The Sakha language/Phonology and alphabet


Native phonemes
Bilabial Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal /m/ /n/ /ɲ/ /ŋ/
Plosive Voiceless /p/ /t/ /c͡ç/ /k/
Voiced /b/ /d/ /ɟ͡ʝ/ /ɡ/
Fricative Voiceless /s/ /x/ /h/
Voiced /ɣ/
Approximants Plain /l/ /j/
Nasalized /j̃/
Flap /ɾ/
Letter IPA pronunciation Closest approximation
Latin Cyrillic
Б б B b bird   /b/
В в V v vase   /v/

Morphology notes


In Sakha, there are numerous consonant assimilations that differ by suffixes. As in /Nouns, there are also articulation of the corresponding native consonants. The definitions include:

  • Sonorants: In most cases, all sonorant consonants (й, р) except nasals. The suffix form's first letter usually has voiced consonants.
  • Nasals: All nasal consonants (м, н, ҥ). The suffix form's first letter usually has м or н. However I found a Chinese-language source[1] that the plural suffix -ЛАр, for example, have the assimilated form -ҥАр after -ҥ- (тииҥтииҥҥар), although in fact, the nasal velar variant is almost non-existent except the Baidu Baike page and its mirrors.[2]


  1. 雅库特语_百度百科
  2. The Sakha suffixes shown at the page are actually made-up, since it has non-existent genitive case.