Usability for Nerds/Self-explaining interfaces
Self-explaining user interfaces are preferred if they can be implemented without too much complication. A drop-down menu is a good example of a self-explaining interface.
A bad example is a desktop shortcut in Microsoft Windows 7. This square, which just looks like an empty space, is actually a shortcut that you can click on to view the desktop. It is not obvious that this little square actually has a function - or what that function might be. A user looking for a shortcut to the desktop is very unlikely to find it.

An icon or pictogram is intended to be self-explaining, and it works well if it is easy to understand or the meaning is generally known.

But an icon or pictogram is useless if incomprehensible or easily misunderstood. This pictogram means Remember, but it may be misinterpreted to mean Emergency room.

This icon, named Control Center 3, opens the software for controlling a scanner. This is not obvious to the user.

While a self-explaining button or icon can be useful, it should not be so conspicuous as to be disturbing or importunate.