Spanish by Choice/SpanishPod newbie lesson A0033/Print version

A0033: It's Expensive




Beware! This is the taboo lesson: rents, salaries, politics, religion, sex, and ... mamas! Liliana and JP give invaluable information about US-American and Latin-American culture. The keywords are: cara – expensive (for feminine nouns) and caro – expensive (for masculine nouns).



hombre: Mi renta es de mil dólares.
mujer: ¿En serio? Es muy cara.
hombre: Pero todo es caro.
mujer: Tienes razón.

Dialogue with Translation

hombre: Mi renta es de mil dólares.
my rent is of thousand dollars
man: My rent is at a thousand dollars.
mujer: ¿En serio? Es muy cara.
in serious (it) is very expensive
woman: Seriously? It's very expensive.
hombre: Pero todo es caro
but everything is expensive
man: But everything is expensive.
mujer: Tienes razón.
(you) have right
woman: You're right.
el dólar – the dollar
mil dólares – one thousand dollars
la cara – the face

Vocabulary for Dialogue

el hombre noun (masculine) the man
la mujer noun (feminine) the woman
mi possessive adjective my
la renta noun (feminine) the rent
ser verb (infinitive) to be
(él/ella) es verb (present tense) he/she(/it) is
de preposition of
mil number thousand
el dólar noun (masculine) the dollar
los dólares noun (plural, masculine) the dollars
en preposition in
serio/seria adjective (m./f.) serious
muy adverb very
caro/cara adjective (m./f.) expensive
pero conjunction but
todo pronoun everything, all
tener verb (infinitive) to have
(tú) tienes verb (present tense) you have (informal, singular)
la razón noun (feminine) the reason
tener razón phrase to be right

Vocabulary for Audio Lesson

la cara noun (feminine) the face
hasta luego phrase see you later


More Vocabulary


This section includes grammatically related words. Some of them are required by the exercise Dialogue Recast.

mi possessive adjective my
mis poss. adjective (plural) my
tu possessive adjective your (informal, singular)
tus poss. adjective (plural) your (informal, singular)
su possessive adjective his/her(/its)/their
sus poss. adjective (plural) his/her(/its)/their
su possessive adjective your (formal)
sus poss. adjective (plural) your (formal)
nuestro/nuestra poss. adjective (m./f.) our
nuestros/nuestras poss. adj. (plural, m./f.) our
vuestro/vuestra poss. adjective (m./f.) your (informal, plural)
vuestros/vuestras poss. adj. (plural, m./f.) your (informal, plural)
ser infinitive to be
(yo) soy present tense I am
(tú) eres you are (informal, singular)
(él/ella) es he/she(/it) is
(usted) es you are (formal, singular)
(nosotros/-as) somos we are (m./f.)
(vosotros/-as) sois you are (informal, plural, m./f.)
(ellos/ellas) son they are (m./f.)
(ustedes) son you are (formal, plural)
tener infinitive to have
(yo) tengo present tense I have
(tú) tienes you have (informal, singular)
(él/ella) tiene he/she(/it) has
(usted) tiene you have (formal, singular)
(nosotros/-as) tenemos we have (m./f.)
(vosotros/-as) tenéis you have (informal, plural, m./f.)
(ellos/ellas) tienen they have (m./f.)
(ustedes) tienen you have (formal, plural)


Dialogue Translation

Cover the right column, translate from Spanish to English and uncover the right column line by line to check your answers. If possible, read the Spanish sentences aloud.

Mi renta es de mil dólares. My rent is at a thousand dollars.
¿En serio? Es muy cara. Seriously? It's very expensive.
Pero todo es caro. But everything is expensive.
Tienes razón. You're right.

Dialogue Recall

Now translate from English to Spanish. Remember to say the Spanish sentences aloud.

My rent is at a thousand dollars. Mi renta es de mil dólares.
Seriously? It's very expensive. ¿En serio? Es muy cara.
But everything is expensive. Pero todo es caro.
You're right. Tienes razón.

Dialogue Remix

Translate this variant of the dialogue from English to Spanish.

Everything is very expensive. Todo es muy caro.
You are right. My rent is very expensive. Tienes razón. Mi renta es muy caro.
Everything. Todo.
My rent is at a thousand dollars. Mi renta es de mil dólares.
That is very, very expensive. Es muy, muy caro.
Seriously? ¿En serio?
Seriously! But everything is very expensive. ¡En serio! Pero todo es muy caro.
Everything. Todo.

Dialogue Recast

This exercise requires some of the words from the More Vocabulary section.

Our rent is at a thousand dollars. Nuestra renta es de mil dólares.
Seriously? It's very expensive. ¿En serio? Es muy cara.
But everything is expensive. Pero todo es caro.
You're right. (formal) Tiene razón.

Image Credits

  • “Image:United States one dollar bill, obverse.jpg” by the United States government (Public Domain)
  • “Image:1000 USD note; series of 1934; obverse.jpg” by the United States government (Public Domain)
  • “Image:Addesso opie.svg” by Addesso at en.wikipedia (Public Domain)