Spanish/Exercises/¿Qué comes?

Welcome to the exercises related to lesson 6 of ¡Aprovéchalo! The answers can be found here. Also, try translating the dialogue at the top of the lesson page.

Food and Drink edit

Match the English to the Spanish.

1. Un pepino a. Water
2. Queso b. The carrots
3. Una manzana c. Rice
4. Las peras d. White wine
5. Té e. An egg
6. Las zanahorias f. A cucumber
7. Un huevo g. Tea
8. Agua h. Cheese
9. Arroz i. The pears
10. Vino blanco j. An apple

What do you eat? edit

  • Conjugate the verb beber ("to drink") and cenar ("to dine") below:
    1. ..............
    2. ..............
    3. ..............
    4. ..............
    5. ..............
    6. ..............
    1. ..............
    2. ..............
    3. ..............
    4. ..............
    5. ..............
    6. ..............

A bottle of wine edit

Match up the following to make sentences that make sense.

1. Un kilo y medio de... a. ...vino tinto
2. Algo de... b. ...leche
3. Una copa de... c. ...patatas
4. Un vaso de... d. ...pan
5. Una barra de... e. ...pasta

In the shop edit

Pretend that you are a customer in a shop. In the following dialogue, fill in your part.

Buenos días.
Muy bien, gracias. ¿Qué quisieras?
Vale. Ahí están.
Cuestan tres euros.

Adjectives edit

  • Correct the following sentences.
    • Ahí está tres tomates verde.
    • Los mujeres son difíciles.
    • Me gusta hombres amable.
    • Odie pepinos.
    • No les gustan comer patatas con queso.
  • Translate the following between Spanish and English.
    • I hate eating tomatoes: they're boring.
    • No toma queso o leche porque es vegano. [ vegano = vegan ]
    • I don't drink milk because it's white.
    • ¿Querrías comprar una manzana?
    • Does she like pasta with tomatoes and carrots?