Traditional Chinese Medicine/Fu Fang Yu Quan Wan

The formula Fu Fang Yu Quan Wan (复方玉泉丸), designed to clear away heat, promote the production of body fluid, and eliminate pathogenic factors and toxin, consists of the following:

No. Pinyin Simplified Chinese Grams
1 Tian Hua Fen 天花粉 30
2 Ge Gen 葛根 9
3 Sheng Di Huang 生地黄 15
4 Wu Wei Zi 五味子(北五味子) 9
5 Sheng Gan Cao 生甘草 9
6 Guan Ye Jin Si Tao 贯叶金丝桃 15
7 Ling Zhi 灵芝(赤芝) 15
8 Tu Fu Ling 土茯苓 15