The Rowers of Vanity Fair/Barnard Lord

Lord Barnard (Henry de Vere Vane)


“Raby Castle” (GAF), December 15, 1898


Henry de Vere Vane, ninth Baron Barnard, of Barnard Castle in the Bishopric of Durham, B.A., Barrister, Deputy-Lieutenant of County Durham, Justice of the Peace, and a County Councillor, is forty-five years old, the husband of the third Marquis of Exeter's third daughter, and the father of three sons. He succeeded to the Barony seven years ago, on the death of his kinsman, the fourth Duke of Cleveland and Baron Barnard: when all the Duke's other styles and honours became extinct. His family is of Welsh extraction and quite ancient; for, according to history, one Sir Henry Vane was knighted for his valiant achievements at the Battle of Poictiers [sic]. He lives in the historic Raby Castle; which was formerly the seat of the great Nevill family, Earls of Westmorland; and the rest of the doings and achievements of his house may be discovered by the diligent in four columns of Burke.

He was an Eton boy (in "Badger" Hale's House), a Wet Bob, and a B.N.C. man; he has been a Militiaman and Private Secretary to the Chief Commissioner in Charity, and he now interests himself in Politics, Education, Freemasonry, and Sport. His amateurish hobbies include books, pictures, antiquities, and genealogies. He has been outside a horse; but he is more at home on foot with a gun. He is an unaffected person who regards himself as an average Englishman; but he is generally liked, over a big agricultural property which extends into several counties, as a man of great kindness.

He sometimes attends the House of Lords when he is in town.

Henry de Vere Vane (1854-1918) rowed bow for Brasenose College, Oxford in the 1874 Visitors’, losing to University College with J.E. Bankes.