The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Ocarina Songs
There are many songs that you can play on the Ocarina of Time. Some of these are needed to complete the game, but it is possible to play other songs as well.

Playing songs
editTo play Ocarina songs, press the C button it is equipped to.
For the GameCube controller, you can use the C-Stick and/or X, Y, Z to select the items.
The Wii Classic Controller uses the Right Control Stick, X, Y, and/or ZL/ZR to select an item.
On the Nintendo 3DS, there is a button on the Touch Screen for using Ocarina.
Use the A button and the C buttons (N64) / C-Stick (GCN) / Right Stick (Classic Controller), L, Y, X, and R (3DS) to play notes.
Holding R (or Up on the D-Pad) makes the note sharp, and holding Z (L for GameCube and Wii releases and Down on the D-Pad for the 3DS release) makes the note flat. The left Control Stick gradually raises the note to its next higher note, and tilting Down on the Control Stick dips it to the next lower one. Tilting left and right on the control stick gives the note a vibrating effect.
Song List
editZelda's Lullaby
editUse any time you see the Triforce, the Royal Family Crest, or when you need to establish yourself as a messenger of the Royal Family. For example, when this song is played while standing on the Triforce-shaped crest in the Kakariko Graveyard, the Royal Tomb will open, allowing entry. Playing the tune in front of Darunia's room in Goron City will open the door into his room. Playing this song on the crest at the end of the Zora's River will reveal the entrance to Zora's Domain behind the waterfall. In Great Fairy Fountains, play them on the Triforce symbol and a Great Fairy will appear. If you break a sign and play this song, the sign will be restored. Playing this song near Gossip Stones (one-eyed statues) causes rejuvenating fairies to appear.
- Nintendo 64: C-left, C-up, C-right, C-left, C-up, C-right
- Nintendo GameCube: C-Stick (left), C-Stick (up), C-Stick (right), C-Stick (left), C-Stick (up), C-Stick (right)
- Wii Classic Controller: Right Stick (left), Right Stick (up), Right Stick (right), Right Stick (left), Right Stick (up), Right Stick (right)
- Nintendo 3DS: X, A, Y, X, A, Y
Epona's Song
editUse in Hyrule Field to call Epona to your side (does not work as Young Link). Also, playing the song near a cow will earn you a bottle full of free milk (assuming you have an empty bottle).
- Nintendo 64: C-up, C-left, C-right, C-up, C-left, C-right
- Nintendo GameCube: C-Stick (up), C-Stick (left), C-Stick (right), C-Stick (up), C-Stick (left), C-Stick (right)
- Wii Classic Controller: Right Stick (up), Right Stick (left), Right Stick (right), Right Stick (up), Right Stick (left), Right Stick (right)
- Nintendo 3DS: A, X, Y, A, X, Y
Saria's Song
editUse anywhere to talk to Saria. Saria will give you a hint as to where you should proceed next. For example, after obtaining the Goron Ruby from the Gorons, the only way of knowing to visit the Zoras for the Zora's Sapphire is to talk to Saria. Also used to cheer up the Goron Elder Darunia before entering the Dodongo's Cavern and to get Mido to let you through the Lost Woods as an adult.
- Nintendo 64: C-down, C-right, C-left, C-down, C-right, C-left
- Nintendo GameCube: Z, X, Y, Z, X, Y
- Wii Classic Controller: ZR, X, Y, ZR, X, Y
- Nintendo 3DS: R, Y, X, R, Y, X
Sun's Song
editAny time you can see the sky (ie., not in a dungeon), play this song to switch between day and night. After playing this song, the game will proceed from either 12:00 noon or 12:00 midnight. This song also freezes ReDeads, but only temporarily. This song can also summon a fairy if Navi turns green.
- Nintendo 64: C-right, C-down, C-up, C-right, C-down, C-up
- Nintendo GameCube: C-Stick (right), C-Stick (down), C-Stick (up), C-Stick (right), C-Stick (down), C-Stick (up)
- Wii Classic Controller: Right Stick (right), Right Stick (down), Right Stick (up), Right Stick (right), Right Stick (down), Right Stick (up)
- Nintendo 3DS: Y, R, A, Y, R, A
Song of Time
editFirst used to get into the Temple of Time. Can move blue blocks bearing the symbol from the Temple of Time. Also can summon a fairy if you play it in front of a Gossip Stone.
