User:Dom walden/Multivariate Analytic Combinatorics/Cauchy-Hadamard Theorem and Exponential Bounds



Cauchy-Hadamard theorem in several complex variables




Let   be an n-dimensional vector of natural numbers ( ) with  , then   converges with radius of convergence   with   if and only if






Set    , then[1]


This is a power series in one variable   which converges for   and diverges for  . Therefore, by the Cauchy-Hadamard theorem for one variable


Setting   gives us an estimate


Because   as  






For the central diagonal of our example,  :


  is at its largest when   so that  .

We know by Stirling's approximation that this is a good estimate.

But what about a diagonal along an arbitrary ray, like the above example  ?


If we keep   then  

This isn't a good estimate.

Better to use   then  

Convex optimisation


In the below, the function we are interested in is  .

We therefore want to find the   on the domain of convergence of   that minimises  .

The subject of convex optimisation already has the tools for this, but in order to use it we need to transform the domain of convergence to be a convex set and   to be a convex function.

Give examples of how useful convex is...

Fortunately, the logarithmic image of the domain of convergence of a power series of a complex function is convex.[2]

Therefore, we define[3]


The domain of convergence of our function can now be defined as the complement of this amoeba[4]


This may leave us with multiple unconnected components, each one for a different Laurent series expansion. Denote the component we are interested in as  


The logarithmic image of   is  . Because   is a concave function,   is convex.

So we now have a problem of minimising a convex function over a convex set.

We want to find the supporting hyperplane to   with outward-facing normal  .

Critical point equations


This happens when the supporting hyperplane defined above coincides with the tangent plane with normal  .

This means they are not linearly independent and therefore the matrix


is rank deficient, or its 2 x 2 submatrices have zero determinants. This is equivalent to a system of equations referred to as the critical point equations[5][6]



  1. Shabat 1992, pp. 32-33.
  2. Shabat 1992, pp. 31.
  3. Pemantle, Wilson and Melczer 2024, pp. 151, 157.
  4. Melczer 2021, pp. 116.
  5. Melczer 2021, pp. 203.
  6. Pemantle, Wilson and Melczer 2024, pp. 200.


  • Melczer, Stephen (2021). An Invitation to Analytic Combinatorics: From One to Several Variables (PDF). Springer Texts & Monographs in Symbolic Computation.
  • Pemantle, Robin; Wilson, Mark C.; Melczer, Stephen (2024). Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables (PDF) (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
  • Shabat, B. V. (1992). Introduction to Complex Analysis. Part II: Functions of Several Variables. American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island.

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