Travel Time Reliability Reference Manual/About SHRP II

Strategic Highway Research Program 2 (SHRP II)


"Congress authorized the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) in 2005 to investigate the underlying causes of highway crashes and congestion in a short-term program of focused research. To carry out that investigation, SHRP 2 targets goals in four interrelated focus areas: Safety: Significantly improve highway safety by understanding driving behavior in a study of unprecedented scale. Renewal: Develop design and construction methods that cause minimal disruption and produce long-lived facilities to renew the aging highway infrastructure. Reliability: Reduce congestion and improve travel time reliability through incident management, response, and mitigation. Capacity: Integrate mobility, economic, environmental, and community needs into the planning and design of new transportation capacity."[1]

"SHRP 2 is being conducted under a memorandum of understanding among the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, the Federal Highway Administration, and the National Research Council. The multiyear program (five years of funding, nine years to complete) began work in March 2006. SHRP 2 is guided by an oversight committee and four technical coordinating committees, one in each of the four focus areas. More targeted task groups provide assistance in areas requiring specific technical expertise, including preparation of requests for proposals and review of proposals."[1]

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