Interesting things (websites, organisations, concepts, facts, stats etc.) we've discovered and want to share:

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Andrew L:


Ed M:

  • 02/07/06: WikiBooks- Open textbooks on any subject, including How To's. Part of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation (i.e. same as Wikipedia). Possibly a good platform for EvMatra / HumCentre to develop and 'publish' international/sustainable development related 'modules' (building on the ISF course and IDC lecture RLOs etc.)? Nb. I'm slightly wary of the 'copycat' Wikia which seems to be a For-profit company.
  • 04/07/06: Cittaslow, Italian for "slow town", is an international network of towns working towards a set of goals that aim to improve quality of life, and that have passed an assessment top be admitted as a member of the network. "Cittaslow is a way of thinking. It is about caring for your town and the people who live and work in it or visit it. It is about protecting the environment, about promoting local goods and produce, and about avoiding the ‘sameness’ that afflicts too many towns in the modern world."

Jaime RO:


Matthew Z:


Priti P:


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