

There are three ways to receive input from an assembly program on your TI-83+. The first two are ROM calls, and the last one is directly interfacing with the calculator's keypad.

The ROM calls


These are two routines called with the b_call() macro. They are both good ways to receive input.



This routine will wait for the user to press a key, and only when the user does, will it return to the main program. What is nice about this routine is that it processes [2nd] and [Alpha] key presses for you. Parameters: None Returns:Key value in the accumulator To see a list of the codes, click here


.include ""
. . .
   ; [x]Or: rst $28 \ .dw $4972
   ; [x]Or: bCall($4972)
   cp kEnter
   jr nz,waitForUser
   jr continue
   . . .

So, the example is a simple program that pauses execution until the user presses the [Enter] key.



This routine is like the GetKey routine, except for two things. The first is that, unlike the GetKey routine, it will not wait for the user to press a key. The second is that it uses a different set of key codes, which you can find here. Also, it does not process key combinations, but you can make your own parser for them.

Parameters: None Returns:Key Code in accumulator if key was pressed, else 0 (In the accumulator). Example:

.include ""
. . .
  cp 0
  jr z,waitForUserCSC
  jr nz,continue
   . . .

This example waits until ANY key is pressed.

Direct Input


Note:This is a more advanced method, because it deals directly with the keyboard driver. The keypad of the TI 83+ calculator is divided into Seven sections. These are:

  1. The arrow keys
  2. [ENTER], going vertically to [CLEAR]
  3. [(-)], going vertically to [VARS]
  4. [.], going vertically to [DEL]
  5. [0], going vertically to [MODE]
  6. [STO->], going vertically to [2ND]
  7. [Y=], going horizontally to [GRAPH]

To read a value from the keys of a group, you must first turn the group on. This is done by writing to port 1 (01 hex.).
Bit 0 - Group 1
Bit 1 - Group 2
Bit 2 - Group 3
And so on. To turn a group on, you set its designated bit to 0 (zero).


   . . .
    ; You cannot write an actual value to one of the ports. You must forward it through the (a) register.
    ; Use group '1'
    ld a,%11111101
    out ($01),a
    ; Read in a value
    in a,($01)
    ; Test bit 0 (Enter)
    bit 0,a
    ; If true, goto continue
    jr z,continue
    ; Else
    jr waitForUserInputDirect
    . . .

It does the same thing as the previous two examples. Note that this method does not require any ROM calls, and is less readable. For a list of keycodes, go here.