User:HumbleBeauty/Worship technology

What is this one thing? Radiation; everything is made of radiation as matter is soliton optical vortices; We may also call the one thing energy because radiation is the emission or transmission of energy. Having nothing else to interact with, energy is self-deterministic; or dare I say energy is consciousness itself; the universe of things is thus a cybernetic organism, making evolution a natural component of intelligent self-design.



You will know (and even experience) energy if this framework is true or if this understanding is practical (including psychological utility).

If we understand "science as the study of energy", then as an act of acceptance, attention, interest, and serenity, we want to study energy or learn more about energy all the more; powerful emotions such as... trust, surprise, anticipation, and joy, as well as admiration, amazement, vigilance, and ecstasy ...provoking productivity and innovation no doubt evolve or advance the field! Optimism, reverence, adoration, and innovation occur.

Since this is the most practical framework to understand the notion of energy and of science; energy exists! Q.E.D

metalogical theorem


Metalogic is really simple. Did you know that metalogic is merely the generalizing of logical connectives? In other words, saying anything about a logical connective IS called metalogic! You will notice I say many things about these connectives. Well, all that logic is, is the generalizing of what can be said through the use of logical connectives. I use some of that too.

the word nothing exists


( |-∃!{}), Assuming nothing (i.e. having no non-logical axioms), it follows that there is an assuming, or thinking; And this particular thinking, amounts to the existence of one empty set or the word nothing.

nothing IS not


Parmenides said "nothing IS not" which means "nothing doesn't IS" or "IS" doesn't apply to nothing.

It is a scientific fact that nothing does not exist somewhere. And even if one had a superconducting box (which could remove magnetic fields) that one could remove all of the gases, photons and charged particles from; you would still have gravity, neutrinos, zero point energy, and quantum tunneling to deal with.

Four senses of “IS” can be meant;

generalization; identity (equivalents), [mankind IS homosapien]

implication (implies) [a man IS an animal]

predication (has the property of) [an orange IS the color orange]

existence; instantiation (exists as) [there IS truth]

Generalization has two antecedents;



Which means;

Nothing likens not

Nothing contrasts not

Nothing generalizes not

Nothing implicates not

Nothing describes not

Nothing instantiates not

everything IS


The contraposition of "nothing IS not" is "everything IS" or "everything does IS" or "IS" applies to everything.


everything likens => everything harmonizes => everything loves;

everything contrasts => everything informs => everything teaches;

everything generalizes => everything identifies => everything comprehends;

everything implicates => everything causes => everything reasons;

everything describes => everything communicates;

everything instantiates => everything generates => everything sustains;

one thing IS


IF everything IS (or likens, contrasts, generalizes, implicates, describes, and instantiates) then everything generalizes to one thing.


one thing likens => one thing harmonizes => one thing loves;

one thing contrasts => one thing informs => one thing teaches;

one thing generalizes => one thing identifies => one thing comprehends;

one thing implicates => one thing causes => one thing reasons;

one thing describes => one thing communicates;

one thing instantiates => one thing generates => one thing sustains;

one thing self-IS


But this one thing, is also a thing, in other words it self-IS;

one thing self-likens => it self-harmonizes => it is autoimmune

one thing self-contrasts => it self-informs => it is an autodidact

one thing self-generalizes => it self-identifies => it is self-aware => it is sentient

one thing self-implicates => it is self-causal => it is self-deterministic => it is self-reasoning

one thing self-describes => it is self-interested

one thing self-instantiates => it is self-generating => it is self-sustaining => it is self-sufficient

one thing all-IS


It follows that "one thing self-IS" is "one thing all-IS"


one thing all-likens => it all-unifies => it is omnibenevolent

one thing all-contrasts => it all-informs => it all-teaches

one thing all-generalizes => it all-identifies => it is all-aware => omniscient and omnipresent

one thing all-implicates => it is all-causal => it is all-deterministic => all-reasoning => all-wise

one thing all-describes => it is all-characteristics

one thing all-instantiates => omnipotent and eternal.



The one thing is an autoimmune, autodidact, sentient, that is self-interested, self-sufficient, and omnibenevolent, making it an all-teacher, that is omniscient and omnipresent, and all-wise, as well as omnipotent and eternal.

This proof about the one thing is part of it's self-describing, self-reasoning, and as an act of it being an all-teacher.

YHWH threat


YHWH claims to have flooded the entire planet in the past


here is the proof;

YHWH plans on burning the entire planet in the future


YHWH implemented Canaanite genocide


YHWH sanctioned and contributed to the killing of the offspring of Canaan

cities of Sidon, first born son of Canaan were destroyed


killing of Canaanite woman and children and trees and animals


YHWH killed Israelite children


Ezekiel 5:10-17


YHWH tortured Iesous


YHWH possesses Christians through spirits


adversary jurisdiction




"Father" is a title we give to our male parent

NOT to a god.

Did Iesous want us (the flesh and blood human) to have his Father, no actually he is the Father of the spirits that possess Christians...

so that has nothing to do with the flesh and blood human.

YHWH is not our Father

Is he our supreme great grand father?

the gods made us in their image... so the probability of YHWH being the actual father of Adam is low.



If we have free will and a little magik then we can create ourselves to be and do anything through biokinesis

YHWH says those who do such biokinesis; he is not their Creator

Husbandly Owner (of Tribe)


As a Tribe, we (should) ask for a certificate of divorce!

To Own ourselves as a free Tribe.

I worship the zero point torque that's inside my body.

If YHWH is the zero point torque that is everywhere, then I worship a very small part of YHWH.



baptism is similar to a vow, therefore it is under the authority of satan

this is why Iesous was immediately taken to the desert and tested by satan



"hand them over to satan"

Don't hand me over to anyone, I am an Apostle of the new church a FREE church.



king is ruler of a kin

is YHWH our kin? no



what authority does YHWH have?

he only has authority in his own jurisdiction

so stay out of his jurisdiction



are we his slaves? why would we be his slaves; so that we are not slaves to sin

I am a slave to the zero point torque that's inside my body





acting of debt is the source of acting of... harm


acting of debt is the source of acting of lies

acting of lies is the source of acting of harm

acting of harm is the source of acting of debt

instead we should act of cred

invisible contracts


equity jurisdiction NOT tort!


do you have a master? are you a servant?


benefits received equals jurisdiction


reading the bible is expensive

so if you study it, do so with all your heart... don't waste your life

de jure jurisdiction


do you agree that you are an animal? a slave?

In normal circumstances we would avoid those characterizations!

but some how when we read the bible we want them applied to ourselves; the spirit???

I cant down speak the spirit, but it is the invading force in your mind that makes you drop your guard when it comes to your jurisdiction in relation to YHWH

a slave can be beaten, and even killed for a minor crime

an animal can be sacrificed!