// If you're testing this script, or if you're an interface admin who needs to shut it off in an emergency, set production = false. Otherwise, don't touch it.
var production = true;
var contentContent = document.getElementById("bodyContent");
mw.util.addPortletLink("p-tb", `/wiki/Special:MassRFI`, "Mass RFI", "p-massrfi", "Mass RFI request maker");
// Adapted from User:Ahecht/Scripts/massmove.js
function prod() {
if (production) return "Wikibooks:Requests_for_import";
return "User:JJPMaster/rfi/sandbox";
function massRFIGetArticles() {
var articles = document.getElementById("wpMassRFIPages").value.split("\n");
var ret = [];
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = articles.length; i < len; i++) {
var s = articles[i];
s = s.trim();
if (s) {
return ret;
async function parseRFI(merge) {
var params = {
action: 'parse',
page: prod(),
prop: 'sections',
format: 'json'
var api = new mw.Api();
var arr1;
var arr2;
const data = await api.get(params);
if (merge) return data.parse.sections.find((e) => e.line == "Import and Merge").index;
return data.parse.sections.find((e) => e.line == "Simple Imports").index;
function massRFIGetNewArticles(prefix) {
var newArts = [];
massRFIGetArticles().forEach((e) => {
regex = new RegExp('^' + document.getElementById("wpPipeTrick").value);
newArts.push(e.replace(regex, ""));
return newArts;
function massRFIPrepare(e) {
if (!wpPipeTrick.value) {
alert("You must add a prefix to remove.");
var MCarts = confirm("Your articles are these, right?\n" + massRFIGetArticles());
if (MCarts) MCcheck = confirm("And you want them to be imported to these titles, right?" + massRFIGetNewArticles($("#wpPipeTrick").val()));
if (MCcheck) MCfinal = confirm("Are you sure you want to make this request?");
if (MCfinal) doMassRFI();
function massRFIGenerateRequest(reason, xml) {
var req = "";
req = `\n== Request from {{SUBST:REVISIONUSER}} ({{SUBST:#time: d F Y}}) ==\n`;
for (var i = 0; i < massRFIGetArticles().length; i++) {
req = req + (`* [[${massRFIGetArticles()[i]}]] → [[${massRFIGetNewArticles()[i]}]]\n`);
req = req + reason + "\n\n";
if (xml) req = req + "This request requires an import uploader or administrator. ";
req = req + "~~~~";
return req;
async function doMassRFI() {
var params = {
action: 'edit',
title: prod(),
section: await parseRFI(getCheck(document.getElementById("wpMassRFICheck"))),
appendtext: massRFIGenerateRequest(document.getElementById("wpReason").value, getCheck(document.getElementById("wpMassRFICheckXML"))),
summary: 'Added import request using [[User:JJPMaster/rfi.js|script]]',
format: 'json'
api = new mw.Api();
const data = await api.postWithToken( 'csrf', params ).catch(e => handle(e));
console.log( data );
setTimeout(() => {
window.location.href = mw.config.get("wgArticlePath").replace("$1", "") + getTitle(production);
}, 2000);
function getCheck(check) {
if(check.checked) return true;
return false;
function getTitle() {
title = prod();
var parsedVal = parseRFI(getCheck(document.getElementById("wpMassRFICheck")));
if (parsedVal == 3) {
title += "#Import_and_Merge";
else {
title += "#Simple_Imports";
return title;
$(function() {
if(mw.config.get("wgPageName").toLowerCase() == "special:massrfi") {
document.title = "Mass RFI - " + mw.config.get("wgSiteName");
document.getElementById("firstHeading").innerText = "Mass RFI";
// Adapted from [[User:Ahecht/Scripts/massmove.js]]
contentContent.innerHTML = `<div style="display: flex;"><form id="wpMassRFI" name="wpMassRFI">
<b>If you abuse this tool, it\'s <i>your</i> fault, not mine.</b>
<div id="wpMassRFIFailedContainer"></div>
<br />
Pages to import (one on each line, please):<br />
<textarea tabindex="1" accesskey="," name="wpMassRFIPages" id="wpMassRFIPages" rows="10" cols="80"></textarea>
<input type="text" id="wpPipeTrick" name="wpPipeTrick" />
<label for="wpPipeTrick">Prefix to remove from pages (e.g. "w:es:")</label>
<br /><input type="text" id="wpReason" name="wpReason" />
<label for="wpReason">Reason for importation</label>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" id="wpMassRFICheck" name="wpMassRFICheck" />
<label for="wpMassRFICheck">Requires a history merge</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="wpMassRFICheckXML" name="wpMassRFICheckXML" />
<label for="wpMassRFICheckXML">Requires XML import</label>
<br />
<input type="submit"/>
document.getElementById("wpMassRFI").addEventListener("submit", massRFIPrepare);