Telugu/Alphabet and Pronunciation/క ఖ గ ఘ ఙ

క, ఖ, గ, ఘ, ఙ

The letters above are called ka, kha, ga, gha, na.

  • 'ka' (క) makes the /k/ sound from English as in kayak, kale or Katrina.
  • 'kha' (ఖ) makes the aspirated /kʰ/ sound. Imagine saying 'kaha,' then removing the first 'a' from the word.
  • 'ga' (గ) makes the /g/ sound from English as in game or glory.
  • 'gha' (ఘ) makes the aspirated /ɡʱ/ sound. Similar to ఖ, imagine saying 'gaha' then removing the first 'a' sound.
  • 'na' (ఙ) makes the /ŋ/ sound, similar to pronouncing the letter 'n' with the tongue at the back of your mouth.



Read out the following combinations of the letters as practice.

  1. కఘక
  2. గఙక
  3. ఖఙగఘక
  4. ఇకగఏగఓఏఆఖఘక

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