
Inspiring teacher, Mr George Johnston, for helping in the truth of the light in for goodness sake. Thus to be an expansion of now termed "nolink." Place holders help the thinking process of "heart & soul," now a resource in this need, of a real true picture of an honestly inspiring teacher. Oh, yes, for the need of justly peace-keeping in rights impartial from the Creator, thank Goodness of the Eternal God. Good today of days, in hopes of the Omniscient One, someday finds it a good thing to tell Mr. Johnston how much I appreciated him as a person, not just a teacher. The fini of a new beginning, the end, for now.…《………》

One of the best unsurpassed teachers.
Header text Header text Header text
An honor code teacher, thankfully, for goodness sake, Mr. Johnston.
An honor code teacher, thankfully, for goodness sake, Mr. Johnston.
Goodness, in youth,

from childhood innocence, in light of ever truth, the gladness in suspense, joy of life in learning journey, sorrows, hardships and pain, yet, from the Creator, help! beyond the human condition, every need, every impartial right, real need of limits of fence.

In the idea of the literal, for goodness sake,

there happened one of teachers, pictured, he had an honesty, an English instructor, someone of character knowing expository pen-person-ship, and did love to teach, that's my report of rapport. No nonsense by gifts used in communication, yet, nary ever a "put-down" that I recall, subsequent to that class, loved to talk to him, in the hall. Oh, shhh, once excited to have drawn a 3-d perspective, of content? oh, a carefully drawn stage, and ... ok, ok, I had other classes, the world on my shoulders, idiomatically speaking, no pun intended, - as soon as I heard? ok, "ladder" I knew it, yes, I forgot in rush of other needs, yes, indeed, to draw the ladder for "Our Town" the subject at hand. The "Elmer's Glue" fix up, had a good idea to be, however, its a long honor code waters under the bridge, for a true teacher, Mr. George Johnston, who loved to teach,

for helping inspire, the entry of typed out book(s), to reach.
23:58, 2 June 2023 (UTC)