This Quantum World/Cover

About this book


Since 1999 I have taught an introductory course of contemporary physics to high-school students (grades 11-12) and undergraduates at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education (SAICE) in Pondicherry, India. The SAICE is not your typical high school or college. While the students enjoy an exceptional freedom to choose their projects and courses, the teachers are free to offer subjects of their own choosing and are encouraged to explore new methods of teaching. My course is therefore optional. It is suitable for anyone with an interest in what contemporary physics is trying to tell us about the "nature of Nature." To students of physics it offers a perspective that is complementary to those of many excellent textbooks.

Every year at the beginning of the new term I revise and try to improve the material I hand out to my students. These revisions are to a considerable extent based on student feedback. I am presently preparing the handouts for the next term and intend to simultaneously make them available in these pages, hoping for additional valuable feedback from the Wikibooks community.

Postscript: I have not been able to add chapters and sections as fast as I would have liked, but it's going to happen. I haven't given up on this project!--Koantum 03:05, 27 September 2007 (UTC)