceanic sediments)
- Bowles, J. 1980. Effects of human disturbance on the sand dunes at Pinery Provincial Park. Doctoral thesis, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, 190 pp.
- Bowling, D.D. 1995. Accumulation in a dry eolian system; an example from the Jurassic Page Sandstone, southern Utah. Master's thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 66 pp.
- Bowman, D. 1982. Iron coating in recent terrace sequences under extremely arid conditions. Catena 9(1-2):454-359, doi:10.1016/S0341-8162(82)80022-2. (Note: iron in dust)
- Bowman, D., Karnieli, A., Issar, A. and Bruins, H.J. 1986. Residual colluvio-aeolian aprons in the Negev Highlands (Israel) as a palaeo-climatic indicator. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 56(1-2):89-102.
- Bowman, I. 1935. Our expanding and contracting "desert". The Geographical Review 25(1):43-61. (Note: discusses Dust Bowl)
- Box, M.R., Krom, M.D., Cliff, R., Almogi-Labin, A., Bar-Matthews, M., Ayalon, A., Schillman, B. and Paterne, M. 2008. Changes in the flux of Saharan dust to the East Mediterranean Sea since the last glacial maximum as observed through Sr-isotope geochemistry. Mineralogical Magazine 72(1):307-311.
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