Numbers up to 20:
Cardinal | Ordinal | |
0 | noll | nollte |
1 | ett or en | första |
2 | två | andra |
3 | tre | tredje |
4 | fyra | fjärde |
5 | fem | femte |
6 | sex | sjätte |
7 | sju | sjunde |
8 | åtta | åttonde |
9 | nio | nionde |
10 | tio | tionde |
11 | elva | elfte |
12 | tolv | tolfte |
13 | tretton | trettonde |
14 | fjorton | fjortonde |
15 | femton | femtonde |
16 | sexton | sextonde |
17 | sjutton | sjuttonde |
18 | arton | artonde |
19 | nitton | nittonde |
20 | tjugo | tjugonde |
Note: Ett is neuter, en is uter; "the digit 1" is "siffran ett" in Swedish. Especially when counting, four is often pronounced as fyr. Nio and tio are commonly pronounced as nie, tie, respectively. Tjugo is usually pronounced tjugi, and so on with the following multiples of ten (tretti instead of trettio, förti instead of fyrtio , etc.). Forty is never pronounced the way it is spelled (fyrtio), it becomes förti(o).
Multiples of 10:
Cardinal | Ordinal | English | Comment |
tio | tionde | ten | |
tjugo | tjugonde | twenty | Tjugo is usually spelled tjugi. For cardinal numbers between 21 and 29, tjugo is commonly pronounced as tju, e.g. tjuåtta for 28. |
trettio | trettionde | thirty | |
fyrtio | fyrtionde | forty | Fyrtio is pronounced as förti and sometimes written as förtio. |
femtio | femtionde | fifty | |
sextio | sextionde | sixty | |
sjuttio | sjuttionde | seventy | |
åttio | åttionde | eighty | |
nittio | nittionde | ninety | |
etthundra | hundrade | one hundred | One commonly only says etthundra to distinguish it from e.g. tvåhundra. |
etttusen | tusende | one thousand | |
en miljon | miljonte | one million | |
en miljard | miljarte | one billion | |
en biljon | biljonte | one trillion | |
en triljon | triljonte | one quintillion |
Numbers are made up like in English: 55 is femtiofem, 73rd is sjuttiotredje. The -tio ending is commonly pronounced as -ti for the cardinal numbers (but not for the ordinal numbers). Swedish uses the long scale, that is it uses same system for large numbers as British English, not American English.
Other numbers:
Svenska | English | |
10 000 | tio tusen | ten thousand |
100 000 | hundra tusen | a hundred thousand |
10 000 000 | tio miljoner | ten million |
Particularity in writing the date:
Svenska | |
1 842 | artonhundrafyrtiotvå |
2 013 | tjugohundratretton (tvåtusentretton) |
Note: To make numbers between these, you add a number 1-9 not in parenthesis, e.g. 55 is femtiofem, 73rd is sjuttiotredje, 20,000 is tjugotusen. However, tjugo is in this case commonly pronounced as tju, e.g. tjuåtta for 28. The -tio ending is commonly pronounced as -ti but not in the parenthesis case. Fyrtio is pronounced as förti and sometimes written as förtio. One commonly only say etthundra to distinguish it from e.g. tvåhundra. As you might have guessed, Swedish uses the same system for large numbers as e.g. the UK, not the system used in the US.