Structural Biochemistry/Organic Chemistry/Types of Macromolecules



They are polymers made of preexisting monomers[1]. They can form functional units by connecting together. Forming these functional unites requires energy. Examples of macromolecules include proteins, nucleic acid, lipids and polysaccharides. [2]



1 ^ "," 2009.

2 ^ Nelson, D.L., "Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry," 2008.

   Macromolecules consist of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids. 

1) Proteins are made of smaller building blocks called amino acids. There are 20 different amino acids. The chains of amino acids fold up in complex ways, giving each protein a unique 3D shape. 2) Nucleic acids allow organisms to transfer genetic information from one generation to the next. 3) Carbohydrates have several roles in living organisms. Carbohydrate derivates are actively involved in fertilization, immune systems, the development of disease, blood clotting and development. 4) Lipids include fats, phospholipids and steroid. Lipids also have function in the body.