The Impact of Information Technology on the Quality of Life

The Impact of Information Technology on the Quality of Life

Information Technology, and advances within it, can affect the Quality of Life of every individual for better or worse. IT can be used to make life easier or more fulfilling, but can also produce challenges to human rights and human worth. These effects are categorized into three broad topics: The effects of IT on an individual’s societal life, political life and economic life.

As IT has brought disparate communities together and kept alive many cultural traditions, it has also created divisions along who has control over IT resources.

As IT has made the sharing of ideas and information easier, it has also led to radicalization, and helped the spread of misinformation.

As IT has improved worker productivity and led to unique and flexible working arrangements, such as remote or hybrid working environments, this has led to an undercutting of wages as many jobs have been outsourced to the cheapest labor pools across the globe.

Societal Impacts

Information technology development includes the rise of the internet and computers, and this has been a significant development in society. However, it is associated with positive and negative impacts on the society. The development of new technologies such as computers and the Internet has had a profound impact on global social structures including the transportation network, security, economic stability, and general well-being, affecting not only American society but the entire global community [1]. The rapid growth and development of technology have significantly improved almost every human life aspect considering various contexts. Incorporation and utilization of information technology in the health industry have been effective in improving individual wellness and also improving the quality of life to greater levels. First, information technology has been effective in improving environmental wellness through the application of smart home devices that help in energy, water, and other resource conservation. Second, IT has improved the quality of life through enhancing intellectual wellness growth, which is enabled using online learning platforms, which have been effective in improving education accessibility and thus allowing individuals to grow intellectually. Third, information technology has positively impacted society's quality of life by enhancing social wellness connections. This is achieved through social media platforms that help people nurture and cultivate their relationships. However, on the other hand, information technology is associated with other negative impacts on society. First, IT contributes to individuals losing employment, which affects their well-being and living standards. This results in people living in poverty since they cannot meet their basic needs. Second, IT contributes to increased cyberbullying, and this is experienced on social media platforms. This affects individuals' well-being since individuals who experience cyberbullying have mixed emotions, including fear, anxiety, and sadness, and the long-term effects include suffering mental health conditions, including depression. Ultimately, despite being associated with positive societal impacts of improved health and social connections, IT is also associated with decreased quality of life due to cyberbullying and also experiencing job loss.

The digital gap is evident for individuals who have some access to technology: low-performing PCs, unreliable wireless networks, inexpensive internet, and restricted access to information that requires a subscription. Unequal access to digital technology widens the gap between wealthy and poor nations and hinders the advancement of underprivileged areas [2]. Global development and equity initiatives are undermined by this divide, which creates a gulf between those who have access to modern information and communication technologies and those who do not. In addition, not owning a smartphone isolates people from the digital mainstream, preventing them from communicating with their family and friends. The digital gap continues to be a major obstacle to social and economic advancement in a time when the internet is practically necessary.

Furthermore, as we embrace the endless possibilities provided by IT, it is critical that we bridge the digital gap, ensuring that everyone has equal access to technology and its advantages. As we navigate the complexity of the digital age, it is critical to maximize the benefits of IT while also addressing its societal impacts in order to achieve a more sustainable, equitable and rewarding future for all.

Political Impacts

The integration of Information Technology into daily life has had a huge impact on political ethics as well as people’s thinking and behavior. One of the aspects of technology which helped with this transformation is social media. Being able to use social media on any device with an internet connection, it has become a tool used for political purposes where people gain political information as well as talk about it. It gives people the opportunity to see diverse views regarding politics, and everyone has a chance to speak up even if they are not someone in a position of power. A good thing about this is being able to keep politicians who are in a position of power in check by calling them out if they make a mistake, abuse their power, or simply lie. That said, it is extremely easy for false information to spread[3]. Even so, if people are able to catch the misinformation and call it out, this technology can help affect that person’s reputation. Also, while being able to see diverse political views, social media uses our data to show posts that people might like, which might be of the same point of view. This makes it harder to understand different points of view since all people will see is information that they already agree with. Other than social media, technology also changed the way politicians run for office[4]. The politician’s main goal is to attract voters, and they can use data from technology to target voters via personalized ads[5]. Such data can come from sources such as social media and online browsing. Using this method, politicians can run with a set of proposals with a specific group of voters in mind. This also helps them allocate their resources more efficiently towards reaching the ones who will most likely vote for them. There is a problem with data-driven campaigning though, and it is the fact that it prioritizes winning the election over authentic decision-making. Instead of focusing on addressing and dealing with the biggest issues that society is currently facing, issues that resonate with specific demographics may be taking the front seat, even if they are not the most important for the greater good.

Overall, technology has made politics more accessible to people and provided politicians themselves with a strong way of influencing voters and getting their message around, but it also brings ethical challenges such as privacy concerns and the balance of winning the election and serving the interests of the general society as a whole. Ethical guidelines including transparency and accountability are needed to ensure that technology does not have a negative impact on political ethics.

Economic Impacts


The Management of  daily activities and interaction with the world has been profoundly transformed by the integration of information technology into numerous spheres of life. These technologies facilitate enhanced personal and professional lives by introducing revolutionary transformations that produce more individualized, user-friendly, and effective experiences. An examination of the effects of diverse technologies across domains sheds light on their role in fostering a more interconnected and convenient society, as well as in dynamically and transformative tackling intricate challenges.

