TripleA/Play by Mail
< TripleA
Play by Mail is also shortened as PBEM.
After starting tripleA, click on "Start PBEM game". From "Load Saved Game" you can load the saved your partner sent you by mail, or from "Choose Game" select your new game. There are different Dice Servers:
- for the first one you have to enter your email and your partner's at the To and CC fields on top. Then play and at the end of your turn you save and send the saved to your partner by mail. The Dice server will send an email containing the result of every dice rolled to the emails you provided. It might flood your email with such mails.
- the second dice server (the one containing web word in it) just stores the rolled values on the internet, which you can check using the game's unique code (you can find instructions in the fields where the e-mails would have been written for the previous server)