Structural Biochemistry/Proteins/Purification/Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography

Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography


It is one of the most useful techniques for protein purification, like HPLC. It provide a full range of chromatography nodes, such as ion exchange, chromatofocusing, gel filtration, hydrophobic interaction, and reverse phase, based on particles with average diameter sizes in the same range as those used for HPLC separations. The advantage of FPLC columns allow much higher protein loadings comparing to HPLC ones with the wide range of aqueous and biocompatible buffer systems. Its use appears in the literature in almost 2000 reports in the two decades due to ints introduction, two of the most popular FPLC modes are ion exchange and gel filtration.



Paul Cutler, Methods in Molecular Biology Protein Purification Protocols, Second Edition, 2004, volume-244.