Understanding Air Safety in the Jet Age/Being a Survivor

Survival factors:

  • Do your research before you book. Airlines going through a financial crunch may skimp on maintenance. Some regulators are a lighter touch than others - if the airline you've chosen is banned from flying in the EU or the US, perhaps you should choose another one.
  • Choose your seat carefully.
  • Listen to the safety instructions and make sure you know where the nearest exits are. All of them as the closest may be unavailable.
  • If something seems wrong, speak up. Several accidents could have been avoided if passengers had told the cabin crew about a problem.
  • Dress appropriately. Artificial fibres are far worse in a fire than natural fibres. The clothes you would have on the ground in an emergency are the clothes on your back, not in your luggage, so wear something generally appropriate for the region you are flying. Unnatural colors help others find you.
  • When emergency oxygen masks fall, always put your own mask on first, then help nearby passengers. If you pass out yourself you aren't helping anyone, but once you have oxygen you can continue to assist others.
  • When asked to stow away items, do so quickly and securely.
  • Have a plan that you've mentally rehearsed. It will help you overcome shock and act quicker.