Traditional Chinese Medicine/Formula Design/Expelling Pathogenic Factors From Both The Interior And Exterior/Xiao Qing Long Tang

The formula Xiao Qing Long Tang, designed to relieve the exterior by expelling cold, warm the lung and resolve fluid-retention, alleviate cough and asthma, consists of the following:

No. Pinyin Simplified Chinese Grams
1 Ma Huang 麻黄 6
2 Shao Yao 芍药 6
3 Gan Jiang 干姜 6
4 Wu Wei Zi 五味子 6
5 Gui Zhi 桂枝 6
6 Ban Xia 半夏 9
7 Xi Xin 细辛 3
8 Zhi Gan Cao 炙甘草 3