
The Tundra Biome And Climate edit

Temperatures edit

The average temperature in the tundra biome is -34.44 degrees. It never gets above 8.61 degrees Celsius. The short summer only lasts 6-10 weeks.When the warmer weather comes it causes a layer of permafrost, ice that never goes away. In the tundra they only get 6-10 inches of rain a year, including melted snow.

Tundra Landscape.

Effect On Animals edit

Animals have to thicken up there fur to survive the harsh temperatures and climates. Not many plants survive the cold winter.

Tundra climate edit

The climate is cold and dry. The climate has left the landscape bleak and treeless. There aren't any seasons in the Tundra just a very long winter. Winter conditions last all through the year in the Tundra. Only grass, shrubs and a few other things.

Where Is The Tundra Biome edit

The tundra biome spans from most of Greenland to parts of Alaska, northern Canada, and northern Russia.