Taxi Language/Dialogue 9

Taxi Language
Dialogue 8 Dialogue 9 Dialogue 10

Llengua Taxi

Dialogue 9: The airport

A flight, a trip, a life
Dialogue 9
1 ANNOUNCEMENT Flight KLM1347 destination Amsterdam. Please go through boarding gate B49.
2 MAX It’s already a quarter to eight and Anna isn’t here... Maybe she’s not coming... Perhaps I was wrong...Perhaps she doesn’t love me...
3 ANNA Good morning Max.
4 MAX Anna! You came!
5 ANNA No, no, Max, stop. this is not what you think. Let me explain.
6 MAX Tell me.
7 ANNA I’ve just come to talk to you. I don’t like this situation, It makes me feel uncomfortable. And so I’ve come to speak to you.
8 MAX All right.
9 ANNA Max, I already told you I have a family. I have a son, a husband... I think you’ve made a mistake with me. I’m not the person you want nor the one you deserve. Our lives are completely different. You’re a banker, you were born in this country... I wasn’t, Max. I came to this country because I couldn’t eat in my own country. And let me remind you that I’m the one who cleans the toilets that you, the bankers, leave dirty.
10 MAX But I offered you a job!
11 ANNA Max, I already have a job. It’s not the one I like most but it allows me to go ahead. I have other worries.
12 ANNOUNCEMENT Flight KLM1347 destination Amsterdam . Please, go through boarding gate B49
13 ANNA Max, you don’t know me at all, you don’t know who I am, you even don’t know my son’s name.
14 MAX Your son’s name is Euclidi.
15 ANNA How do you know? Where did you get that from?
16 MAX It doesn’t matter, I know it.
17 ANNA No, it does matter, I want to know where did you get it from? What else do you know about me?
18 MAX Don’t take it so bad. Don’t get angry. I know it because I saw it on your facebook.
19 ANNA That’s not true, Max. I never talk or put up pictures of my son on the internet. Tell me how you got to know it. Tell me how you found it out.
20 MAX Anna don’t get mad, please. I beg you.
21 ANNA People who, like you, have everything, believe they can get anything. You take advantage of people who, like me , are going through a rough patch. Have a nice journey to Rome. No wonder, you will seduce the girl who cleans the hotel rooms. But not me...God...I don’t feel head chest hurts...and I’m feeling sick...
22 NARRADOR Anna falls down and loses consciousness.
23 MAX Anna, what’s wrong?
24 MAX Quickly! Someone call an ambulance, please!



Max's text 9

Max is waiting anxiously. He doesn't see Anna. He thinks she may have decided not to come. When Max sees Anna, he thinks she had decided to go to Rome. But the trhuth is that Anna doesn't want to go on a trip with Max. She wants Max to understand that this situation is uncomfortable for her.

Anna's text 9

Anna has a heart disease. Her father and her son also have it. Several members of the family suffer from this disease. They all must take medication. Euclidi is going to be operated soon. It's a very dangerous and expensive surgery. His family had to save a lot of money.


Max's vocabulary
Max looks at his flight on the information panels. It’s the flight AZA079 which leaves at eight forty-five.

Draw airport

While Max is waiting, he looks at the people, they’re carrying suitcases of all kinds and sizes.

Draw suitcaseDraw bagDraw bag

A family with 4 kids caught his attention. They hardly could move forward with the kids, the suitcases...

Draw family of 6

Anna's vocabulary
My son Euclidi, my husband and I are a family. We’re a happy family. We love each other.

Draw family

Anna never publishes pictures of her son on social networks.

No Facebook

When she wants to send photos to her country, she sends them by email.

Draw email

Anna’s parents like receiving pictures of Euclidi. They miss him.

Draw Entrainement photos



Artist: USA For Africa
Title: We Are The World
Link: Song
Lyrics: Interesting words are highlighted with bold letters

We Are The World

There comes a time when we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And it's time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all

We can't go on pretending day by day
That someone somewhere will soon make a change
We're all a part of God's great big family
And the truth, you know,
Love is all we need

We are the world,
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So, let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

Send them your heart so they'll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread
And so we all must lend a helping hand

We are the world,
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So, let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

When you're down and out
There seems no hope at all
But if you just believe
There's no way we can fall
Well, well, well
Let's realize that a change can only come
When we stand together as one

We are the world,
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So, let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me



1 Where does the flight announced go?


2 What's the boarding gate por passengers flying to Amsterdam?

B thirty-eight
C fifty-four
B forty- nine
None of the above

3 What time does the flight to Rome leave?

At 8 o'clock
At half past 8
At quarter to 9

4 Why does Anna lose consciousness?

Because of love
Because of heat
Because of heart attack
Because of a low blood sugar

5 In Europe when there’s an emergency you must call the telephone number