Sonic R/Reactive Factory

Collect all the coins on this course to unlock Metal Knuckles.

File:Sonic R - Course4CE.jpg
Reactive Factory


  1. At the start keep going forward down the "runway". The coin is on the submarine.
  2. Take the first right after the start line to find the coin.
  3. - Go along the track until the road splits into an upper road and a lower road. The lower one has the coin.
  4. - After you get the third coin continue until you reach a wide open area. Turn left.
  5. - Near the start/finish line is a 20 ring door. The coin is behind it.


  1. Just after the loop is a door. Go through it and the Emerald will appear just behind it. (Red)
  2. Turn left at the speed-up panel and go through the 50 ring door. The Emerald will appear on the yellow submarine. (Gray)