- Nintendo 64: C-right, A, C-down, C-right, A, C-down
- Nintendo GameCube: X, A, Z, X, A, Z
- Wii Classic Controller: X, A, ZR, X, A, ZR
- Nintendo 3DS: Y, L, R, Y, L, R
Song of Storms
editUse to make it temporarily rain and open secret grottos in certain areas. Can also summon a Red Fairy, to restore all of Link's health and Magic Power, if Navi turns green around an area.
- Nintendo 64: A, C-down, C-up, A, C-down, C-up
- Nintendo GameCube: A, C-Stick (down), C-Stick (up), A, C-Stick (down), C-Stick (up)
- Wii Classic Controller: A, Right Stick (down), Right Stick (up), A, Right Stick (down), Right Stick (up)
- Nintendo 3DS: L, R, A, L, R, A
Minuet of Forest
editUse to warp to the Forest Temple in the Sacred Forest Meadow.
- Nintendo 64: A, C-up, C-left, C-right, C-left, C-right
- Nintendo GameCube: A, C-Stick (up), C-Stick (left), C-Stick (right), C-Stick (left), C-Stick (right)
- Wii Classic Controller: A, Right Stick (up), Right Stick (left), Right Stick (right), Right Stick (left), Right Stick (right)
- Nintendo 3DS: L, A, X, Y, X, Y
Bolero of Fire
editUse to warp to the Fire Temple at the summit of Death Mountain.
- Nintendo 64: C-down, A, C-down, A, C-right, C-down, C-right, C-down
- Nintendo GameCube: Z, A, Z, A, X, Z, X, Z
- Wii Classic Controller: ZR, A, ZR, A, X, ZR, X, ZR
- Nintendo 3DS: R, L, R, L, Y, R, Y, R
Serenade of Water
editUse to warp to the Water Temple at Lake Hylia.
- Nintendo 64: A, C-down, C-right, C-right, C-left
- Nintendo GameCube: A, Z, X, X, Y
- Wii Classic Controller: A, ZR, X, X, Y
- Nintendo 3DS: L, R, Y, Y, X
Requiem of Spirit
editUse to warp to the Spirit Temple at the Desert Colossus.
- Nintendo 64: A, C-down, A, C-right, C-down, A
- Nintendo GameCube: A, Z, A, X, Z, A
- Wii Classic Controller: A, ZR, A, X, ZR, A
- Nintendo 3DS: L, R, L, Y, R, L
Nocturne of Shadow
editUse to warp to the Shadow Temple in the Kakariko Graveyard.
- Nintendo 64: C-left, C-right, C-right, A, C-left, C-right, C-down
- Nintendo GameCube: Y, X, X, A, Y, X, Z
- Wii Classic Controller: Y, X, X, A, Y, X, ZR
- Nintendo 3DS: X, Y, Y, L, X, Y, R
Prelude of Light
editUse to warp to the Temple of Time in Hyrule Castle Town.
- Nintendo 64: C-up, C-right, C-up, C-right, C-left, C-up
- Nintendo GameCube: C-Stick (up), C-Stick (right), C-Stick (up), C-Stick (right), C-Stick (left), C-Stick (up)
- Wii Classic Controller: Right Stick (up), Right Stick (right), Right Stick (up), Right Stick (right), Right Stick (left), Right Stick (up)
- Nintendo 3DS: A, Y, A, Y, X, A
Scarecrow's Song
editCauses a scarecrow to appear that can be helpful in your quest.
The notes of this song can be composed by you. Talk to the scarecrow at Lake Hylia and play a song eight notes long. This song can be changed at any time and it is the only song that will not be recorded with the others on the Quest Status screen.
Frog mini game
editAs a child, you can play songs to the frogs in Zora's river for rewards (such as two pieces of heart). Please see the Minigames page for more details.