The Computer Revolution/Effect on society/Health



Vision for the Future

With the combination of technology and health care there are many possible doors to be opened and boundaries to be crossed. With the availability of information at our finger tips through the internet there are numerous possibilities to explore. Doctors and nurses are able to research any question or problem in a matter of seconds on the internet. Also organization of files and healthcare documents can all easily be stored on main frame computers, which can be accessed by doctors around the hospital. Also the availability of computers and technology to the health care system can easily increase the productivity levels of health care staff and help introduce new aspects that can be put into use.

When you think of Technology and health care, you can only imagine the possible outcomes. Many new and innovative projects have come from Technology inter mingling with health care. Especially the amount of research capability that has increased. With the use of technology more and more viruses are broken down and cures are found. This is also the case for treatment in medicine, with technology progressing so is medicine.

The much vaunted information superhighway is expected to improve the quality of life for all Americans. This vision—the National Information Infrastructure—consists of both existing systems and technologies and others still to emerge, all linked nationwide. Every part of the economy, including health care, will be affected.

For example:

Technology has developed an entirely paperless medical record system at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston that links computerized patient records with different departments, physician offices, and 20 satellite clinics. Developing a practical common medical terminology that will be the basis for computerized patient records, clinical decision support, health services research, data-driven guideline development, and electronic interchange of patient information. The Mayo and the Kaiser Foundations are collaborating on the project, which is co-funded by AHCPR and the National Library of Medicine.

Improved Quality


Improved Quality in Healthcare Computers are aiding healthcare advances in many different ways. An example of which is the HELP system. The HELP system stores useful information that can remind and aid physicians while solving clinical problems. For complex problems, computer workstations can integrate patient records, research plans, and knowledge databases for physicians. The HELP system was in place to study the significance of serving antibiotics two hours before surgery.

In addition to alerting physicians to abnormal and changing clinical values, computers can post reminders for physicians. For complex problems, computer workstations can integrate patient records, research plans, and knowledge databases. Physicians reminded by computer were twice as likely to give flu vaccine to patients at high risk during the winter in a 3-year trial by Indiana University investigators. Winter hospitalizations, emergency room visits, and tests for respiratory ailments were reduced by 10 to 30 percent because the high-risk patients were vaccinated. Computer alerts for physicians prevented serious kidney failure and preserved kidney function in patients. When indicators of kidney function rose in the patients, the computers alerted the physicians, who then stopped medications being given or adjusted doses more than 21 hours sooner than when there were no alerts.

Use of highly interactive HIV workstations for physicians can result in up to 20-percent decrease in hospitalization of HIV patients, increased use of primary care, and improved quality of care. From any of the terminals at the hospital or from home by telephone dialup, clinicians can access the patient data base and the HIV knowledge data base for improved patient care. Computers and databases can be used to compare expected results with actual results and to help physicians make decisions.

Decreased Costs


Several analyses have detected substantial quality problems throughout the health care system. The following 4 topics are covered under the health: 1.) Decreased Costs (under health) 2.) Security 3.) Quality 4.) visions Decreased Costs.

As publicly acknowledged, Information technology has drastically reduced the consumption of paper. In the health care industry the abundant selection and records of patients is overcome by a 50kb file containing the vital information about the patients treatments and health on the computer. Information technology has consistently been identified as an important component of any approach for improvement. Computerized physician order entry (CPOE) is a promising technology that allows physicians to enter orders into a computer instead of handwriting them. Because CPOE fundamentally changes the ordering process, it can substantially decrease the overuse, underuse, and misuse of health care services. Studies have documented that CPOE can decrease costs, shorten length of stay, decrease medical errors, and improve compliance with several types of guidelines. The costs of CPOE are substantial both in terms of technology and organizational process analysis and redesign, system implementation, and user training and support. Computerized physician order entry is a relatively new technology, and there is no consensus on the best approaches to many of the challenges it presents. This technology can yield many significant benefits and is an important platform for future changes to the health care system. Organizational leaders must advocate for CPOE as a critical tool in improving health care quality. When a physician orders a test by computer, it can automatically display information that promotes cost-effective testing and treatment.

Costs in total at Wishard Memorial Hospital in Indianapolis decreased by approximately $594 per admission (projected hospital savings: more than $3 million) when physicians used computers to write all inpatient orders. The workstations were linked to a comprehensive electronic medical record system. Total charges per admission were $887 less when workstations were used to write all inpatient orders at the hospital; tens of billions could be saved nationwide. Physicians ordered 14 percent fewer tests per outpatient visit when using computer workstations at a large primary care facility in Indianapolis. Workstations showed prior test results, predictions of abnormal results, and test prices.