Template:Japanese/Vocabulary entry



This template uses a parser function to create the table start and finish. The general syntax is:

{{Japanese vocabulary entry|begin}}
{{Japanese vocabulary entry
 | english = 
 | japanese= 
 | reading = 
 | notes = 
{{Japanese vocabulary entry|end}}

Only the variables english and japanese are required.

There are three further variables, style, en-style and ja-style, through which one can style the table row and -data.


MediaWiki syntax Displays as

{{Japanese vocabulary entry
 | english = Japan
 | japanese= 日本
 | reading = にほん, にっぽん
 | notes = There are two readings for ''Japan''. The
former is the more commonly used one, while the
latter is more formal and used for official purposes.
{{Japanese vocabulary entry
 | english = language
 | japanese= 言語
 | romaji  = げんご
{{Japanese vocabulary entry|end}}
Japanese English Reading Notes
日本Japanにほん, にっぽんThere are two readings for Japan. The former is the more commonly used one, while the latter is more formal and used for official purposes.