Template:Image non-free use
[[:{{{1}}}]] is missing a non-free use rationale
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Thanks for uploading [[:{{{1}}}]]. The Wikimedia Foundation is very careful about what Wikibooks includes because of copyright law, and requires that we maintain a strict copyright policy. [[:{{{1}}}]] and other files you uploaded may soon be deleted unless a rationale for a non-free use claim is provided.
In order to upload fair use material, specific rationale must be provided as to why non-free use media is necessary, and how there are no free alternatives. Images or other media that do not have such rationale will likely be deleted as a copyright violation. If the information of a non-free use media component could be duplicated by a free alternative, that media may not be uploaded. Please edit image descriptions pages directly to add Thank you. |
![]() | This template should always be substituted (i.e., use {{subst:Image non-free use}} ). |