Sport Innovation/2011 Women In Super Mother's Day Classic/Scope MDC


With the Mother’s Day Classic people will be reminded of breast cancer still being the one of the leading cancer related deaths in females. Still one in nine women will be diagnosed with the disease by the age of 85 and more than 2,800 women will die from the disease in a single year and more than 13,600 new cases expected year (new diagnoses are also expected in 106 men).

The functionality of the project is to raise money for research into the prevention and cure of breast cancer with the help of participants, fundraisers, volunteers and sponsors national wide. It shall be a huge success in every city, it takes place. With the help of the typical colour pink it shall be an event which everyone remembers. Also the MDC should become an political interesting event. And the project shall be an opportunity for everyone to do something fun and celebrate Mother’s Day.

The project does not include the ME Bank, the major sponsor, raising further money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation by encouraging participants to take part in their ‘Go the Extra Step’ pedometer campaign. Also the project does not include celebrities and politicians using the events as promotion for themselves.

Former Mother's Day Classic Milestones[1]


1998: The first Mother's Day Classic with 3,000 participants in Melbourne and Sydney.

2001: Reached 10,000 participants in only two cities.

2004: First event in Brisbane. Total participants across Australia up to 18,000 people

2005: Adelaide joins the Mother's Day Classic and Australia wide participation grows to 22,000.

2006 : First event in Hobart. 30,000 Australians take part across the country.

2007: Ten year anniversary of the Mother's Day Classic. Mother’s Day Classic introduces events in Parramatta, Canberra and Perth. For the first time, local towns organise regional events known as the Mother’s Day Classic Walk in the Park. 50,000 people around Australia walked or ran for breast cancer research. Mother’s Day Classic raises over $800,000 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation research programs.

2008: 33,000 people took part in the Melbourne Mother's Day classic making it the largest community fun run/walk in Victoria. Nationally 67,000 people take part.

2009: Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC Governor - General of the Commonwealth of Australia becomes Patron of the Mother's Day Classic. First Gold Coast event. A record 80,000 participants across Australia. Mother’s Day Classic has record fundraising year, raising more than $1.3 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation research programs.

2010: 100,000 participants walked or ran in ten cities and 23 regional locations raising $2.1 million for the National Breast Cancer Foundation's research programs.




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