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- Interdisciplinary problem/debate/question and explore it through the issues that we have learned about.

- Has to be approached in an interdisciplinary way. - Has to be explored through either truth, evidence, imperialism or disciplinary categories. - Could show how the view of other disciplines could solve the debate/ or come up with a new perspective that is closer to an answer/ a plausible answer. - Has to have some specificity - If we use case studies - have to zoom out at the end.

Steps: Find an issue and think about how it applies to what discipline. - Research: What are our sources?

Approach 1: 1st - Topic 2nd - Disciplines that are impacted by this topic. 3rd - How these issues play a role in how the disciplines affect the topic.

Approach 2: Can follow one of the issues more closely and use the disciplines to demonstrate that there is complexity in the issue (almost as though the issue is the topic). Focus

Ideas for the introduction: ______ is naturally interdisciplinary - we look at... - Assume people know nothing (an intelligent person who is sympathetic) - 4-5 sentence introduction. - Definition. - Very specific and "unwaffle-ly".

Body: - Interdisciplinary viewpoint.