Sport Innovation/2011 Women In Super Mother's Day Classic/Project Life Cycle, Phases and Tasks MDC/Phase 5 - Evaluation of Event Plans


It is during this phase everything is brought to an end. Plans that were put in place are completed, the event is finished and not an evaluation must be conducted prior to the planning for the next year’s event. This phase is also when event planners determine whether or not the goals were achieved by reviewing the event outcomes.

Registrations Department


The Registration Manger would have reviewed the quality control checks from the previous phase, the limitation of the software and the participant feedback. A final report detailing recommendations as to whether or not the registrations software should be used again would have been written.

Services Department


During this phase the Services Manager reviews participant feedback regarding the quality, design and sizing of all merchandise, as well as the supplier and their communication and efficiency. A final report would have been written with recommendations for the next event.

Marketing & Sponsorship


The Marketing & Sponsorship Department would review the registration statistics as well as the data gathered by the post-event survey to determine whether or not their event plans were successful. Recommendation for the next year’s event would be made in a final report.

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