Stuff to add:
- Chamberlain prodedure
- ACOSOG Z0050 (PET for Lung ca)
- cyrotherapy - Jewel THompson effect, Argon
- ICRU publications 38/50/62
- Prostate MRI: T2 best for visualizing prostate gland, T1 for showing post-bx hemorrhage, can use T1 or T2 for LN
- American Urologic Association (AUA) stage for prostate
- []
- MRI: Choline/Creatinine ratio versus Citrate. In cancer, citrate is lowered, and choline/creat is increased
- MRI: diffusion coefficient decreased in tumor
- Prostate: T3, include all SV in PTV
- Prostate: RTOG P-0126, 79.2 Gy vs 70.2, Int Risk
- Prostate: ext/int iliac LN. common iliac uncommon. presarcal uncommon.
- Look up: Radiol 211: 815-828, 1991 - cross sectional nodal anatomy
- ASTRO 2004: LN relationship to vessels (prostate)
- Prostate "standard" pelvic field: up to L4/L5
- Treatment planning: EUD (equivalent uniform dose), TCP/NTCP (biological cost function), Lyman - sigmoid curve
- Treatment planning: score, uncomplicated tumor control S=T(1-P1)*(1-P2)
- Langer et al, Kallman et al.
- EUD: Niemierco and Mohan
- EUD=[volume*dose^a]^(1/a)... where a=exponent. if a>>0, EUD trends toward max dose. if a<<0 trends toward min dose
- inverse planning algorithms:
- exhausive search, 1960s
- simulated annealing (Kirkpatrick 1983, Gemen 1984, Aarts 1985, Webb 1989)
- filtered backprojection - based on inverse CT technique, Fourier transform. but often gives negative doses which aren't possible
- L.Xing, Med PHys 25, 1845-49 - iterative method
- genetic algorithms
- GIST - KIT tyrosine kinase receptor, binds growth factor
- Rosenberg 1982, NCI - amp vs surg/xrt
- Pisters, MSKCC, JCO 1996 - surg vs surg/xrt
- Yang, NCI, 1998
- O'Sullivan NCIC, Lancet 2002 - pre-op vs post-op
- LR/OS/Regional/Distant control - same for pre/post-op (already metastatic?). post-op has worse grade 3/4 fibrosis (36% vs 23% for preop)
- fractures 10% at 60-66 Gy (postop) vs 2% for preop 50 Gy
- preop more wound complications
- tumor cells >1cm from tumor in 1/3 of cases -- need for large margins
- HODGKIN LYMPHOMA (correct name)
- Rye 1966, WHO 2001 (added lymphocyte rich classical HL)
- use ABVD chemo + IF-XRT 30-36 Gy
- early stage: extended field + ABVD - high risk of 2nd malignancy, but good cause-specific survival (overall survival is less)
- Milan 1990-1996, EFRT v IFRT (30-36 Gy) x 4 cycles chemo
- Engent JCo 21: 3601, 2003
- new std of care is short course chemo + IF-RT
- MALT LYMPHOMA (stomach) - treated like low grade
- stomach 18 Gy AP/PA, boost obliques to 36 Gy off kidneys
- new disease - described in 1980s
- 1/3 have diffuse disease (Stage III-IV)
- if treat H.pylori may regress. response can take 6 months. assay C-14 urea breath test to follow response, not antibodies
- Tsang, PMH, JCO 2003, 21:4157
- 100% control w XRT
- "starry sky"
- BCL-2 negative usually
- CNS: RTOG 95-08
- defn of "conformity index" (by Paddick)
- GK: trigeminal neuralgia, 75 Gy
- RPA classification for GBM, Curran 1993 - I to VI
- RPA for mets
- RTOG 93-05 - GBM... RT+BCNU vs GK then RT+BCNU
- RTOG 80-07: neutrons for GBM
At RTOG page, 78-03 and 76-15 have same PMID. Which is correct?RTOG 76-15 need ref.
Miscellaneous info
editWikibook stats: (found here)