User:CUNY IVE/Virtual Enterprise

Virtual Enterprise (VE) is active‐learning pedagogy where groups of students assume the roles of members of an enterprise and operate that business in teams. The business processes employed in the classroom are real and the products and services are drawn from current industry direction. Yet, the business is indeed "virtual" with products only being sold through the simulated economy comprised of the international network of students and VE businesses. The backbone of this economy is our proprietary technology platform, the VE MarketMaker, with banking, credit, e‐commerce, and stock functionality. Nearly all human activity has an economic context and it is this system that allows the student work done in the classroom to register. The global network also facilitates collaborative events for showcasing product development, applying for funding, and making sales. It puts acquired interdisciplinary knowledge and skills into practical use, building the mental connection between what they’ve learned and how the “real world” makes use of it. Students are obliged to actively participate in their own learning through projects, group work, and discussion. (Troudt, 2009)