In order to exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet, IoT technology integrates hardware, software, sensors, and connectivity with physical devices, vehicles, and home appliances, among other objects. As a consequence of this connectivity, intelligent home automation systems, improved security, streamlined energy management, and more customized user experiences have been developed. By the end of 2030, IoT has the potential to add trillions to the global economy [6], primarily on the manufacturing and healthcare sector. This can further evolve of how technology is already existing. For example, IoT devices such as smart lights and thermostats enhance energy efficiency and convenience, thereby reducing utility costs and enhancing household comfort.

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the consumer technology sector through the development of more intuitive and human-centric devices. Adaptive learning technologies, personal assistants, and recommendation systems are all powered by AI, which enhances accessibility and day-to-day interactions. Illustratively, AI-powered virtual assistants such as Alexa and Siri facilitate the execution of routine duties through the utilization of spoken instructions, thereby augmenting technological accessibility and productivity across personal and professional spheres.

By delivering scalable resources via the Internet, cloud computing has significantly transformed the field of data management. This innovation has eliminated the requirement for physical infrastructure and facilitated worldwide accessibility to data and services[7]. This technological advancement facilitates telecommuting, real-time collaboration, and the storage and analysis of massive amounts of data, resulting in enhanced flexibility and productivity in both professional and personal spheres. The ease of use provided by cloud services such as Google Drive and Dropbox facilitates the storage, backup, and sharing of data.

The influence of information technology on the healthcare sector has been profoundly revolutionary. Patient care is enhanced through the implementation of AI-driven diagnostics, wearable health monitors, electronic health records (EHRs), and telemedicine, which facilitate preventive medicine, support remote or virtual healthcare services, and increase accessibility to medical information. These technologies enhance health outcomes through the facilitation of ongoing monitoring and data-driven insights regarding patient well-being, thereby resulting in treatments that are more timely and individualized[8].

Technology has some economic drawbacks. Automation and digitization can displace jobs, raising concerns about job security in some sectors[9]. Since those without technology are left behind, a growing digital divide can worsen social inequality. Technology has a positive economic impact despite these challenges. It boosts innovation, creates new markets and jobs, and makes the world more connected and prosperous. This dynamic relationship emphasizes the need for balanced technological integration and thoughtful policymaking to ensure that technology improves everyone's life.

Impact on Businesses


Information technology (IT) has revolutionized the transport and management of goods along supply chains, making it an important instrument in the transportation and logistics industries. In the transportation and logistics sector, IT technologies are essential for streamlining operations and increasing productivity, from automated procedures to real-time tracking.

Transportation process automation, coordination, and smooth communication are made possible by IT systems. Fleet management systems use telematics and GPS to track vehicles in real time and optimize routes. Communication between supply chain participants is streamlined by electronic data interchange, or EDI. Delivery times are shortened and expenses are decreased with the use of transportation management systems (TMS), which automate freight booking, shipment tracking, and carrier management. Information Technology has a significant impact on logistics and transportation, promoting improvements in responsiveness, efficiency, and transparency. Better visibility into supply chain processes is provided by real-time tracking and monitoring, which enables companies to quickly locate and resolve bottlenecks. Businesses can forecast demand, adjust inventory levels, and avoid stockouts with the use of automated procedures and predictive analytics. This improves inventory management and lowers holding costs. IT systems also make it easier for supply chain participants to collaborate and share data, which improves coordination and resiliency throughout the whole chain. [10]

Looking towards the future, IT will continue to shape the transport and logistics landscape, ushering in new opportunities for automation, connectivity, and sustainability. Emerging technologies such as blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI) hold the promise of further enhancing supply chain visibility, transparency, and efficiency. Blockchain technology ensures secure and transparent transactions, while IoT devices provide real-time data on cargo conditions and vehicle performance. AI-powered predictive analytics algorithms help optimize logistics operations, anticipate demand fluctuations, and reduce environmental impact, paving the way for a more efficient, sustainable, and resilient transportation and logistics industry.[11]

The impact of information technology on business operations in transportation and logistics ultimately extends to improving the quality of life for individuals and communities. By optimizing transportation processes, IT systems contribute to smoother and more reliable supply chains, ensuring that essential goods reach consumers efficiently and on time. This reliability enhances consumer satisfaction and confidence in the availability of goods, leading to a more stable and predictable lifestyle. Additionally, the efficiency gains achieved through IT implementation in logistics can result in cost savings for businesses, which may be passed on to consumers in the form of lower prices or improved services.[12] Moreover, the reduction of environmental impact through IT-enabled sustainability initiatives, such as route optimization and emissions reduction strategies, contributes to cleaner air and healthier living environments for communities. Overall, the positive impacts of information technology on business operations in transportation and logistics translate into tangible benefits that enhance the overall quality of life for individuals and society as a whole.


In conclusion, Information Technology (IT) greatly impacts our lives in three main areas: society, politics, and economics. It changes how we connect with others, affecting culture and widening the gap between those who have access to technology and those who don't.

In politics, IT allows for more transparency and participation but also raises concerns about privacy and whether politicians are more focused on winning elections than solving real issues.

In economics, IT improves efficiency and makes services like healthcare more accessible, but it also replaces some jobs and creates a divide between those who can use technology and those who can't.

Overall, while IT brings many benefits, we need to use it wisely to address challenges like job loss and inequality. We must set clear rules to ensure IT improves everyone's lives fairly and responsibly.

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