Colombian Anolis/Norops Checklist and Key
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14 subdigital lamellae on second and in third phalange of fourth toe; males with conspicuous dewlap (dark blue with cream scales); ventral scales keeled unicarinate; femoral pores absent Anolis auratus
23.Paravertebral scales keeled and larger than granular scales laterally; ventrals keeled; male dewlap red with blackish scales Anolis tropidogaster
23' Dorsal scales approximately same form and size flat or keeled; ventral flat or keeled. Male dewlap with another color and pattern 24
24. With 19 or more enlarged subdigital lamellae in the fourth toe between the second and third phalange .25 25.Caudal crest present; 19 at 21 enlarged subdigital lamellae in the fourth toe between the second and third phalange, male dewlap red with six to nine arrays cream color and four black points among each array Anolis sulcifrons 25' Caudal crest absent; Lack of a interparietal scale. 25 lamellae under second and third phalanges of fourth toe. Supraciliary scales are unusually well developed and the head scales very distinctly keeled. Dewlap pale blue in males. Anolis propinquus 25’a. 19 lamellae under second and third phalanges of fourth toe; interparietal, certain supraorbital scales, and sublabial scales of great size. Anolis ibague 25’b 21 to 22 (24) lamellae under second and third phalanges of fourth toe. 25’b1. Flanks vividly mottled; Dewlap pale yellow, scales cream/ drab greenish with grey-bordered white streaks/spots Anolis huilensis 25’b2. Very sharp canthal ridge projecting above the loreal region; Dewlap red orange with black blotches and yellow border Anolis antioquiae 25c. Distinctly keeled head scales, relatively short limbs, and a green ground color. 25c1. Scales in frontal depression with keels oriented anteroposteriorly 23-27 lamellae under second and third phalanges of fourth toe; Dewlap large in both sexes, smaller in female. Anolis danieli 25c2. Scales in frontal depression with keels radiating from the center; 23-29 lamellae under second and third phalanges of fourth toe; Dewlap in male only. Anolis apollinaris 25d. Smooth or weakly keeled or rugose head scales, Dark olive brown and greenish in color. Smooth head scales, 18-24 subdigital lamellae in the fourth toe between the second and third phalange. It is short-legged like A. danieli and A. apollinaris. Anolis fraseri Green background coloration, but always with a dorsal pattern of oblique bands or rows of spots, sometimes also an ocellus in front of the shoulder. The superciliaries squarish and flat, the suboculars always in contact with the supralabials. Relatively long-legged, with scales in frontal depression rugose, tubercular or keeled, keels without definite orientation. 22 to 28 enlarged subdigital lamellae in the fourth toe between the second and third phalange; Dewlap cream with arrays of white scales . Anolis frenatus
24’Less than 19 enlarged subdigital lamellae in the fourth toe between the second and third phalange 18-19 (21,22) lamellae under second and third phalanges of fourth toe. .Supraocular semicircles usually distinct and separated by 0–2 scales; usually 3–5 small scales above supraciliar series, occasionally 3rd–4th enlarged; A low, simple nuchal fold is present in males, that extends along the vertebral region of dorsum; Dewlap in males: yellow-ochre or orange-yellow with pale or dark scales; in female brownish, yellowish, greenish or grayish with dark spots and pale scales. Less than 19 enlarged subdigital lamellae in the fourth toe between the second and third phalange Anolis jacare
26. Subocular in contact with supralabials. 12-16 subdigital lamellae in the fourth toe between the second and third phalange of fourth toe; Dewlap orange around edge, dirty brick red along throat. Anolis maculiventris 26. Suboculars separated from labials superiors for two scales rows, 26a. 11 scales among second canthals, six supralabials; seven loreals; supraorbital semicircles separated by one scale, ventral scales keeled and romboids; 18 enlarged subdigital lamellae in fourth finger toe between the second and third phalange. Dewlap red, in females cream, with white scales and a dark big rounded stain in the center Anolis vittigerus 26b. Lack of an interparietal scale. Only a short supraciliary scale followed by granules or granules only. Loreal rows four or five, the lowermost slightly larger. Supraorbital semicircles separated in both males by two rows of large scales. as large as the scales of the semicircles. in the females in contact or separatcd bv one row of 'small scales or granules. Supraorbital scales in contact with or barely separated from the supraocular disk of each side. which consists of six to ten enlarged. slightly wrinkled scales. remainder of the supraocular area granular or subgranular. One or two short supraciliaries on each side followed by granules, or only granules present. Canthus blunt. canthals small, poorly differentiated. the first or first and second largest. Smooth ventrals, 15-18 lamellae under second and third phalanges of fourth toe; (Relatively) short, stubby toes, Male dewlap unpingmented, pale yellow-green with salmon pink near anterior edge and white or pale yellow scales. The small female dewlap is pigmented: blue with yellow or white scales. Anolis calimae Less than 18 enlarged subdigital lamellae in the fourth finger toe between the second and third phalange. 26c.With 17 enlarged subdigital lamellae in the fourth toe between the second and third phalange; 8 to 9 supralabials; semicircles separate supraorbitals among them for three scales and of the parietal ones for three to four scales; hemipenis without distal bifurcation. Dewlap red-orange anterior and gray to pink in the two later thirds Anolis antonii/tolimensis 26d. With 15 enlarged subdigital lamellae in the fourth toe among the second and third phalange, 7 supralabials; semicircles separated from supraorbitals for two scales and from the parietal ones for two to three scales; hemipenis with distal bifurcation; Dewlap red-orange with eight arrays of lengthened scales of cream color, with numerous granular scales cream densely agrupped Anolis mariarum 10 supralabials to center of eye, semicircles separated from supraorbitals and parietals for four scales. Anolis mirus