User:Charles Matthews/HWWCh10 quiz

User:Charles Matthews/Ch10Welcome

How Wikipedia Works/Chapter 10#1

Breaks:: Do you ever take a break from wiki editing? {=Yes#Good idea! ~No#Bad idea!}

How Wikipedia Works/Chapter 10#2

New Page survival:: On average, how many new pages are added to the English Wikipedia daily, and survive the initial moderation? {~less than 600 =Between 600 and 1200 ~Between 1200 and 1800}
Speedy deletion:: How many new pages are speedy deleted, compared to those that survive? {~Many fewer =About the same sort of number ~Many more}

How Wikipedia Works/Chapter 10#3

Hangon:: The "hangon" template should be placed on the {=article ~talk page of the article#Once you have placed the hangon template on the article, you should make your case on the talk page.} threatened with speedy deletion.

User:Charles Matthews/Thx