User:HumbleBeauty/Proof of monism

This small booklet has been peer reviewed by Christopher Michael Langan (CTMU[1]), and Jonathan Emerson (the G proof[2]), and by numerous atheists and agnostics across the internet; such as on myspace religion and philosophy forum, facebook groups, and on paltalk.

sole Author: Mars Sterling Turner

Proof of monism asks two questions of us; 1. What epistemology is used in such a proof, and 2. what are the conditions which prove here some particular kinds of monism.

1. Rationalism (where you show something is a logical tautology or that it metalogically follows), and scientism (where you use facts as axioms to deduce scientific laws), and pragmatism (where you merely show the utility of something; that it is useful).

2.(substance, attributive, and partial) Monism can be demonstrated by proving that everything is made of one thing; nothing is made nothing and nowhere and at no time has nothing existed. (these are logical tautologies) and the contraposition is; everything is made of something and something has always existed everywhere. These refer to the same 'something'; and together suggest that everything is made of one thing that has always existed everywhere. QED

scientific laws


energy is eternal


proof; ∑E = Ek+Ep

Scientific Fact (1); Conservation of energy; energy cannot be created nor destroyed.

energy cannot be created

ergo by time reversal symmetry it is a scientific fact that energy never was created

ergo energy cannot be created, never was created, energy exists and yet cannot be destroyed,

ergo it is a scientific law that energy is eternal. Q.E.D.

some suppose the big bang created energy, then there would be a way to create or even destroy energy; go a head and try, let me know if you succeed

energy is omnipresent


proof; E = m c^2; immanence

proof; E = (ħ ω)/2; transcendence

Scientific Fact (2A); mass-energy equivalence; matter is made of energy.

Scientific Fact (2B); Vacuum energy or zero point energy; there is an amount of energy equal to (ħ ω)/2 in every single point in space.

ergo it is a scientific law that energy is everywhere present Q.E.D.

energy is all-power-full


proof; P = ∫ ∇ E dv

Scientific Fact (3); Power is the transformation of energy over space and time.

All expressions of power are transformations of energy

ergo it is a scientific law that eternal and omnipresent energy [S1 & S2] is all-power-full Q.E.D.

every field (electric, magnetic, gravitational) extends to infinity... so even if the field strength is lower then the quantum, it still exists and no doubt has an effect

energy is self-causal



Scientific Corollary (1); Every cause involves energy and every effect involves energy [S3]

ergo it is a scientific law that eternal and omnipresent energy [S1 & S2] is self-causal Q.E.D.

causal as in a process through time

It is a scientific law that monism exists.


Proof--It is a scientific law that energy is eternal and omnipresent [S1 & S2]. It is a scientific law that eternal and omnipresent energy is all-power-full, and self-causal [S3, Sc1]. Eternal, omnipresent, all-power-full, self-causal, energy is a monism. Q.E.D.

resolved paradox of omnipotence


Power is defined as the transformation of energy, not the destruction of energy. The inability to destroy itself does not contradict being all-power-full. Therefore energy cannot destroy itself.

To create and to lift both involve the transformation of energy. The monism is an infinite energy and a rock which has finite form cannot exist in an infinite substantial state. Therefore the monism cannot create a rock that it cannot lift.

Therefore the monism is natural.

Note; Resolving the omnipotence paradox as a scientific fact demonstrates the scientific proof has increased or clarified our understanding of reality.

This pragmatically proves that monism exists. QED

alternative views




resolved problem of the non-physical


Define "physical";

By physical, does one mean 3-space local realism at no greater than the speed of light?

such that the following are non-physical;

(1) any spacial dimensions higher than 3

(2) non-locality and quantum entanglement

(3) superluminal speed and negative refractive index

Or by "physical" does one equivocate to mean "natural"?

The monism is natural.



dual aspect monism


so you have the physical and non-physical and both are made of the same thing



nothing is nothing... etc.


my rebuttal to ontological nihilism is these logical tautologies;

nothing is nothing, nothing equals nothing, nothing implies nothing, nothing has the property of nothing, nothing exists as nothing, nothing is the cause of nothing, nowhere and at no time has nothing existed, nothing is made of nothing, nothing is in nothing, nothing is nonexistence.